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    Stories Ordering短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 汉堡王自 1954年以来一直是快餐市场的挑战者。该品牌一直在通过稳定进步的观点、挑衅性的个性和营销和传播的创新议程,在客户和竞争对手之间建立相关性。为了脱颖而出和推动偏好, 汉堡王在品牌形象方面的主要目标之一是通过保持最新并让人们了解最新的行为和数字趋势来建立 “创新和冷静” 的证书。关于这一点,汉堡王西班牙在过去 3 年里加强了其社交媒体的影响力,并发现 Instagram 是吸引其社区参与并保持快速发展的最酷平台。在西班牙达到令人印象深刻的 12 毫米每月用户数量后,Instagram 在 2017年10月推出了一个新的故事互动贴纸: 投票。一个简单的功能,对一些人来说很傻,但是这代表了汉堡王的很多可能性。 战略 测验一直是一个有趣的自我知识工具,在所有年龄和性别中流行。在数字时代,这些测试接管了社交网络,发挥了额外的作用: 通过分享结果公开声明你是谁。故事中的 Instagram 投票贴纸刺激了这种行为,允许人们宣布和比较他们的偏好。一个简单的行为,完美地引导汉堡王的目的。在一个充满无聊、虚假和标准化完美的世界里,汉堡王的标语 “a tu manera” (你的方式) 代表了一种跳过这种紧张,做你自己的邀请, 拥抱内在的价值观: 开放、多样性、独特性和自我表达。该策略是鼓励人们通过一个简单的想法来表达自己,以便为品牌建立 “冷静和创新” 的证书。 结果 尽管是以低成本的制作和没有媒体投资的方式执行的,故事订购在一天内就达到了 270.000 多次互动,创造了 34.675 个华而不实的故事,并有 5.000 个新的追随者。45.113 唯一用户参与该操作超过 3 分钟。我们计划 24 小时的优惠券不到 3 小时就没了。这个想法在平台之外也取得了重要成果。订购的故事引起了普通出版社的注意,因为它的新颖性只有在西班牙才有 2.30 万读者。多亏了订购汉堡王的故事,它也发现了一个关于顾客偏好的新信息来源。例如,在西班牙人看来,完美的华勃是由奶酪 (90%) 、培根 (84%) 、番茄酱 (81%) 、蛋黄酱 (76%) 、莴苣 (75%) 、洋葱 (57%) 和西红柿 (57%)。泡菜是 41% 的受访者选择的不太受欢迎的成分。 执行 1月18日,汉堡王邀请观众制作一个又一个完美的华勃故事。15 岁的视频中的每一个都代表了要选择的成分: 肉、西红柿、生菜、蛋黄酱、泡菜等等。选择是由幽默的问题和答案引导的,使体验更加有趣。但我们没有就此止步。我们使用了激活产生的所有数据,将人们最喜欢的华勃作为有限时间的报价来生活: InstaWhopper, 在有限的时间内,西班牙的每个汉堡王都可以买到。 活动描述 我们决定使用 Instagram 民意测验来获得更美味的东西,成为第一家允许人们使用 Instagram 民意测验点菜的餐馆。这就是故事排序的诞生。在一天中,我们推出了 9 个故事,每个华勃的配料一个。邀请人们通过挑选他们最喜欢的成分来定制他们的华勃,一个接一个的故事。每组民意调查都会产生一张独特的优惠券 (我们通过 DM 发送),让人们免费兑换他们独特的华普。但是,我们把所有的数据都放在烤架上,为西班牙人创造了最受欢迎的 Whopper: Insta Whopper,在有限的一段时间内遍布西班牙。


    案例简介:Synopsis Burger King plays the role of the challenger on fast food market since 1954. The brand has been building relevance among its customers and competitors by stablising a progressive point of view, provocative personality and innovative agenda on marketing and communications. In order to stand out and drive preference, one of Burger King's main objectives as on brand image is to build "innovation & coolness" credentials by staying up-to-date and engaging people on the latest behavioral and digital trends. Regarding that, Burger King Spain strengthened its social media presence in the last 3 years and found on Instagram the coolest platform to engage its community and keep moving fast. After reaching the impressive number of 12MM monthly users in Spain, in October 2017 Instagram launched a new interactive sticker on Stories: the polls. A simple feature, for some people silly, but that represented plenty of possibilities for Burger King. Strategy Quizzes have always been a ludic self-knowledge tool popular among all ages and genders. In the digital era, these tests took over social networks playing an additional role: making a public statement of who you are by sharing your results. Instagram poll stickers in Stories stimulate this behavior allowing people to declare and compare their preferences. A simple behavior that perfectly channels Burger King's purpose. In a world full of boring, fake and standardized perfection, Burger King's tagline "a tu manera" (your way) represents an invitation to skip this tension and just be yourself, embracing the values that come within: openness, diversity, uniqueness and self-expression. The strategy was to encourage people to express themselves by a simple idea in order to build "coolness & innovative" credentials for the brand. Outcome Despite being executed with a low-cost production and no media investment, Stories Ordering reached more than 270.000 interactions, 34.675 Whoppers created and 5.000 new followers in just one day. 45.113 unique users have engaged with the action for more than 3 minutes. The coupons we've planned for 24 hours were gone in under 3 hours. The idea had also achieved important results outside the platform. Stories Ordering caught the attention of general press by its novelty reaching a potential audience of 2.300.000 readers only in Spain. Thanks to Stories Ordering Burger King has also discovered a new source of information about its customers preferences. In the Spaniards opinion, for example, the perfect Whopper is composed by double patty with cheese (90%), bacon (84%), ketchup (81%), mayo (76%), lettuce (75%), onion (57%) and tomatoes (57%). Pickles was the less popular ingredient being chosen by 41% of respondents. Execution On January 18th, Burger King invited its audience to build the perfect Whopper stories after stories. Each of the 15's video represented an ingredient to be chosen: meat, tomatoes, lettuce, mayo, pickles and so on. The choice was guided by humorous questions and answers making the experience even funnier. But we didn't stop there. We used all the data generated by the activation to bring the people's favorite Whopper to life as a limited-time offer: the InstaWhopper, available in every Burger King across Spain for a limited period of time. CampaignDescription We decided to use Instagram Polls for something tastier, becoming the first restaurant that let people place their order using Instagram Polls. That's how Stories Ordering was born. During one day, we launched 9 stories, one per each Whopper's ingredient. Inviting people to customize their Whopper, stories after stories, by picking their favorite ingredients. Each set of polls generated a unique coupon (that we send through a DM) for people to redeem their unique Whopper for free. But then, we put all the data on the grill to create the most popular Whopper for Spaniards: the Insta Whopper, available all across Spain for a limited period of time.

    Stories Ordering

    案例简介:概要 汉堡王自 1954年以来一直是快餐市场的挑战者。该品牌一直在通过稳定进步的观点、挑衅性的个性和营销和传播的创新议程,在客户和竞争对手之间建立相关性。为了脱颖而出和推动偏好, 汉堡王在品牌形象方面的主要目标之一是通过保持最新并让人们了解最新的行为和数字趋势来建立 “创新和冷静” 的证书。关于这一点,汉堡王西班牙在过去 3 年里加强了其社交媒体的影响力,并发现 Instagram 是吸引其社区参与并保持快速发展的最酷平台。在西班牙达到令人印象深刻的 12 毫米每月用户数量后,Instagram 在 2017年10月推出了一个新的故事互动贴纸: 投票。一个简单的功能,对一些人来说很傻,但是这代表了汉堡王的很多可能性。 战略 测验一直是一个有趣的自我知识工具,在所有年龄和性别中流行。在数字时代,这些测试接管了社交网络,发挥了额外的作用: 通过分享结果公开声明你是谁。故事中的 Instagram 投票贴纸刺激了这种行为,允许人们宣布和比较他们的偏好。一个简单的行为,完美地引导汉堡王的目的。在一个充满无聊、虚假和标准化完美的世界里,汉堡王的标语 “a tu manera” (你的方式) 代表了一种跳过这种紧张,做你自己的邀请, 拥抱内在的价值观: 开放、多样性、独特性和自我表达。该策略是鼓励人们通过一个简单的想法来表达自己,以便为品牌建立 “冷静和创新” 的证书。 结果 尽管是以低成本的制作和没有媒体投资的方式执行的,故事订购在一天内就达到了 270.000 多次互动,创造了 34.675 个华而不实的故事,并有 5.000 个新的追随者。45.113 唯一用户参与该操作超过 3 分钟。我们计划 24 小时的优惠券不到 3 小时就没了。这个想法在平台之外也取得了重要成果。订购的故事引起了普通出版社的注意,因为它的新颖性只有在西班牙才有 2.30 万读者。多亏了订购汉堡王的故事,它也发现了一个关于顾客偏好的新信息来源。例如,在西班牙人看来,完美的华勃是由奶酪 (90%) 、培根 (84%) 、番茄酱 (81%) 、蛋黄酱 (76%) 、莴苣 (75%) 、洋葱 (57%) 和西红柿 (57%)。泡菜是 41% 的受访者选择的不太受欢迎的成分。 执行 1月18日,汉堡王邀请观众制作一个又一个完美的华勃故事。15 岁的视频中的每一个都代表了要选择的成分: 肉、西红柿、生菜、蛋黄酱、泡菜等等。选择是由幽默的问题和答案引导的,使体验更加有趣。但我们没有就此止步。我们使用了激活产生的所有数据,将人们最喜欢的华勃作为有限时间的报价来生活: InstaWhopper, 在有限的时间内,西班牙的每个汉堡王都可以买到。 活动描述 我们决定使用 Instagram 民意测验来获得更美味的东西,成为第一家允许人们使用 Instagram 民意测验点菜的餐馆。这就是故事排序的诞生。在一天中,我们推出了 9 个故事,每个华勃的配料一个。邀请人们通过挑选他们最喜欢的成分来定制他们的华勃,一个接一个的故事。每组民意调查都会产生一张独特的优惠券 (我们通过 DM 发送),让人们免费兑换他们独特的华普。但是,我们把所有的数据都放在烤架上,为西班牙人创造了最受欢迎的 Whopper: Insta Whopper,在有限的一段时间内遍布西班牙。

    Stories Ordering

    案例简介:Synopsis Burger King plays the role of the challenger on fast food market since 1954. The brand has been building relevance among its customers and competitors by stablising a progressive point of view, provocative personality and innovative agenda on marketing and communications. In order to stand out and drive preference, one of Burger King's main objectives as on brand image is to build "innovation & coolness" credentials by staying up-to-date and engaging people on the latest behavioral and digital trends. Regarding that, Burger King Spain strengthened its social media presence in the last 3 years and found on Instagram the coolest platform to engage its community and keep moving fast. After reaching the impressive number of 12MM monthly users in Spain, in October 2017 Instagram launched a new interactive sticker on Stories: the polls. A simple feature, for some people silly, but that represented plenty of possibilities for Burger King. Strategy Quizzes have always been a ludic self-knowledge tool popular among all ages and genders. In the digital era, these tests took over social networks playing an additional role: making a public statement of who you are by sharing your results. Instagram poll stickers in Stories stimulate this behavior allowing people to declare and compare their preferences. A simple behavior that perfectly channels Burger King's purpose. In a world full of boring, fake and standardized perfection, Burger King's tagline "a tu manera" (your way) represents an invitation to skip this tension and just be yourself, embracing the values that come within: openness, diversity, uniqueness and self-expression. The strategy was to encourage people to express themselves by a simple idea in order to build "coolness & innovative" credentials for the brand. Outcome Despite being executed with a low-cost production and no media investment, Stories Ordering reached more than 270.000 interactions, 34.675 Whoppers created and 5.000 new followers in just one day. 45.113 unique users have engaged with the action for more than 3 minutes. The coupons we've planned for 24 hours were gone in under 3 hours. The idea had also achieved important results outside the platform. Stories Ordering caught the attention of general press by its novelty reaching a potential audience of 2.300.000 readers only in Spain. Thanks to Stories Ordering Burger King has also discovered a new source of information about its customers preferences. In the Spaniards opinion, for example, the perfect Whopper is composed by double patty with cheese (90%), bacon (84%), ketchup (81%), mayo (76%), lettuce (75%), onion (57%) and tomatoes (57%). Pickles was the less popular ingredient being chosen by 41% of respondents. Execution On January 18th, Burger King invited its audience to build the perfect Whopper stories after stories. Each of the 15's video represented an ingredient to be chosen: meat, tomatoes, lettuce, mayo, pickles and so on. The choice was guided by humorous questions and answers making the experience even funnier. But we didn't stop there. We used all the data generated by the activation to bring the people's favorite Whopper to life as a limited-time offer: the InstaWhopper, available in every Burger King across Spain for a limited period of time. CampaignDescription We decided to use Instagram Polls for something tastier, becoming the first restaurant that let people place their order using Instagram Polls. That's how Stories Ordering was born. During one day, we launched 9 stories, one per each Whopper's ingredient. Inviting people to customize their Whopper, stories after stories, by picking their favorite ingredients. Each set of polls generated a unique coupon (that we send through a DM) for people to redeem their unique Whopper for free. But then, we put all the data on the grill to create the most popular Whopper for Spaniards: the Insta Whopper, available all across Spain for a limited period of time.



    Stories Ordering






    广告公司: Lowe (西班牙 马德里) 制作公司: Lowe




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