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    J ä germeister Coolpack

    案例简介:结果 第一批 1935 瓶的生产在两周内就消失了。消费者的反应和反应非常有希望。消费者调查显示,与 57% 的用户相比,他们不会将经典的瓶子储存在冰箱里,也不会让杰格迈斯特冷饮, 几乎 95% 的用户会用 CoolPack 版本这样做。基于成功的第1 版,杰迈斯特现在计划在杰迈斯特商店推出更多的新瓶子设计,用于促销、音乐节活动,并作为永久礼物版。 执行 这种创新的设计是用与最初的 j ä germeister 瓶子相同的玻璃熔化而成的,它本身就具有标志性的吸引力。J ä germeister CoolPack 通过鼓励消费者将它放入冰箱,有效地帮助消费者在最佳温度下享受 j ä germeister。由于它的特点和科学计算的散热器设计,与标准瓶子相比,它也可以冷却 20%,节省冰箱中的能源时间。最后,它邀请消费者重新使用瓶子作为冷却食物和其他饮料的功能和可持续的冷却包装。因此,它让杰梅斯特品牌故事在派对、皮克尼克和音乐节等有趣和社交时刻永久保持活力,同时显著减少杰梅斯特利口瓶中的垃圾。 概要 以 56 种成分为基础的秘密配方制成的草药利口酒 j ä germeister 在标准包装上面临一些问题: 首先,j ä germeister 复杂的口味在-18 ℃ 或更低的温度下味道最好。但是消费者经常忽略了 “在背面标签上提供冰镇” 的注意事项,而是在利口酒商店购买或将其带到派对上时,在室温下储存甚至饮用 j ä germeister, 导致产品体验不佳。此外,瓶子需要在冰箱中集中冷却,以达到完美的使用温度。最后,J ä germeister 的 glas 瓶子是不存放的,通常会导致消费者在空的时候把它放在垃圾桶里。简报是在促销范围内提出创新的营销解决方案,以教育消费者如何最好地储存和享受 j ä germeister,并加深产品体验。 战略 为了与时尚、以工艺为导向、以男性为主的千禧一代保持联系,基于其独特配方的消费者绝佳品味体验是杰梅斯特的最大体验。但是,我们决定在最直接的接触点解决这个问题,而不是做通常的促销或广告活动,这将告诉消费者在-18 ℃ 为杰格迈斯特提供服务的好处: 瓶子本身。 活动描述 将包装变成信息,创新的新开发的 Coolpack edition 推广了 “最好用的冰冷” 的想法,结合了经典的 0,25l Ja? 具有典型 coolpacks 标志性形状的 germeister 瓶子。

    J ä germeister Coolpack

    案例简介:Outcome The first production batch of exactly 1935 bottles were gone within two weeks. Reactions and response from consumers are very promising. Consumer surveys have showed, that compared to 57% of users who wouldn’t have stored the classic bottle in the freezer or have Jägermeister served ice cold, almost 95% of users would have done so with the CoolPack Edition.Based on the successful 1st edition, Jägermeister is now planning to introduce the new bottle design in higher volumes for promotions, music festival events and as a permanent gift edition in the Jägermeister store. Execution The innovative design molten from the same glass used for the original Jägermeister bottle speaks for itself and has an instantly iconic appeal. The Jägermeister CoolPack effectively helps consumers to enjoy Jägermeister at the best temperature by encouraging them to put it in the freezer. Thanks to its characteristic and scientifically calculated radiator design it can also be cooled up to 20% faster compared to the standard bottle, saving energy-time in the freezer.Finally, it invites consumers to re-use the bottle as a functioning and sustainable coolpack for chilling food and other drinks. Thus it keeps the Jägermeister brand story permanently alive in the context of fun and sociable moments like parties, picknicks, and music festivals – while at the same time reducing the garbage from Jägermeister liqueur bottles significantly. Synopsis Jägermeister, the herbal liqueur famously made from secret recipe based on 56 ingredients, faced some problems with its standard packaging:First of all, Jägermeister’s complex flavors taste best at -18°C or below. But consumers often overlook the „Serve Ice Cold“ note on the back label, and instead store and even drink Jägermeister at room temperature when buying it in liqueur stores or bringing it to parties, resulting in a subpar product experience.Moreover, the bottle needs to be cooled intensively in the freezer to reach that perfect serving temperature.Finally, Jägermeister’s glas bottle is non-deposit, often leading consumers to just put it in the trash when empty.The brief was to come up with innovative marketing solutions on a promotional scale to educate consumers about the best way to store and enjoy Jägermeister and to deepen the product experience. Strategy To stay relevant with a hip, craft-oriented and predominantly male millennial demographic, a great taste experience for consumers based on its unique recipe is of utmost experience for Jägermeister. But instead of doing the usual promotion or advertising campaign, that would tell consumers about the benefit of serving Jägermeister at -18°C, we decided to tackle the problem at the most immediate touchpoint: the bottle itself. Campaign Description Turning the packaging into the message, the innovative and newly developed Coolpack edition promotes the idea of „best used ice cold“ all by itself, combining the classic 0,25l Ja?germeister bottle with the iconic shape of typical coolpacks.

    JÄgermeister Coolpack

    案例简介:结果 第一批 1935 瓶的生产在两周内就消失了。消费者的反应和反应非常有希望。消费者调查显示,与 57% 的用户相比,他们不会将经典的瓶子储存在冰箱里,也不会让杰格迈斯特冷饮, 几乎 95% 的用户会用 CoolPack 版本这样做。基于成功的第1 版,杰迈斯特现在计划在杰迈斯特商店推出更多的新瓶子设计,用于促销、音乐节活动,并作为永久礼物版。 执行 这种创新的设计是用与最初的 j ä germeister 瓶子相同的玻璃熔化而成的,它本身就具有标志性的吸引力。J ä germeister CoolPack 通过鼓励消费者将它放入冰箱,有效地帮助消费者在最佳温度下享受 j ä germeister。由于它的特点和科学计算的散热器设计,与标准瓶子相比,它也可以冷却 20%,节省冰箱中的能源时间。最后,它邀请消费者重新使用瓶子作为冷却食物和其他饮料的功能和可持续的冷却包装。因此,它让杰梅斯特品牌故事在派对、皮克尼克和音乐节等有趣和社交时刻永久保持活力,同时显著减少杰梅斯特利口瓶中的垃圾。 概要 以 56 种成分为基础的秘密配方制成的草药利口酒 j ä germeister 在标准包装上面临一些问题: 首先,j ä germeister 复杂的口味在-18 ℃ 或更低的温度下味道最好。但是消费者经常忽略了 “在背面标签上提供冰镇” 的注意事项,而是在利口酒商店购买或将其带到派对上时,在室温下储存甚至饮用 j ä germeister, 导致产品体验不佳。此外,瓶子需要在冰箱中集中冷却,以达到完美的使用温度。最后,J ä germeister 的 glas 瓶子是不存放的,通常会导致消费者在空的时候把它放在垃圾桶里。简报是在促销范围内提出创新的营销解决方案,以教育消费者如何最好地储存和享受 j ä germeister,并加深产品体验。 战略 为了与时尚、以工艺为导向、以男性为主的千禧一代保持联系,基于其独特配方的消费者绝佳品味体验是杰梅斯特的最大体验。但是,我们决定在最直接的接触点解决这个问题,而不是做通常的促销或广告活动,这将告诉消费者在-18 ℃ 为杰格迈斯特提供服务的好处: 瓶子本身。 活动描述 将包装变成信息,创新的新开发的 Coolpack edition 推广了 “最好用的冰冷” 的想法,结合了经典的 0,25l Ja? 具有典型 coolpacks 标志性形状的 germeister 瓶子。

    JÄgermeister Coolpack

    案例简介:Outcome The first production batch of exactly 1935 bottles were gone within two weeks. Reactions and response from consumers are very promising. Consumer surveys have showed, that compared to 57% of users who wouldn’t have stored the classic bottle in the freezer or have Jägermeister served ice cold, almost 95% of users would have done so with the CoolPack Edition.Based on the successful 1st edition, Jägermeister is now planning to introduce the new bottle design in higher volumes for promotions, music festival events and as a permanent gift edition in the Jägermeister store. Execution The innovative design molten from the same glass used for the original Jägermeister bottle speaks for itself and has an instantly iconic appeal. The Jägermeister CoolPack effectively helps consumers to enjoy Jägermeister at the best temperature by encouraging them to put it in the freezer. Thanks to its characteristic and scientifically calculated radiator design it can also be cooled up to 20% faster compared to the standard bottle, saving energy-time in the freezer.Finally, it invites consumers to re-use the bottle as a functioning and sustainable coolpack for chilling food and other drinks. Thus it keeps the Jägermeister brand story permanently alive in the context of fun and sociable moments like parties, picknicks, and music festivals – while at the same time reducing the garbage from Jägermeister liqueur bottles significantly. Synopsis Jägermeister, the herbal liqueur famously made from secret recipe based on 56 ingredients, faced some problems with its standard packaging:First of all, Jägermeister’s complex flavors taste best at -18°C or below. But consumers often overlook the „Serve Ice Cold“ note on the back label, and instead store and even drink Jägermeister at room temperature when buying it in liqueur stores or bringing it to parties, resulting in a subpar product experience.Moreover, the bottle needs to be cooled intensively in the freezer to reach that perfect serving temperature.Finally, Jägermeister’s glas bottle is non-deposit, often leading consumers to just put it in the trash when empty.The brief was to come up with innovative marketing solutions on a promotional scale to educate consumers about the best way to store and enjoy Jägermeister and to deepen the product experience. Strategy To stay relevant with a hip, craft-oriented and predominantly male millennial demographic, a great taste experience for consumers based on its unique recipe is of utmost experience for Jägermeister. But instead of doing the usual promotion or advertising campaign, that would tell consumers about the benefit of serving Jägermeister at -18°C, we decided to tackle the problem at the most immediate touchpoint: the bottle itself. Campaign Description Turning the packaging into the message, the innovative and newly developed Coolpack edition promotes the idea of „best used ice cold“ all by itself, combining the classic 0,25l Ja?germeister bottle with the iconic shape of typical coolpacks.

    J ä germeister Coolpack


    JÄgermeister Coolpack










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