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    5X MUTANT GUM短视频广告营销案例



    5X 突变口香糖

    案例简介:结果和有效性 参与结果展示了 5X 体验的深度: 41,000 个变种人创造了 490,000 场战斗,4.3 次页面浏览,64,000 个新的 Facebook 粉丝,总粉丝参与: 28,795 小时 = 3.29 年 o 最强大的变种人战斗 20,595 次:总共 4.8 天的游戏 o 一个粉丝购买了 179 包 5 包,包含独特的代码。这次订婚导致了非凡的销售: o 5 倍驾驶 5 包世界上有史以来最好的市场份额: 26.5% o 5X 是 2011年6月在澳大利亚销售的第二大口香糖,这是限量版的一个特殊结果产品 创意执行 这是媒体机构第一次创造新产品来应对客户的挑战。我们的 5 倍包装几乎在澳大利亚/新西兰的每家杂货店出售,是我们的主要媒体渠道。一个在背包上的行动号召驱使探险者创造他们的突变自我,并在 5XMutantGum.com 与其他突变体战斗。战斗结果显示在实时在线记分牌上。每 5 个包还包含一个独特的代码,解锁网站上的独家权力。这导致了重复购买,因为玩家开始渴望其他变种人没有的力量。一个综合的 5X 运动围绕着 x战警头等舱的发布: 电影、电视、数字广播、高影响力的数字格式提高了人们对 5X 品牌电视内容的认识, 数字编辑整合告诉我们更深层次的 5 倍故事 “我们是我们的社交中心: 粉丝参与包括最喜欢的变种人的奖品,“热不热?” 突变民调,独家 x战警头等舱内容 见解、战略和想法 口香糖的市场份额已稳定在 20%。箭牌的商业目标是将份额提高到 25%。营销/传播的目标是创造一个更具沉浸感和参与感的品牌。我们的策略是让 5 体验真正 “刺激感官” (品牌主张),而不仅仅是广告商。5 居住在一个黑暗的幻想世界。这是为了让这个品牌吸引 “探索者”: 渴望发现和新体验的富有想象力和冒险精神的人。我们对探险者心理学的研究揭示了我们的洞察力: 每个探险者都有一个改变自我: 他们想象中的自己,可以去任何地方做任何事情。我们的想法是创造一种新的 5 味,5 倍突变胶,刺激探险家非凡的第七感: 他们的突变感。我们碰撞了 5 人的黑暗幻想世界和 x战警头等舱,创造了 5 人的世界,探险者可以在那里释放他们的突变自我。

    5X 突变口香糖

    案例简介:Results and Effectiveness The engagement results illustrated the depth of the 5X experience: o 41,000 mutants created o 490,000 battles fought o 4.3m page views o 64,000 new Facebook fans o Total fan engagement: 28,795 hours = 3.29 years o The most powerful mutant battled 20,595 times: a total of 4.8 days gameplay o One fan purchased 179 packs of 5 containing unique codes This engagement led to exceptional sales: o 5X drove 5 to its best-ever market share, anywhere in the world: 26.5% o 5X was the #2 selling gum across Australia in June 2011, an exceptional result for a limited edition product Creative Execution This is the first time a media agency has created a new product to answer the client challenge. Our 5X packs, on sale in almost every grocery store across Australia/New Zealand, were our primary media channel. An on-pack call-to-action drove explorers to create their mutant alter-ego and battle other mutants at 5XMutantGum.com. Battle results were displayed on a real-time online scoreboard. Every 5X pack also contained a unique code, which unlocked exclusive powers at the website. This drove repeat purchase, as players became thirsty for powers no other mutant had. An integrated 5X campaign surrounded the release of X-Men First Class: o Cinema, TV, digital broadcasting, high-impact digital formats raised awareness of 5X o Branded TV content, digital editorial integration told the deeper 5X story o Facebook.com/5GumANZ was our social hub: fan-base engagement included prizes for the most liked mutants, ‘Hot Or Not?’ mutant polls, exclusive X-Men First Class content Insights, Strategy and the Idea 5 Gum’s market share had plateaued at 20%. Wrigley’s business objective was to increase share to 25%. The marketing/communications objective was to create a more immersive and involving brand. Our strategy was to make 5 an experience which truly ‘stimulated the senses’ (the brand proposition), not just an advertiser. 5 inhabits a dark fantasy world. This is to make the brand appealing to ‘explorers’: the imaginative and adventurous who crave discovery and new experiences. Our research into the psychology of explorers revealed our insight: every explorer has an alter-ego: their imaginary self who can go anywhere and do anything. Our idea was to create a new 5 flavour, 5X Mutant Gum, which stimulated explorers’ extraordinary seventh sense: their mutant sense. We collided the dark fantasy worlds of 5 and X-Men First Class to create the world of 5X, where explorers could unleash their mutant alter-ego.


    案例简介:结果和有效性 参与结果展示了 5X 体验的深度: 41,000 个变种人创造了 490,000 场战斗,4.3 次页面浏览,64,000 个新的 Facebook 粉丝,总粉丝参与: 28,795 小时 = 3.29 年 o 最强大的变种人战斗 20,595 次:总共 4.8 天的游戏 o 一个粉丝购买了 179 包 5 包,包含独特的代码。这次订婚导致了非凡的销售: o 5 倍驾驶 5 包世界上有史以来最好的市场份额: 26.5% o 5X 是 2011年6月在澳大利亚销售的第二大口香糖,这是限量版的一个特殊结果产品 创意执行 这是媒体机构第一次创造新产品来应对客户的挑战。我们的 5 倍包装几乎在澳大利亚/新西兰的每家杂货店出售,是我们的主要媒体渠道。一个在背包上的行动号召驱使探险者创造他们的突变自我,并在 5XMutantGum.com 与其他突变体战斗。战斗结果显示在实时在线记分牌上。每 5 个包还包含一个独特的代码,解锁网站上的独家权力。这导致了重复购买,因为玩家开始渴望其他变种人没有的力量。一个综合的 5X 运动围绕着 x战警头等舱的发布: 电影、电视、数字广播、高影响力的数字格式提高了人们对 5X 品牌电视内容的认识, 数字编辑整合告诉我们更深层次的 5 倍故事 “我们是我们的社交中心: 粉丝参与包括最喜欢的变种人的奖品,“热不热?” 突变民调,独家 x战警头等舱内容 见解、战略和想法 口香糖的市场份额已稳定在 20%。箭牌的商业目标是将份额提高到 25%。营销/传播的目标是创造一个更具沉浸感和参与感的品牌。我们的策略是让 5 体验真正 “刺激感官” (品牌主张),而不仅仅是广告商。5 居住在一个黑暗的幻想世界。这是为了让这个品牌吸引 “探索者”: 渴望发现和新体验的富有想象力和冒险精神的人。我们对探险者心理学的研究揭示了我们的洞察力: 每个探险者都有一个改变自我: 他们想象中的自己,可以去任何地方做任何事情。我们的想法是创造一种新的 5 味,5 倍突变胶,刺激探险家非凡的第七感: 他们的突变感。我们碰撞了 5 人的黑暗幻想世界和 x战警头等舱,创造了 5 人的世界,探险者可以在那里释放他们的突变自我。


    案例简介:Results and Effectiveness The engagement results illustrated the depth of the 5X experience: o 41,000 mutants created o 490,000 battles fought o 4.3m page views o 64,000 new Facebook fans o Total fan engagement: 28,795 hours = 3.29 years o The most powerful mutant battled 20,595 times: a total of 4.8 days gameplay o One fan purchased 179 packs of 5 containing unique codes This engagement led to exceptional sales: o 5X drove 5 to its best-ever market share, anywhere in the world: 26.5% o 5X was the #2 selling gum across Australia in June 2011, an exceptional result for a limited edition product Creative Execution This is the first time a media agency has created a new product to answer the client challenge. Our 5X packs, on sale in almost every grocery store across Australia/New Zealand, were our primary media channel. An on-pack call-to-action drove explorers to create their mutant alter-ego and battle other mutants at 5XMutantGum.com. Battle results were displayed on a real-time online scoreboard. Every 5X pack also contained a unique code, which unlocked exclusive powers at the website. This drove repeat purchase, as players became thirsty for powers no other mutant had. An integrated 5X campaign surrounded the release of X-Men First Class: o Cinema, TV, digital broadcasting, high-impact digital formats raised awareness of 5X o Branded TV content, digital editorial integration told the deeper 5X story o Facebook.com/5GumANZ was our social hub: fan-base engagement included prizes for the most liked mutants, ‘Hot Or Not?’ mutant polls, exclusive X-Men First Class content Insights, Strategy and the Idea 5 Gum’s market share had plateaued at 20%. Wrigley’s business objective was to increase share to 25%. The marketing/communications objective was to create a more immersive and involving brand. Our strategy was to make 5 an experience which truly ‘stimulated the senses’ (the brand proposition), not just an advertiser. 5 inhabits a dark fantasy world. This is to make the brand appealing to ‘explorers’: the imaginative and adventurous who crave discovery and new experiences. Our research into the psychology of explorers revealed our insight: every explorer has an alter-ego: their imaginary self who can go anywhere and do anything. Our idea was to create a new 5 flavour, 5X Mutant Gum, which stimulated explorers’ extraordinary seventh sense: their mutant sense. We collided the dark fantasy worlds of 5 and X-Men First Class to create the world of 5X, where explorers could unleash their mutant alter-ego.

    5X 突变口香糖












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