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    Sausage Nonnas短视频广告营销案例



    香肠 Nonnas

    案例简介:概要 情况: 妈妈们 (年龄在 30-54 岁,孩子在 8-16 岁) 有每晚做饭的责任。他们有一个简短的食谱清单,他们轮流做,因为他们知道家人喜欢他们,而且他们又快又容易。商业简报: 香肠不是妈妈最喜欢的蛋白质之一 (她用了很多牛肉)。我们需要让妈妈考虑在她的蛋白质选择中加入香肠。目标: 鼓励妈妈们 (包括千禧一代妈妈们)通过向他们展示香肠是让他们最喜欢的菜肴更加美味的简单方法,来交换香肠食谱中的蛋白质。 战略 约翰森维尔是美国无可争议的香肠之王,但它的大部分销售和品牌资产都建立在它最具标志性的产品上: 香肠。为了与正在做家庭晚餐的妈妈 (25 至 45 岁) 联系, 我们需要向他们展示我们的其他香肠产品是增强他们当前食谱的最好和最简单的方法。为此,我们与按需汽车服务合作,该服务体现了快速简单解决方案的精神,优步, 只需轻触按钮,即可在芝加哥地区提供新鲜烹制的意大利美食。 活动描述 11月8日,周日,Johnsonville 和优步联手为芝加哥带来了世界上最精英的香肠递送服务。在优步拉来的小房子里旅行时,这些真正的意大利祖母在香肠周日向幸运的家庭赠送了免费的约翰森维尔香肠。每个诺娜都有自己的意大利特色菜: 香肠通心粉、香肠千层面、意大利香肠和肉丸。要订购,用户只需打开他们的优步应用程序并选择非 nas 选项。有了不间断的需求,Nonnas 全天以最大容量运营,为幸运的芝加哥人提供了 100 多顿饭和 300 次拥抱。这场运动本身的特色是三部肖像电影,记录了 Nonna 各自去芝加哥的公路之旅,定制整合到优步应用程序中,以及一部展示风城有多爱意大利祖母的回顾电影, 小房子和美味的香肠。 相关性 香肠 nonas 活动的核心是芝加哥的旅游品牌体验。体验本身放大了 Johnsonville 的信息,证明了该品牌的意大利真实性,并在各个层面上与公众接触。芝加哥人被邀请到我们 nonna 的小家,在带回家一顿家常菜之前,会见并拥抱我们可爱的品牌大使。 结果 -有了不间断的需求,Nonnas 全天以最大容量运营,为幸运的芝加哥人提供了 100 多顿饭和 300 个拥抱。 -在仅仅九个激活天的时间里,我们已经获得了大约 1140万的印象 (比发射时预期的高 159%)。 -我们开车送 69,531 游客来我们的网络体验,其中 91.3% 是我们核心目标中的新用户。-我们的 Mashable 内容被分享了 4,700 多次,比行业基准高 135%。-我们获得了 2,089,620 次对各种 Nonna 电影的观看。-在 2015 年,Johnsonville 的整体销售数字增长了 7%。 执行 香肠 Nonnas 优步合作于 11月5日推出了四部预告电影。每一个有机发布的 YouTube 视频都被嵌入到 Johnsonville 的网站、本地内容合作伙伴网站和执行的公关投放中。随着消息的传播,当地的新闻广播开始报道这个故事,向芝加哥介绍非 nas。前几天,该计划还通过优步的应用程序、社交渠道和电子邮件列表向数百万用户和粉丝推广。Johnsonville 在所有拥有的渠道上促进了合作,包括网站、社交和爱好者俱乐部 CRM 项目。 11月8日早上,芝加哥地区的所有优步用户都收到了该计划的通知,并被指示在该计划的下午6点到 6 点之间选择应用程序底部的非 nas 选项, 在充分,大约 1.5 周 (三天的促销活动、周日的激活和一周的内容分发活动)。

    香肠 Nonnas

    案例简介:Synopsis THE SITUATION: Moms (ages 30-54 with kids 8-16) have the nightly responsibility of cooking the family meal. They have a short list of go-to recipes they put in rotation, because they know the family loves them and they’re quick and easy. BUSINESS BRIEF: Sausage is not one of mom’s go-to proteins (she uses a lot of beef).We need to get mom thinking about adding sausage to her protein selection.THE OBJECTIVE: Encourage moms (including millennial moms) to swap out the protein in their go-to recipes for sausage by showing them that sausage is a simple way to make their favorite dishes even more delicious. Strategy Johnsonville is the undisputed king of sausage in the U.S., but the majority of its sales and brand equity are built on its most iconic product: the bratwurst. To connect with moms who are cooking family dinners (25- to 45-year-olds), we needed to show them that our other sausage products are the best and easiest way to enhance their current recipes. To do so, we partnered with an on-demand car service that exemplifies the spirit of quick and easy solutions, Uber, to deliver freshly cooked Italian meals around the Chicago area with the touch of a button. Campaign Description On Sunday, November 8, Johnsonville and Uber teamed up to bring Chicago the Sausage Nonnas—The World’s Most Elite Sausage Delivery Service. Traveling in tiny homes hauled by Uber, these real Italian grandmas dropped off free Johnsonville sausage to lucky families on Sausage Sunday. Each Nonna had her own Italian specialty: sausage rigatoni, sausage lasagna, and Italian sausage and meatballs. To order, users simply had to open their Uber app and select the Nonnas option. With nonstop demand, the Nonnas operated at maximum capacity all day and delivered over 100 meals and 300 hugs to lucky Chicagoans. The campaign itself featured three portrait films documenting each Nonna’s respective road trip to Chicago, a custom-built integration into the Uber app and a recap film showcasing how much the Windy City loves Italian grandmas, tiny houses and delicious sausage. Relevancy The core of the Sausage Nonnas campaign was a traveling brand experience in Chicago. The experience itself amplified Johnsonville’s message, certified the brand’s Italian authenticity and engaged with the public on every level. Chicagoans were invited into our Nonnas’ tiny homes to meet and hug our loveable brand ambassadors before taking home one of their home-cooked meals. Outcome - With nonstop demand, the Nonnas operated at maximum capacity all day and delivered over 100 meals and 300 hugs to lucky Chicagoans.- In a span of only nine activation days, we’ve garnered about 11.4 million earned impressions (159% higher than anticipated at launch).- We drove 69,531 visitors to our dot-com experience, 91.3% of which was new users within our core target. - Our Mashable content was shared over 4,700 times, 135% higher than the industry benchmark.- We garnered 2,089,620 views of our various Nonna films.- In 2015, Johnsonville overall sales numbers increased by 7%. Execution The Sausage Nonnas Uber partnership launched on November 5with four teaser films. Each of the organically posted YouTube videos was embedded on Johnsonville’s website, native content partner sites and executed PR placements. As word spread, local newscasts began covering the story, introducing the Nonnas to Chicago. In the days before, the program was also promoted to millions of users and fans through Uber’s app, social channels and email list. Johnsonville promoted the partnership across all owned channels including website, social and Enthusiast Club CRM program.On the morning of November 8, all Uber users in the Chicago area were notified of the program and instructed to select the Nonnas option in the bottom portion of the app between 2 and 6 p.m. The program, in full, was approximately 1.5 weeks long (three days of pre-promotion, the Sunday activation and a week of content distribution post activation).

    Sausage Nonnas

    案例简介:概要 情况: 妈妈们 (年龄在 30-54 岁,孩子在 8-16 岁) 有每晚做饭的责任。他们有一个简短的食谱清单,他们轮流做,因为他们知道家人喜欢他们,而且他们又快又容易。商业简报: 香肠不是妈妈最喜欢的蛋白质之一 (她用了很多牛肉)。我们需要让妈妈考虑在她的蛋白质选择中加入香肠。目标: 鼓励妈妈们 (包括千禧一代妈妈们)通过向他们展示香肠是让他们最喜欢的菜肴更加美味的简单方法,来交换香肠食谱中的蛋白质。 战略 约翰森维尔是美国无可争议的香肠之王,但它的大部分销售和品牌资产都建立在它最具标志性的产品上: 香肠。为了与正在做家庭晚餐的妈妈 (25 至 45 岁) 联系, 我们需要向他们展示我们的其他香肠产品是增强他们当前食谱的最好和最简单的方法。为此,我们与按需汽车服务合作,该服务体现了快速简单解决方案的精神,优步, 只需轻触按钮,即可在芝加哥地区提供新鲜烹制的意大利美食。 活动描述 11月8日,周日,Johnsonville 和优步联手为芝加哥带来了世界上最精英的香肠递送服务。在优步拉来的小房子里旅行时,这些真正的意大利祖母在香肠周日向幸运的家庭赠送了免费的约翰森维尔香肠。每个诺娜都有自己的意大利特色菜: 香肠通心粉、香肠千层面、意大利香肠和肉丸。要订购,用户只需打开他们的优步应用程序并选择非 nas 选项。有了不间断的需求,Nonnas 全天以最大容量运营,为幸运的芝加哥人提供了 100 多顿饭和 300 次拥抱。这场运动本身的特色是三部肖像电影,记录了 Nonna 各自去芝加哥的公路之旅,定制整合到优步应用程序中,以及一部展示风城有多爱意大利祖母的回顾电影, 小房子和美味的香肠。 相关性 香肠 nonas 活动的核心是芝加哥的旅游品牌体验。体验本身放大了 Johnsonville 的信息,证明了该品牌的意大利真实性,并在各个层面上与公众接触。芝加哥人被邀请到我们 nonna 的小家,在带回家一顿家常菜之前,会见并拥抱我们可爱的品牌大使。 结果 -有了不间断的需求,Nonnas 全天以最大容量运营,为幸运的芝加哥人提供了 100 多顿饭和 300 个拥抱。 -在仅仅九个激活天的时间里,我们已经获得了大约 1140万的印象 (比发射时预期的高 159%)。 -我们开车送 69,531 游客来我们的网络体验,其中 91.3% 是我们核心目标中的新用户。-我们的 Mashable 内容被分享了 4,700 多次,比行业基准高 135%。-我们获得了 2,089,620 次对各种 Nonna 电影的观看。-在 2015 年,Johnsonville 的整体销售数字增长了 7%。 执行 香肠 Nonnas 优步合作于 11月5日推出了四部预告电影。每一个有机发布的 YouTube 视频都被嵌入到 Johnsonville 的网站、本地内容合作伙伴网站和执行的公关投放中。随着消息的传播,当地的新闻广播开始报道这个故事,向芝加哥介绍非 nas。前几天,该计划还通过优步的应用程序、社交渠道和电子邮件列表向数百万用户和粉丝推广。Johnsonville 在所有拥有的渠道上促进了合作,包括网站、社交和爱好者俱乐部 CRM 项目。 11月8日早上,芝加哥地区的所有优步用户都收到了该计划的通知,并被指示在该计划的下午6点到 6 点之间选择应用程序底部的非 nas 选项, 在充分,大约 1.5 周 (三天的促销活动、周日的激活和一周的内容分发活动)。

    Sausage Nonnas

    案例简介:Synopsis THE SITUATION: Moms (ages 30-54 with kids 8-16) have the nightly responsibility of cooking the family meal. They have a short list of go-to recipes they put in rotation, because they know the family loves them and they’re quick and easy. BUSINESS BRIEF: Sausage is not one of mom’s go-to proteins (she uses a lot of beef).We need to get mom thinking about adding sausage to her protein selection.THE OBJECTIVE: Encourage moms (including millennial moms) to swap out the protein in their go-to recipes for sausage by showing them that sausage is a simple way to make their favorite dishes even more delicious. Strategy Johnsonville is the undisputed king of sausage in the U.S., but the majority of its sales and brand equity are built on its most iconic product: the bratwurst. To connect with moms who are cooking family dinners (25- to 45-year-olds), we needed to show them that our other sausage products are the best and easiest way to enhance their current recipes. To do so, we partnered with an on-demand car service that exemplifies the spirit of quick and easy solutions, Uber, to deliver freshly cooked Italian meals around the Chicago area with the touch of a button. Campaign Description On Sunday, November 8, Johnsonville and Uber teamed up to bring Chicago the Sausage Nonnas—The World’s Most Elite Sausage Delivery Service. Traveling in tiny homes hauled by Uber, these real Italian grandmas dropped off free Johnsonville sausage to lucky families on Sausage Sunday. Each Nonna had her own Italian specialty: sausage rigatoni, sausage lasagna, and Italian sausage and meatballs. To order, users simply had to open their Uber app and select the Nonnas option. With nonstop demand, the Nonnas operated at maximum capacity all day and delivered over 100 meals and 300 hugs to lucky Chicagoans. The campaign itself featured three portrait films documenting each Nonna’s respective road trip to Chicago, a custom-built integration into the Uber app and a recap film showcasing how much the Windy City loves Italian grandmas, tiny houses and delicious sausage. Relevancy The core of the Sausage Nonnas campaign was a traveling brand experience in Chicago. The experience itself amplified Johnsonville’s message, certified the brand’s Italian authenticity and engaged with the public on every level. Chicagoans were invited into our Nonnas’ tiny homes to meet and hug our loveable brand ambassadors before taking home one of their home-cooked meals. Outcome - With nonstop demand, the Nonnas operated at maximum capacity all day and delivered over 100 meals and 300 hugs to lucky Chicagoans.- In a span of only nine activation days, we’ve garnered about 11.4 million earned impressions (159% higher than anticipated at launch).- We drove 69,531 visitors to our dot-com experience, 91.3% of which was new users within our core target. - Our Mashable content was shared over 4,700 times, 135% higher than the industry benchmark.- We garnered 2,089,620 views of our various Nonna films.- In 2015, Johnsonville overall sales numbers increased by 7%. Execution The Sausage Nonnas Uber partnership launched on November 5with four teaser films. Each of the organically posted YouTube videos was embedded on Johnsonville’s website, native content partner sites and executed PR placements. As word spread, local newscasts began covering the story, introducing the Nonnas to Chicago. In the days before, the program was also promoted to millions of users and fans through Uber’s app, social channels and email list. Johnsonville promoted the partnership across all owned channels including website, social and Enthusiast Club CRM program.On the morning of November 8, all Uber users in the Chicago area were notified of the program and instructed to select the Nonnas option in the bottom portion of the app between 2 and 6 p.m. The program, in full, was approximately 1.5 weeks long (three days of pre-promotion, the Sunday activation and a week of content distribution post activation).

    香肠 Nonnas


    Sausage Nonnas






    广告公司: Droga5 (美国 纽约) 制作公司: Droga5




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