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    案例简介:描述活动/条目 这项公关工作的重点是加强品牌形象和声誉,采用创造性的方法接触非付费媒体和影响者,从而产生积极的对话、病毒式传播和我们目标的参与。 在波多黎各,品牌主张变得可以预测,根据品牌跟踪指数,斧头效应的可信度落后。我们新一代的核心目标是缺乏与品牌的强烈接触。我们认为有必要与他们重新联系,通过产生意识和推动关于品牌的积极对话来抵消这种感知来加强我们品牌的形象。 寻找将斧头承诺提升到更高水平的方法,我们开发了一个想法,证明了使用该产品的极端结果: 拥抱效果后的早晨。我们创建了一个视频,其中的效果被戏剧化,并提出了解决方案。一个由男性躯干和拥抱手臂形成的充气枕头取代了他重新获得自由。这部电影被上传到 YouTube。真正的枕头被分发给当地媒体,这些媒体吸引了我们的目标,我们的目标也通过在枕头出现后的早上的活动中直接接触而达到。 这段视频在几小时内迅速传播开来,产生了超过 250,000 的浏览量,《斧头后的早晨》在超过 300 个有影响力的博客中被回顾,产生了超过 10,000 次推特提及和超过 1270万次媒体印象。60% 的提及被认为是品牌的正面,10% 被认为是中性的。 描述客户的简报 我们的目标是 18-24 岁的男性,寻找能增强他们自信并让他们感觉最好的产品。 目标: 提高知名度并推动关于品牌的积极对话: ~ 获得至少 50,000 个视频视图,3,000 条推文和 350万个媒体印象 加强 Axe 品牌作为提高男性信心和提高个人吸引力的产品的声誉。 ~ 在我们的男性目标中创造至少 50% 的印象。 ~ 获得至少 50% 的对品牌的正面印象。 结果 输出/感知: 该视频在几小时内迅速走红,并产生了超过 250,000 的浏览量。 新的斧头效应在 300 多个博客中进行了评论。 Twitter 中产生了 10,000 次提及。 这一努力获得了 1270万个媒体印象。 知识/考虑: 我们的男性目标产生了 65% 的印象。 他们负责 78% 关于品牌努力的推特。 60% 的提及被认为是品牌的正面,10% 被认为是中性的。 执行 我们制作了一个视频,在这个视频中,拥抱后的早晨效果被戏剧化,并给出了解决方案。一个由男性躯干和拥抱手臂形成的充气枕头取代了他重新获得自由。这部电影被上传到 YouTube。 真正的枕头被分发给当地媒体,吸引我们的目标,作为电子媒体套件的一部分,该套件是从枕头包装中打印的二维码下载的。 目标中有影响力的博客作者和意见领袖也收到了枕头/媒体工具包。 我们的目标也是通过直接接触来实现的,在这些活动中,枕头出现了。使用枕头的女性照片被用来在该品牌的 Facebook 页面上创建内容和生成对话。 形势 联合利华的斧头是世界上最受欢迎的男性美容品牌之一。在波多黎各,品牌主张变得可以预测,根据品牌跟踪指数,斧头效应的可信度落后。 我们新一代的核心目标是缺乏与品牌的强烈接触。我们认为有必要与他们重新联系,加强我们品牌的形象。 战略 我们通过最新的跟踪研究分析了我们对品牌和类别的目标态度。对他们使用媒体的研究表明他们对在线体验的偏好。他们受到相关在线内容、不敬和幽默的影响。他们愿意分享在线内容,尤其是在岛上最受欢迎的平台,Facebook 和 Youtube。 寻找将斧头承诺提升到更高水平的方法,我们开发了一个想法,证明了使用该产品的极端结果: 拥抱效果后的早晨。 斧头效应是如此强大和持久,以至于男人被女人永久的拥抱需求所束缚,几乎不可能打破。 必须找到该附件的解决方案。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry This PR effort was focused on reinforcing brand image and reputation, using a creative approach to reach non paid media and influencers, resulting in positive conversations, virality and engagement from our target. In Puerto Rico, the brand proposition had become predictable and the credibility of the Axe effect was lagging according to brand tracking indexes. A new generation of our core target was lacking of a strong engagement with the brand. We saw the need to reconnect with them and reinforce our brand's image by generating awareness and driving positive conversations about the brand to counteract this perception. Looking for ways to take the Axe promise to a higher level, we developed an idea that proved the extreme result of using the product: The Morning After Cuddling effect. We created a video where the effect was dramatized and the solution presented. An inflatable pillow shaped by a male's torso and embracing arm replaces the guy while he regains freedom. The film was uploaded to YouTube. Real pillows were distributed to local media outlets that appeals to our target and our target was also reached by direct contact in events where the Morning After Pillow was presented. The video became viral within hours and generated over 250,000 views, The Axe Morning After Pillow was reviewed in over 300 influencing blogs, generating over 10,000 Twitter Mentions and over 12.7 million media impressions. 60% of the mentions were ranked as positive for the brand and 10% as neutral. Describe the brief from the client Our target was Men between 18-24 years, looking for products that boost their self confidence and make them feel their best. Objectives: Generate awareness and drive positive conversations about the brand: ~ Obtain at least 50,000 video views, 3,000 tweets and 3.5 million media impressions Reinforce Axe brand reputation as the product that boost male's confidence and improve his personal appeal. ~ Create at least 50% of the impressions in our male target. ~ Obtain at least 50% of the impressions classified as positive towards the brand. Results Output/Awareness: The video became viral within hours and generated over 250,000 views. The new Axe effect was reviewed in more than 300 blogs. 10,000 mentions in Twitter were generated. The effort obtained 12.7 million media impressions. Knowledge/Consideration: Our male target generated 65% of the impressions obtained. They were responsible for the 78% of the tweets about the brand effort. 60% of the mentions were ranked as positive for the brand and 10% as neutral. Execution We created a video where The Morning After Cuddling effect was dramatized and the solution presented. An inflatable pillow shaped by a male's torso and embracing arm replaces the guy while he regains freedom. The film was uploaded to YouTube. Real pillows were distributed to local media outlets that appeals to our target, as part of an electronic media kit that was downloaded from a QR code printed in the pillow packaging. Influential bloggers and opinion leaders among the target also received the pillow/media kit. Our target was also reached by direct contact in events where the Morning After Pillow was presented. Pictures of women using the pillow were used to create content and generate conversations in the brand's Facebook page. The Situation Unilever's Axe is one of the most popular male grooming brands in the world. In Puerto Rico, the brand proposition had become predictable and the credibility of the Axe effect was lagging according to brand tracking indexes. A new generation of our core target was lacking of a strong engagement with the brand. We saw the need to reconnect with them and reinforce our brand's image. The Strategy We analyzed our target attitudes toward our brand and category through the latest tracking studies. Research about their media usage showed their preference for online experiences. They are influenced by relevant online content, irreverence and humor. They are willing to share online content, especially in the most popular platforms in the Island, Facebook and Youtube. Looking for ways to take the Axe promise to a higher level, we developed an idea that proved the extreme result of using the product: The Morning After Cuddling effect. The Axe effect is so powerful and long lasting, that men get trapped by a permanent cuddling need from women, almost impossible to break. A solution for that attachment has to be found.


    案例简介:描述活动/条目 这项公关工作的重点是加强品牌形象和声誉,采用创造性的方法接触非付费媒体和影响者,从而产生积极的对话、病毒式传播和我们目标的参与。 在波多黎各,品牌主张变得可以预测,根据品牌跟踪指数,斧头效应的可信度落后。我们新一代的核心目标是缺乏与品牌的强烈接触。我们认为有必要与他们重新联系,通过产生意识和推动关于品牌的积极对话来抵消这种感知来加强我们品牌的形象。 寻找将斧头承诺提升到更高水平的方法,我们开发了一个想法,证明了使用该产品的极端结果: 拥抱效果后的早晨。我们创建了一个视频,其中的效果被戏剧化,并提出了解决方案。一个由男性躯干和拥抱手臂形成的充气枕头取代了他重新获得自由。这部电影被上传到 YouTube。真正的枕头被分发给当地媒体,这些媒体吸引了我们的目标,我们的目标也通过在枕头出现后的早上的活动中直接接触而达到。 这段视频在几小时内迅速传播开来,产生了超过 250,000 的浏览量,《斧头后的早晨》在超过 300 个有影响力的博客中被回顾,产生了超过 10,000 次推特提及和超过 1270万次媒体印象。60% 的提及被认为是品牌的正面,10% 被认为是中性的。 描述客户的简报 我们的目标是 18-24 岁的男性,寻找能增强他们自信并让他们感觉最好的产品。 目标: 提高知名度并推动关于品牌的积极对话: ~ 获得至少 50,000 个视频视图,3,000 条推文和 350万个媒体印象 加强 Axe 品牌作为提高男性信心和提高个人吸引力的产品的声誉。 ~ 在我们的男性目标中创造至少 50% 的印象。 ~ 获得至少 50% 的对品牌的正面印象。 结果 输出/感知: 该视频在几小时内迅速走红,并产生了超过 250,000 的浏览量。 新的斧头效应在 300 多个博客中进行了评论。 Twitter 中产生了 10,000 次提及。 这一努力获得了 1270万个媒体印象。 知识/考虑: 我们的男性目标产生了 65% 的印象。 他们负责 78% 关于品牌努力的推特。 60% 的提及被认为是品牌的正面,10% 被认为是中性的。 执行 我们制作了一个视频,在这个视频中,拥抱后的早晨效果被戏剧化,并给出了解决方案。一个由男性躯干和拥抱手臂形成的充气枕头取代了他重新获得自由。这部电影被上传到 YouTube。 真正的枕头被分发给当地媒体,吸引我们的目标,作为电子媒体套件的一部分,该套件是从枕头包装中打印的二维码下载的。 目标中有影响力的博客作者和意见领袖也收到了枕头/媒体工具包。 我们的目标也是通过直接接触来实现的,在这些活动中,枕头出现了。使用枕头的女性照片被用来在该品牌的 Facebook 页面上创建内容和生成对话。 形势 联合利华的斧头是世界上最受欢迎的男性美容品牌之一。在波多黎各,品牌主张变得可以预测,根据品牌跟踪指数,斧头效应的可信度落后。 我们新一代的核心目标是缺乏与品牌的强烈接触。我们认为有必要与他们重新联系,加强我们品牌的形象。 战略 我们通过最新的跟踪研究分析了我们对品牌和类别的目标态度。对他们使用媒体的研究表明他们对在线体验的偏好。他们受到相关在线内容、不敬和幽默的影响。他们愿意分享在线内容,尤其是在岛上最受欢迎的平台,Facebook 和 Youtube。 寻找将斧头承诺提升到更高水平的方法,我们开发了一个想法,证明了使用该产品的极端结果: 拥抱效果后的早晨。 斧头效应是如此强大和持久,以至于男人被女人永久的拥抱需求所束缚,几乎不可能打破。 必须找到该附件的解决方案。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry This PR effort was focused on reinforcing brand image and reputation, using a creative approach to reach non paid media and influencers, resulting in positive conversations, virality and engagement from our target. In Puerto Rico, the brand proposition had become predictable and the credibility of the Axe effect was lagging according to brand tracking indexes. A new generation of our core target was lacking of a strong engagement with the brand. We saw the need to reconnect with them and reinforce our brand's image by generating awareness and driving positive conversations about the brand to counteract this perception. Looking for ways to take the Axe promise to a higher level, we developed an idea that proved the extreme result of using the product: The Morning After Cuddling effect. We created a video where the effect was dramatized and the solution presented. An inflatable pillow shaped by a male's torso and embracing arm replaces the guy while he regains freedom. The film was uploaded to YouTube. Real pillows were distributed to local media outlets that appeals to our target and our target was also reached by direct contact in events where the Morning After Pillow was presented. The video became viral within hours and generated over 250,000 views, The Axe Morning After Pillow was reviewed in over 300 influencing blogs, generating over 10,000 Twitter Mentions and over 12.7 million media impressions. 60% of the mentions were ranked as positive for the brand and 10% as neutral. Describe the brief from the client Our target was Men between 18-24 years, looking for products that boost their self confidence and make them feel their best. Objectives: Generate awareness and drive positive conversations about the brand: ~ Obtain at least 50,000 video views, 3,000 tweets and 3.5 million media impressions Reinforce Axe brand reputation as the product that boost male's confidence and improve his personal appeal. ~ Create at least 50% of the impressions in our male target. ~ Obtain at least 50% of the impressions classified as positive towards the brand. Results Output/Awareness: The video became viral within hours and generated over 250,000 views. The new Axe effect was reviewed in more than 300 blogs. 10,000 mentions in Twitter were generated. The effort obtained 12.7 million media impressions. Knowledge/Consideration: Our male target generated 65% of the impressions obtained. They were responsible for the 78% of the tweets about the brand effort. 60% of the mentions were ranked as positive for the brand and 10% as neutral. Execution We created a video where The Morning After Cuddling effect was dramatized and the solution presented. An inflatable pillow shaped by a male's torso and embracing arm replaces the guy while he regains freedom. The film was uploaded to YouTube. Real pillows were distributed to local media outlets that appeals to our target, as part of an electronic media kit that was downloaded from a QR code printed in the pillow packaging. Influential bloggers and opinion leaders among the target also received the pillow/media kit. Our target was also reached by direct contact in events where the Morning After Pillow was presented. Pictures of women using the pillow were used to create content and generate conversations in the brand's Facebook page. The Situation Unilever's Axe is one of the most popular male grooming brands in the world. In Puerto Rico, the brand proposition had become predictable and the credibility of the Axe effect was lagging according to brand tracking indexes. A new generation of our core target was lacking of a strong engagement with the brand. We saw the need to reconnect with them and reinforce our brand's image. The Strategy We analyzed our target attitudes toward our brand and category through the latest tracking studies. Research about their media usage showed their preference for online experiences. They are influenced by relevant online content, irreverence and humor. They are willing to share online content, especially in the most popular platforms in the Island, Facebook and Youtube. Looking for ways to take the Axe promise to a higher level, we developed an idea that proved the extreme result of using the product: The Morning After Cuddling effect. The Axe effect is so powerful and long lasting, that men get trapped by a permanent cuddling need from women, almost impossible to break. A solution for that attachment has to be found.













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