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    Coppertone 场合包

    案例简介:概要 波多黎各是一个热带岛屿,一年有 365 天的阳光照耀,使人们暴露在世界卫生组织测量的最高紫外线指数 (Extreme = 11 +; 波多黎各全年平均 13 人),这被证明是皮肤癌发展的一个因素。然而,只有 56% 的波多黎各人使用防晒霜。简介: 鼓励我们的观众在任何户外活动中保护自己,而不仅仅是在海滩上,以促进更频繁地使用铜色。目标:-在商店获得 50% 的品牌曝光率。 -鼓励消费者在任何户外活动中更频繁地使用铜色防晒霜。 -提高对长期暴露在阳光下相关风险的认识。 相关性 Coppertone 场合包装促销将我们所有的产品线都包裹在特殊的教育包装中,以 “重塑” 典型海滩和体育活动之外的防晒。新包装允许 Coppertone 在新的环境中定位其防晒霜,从而迫使消费者重新考虑何时何地涂抹防晒霜。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 美国联邦药品管理局条例。 活动描述 有了铜色场合包装,我们将所有的产品库存重新包装在一系列盒子里,这些盒子是由受欢迎的户外活动设计和启发的,因此我们需要在所有盒子里受到保护。 简要解释 结果 -增加 300%-67 家新零售店的产品曝光率,包括宠物商店和五金店。-Reach/Impact: 超过 300万个印象。 战略 “阳光无处不在,而不仅仅是在海滩上” 的策略旨在通过扰乱、重新利用和重新构建科普托的所有通信、包装,来挑战消费者对防晒保护的假设,从而重新教育消费者, 零售真实状态和分销场所。 执行 我们发起了一场印刷和户外运动,为替换我们所有的产品库存奠定了基础,我们的新 “ocassions packages” 影响了我们的市长零售分销场所,Wallgreens,KMart, CVS,Sams,沃尔玛,Amigo 和 Super Max 超市。现在处于部署阶段,从 2017年3月开始,到 8月夏天结束。

    Coppertone 场合包

    案例简介:Synopsis Puerto Rico is a tropical island where the sun shines 365 days a year, exposing people to the highest UV index measured by the World Health Organization (Extreme = 11+; Puerto Rico averages 13 all year long), which is proven to be a factor in the development of skin cancer. Yet only 56% of Puerto Ricans use sunscreen. The Brief:To promote more frequent use of Coppertone by encouraging our audience to protect themselves during any outdoor activity, not just at the beach.Objectives:-Gain 50% more brand exposure in stores.-Encourage consumers to use Coppertone sunscreen more often during any outdoor activity.-Raise awareness about the risks associated with prolonged exposure to the sun. Relevancy The Coppertone occasion packs promotion encases all our product line inside special educational packages to “reframe” sun protection outside of the typical beach and sports activities. The new packs allowed Coppertone to locate its sunscreens in new contexts, thus forcing consumers to reconsider when and where sunscreen should be applied. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes United States Federal Drug Administration regulations. CampaignDescription With the Coppertone Occasions Packs we repackaged all our product stock inside a series of boxes designed and inspired by popular outdoor activities, thus educating on the need to be protected in all of them. BriefExplanation Outcome - Increased Product exposure by 300% - 67 new retail outlets including pet stores and hardware stores.- Reach/Impact: More than 3 million impressions. Strategy The "Sun is everywhere, not just at the beach" strategy meant to reeducate consumers by challenging their assumptions about sunscreen protection by disrupting, repurposing and reframing all of Coppertone's communications, package, retail real state and distribution venues. Execution We launched a print and outdoor campaign that set the foundation for the replacement of all our product stock, with our new "ocassions packages", impacting our mayor retail distribution venues, Wallgreens, KMart, CVS, Sams, Walmart, Amigo and Super Max Supermarkets.Now in a deployment stage that started on March 2017 and will culminate by the end of Summer in August.

    Coppertone Occasion Packs

    案例简介:概要 波多黎各是一个热带岛屿,一年有 365 天的阳光照耀,使人们暴露在世界卫生组织测量的最高紫外线指数 (Extreme = 11 +; 波多黎各全年平均 13 人),这被证明是皮肤癌发展的一个因素。然而,只有 56% 的波多黎各人使用防晒霜。简介: 鼓励我们的观众在任何户外活动中保护自己,而不仅仅是在海滩上,以促进更频繁地使用铜色。目标:-在商店获得 50% 的品牌曝光率。 -鼓励消费者在任何户外活动中更频繁地使用铜色防晒霜。 -提高对长期暴露在阳光下相关风险的认识。 相关性 Coppertone 场合包装促销将我们所有的产品线都包裹在特殊的教育包装中,以 “重塑” 典型海滩和体育活动之外的防晒。新包装允许 Coppertone 在新的环境中定位其防晒霜,从而迫使消费者重新考虑何时何地涂抹防晒霜。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 美国联邦药品管理局条例。 活动描述 有了铜色场合包装,我们将所有的产品库存重新包装在一系列盒子里,这些盒子是由受欢迎的户外活动设计和启发的,因此我们需要在所有盒子里受到保护。 简要解释 结果 -增加 300%-67 家新零售店的产品曝光率,包括宠物商店和五金店。-Reach/Impact: 超过 300万个印象。 战略 “阳光无处不在,而不仅仅是在海滩上” 的策略旨在通过扰乱、重新利用和重新构建科普托的所有通信、包装,来挑战消费者对防晒保护的假设,从而重新教育消费者, 零售真实状态和分销场所。 执行 我们发起了一场印刷和户外运动,为替换我们所有的产品库存奠定了基础,我们的新 “ocassions packages” 影响了我们的市长零售分销场所,Wallgreens,KMart, CVS,Sams,沃尔玛,Amigo 和 Super Max 超市。现在处于部署阶段,从 2017年3月开始,到 8月夏天结束。

    Coppertone Occasion Packs

    案例简介:Synopsis Puerto Rico is a tropical island where the sun shines 365 days a year, exposing people to the highest UV index measured by the World Health Organization (Extreme = 11+; Puerto Rico averages 13 all year long), which is proven to be a factor in the development of skin cancer. Yet only 56% of Puerto Ricans use sunscreen. The Brief:To promote more frequent use of Coppertone by encouraging our audience to protect themselves during any outdoor activity, not just at the beach.Objectives:-Gain 50% more brand exposure in stores.-Encourage consumers to use Coppertone sunscreen more often during any outdoor activity.-Raise awareness about the risks associated with prolonged exposure to the sun. Relevancy The Coppertone occasion packs promotion encases all our product line inside special educational packages to “reframe” sun protection outside of the typical beach and sports activities. The new packs allowed Coppertone to locate its sunscreens in new contexts, thus forcing consumers to reconsider when and where sunscreen should be applied. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes United States Federal Drug Administration regulations. CampaignDescription With the Coppertone Occasions Packs we repackaged all our product stock inside a series of boxes designed and inspired by popular outdoor activities, thus educating on the need to be protected in all of them. BriefExplanation Outcome - Increased Product exposure by 300% - 67 new retail outlets including pet stores and hardware stores.- Reach/Impact: More than 3 million impressions. Strategy The "Sun is everywhere, not just at the beach" strategy meant to reeducate consumers by challenging their assumptions about sunscreen protection by disrupting, repurposing and reframing all of Coppertone's communications, package, retail real state and distribution venues. Execution We launched a print and outdoor campaign that set the foundation for the replacement of all our product stock, with our new "ocassions packages", impacting our mayor retail distribution venues, Wallgreens, KMart, CVS, Sams, Walmart, Amigo and Super Max Supermarkets.Now in a deployment stage that started on March 2017 and will culminate by the end of Summer in August.

    Coppertone 场合包


    Coppertone Occasion Packs










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