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    案例简介:背景 随着美国家庭餐饮类别的苦苦挣扎,IHOP决定推出新的汉堡系列,以扩大早餐范围,并在午餐和晚餐期间吸引流量。 任务: 从一个以煎饼闻名的品牌推出汉堡。 但是IHOP面临着不止一个挑战。首先,我们必须改变美国对IHOP只是早餐目的地的看法。其次,我们需要在其他汉堡巨头中脱颖而出。在一个已经充满汉堡连锁店的国家,仅仅让我们的声音被听到将是一个挑战。IHOP的广告支出不到麦当劳,汉堡王和温迪等品牌总预算的2%。 我们需要做一些大胆而有嗡嗡声的事情来窃取汉堡对话,并让人们认真对待IHOP作为汉堡竞争者。 描述创意 为了证明IHOP对汉堡的重视程度,他们 “正式” 将其名称更改为IHOb。 当煎饼屋即将推出新的汉堡系列时,如何让人们认真对待煎饼屋?简单。您无需解释就将其标志性名称更改为IHOb,从而唤醒了整个国家对怀旧品牌的潜在热爱。 我们知道这一大胆的举动会引发争议,并让美国问,“IHOP是认真的吗?!” 在信息时代,我们想做一些不可思议的事情,让互联网在黑暗中呆一周,然后再揭露b代表什么,在全国范围内展开猜谜游戏。然后,在美国的注视下,我们揭示了b代表汉堡,加剧了比上一个更大的互联网崩溃。 最后,我们利用美国的怀疑来激发好奇心,并最终对我们的新汉堡进行试用。 描述策略 尽管是一个受人喜爱的品牌,但社交聆听表明IHOP对汉堡 (48%) 的情绪低于竞争对手Bob Evans (75%) 和Cracker Barrel (61%),这说明了这一点。我们需要释放美国对IHOP的热爱,并将其引导到我们的汉堡。 策略: 我们对新汉堡和煎饼一样认真。 我们需要沟通一下,我们对我们的新汉堡是如此认真,我们正式更名为IHOb: 国际汉堡之家。 我们的方法旨在通过三个阶段吸引美国的注意力,并为IHOP释放强大而休眠的情绪: 挑逗名称更改。揭示b代表什么。保持动力以推动销售。 而且,由于该想法的核心集中在引发疯狂的情感和猜测上,还有什么比Twitter作为竞选活动的中心更好的地方-毫无根据的阴谋和激进的舆论分享的家园? 描述执行情况 挑逗: 它始于一个神秘的六秒钟推文,显示IHOP将其P翻转为b。一周以来,我们为互联网历史上最大的猜谜游戏加油。民意测验和1:1的玩笑激起了大火。实时社交倾听告诉我们何时采取下一步行动。当怀疑态度上升时,我们的回应是将Twitter句柄更改为 @ IHOb,并泄露了IHOP餐厅更改其标牌的照片。 透露: 经过一周的期待,我们透露b代表汉堡!我们通过翻转所有内容来抓住这一时刻-我们的社交渠道,搜索,维基百科-甚至是IHOP LinkedIn bios。 维持: 在几周的时间里,我们利用嗡嗡声将人们吸引到漏斗中。我们采购了推荐信来创建一个新的电视广告,并拦截了竞争对手的客人,为他们提供免费的IHOb汉堡。 端到端的社交活动使我们成为IHOb现象这种混乱现象的指挥者。 列出结果 IHOb迅速传播并成为一种文化现象,在头10天内产生了1.2万条推文 (包括来自Chrissy Teigen,Stephen Colbert,Diplo,Questlove和Cardi B的推文)。 它获得了28,000多个媒体报道,获得了113多万美元的媒体value-11x投资回报率-以及超过425亿个获得的印象。它在Twitter上同时处于 #1,#2和 #4的趋势,甚至超出了特朗普朝鲜峰会和网络中立裁决的趋势。IHOP在社交SOV中处于领先地位,此后一直保持领先地位。 我们极大地提高了IHOP对 “拥有伟大的汉堡” 的看法,从41% 到51%,使IHOP在竞争对手中从最后一位升至第二位。IHOP在活动启动后的第一个月将汉堡销量提高了三倍,并在年底之前持续了2倍的午餐和晚餐销量。 该活动在IHOb之外获得了红利,获得了2倍的口碑和广告知名度的80% 增长 (25%-45%) (通过YouGov的BrandIndex)。


    案例简介:Background With America’s family-dining category struggling, IHOP decided to launch a new line of burgers to grow beyond breakfast and drive traffic during lunch and dinner. The task: launch burgers from a brand known for pancakes. But IHOP faced more than one challenge. First and foremost, we had to shift America’s perception that IHOP was just a breakfast destination. Secondly, we needed to stand out among other burger giants. In a country already saturated with burger chains, just getting our voice heard was going to be a challenge. IHOP’s ad spend was less than two percent of the combined budgets of brands such as McDonald’s, Burger King and Wendy’s. We needed to do something bold and buzzworthy to steal the burger conversation and get people to take IHOP seriously as a burger contender. Describe the creative idea TO PROVE HOW SERIOUS IHOP WAS ABOUT BURGERS, THEY “OFFICIALLY” CHANGED THEIR NAME TO IHOb. How do you get people to take a pancake house seriously when it’s about to launch a new line of burgers? Simple. You change its iconic name to IHOb without explanation, awakening an entire country’s latent love for a nostalgic brand. We knew that this audacious move would spark controversy and get America asking, “Is IHOP serious?!” In the age of information, we wanted to do the unthinkable and keep the Internet in the dark for a week before revealing what the b stood for, unleashing a nationwide guessing game. Then, with the eyes of America watching, we revealed that the b stood for burgers, fueling an even bigger Internet meltdown than the last. In the end, we harnessed America’s disbelief to ignite curiosity and ultimately, drive trial of our new burgers. Describe the strategy Although a beloved brand, social listening showed IHOP had lower sentiment with burgers (48%) than competitors Bob Evans (75%) and Cracker Barrel (61%) and that’s saying something. We needed to unlock America’s love for IHOP and channel it to our burgers. The strategy: we’re as serious about our new burgers as we are about our pancakes. We needed to communicate that we’re so serious about our new burgers, we’re officially rebranding as IHOb: International House of Burgers. Our approach was designed to grab America’s attention and unlock powerful yet dormant emotions for IHOP in three phases: Tease the name change. Reveal what the b stands for. Sustain momentum to drive sales. And since the core of the idea was centered on stoking a frenzy of emotion and speculation, what better place than Twitter as the hub for the campaign—the home of unfounded conspiracies and aggressive opinion sharing? Describe the execution TEASE: It started with a cryptic six-second tweet showing IHOP flipping its P to a b. For a week, we fueled the biggest guessing game in Internet history. Polls and 1:1 banter stoked the fire. Real-time social listening told us when to make our next move. When skepticism rose, we responded by changing our Twitter handle to @IHOb and leaking a photo of an IHOP restaurant changing its signage. REVEAL: After a week of anticipation, we revealed that the b stood for BURGERS! We seized the moment by flipping everything—our social channels, search, Wikipedia—even IHOP LinkedIn bios. SUSTAIN: Over several weeks, we capitalized on the buzz to pull people through the funnel. We sourced testimonials to create a new TV spot and intercepted competitors’ guests to offer them free IHOb burgers. End-to-end social allowed us to become conductors of the cultivated chaos that was the IHOb phenomenon. List the results IHOb went viral and became a cultural phenomenon, generating 1.2M tweets in the first 10 days (including tweets from Chrissy Teigen, Stephen Colbert, Diplo, Questlove and Cardi B). It garnered 28,000+ media stories, $113+ million in earned media value—11x ROI—and over 42.5 billion earned impressions. It trended at #1, #2 and #4 simultaneously on Twitter, even out-trending the Trump North Korea Summit and Net Neutrality Rulings. IHOP took the category lead in social SOV and has held it since. We dramatically increased IHOP’s perception for “having great burgers” from 41% to 51%, catapulting IHOP from last to second place among competitors. IHOP quadrupled burger sales during the first month following the campaign launch and sustained 2x lunch and dinner sales through end of year. The campaign paid dividends beyond IHOb, with 2x word-of-mouth and 80% increase (25%-45%) in ad awareness (via YouGov’s BrandIndex).


    案例简介:背景 随着美国家庭餐饮类别的苦苦挣扎,IHOP决定推出新的汉堡系列,以扩大早餐范围,并在午餐和晚餐期间吸引流量。 任务: 从一个以煎饼闻名的品牌推出汉堡。 但是IHOP面临着不止一个挑战。首先,我们必须改变美国对IHOP只是早餐目的地的看法。其次,我们需要在其他汉堡巨头中脱颖而出。在一个已经充满汉堡连锁店的国家,仅仅让我们的声音被听到将是一个挑战。IHOP的广告支出不到麦当劳,汉堡王和温迪等品牌总预算的2%。 我们需要做一些大胆而有嗡嗡声的事情来窃取汉堡对话,并让人们认真对待IHOP作为汉堡竞争者。 描述创意 为了证明IHOP对汉堡的重视程度,他们 “正式” 将其名称更改为IHOb。 当煎饼屋即将推出新的汉堡系列时,如何让人们认真对待煎饼屋?简单。您无需解释就将其标志性名称更改为IHOb,从而唤醒了整个国家对怀旧品牌的潜在热爱。 我们知道这一大胆的举动会引发争议,并让美国问,“IHOP是认真的吗?!” 在信息时代,我们想做一些不可思议的事情,让互联网在黑暗中呆一周,然后再揭露b代表什么,在全国范围内展开猜谜游戏。然后,在美国的注视下,我们揭示了b代表汉堡,加剧了比上一个更大的互联网崩溃。 最后,我们利用美国的怀疑来激发好奇心,并最终对我们的新汉堡进行试用。 描述策略 尽管是一个受人喜爱的品牌,但社交聆听表明IHOP对汉堡 (48%) 的情绪低于竞争对手Bob Evans (75%) 和Cracker Barrel (61%),这说明了这一点。我们需要释放美国对IHOP的热爱,并将其引导到我们的汉堡。 策略: 我们对新汉堡和煎饼一样认真。 我们需要沟通一下,我们对我们的新汉堡是如此认真,我们正式更名为IHOb: 国际汉堡之家。 我们的方法旨在通过三个阶段吸引美国的注意力,并为IHOP释放强大而休眠的情绪: 挑逗名称更改。揭示b代表什么。保持动力以推动销售。 而且,由于该想法的核心集中在引发疯狂的情感和猜测上,还有什么比Twitter作为竞选活动的中心更好的地方-毫无根据的阴谋和激进的舆论分享的家园? 描述执行情况 挑逗: 它始于一个神秘的六秒钟推文,显示IHOP将其P翻转为b。一周以来,我们为互联网历史上最大的猜谜游戏加油。民意测验和1:1的玩笑激起了大火。实时社交倾听告诉我们何时采取下一步行动。当怀疑态度上升时,我们的回应是将Twitter句柄更改为 @ IHOb,并泄露了IHOP餐厅更改其标牌的照片。 透露: 经过一周的期待,我们透露b代表汉堡!我们通过翻转所有内容来抓住这一时刻-我们的社交渠道,搜索,维基百科-甚至是IHOP LinkedIn bios。 维持: 在几周的时间里,我们利用嗡嗡声将人们吸引到漏斗中。我们采购了推荐信来创建一个新的电视广告,并拦截了竞争对手的客人,为他们提供免费的IHOb汉堡。 端到端的社交活动使我们成为IHOb现象这种混乱现象的指挥者。 列出结果 IHOb迅速传播并成为一种文化现象,在头10天内产生了1.2万条推文 (包括来自Chrissy Teigen,Stephen Colbert,Diplo,Questlove和Cardi B的推文)。 它获得了28,000多个媒体报道,获得了113多万美元的媒体value-11x投资回报率-以及超过425亿个获得的印象。它在Twitter上同时处于 #1,#2和 #4的趋势,甚至超出了特朗普朝鲜峰会和网络中立裁决的趋势。IHOP在社交SOV中处于领先地位,此后一直保持领先地位。 我们极大地提高了IHOP对 “拥有伟大的汉堡” 的看法,从41% 到51%,使IHOP在竞争对手中从最后一位升至第二位。IHOP在活动启动后的第一个月将汉堡销量提高了三倍,并在年底之前持续了2倍的午餐和晚餐销量。 该活动在IHOb之外获得了红利,获得了2倍的口碑和广告知名度的80% 增长 (25%-45%) (通过YouGov的BrandIndex)。


    案例简介:Background With America’s family-dining category struggling, IHOP decided to launch a new line of burgers to grow beyond breakfast and drive traffic during lunch and dinner. The task: launch burgers from a brand known for pancakes. But IHOP faced more than one challenge. First and foremost, we had to shift America’s perception that IHOP was just a breakfast destination. Secondly, we needed to stand out among other burger giants. In a country already saturated with burger chains, just getting our voice heard was going to be a challenge. IHOP’s ad spend was less than two percent of the combined budgets of brands such as McDonald’s, Burger King and Wendy’s. We needed to do something bold and buzzworthy to steal the burger conversation and get people to take IHOP seriously as a burger contender. Describe the creative idea TO PROVE HOW SERIOUS IHOP WAS ABOUT BURGERS, THEY “OFFICIALLY” CHANGED THEIR NAME TO IHOb. How do you get people to take a pancake house seriously when it’s about to launch a new line of burgers? Simple. You change its iconic name to IHOb without explanation, awakening an entire country’s latent love for a nostalgic brand. We knew that this audacious move would spark controversy and get America asking, “Is IHOP serious?!” In the age of information, we wanted to do the unthinkable and keep the Internet in the dark for a week before revealing what the b stood for, unleashing a nationwide guessing game. Then, with the eyes of America watching, we revealed that the b stood for burgers, fueling an even bigger Internet meltdown than the last. In the end, we harnessed America’s disbelief to ignite curiosity and ultimately, drive trial of our new burgers. Describe the strategy Although a beloved brand, social listening showed IHOP had lower sentiment with burgers (48%) than competitors Bob Evans (75%) and Cracker Barrel (61%) and that’s saying something. We needed to unlock America’s love for IHOP and channel it to our burgers. The strategy: we’re as serious about our new burgers as we are about our pancakes. We needed to communicate that we’re so serious about our new burgers, we’re officially rebranding as IHOb: International House of Burgers. Our approach was designed to grab America’s attention and unlock powerful yet dormant emotions for IHOP in three phases: Tease the name change. Reveal what the b stands for. Sustain momentum to drive sales. And since the core of the idea was centered on stoking a frenzy of emotion and speculation, what better place than Twitter as the hub for the campaign—the home of unfounded conspiracies and aggressive opinion sharing? Describe the execution TEASE: It started with a cryptic six-second tweet showing IHOP flipping its P to a b. For a week, we fueled the biggest guessing game in Internet history. Polls and 1:1 banter stoked the fire. Real-time social listening told us when to make our next move. When skepticism rose, we responded by changing our Twitter handle to @IHOb and leaking a photo of an IHOP restaurant changing its signage. REVEAL: After a week of anticipation, we revealed that the b stood for BURGERS! We seized the moment by flipping everything—our social channels, search, Wikipedia—even IHOP LinkedIn bios. SUSTAIN: Over several weeks, we capitalized on the buzz to pull people through the funnel. We sourced testimonials to create a new TV spot and intercepted competitors’ guests to offer them free IHOb burgers. End-to-end social allowed us to become conductors of the cultivated chaos that was the IHOb phenomenon. List the results IHOb went viral and became a cultural phenomenon, generating 1.2M tweets in the first 10 days (including tweets from Chrissy Teigen, Stephen Colbert, Diplo, Questlove and Cardi B). It garnered 28,000+ media stories, $113+ million in earned media value—11x ROI—and over 42.5 billion earned impressions. It trended at #1, #2 and #4 simultaneously on Twitter, even out-trending the Trump North Korea Summit and Net Neutrality Rulings. IHOP took the category lead in social SOV and has held it since. We dramatically increased IHOP’s perception for “having great burgers” from 41% to 51%, catapulting IHOP from last to second place among competitors. IHOP quadrupled burger sales during the first month following the campaign launch and sustained 2x lunch and dinner sales through end of year. The campaign paid dividends beyond IHOb, with 2x word-of-mouth and 80% increase (25%-45%) in ad awareness (via YouGov’s BrandIndex).









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