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    Quest to Legoland短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:执行 为了适应现实世界,写了四个故事。当家庭接近公园时,他们通过解锁里程碑发现了各种公园人物和他们的故事。 GPS 体验使用谷歌地图数据,手动识别美国 5,450 多个地标的精确地理坐标。当用户进入他们的起始位置时,应用程序计划一条通往乐高乐园的路线,沿途吸引 60 个感兴趣的点。然后,每个地标都与一项活动相匹配 -- 从有趣的事实和测验到主题游戏。当孩子们沿着他们的路线旅行时,他们会发现他们周围的地标,并解锁游戏来推进故事。谷歌数据被集成到乐高主题环境中。在每个地标,游戏都会查阅其数据库,以了解要显示的地标类型。每个乐高故事都设计了一个独特的地标。然后,游戏确定正在播放的故事,并将地标图标与乐高世界相匹配。通过从数千个测验和有趣琐事的数据库中绘制,每个地标都显示了关于目的地的信息,以确保孩子们订婚,无论他们的家人从哪里开始开车。 活动描述 我们使用谷歌地图为孩子们重新设计了全球定位系统,并将乐高乐园的故事和全球定位系统数据结合在一起,将手机的全球定位系统变成了一个沉浸式的乐高乐园冒险。使用谷歌地图数据实时绘制 GPS 体验,根据路线的任何变化进行调整。因为每次旅行都是基于特定的路线,所以孩子们在应用程序中看到的对他们来说是独一无二的,就像传统的全球定位系统一样。为了策划孩子们的体验,我们选择了 5,000 多个儿童友好的地标,并将其融入体验中,这样每个地标都有新的东西可以发现。通过将真实世界的目的地整合到想象中的故事情节和游戏中,每一次旅行都是一次独特的冒险。孩子们不仅被告知他们旅行的进展,他们还被周围的环境所吸引和娱乐。随着孩子们与父母分享新的发现,这次旅行成为一个互动和教育游戏。


    案例简介:Execution Four stories were written to adapt to the real-world. As families approached the park, they discovered various park characters and their stories by unlocking milestones.The GPS experience uses Google Maps data and manually identifies the exact geo-coordinates of more than 5,450 landmarks across the United States. When a user enters their starting location, the app plans a route to LEGOLAND, pulling in 60 points of interest along the way. Each landmark is then matched with an activity — from fun facts and quizzes to themed games. As kids travel along their route, they discover the landmarks around them and unlock games to progress in the story. The Google data is integrated into a LEGO-themed environment. At each landmark the game consults its database to understand the type of landmark to display. A unique landmark was also designed for each one of the LEGO stories. The game then determines the story being played and matches the landmark icon to the LEGO world.By drawing from a database of thousands of quizzes and fun trivia, each landmark is displayed with information about the destination to ensure kids are engaged, no matter where their family starts their drive. CampaignDescription We reinvented the GPS for kids using Google Maps and brought LEGOLAND stories together with GPS data to transform the phone’s GPS into an immersive LEGOLAND adventure. The GPS experience is mapped in real-time using Google Maps data, adjusting to any changes in the route. Because every trip is based on a specific route, what kids see in app is unique to them, just as with a traditional GPS. To curate the experience for kids, more than 5,000 kid friendly landmarks were chosen and integrated into the experience so each landmark has something new to discover. By integrating real world destinations into imaginary storylines and games, every trip is a unique adventure. Not only are kids informed about their trip’s progress, they’re also engaged and entertained by their surroundings. As the kids share new discoveries with their parents, the trip becomes an interactive and educational game.

    Quest to Legoland

    案例简介:执行 为了适应现实世界,写了四个故事。当家庭接近公园时,他们通过解锁里程碑发现了各种公园人物和他们的故事。 GPS 体验使用谷歌地图数据,手动识别美国 5,450 多个地标的精确地理坐标。当用户进入他们的起始位置时,应用程序计划一条通往乐高乐园的路线,沿途吸引 60 个感兴趣的点。然后,每个地标都与一项活动相匹配 -- 从有趣的事实和测验到主题游戏。当孩子们沿着他们的路线旅行时,他们会发现他们周围的地标,并解锁游戏来推进故事。谷歌数据被集成到乐高主题环境中。在每个地标,游戏都会查阅其数据库,以了解要显示的地标类型。每个乐高故事都设计了一个独特的地标。然后,游戏确定正在播放的故事,并将地标图标与乐高世界相匹配。通过从数千个测验和有趣琐事的数据库中绘制,每个地标都显示了关于目的地的信息,以确保孩子们订婚,无论他们的家人从哪里开始开车。 活动描述 我们使用谷歌地图为孩子们重新设计了全球定位系统,并将乐高乐园的故事和全球定位系统数据结合在一起,将手机的全球定位系统变成了一个沉浸式的乐高乐园冒险。使用谷歌地图数据实时绘制 GPS 体验,根据路线的任何变化进行调整。因为每次旅行都是基于特定的路线,所以孩子们在应用程序中看到的对他们来说是独一无二的,就像传统的全球定位系统一样。为了策划孩子们的体验,我们选择了 5,000 多个儿童友好的地标,并将其融入体验中,这样每个地标都有新的东西可以发现。通过将真实世界的目的地整合到想象中的故事情节和游戏中,每一次旅行都是一次独特的冒险。孩子们不仅被告知他们旅行的进展,他们还被周围的环境所吸引和娱乐。随着孩子们与父母分享新的发现,这次旅行成为一个互动和教育游戏。

    Quest to Legoland

    案例简介:Execution Four stories were written to adapt to the real-world. As families approached the park, they discovered various park characters and their stories by unlocking milestones.The GPS experience uses Google Maps data and manually identifies the exact geo-coordinates of more than 5,450 landmarks across the United States. When a user enters their starting location, the app plans a route to LEGOLAND, pulling in 60 points of interest along the way. Each landmark is then matched with an activity — from fun facts and quizzes to themed games. As kids travel along their route, they discover the landmarks around them and unlock games to progress in the story. The Google data is integrated into a LEGO-themed environment. At each landmark the game consults its database to understand the type of landmark to display. A unique landmark was also designed for each one of the LEGO stories. The game then determines the story being played and matches the landmark icon to the LEGO world.By drawing from a database of thousands of quizzes and fun trivia, each landmark is displayed with information about the destination to ensure kids are engaged, no matter where their family starts their drive. CampaignDescription We reinvented the GPS for kids using Google Maps and brought LEGOLAND stories together with GPS data to transform the phone’s GPS into an immersive LEGOLAND adventure. The GPS experience is mapped in real-time using Google Maps data, adjusting to any changes in the route. Because every trip is based on a specific route, what kids see in app is unique to them, just as with a traditional GPS. To curate the experience for kids, more than 5,000 kid friendly landmarks were chosen and integrated into the experience so each landmark has something new to discover. By integrating real world destinations into imaginary storylines and games, every trip is a unique adventure. Not only are kids informed about their trip’s progress, they’re also engaged and entertained by their surroundings. As the kids share new discoveries with their parents, the trip becomes an interactive and educational game.



    Quest to Legoland


    广告公司: VML (美国 纽约) 制作公司: MediaMonks




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