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    # 不肮脏

    案例简介:该项目有助于建立cosmo杂志的形象。将 “关于性和星座的玫瑰色杂志” 的看法切换到准备谈论重要而不简单的话题的杂志。我们的项目揭示了一个社会重要的问题,并将其提高到公众讨论的水平。背景 在哈萨克斯坦,几乎每个女性都后悔出生时是个女孩。在重男轻女的国家,女性的天性仍然被忽视和压制。月经的话题曾经是,现在仍然是可耻的。女孩对青春期的了解很少。坚持女性尊严,国际化的哈萨克斯坦希望开始公开对话,并为一种更加开放的文化做出贡献,在这种文化中,女性可以对自己和谈论时期感到满意而不会感到羞耻。执行 我们专门为这个主题制作了一期杂志,并请读者建议合适的哈萨克语翻译月经。在特殊网站上,每个人都可以提供一个新词或对给定的选项进行投票。我们在社交网络上展开了对话,欢迎任何负面和支持的意见。女性影响者帮助我们获得了更大的影响力,因为男性意见领袖拒绝支持这项运动。我们受到了公众的极大关注。要求改变这个词是哈萨克斯坦历史上第一次批准的妇女权利集会的议程之一 只有1000美元的付费媒体,我们收到了很好的结果: 4.5万的社交媒体报道637 521访问项目网站127 873票新翻译72大众媒体出版物7.2万的总报道-45.5% KazNet用户我们受到了巨大的公众关注。改变这个词的要求是哈萨克斯坦历史上第一次批准的妇女权利集会的议程之一。与杂志的观众一起,我们发现了许多美丽的选择。但是,我们仍在等待当局做出回应,并在政府一级正式采用翻译。创意创意 在进行研究时,我们意识到哈萨克的月经名称- «etekkir» 字面意思是 «肮脏的下摆»。这个词本身会污名化自然过程,使其变得可耻和令人反感。我们相信语言可以影响人们的思想和态度。因此,我们从对我们生活的世界的心态和态度的形状出发-改变不光彩的词,并为月经找到合适的翻译。由哈萨克斯坦BBDO为国际大都会创建的内容广告,类别包括: 媒体,公共利益,非政府组织。

    # 不肮脏

    案例简介:This project helps to build the image of cosmo magazine. Switch the perception of "rosy magazine about sex and horoscopes" to a magazine that is ready to talk about important and not simple topics. Our project reveals a socially important problem and raises it to the level of public discussion. Background In Kazakhstan almost every female regrets being born as a girl. In heavily patriarchal and misogynistic country female nature is still ignored and suppressed. The topic of menstruation was and still is shameful. Girls are poorly taught about puberty. Standing for female dignity, Cosmopolitan Kazakhstan wanted to start a public dialogue and contribute to a more open culture where women can feel okay about being themselves and talking about periods without feeling ashamed. Execution We made special issue of the magazine dedicated to this topic and asked readers to suggest suitable Kazakh translation of menstruation. On the special website everyone could offer a new word or make a vote for given options. We opened dialogue on social networks, where any opinion was welcome, both negative and supporting. Female influencers helped us get more reach, as male opinion leaders refused to support the campaign. We received a huge public attention. Demands to change the word was one of the agendas on the FIRST sanctioned rally for women's rights in the history of Kazakhstan Results With only 1000$ in paid media we received great results: 4.5 mln coverage in social media 637 521 visits of the project website 127 873 votes for new translations 72 publications in mass media 7.2 mln total coverage — 45.5% of KazNet users We received a huge public attention. Demands to change the word was one of the agendas on the FIRST sanctioned rally for women's rights in the history of Kazakhstan Together with the magazine audience, we found many beautiful options. But we are still waiting for authorities to respond and officially adopt translation on governmental level. Creative Idea While making a research we realized that Kazakh name for menstruation – «etekkir» is literally means «dirty hem». The word itself stigmatizes natural process, making it shameful and offensive. We believe that language can influence people's thoughts and attitudes. So we started from what shapes mindset and attitude to the world we live in — change disgraceful word and find suitable translation for menstruation. Content advertisement created by BBDO, Kazakhstan for Cosmopolitan, within the categories: Media, Public Interest, NGO.


    案例简介:该项目有助于建立cosmo杂志的形象。将 “关于性和星座的玫瑰色杂志” 的看法切换到准备谈论重要而不简单的话题的杂志。我们的项目揭示了一个社会重要的问题,并将其提高到公众讨论的水平。背景 在哈萨克斯坦,几乎每个女性都后悔出生时是个女孩。在重男轻女的国家,女性的天性仍然被忽视和压制。月经的话题曾经是,现在仍然是可耻的。女孩对青春期的了解很少。坚持女性尊严,国际化的哈萨克斯坦希望开始公开对话,并为一种更加开放的文化做出贡献,在这种文化中,女性可以对自己和谈论时期感到满意而不会感到羞耻。执行 我们专门为这个主题制作了一期杂志,并请读者建议合适的哈萨克语翻译月经。在特殊网站上,每个人都可以提供一个新词或对给定的选项进行投票。我们在社交网络上展开了对话,欢迎任何负面和支持的意见。女性影响者帮助我们获得了更大的影响力,因为男性意见领袖拒绝支持这项运动。我们受到了公众的极大关注。要求改变这个词是哈萨克斯坦历史上第一次批准的妇女权利集会的议程之一 只有1000美元的付费媒体,我们收到了很好的结果: 4.5万的社交媒体报道637 521访问项目网站127 873票新翻译72大众媒体出版物7.2万的总报道-45.5% KazNet用户我们受到了巨大的公众关注。改变这个词的要求是哈萨克斯坦历史上第一次批准的妇女权利集会的议程之一。与杂志的观众一起,我们发现了许多美丽的选择。但是,我们仍在等待当局做出回应,并在政府一级正式采用翻译。创意创意 在进行研究时,我们意识到哈萨克的月经名称- «etekkir» 字面意思是 «肮脏的下摆»。这个词本身会污名化自然过程,使其变得可耻和令人反感。我们相信语言可以影响人们的思想和态度。因此,我们从对我们生活的世界的心态和态度的形状出发-改变不光彩的词,并为月经找到合适的翻译。由哈萨克斯坦BBDO为国际大都会创建的内容广告,类别包括: 媒体,公共利益,非政府组织。


    案例简介:This project helps to build the image of cosmo magazine. Switch the perception of "rosy magazine about sex and horoscopes" to a magazine that is ready to talk about important and not simple topics. Our project reveals a socially important problem and raises it to the level of public discussion. Background In Kazakhstan almost every female regrets being born as a girl. In heavily patriarchal and misogynistic country female nature is still ignored and suppressed. The topic of menstruation was and still is shameful. Girls are poorly taught about puberty. Standing for female dignity, Cosmopolitan Kazakhstan wanted to start a public dialogue and contribute to a more open culture where women can feel okay about being themselves and talking about periods without feeling ashamed. Execution We made special issue of the magazine dedicated to this topic and asked readers to suggest suitable Kazakh translation of menstruation. On the special website everyone could offer a new word or make a vote for given options. We opened dialogue on social networks, where any opinion was welcome, both negative and supporting. Female influencers helped us get more reach, as male opinion leaders refused to support the campaign. We received a huge public attention. Demands to change the word was one of the agendas on the FIRST sanctioned rally for women's rights in the history of Kazakhstan Results With only 1000$ in paid media we received great results: 4.5 mln coverage in social media 637 521 visits of the project website 127 873 votes for new translations 72 publications in mass media 7.2 mln total coverage — 45.5% of KazNet users We received a huge public attention. Demands to change the word was one of the agendas on the FIRST sanctioned rally for women's rights in the history of Kazakhstan Together with the magazine audience, we found many beautiful options. But we are still waiting for authorities to respond and officially adopt translation on governmental level. Creative Idea While making a research we realized that Kazakh name for menstruation – «etekkir» is literally means «dirty hem». The word itself stigmatizes natural process, making it shameful and offensive. We believe that language can influence people's thoughts and attitudes. So we started from what shapes mindset and attitude to the world we live in — change disgraceful word and find suitable translation for menstruation. Content advertisement created by BBDO, Kazakhstan for Cosmopolitan, within the categories: Media, Public Interest, NGO.

    # 不肮脏








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