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    Pinterest 拦截

    案例简介:战略 Pinterest 是互联网上第二大食谱库,特别适合推动销售: 63% 的 Pinners 使用 Pinterest 来帮助制定膳食计划,85% 的日常 Pinners 在店内购物时会查看 Pinterest。坎贝尔的观众参观 Pinterest 的次数也超过了普通消费者的 2 倍,这使得它成为坎贝尔的最佳去处。Pinterest 的背景也非常符合我们的竞选理念。虽然妈妈们喜欢 Pinterest 的食谱,但他们在平台上看到的虚假和持续的完美让 42% 的妈妈们感到 “Pinterest 压力” -- 担心他们没有达到同龄人的水平。我们想告诉妈妈们,不完美是可以的。实际上,给她们一个工具来缓解他们紧张的一天。同时在 Pinterest 上获得更多内容 -- 一个非常适合推动销售的平台。通过 Pinterest 拦截,我们能够完成这三个任务。 活动描述 为真实而生,真实的生活在膨胀的期望和真实的生活之间发挥作用。它提醒我们,我们在电视、自助书籍和社交生活中看到的世界不是真实的,而是精心策划的。它庆祝我们真正过着完美不完美的生活,在这种背景下,用完美作为陪衬。对真实生活中的制造的处决用拇指指着他们所处的刻板完美的环境, 通过展示现实生活比完美生活更有趣和更有回报来同情观众,当我们发现自己被困在工作和足球练习之间时,将坎贝尔的产品定位为真正的餐饮选择。 结果 正如预期的那样,Pinterest Intercept 引起了观众的共鸣,产生了强烈的反应,助长了口碑,并促使越来越多的人选择我们的扬眉板。在 Pinterest 拦截启动的那一周,我们看到对 Pinterest 的平均每日印象每周增加 145%。由于这是对 Pinterest 通知的黑客攻击,我们能够用零付费媒体美元完成这一切。最终,竞选团队做了它打算做的事情,比以前在 Pinterest 上获得了更多坎贝尔的内容。 概要 最初的便利食品坎贝尔的销售额连续 30 年下降。随着从农场到餐桌和健康运动席卷美国,消费者开始青睐自制的新鲜食品,而不是预先包装的商品。问题是什么?这些食谱需要时间和精力,而我们的观众却没有,这为家庭生活提供了新的标准,对于时间紧迫的家庭来说,这是不可能实现的。雪上加霜的是,随着这些晚餐时间标准越来越复杂,相比之下,父母开始觉得自己不够。这是由 Facebook 、 Instagram 等社交媒体上的分享激增的完美 (但精心策划的) 育儿压力推动的。我们的目标: 扭转 30 年的衰退,将坎贝尔的定位为当今现实、时间拮据的家庭的便捷选择。 执行 Pinterest Intercept 是一个由数据驱动算法驱动的通知黑客。Hw 它的工作原理:?首先,一个定制的算法扫描 Pinterest,寻找最近固定的食谱,这可能会造成比它们更多的压力。它浮出水面的数据包括难以来源的成分、异常大的准备时间和听起来晦涩的技术? 然后,我们把这些食谱别针保存在一系列带有 “独特” 名字的板上,比如晚餐从一开始就注定了,当星星排列时,饭菜就要做好? 在 Pinterest 上,保存某人的 pin 码的行为会通知他们(通过应用程序和电子邮件) 例如: “坎贝尔在点击通知后,将你的 pin 钉在棋盘上,以便当星星对齐时制作”, pinners 登上了同情他们困境的木板,呼吁他们首先保存不切实际的食谱,开车去一个食谱交换工具,在那里他们可以找到他们晚餐梦想的简单版本。

    Pinterest 拦截

    案例简介:Strategy Pinterest is the second-largest repository of recipes on the internet, and is particularly well-suited to driving sales: 63% of Pinners use Pinterest to help with meal planning and 85% of daily Pinners look at Pinterest while they’re shopping in-store. Campbell’s audience also visits Pinterest more than 2x the average consumer, making it the perfect place for Campbell’s. The context of Pinterest also matches our campaign idea perfectly. While moms love Pinterest for recipes, the false and constant perfection they see on the platform causes 42% of them to feel “Pinterest Stress” - the worry that they’re not measuring up to their peers. We wanted to tell moms that it’s okay to not be perfect.And actually give them a tool to alleviate their stressful day. While getting more of our content onto Pinterest - a platform well-suited to driving sales. With Pinterest Intercept, we were able to do all three. CampaignDescription Made for Real, Real Life plays in the space between inflated expectations and *real* real life. It reminds us that the worlds we see on TV, in self-help books, and in our social feeds are not real but curated. And it celebrates the perfectly imperfect lives we truly lead, against that backdrop, using perfection as a foil. Executions against Made for Real, Real Life thumb their noses at the stereotypically perfect contexts in which they’re placed, commiserate with their audience by showing it’s more fun and rewarding to live a real life than a perfect life, and position Campbell’s products as real meal options for when we find ourselves stuck between work and soccer practice. Outcome As intended, Pinterest Intercept struck a chord with its audience, generating strong reactions that fueled word of mouth, and driving more and more people to our eyebrow-raising boards. In the week that Pinterest Intercept launched, we saw an increase of 145% to our average daily impressions on Pinterest, week over week. And since this was a hack on Pinterest notifications, we were able to do it all with zero paid media dollars. Ultimately, the campaign did what it was intended to do, getting much more Campbell’s content onto Pinterest than there was before. Synopsis Campbell’s, the original convenience food, saw declining sales volumes for 30 years in a row. As farm-to-table and health movements swept America, consumers started favoring home-made, fresh food options over pre-packaged goods. The problem? These recipes take time and effort that our audience doesn’t have, fueling a new standard of home life that’s simply not realistically achievable for time-strapped families rushing to get food on the table. To add insult to injury, with these dinnertime standards growing in complexity, parents have started feeling inadequate by comparison. This is fueled by the pressure of picture-perfect (but carefully curated) parenting proliferated by social media shares on Facebook, Instagram, etc. Our goal: Reverse the 30-year slump, by positioning Campbell’s as a convenient alternative for the real, time-strapped families of today. Execution Pinterest Intercept was a notification hack powered by a data-driven algorithm. Hw it worked:?First, a custom algorithm scanned Pinterest for recently pinned recipes likely to cause more stress than they were worth. Data it surfaced included hard-to-source ingredients, unusually large prep times, and obscure-sounding techniques?Then, we saved these recipe pins onto a series of boards with “unique” names like DINNERS DOOMED FROM THE START and MEALS TO MAKE WHEN THE STARS ALIGN?On Pinterest, the act of saving someone’s pin notifies them (through the app and over email) that, for example: “CAMPBELL’S’ repinned your pin onto the board MEALS TO MAKE WHEN THE STARS ALIGN” After clicking the notifications, Pinners landed on boards that commiserated with their plight, called them out for saving unrealistic recipes in the first place, and drove to a recipe-swapping utility where they could pin simpler versions of their dinner dreams.

    Pinterest Intercept

    案例简介:战略 Pinterest 是互联网上第二大食谱库,特别适合推动销售: 63% 的 Pinners 使用 Pinterest 来帮助制定膳食计划,85% 的日常 Pinners 在店内购物时会查看 Pinterest。坎贝尔的观众参观 Pinterest 的次数也超过了普通消费者的 2 倍,这使得它成为坎贝尔的最佳去处。Pinterest 的背景也非常符合我们的竞选理念。虽然妈妈们喜欢 Pinterest 的食谱,但他们在平台上看到的虚假和持续的完美让 42% 的妈妈们感到 “Pinterest 压力” -- 担心他们没有达到同龄人的水平。我们想告诉妈妈们,不完美是可以的。实际上,给她们一个工具来缓解他们紧张的一天。同时在 Pinterest 上获得更多内容 -- 一个非常适合推动销售的平台。通过 Pinterest 拦截,我们能够完成这三个任务。 活动描述 为真实而生,真实的生活在膨胀的期望和真实的生活之间发挥作用。它提醒我们,我们在电视、自助书籍和社交生活中看到的世界不是真实的,而是精心策划的。它庆祝我们真正过着完美不完美的生活,在这种背景下,用完美作为陪衬。对真实生活中的制造的处决用拇指指着他们所处的刻板完美的环境, 通过展示现实生活比完美生活更有趣和更有回报来同情观众,当我们发现自己被困在工作和足球练习之间时,将坎贝尔的产品定位为真正的餐饮选择。 结果 正如预期的那样,Pinterest Intercept 引起了观众的共鸣,产生了强烈的反应,助长了口碑,并促使越来越多的人选择我们的扬眉板。在 Pinterest 拦截启动的那一周,我们看到对 Pinterest 的平均每日印象每周增加 145%。由于这是对 Pinterest 通知的黑客攻击,我们能够用零付费媒体美元完成这一切。最终,竞选团队做了它打算做的事情,比以前在 Pinterest 上获得了更多坎贝尔的内容。 概要 最初的便利食品坎贝尔的销售额连续 30 年下降。随着从农场到餐桌和健康运动席卷美国,消费者开始青睐自制的新鲜食品,而不是预先包装的商品。问题是什么?这些食谱需要时间和精力,而我们的观众却没有,这为家庭生活提供了新的标准,对于时间紧迫的家庭来说,这是不可能实现的。雪上加霜的是,随着这些晚餐时间标准越来越复杂,相比之下,父母开始觉得自己不够。这是由 Facebook 、 Instagram 等社交媒体上的分享激增的完美 (但精心策划的) 育儿压力推动的。我们的目标: 扭转 30 年的衰退,将坎贝尔的定位为当今现实、时间拮据的家庭的便捷选择。 执行 Pinterest Intercept 是一个由数据驱动算法驱动的通知黑客。Hw 它的工作原理:?首先,一个定制的算法扫描 Pinterest,寻找最近固定的食谱,这可能会造成比它们更多的压力。它浮出水面的数据包括难以来源的成分、异常大的准备时间和听起来晦涩的技术? 然后,我们把这些食谱别针保存在一系列带有 “独特” 名字的板上,比如晚餐从一开始就注定了,当星星排列时,饭菜就要做好? 在 Pinterest 上,保存某人的 pin 码的行为会通知他们(通过应用程序和电子邮件) 例如: “坎贝尔在点击通知后,将你的 pin 钉在棋盘上,以便当星星对齐时制作”, pinners 登上了同情他们困境的木板,呼吁他们首先保存不切实际的食谱,开车去一个食谱交换工具,在那里他们可以找到他们晚餐梦想的简单版本。

    Pinterest Intercept

    案例简介:Strategy Pinterest is the second-largest repository of recipes on the internet, and is particularly well-suited to driving sales: 63% of Pinners use Pinterest to help with meal planning and 85% of daily Pinners look at Pinterest while they’re shopping in-store. Campbell’s audience also visits Pinterest more than 2x the average consumer, making it the perfect place for Campbell’s. The context of Pinterest also matches our campaign idea perfectly. While moms love Pinterest for recipes, the false and constant perfection they see on the platform causes 42% of them to feel “Pinterest Stress” - the worry that they’re not measuring up to their peers. We wanted to tell moms that it’s okay to not be perfect.And actually give them a tool to alleviate their stressful day. While getting more of our content onto Pinterest - a platform well-suited to driving sales. With Pinterest Intercept, we were able to do all three. CampaignDescription Made for Real, Real Life plays in the space between inflated expectations and *real* real life. It reminds us that the worlds we see on TV, in self-help books, and in our social feeds are not real but curated. And it celebrates the perfectly imperfect lives we truly lead, against that backdrop, using perfection as a foil. Executions against Made for Real, Real Life thumb their noses at the stereotypically perfect contexts in which they’re placed, commiserate with their audience by showing it’s more fun and rewarding to live a real life than a perfect life, and position Campbell’s products as real meal options for when we find ourselves stuck between work and soccer practice. Outcome As intended, Pinterest Intercept struck a chord with its audience, generating strong reactions that fueled word of mouth, and driving more and more people to our eyebrow-raising boards. In the week that Pinterest Intercept launched, we saw an increase of 145% to our average daily impressions on Pinterest, week over week. And since this was a hack on Pinterest notifications, we were able to do it all with zero paid media dollars. Ultimately, the campaign did what it was intended to do, getting much more Campbell’s content onto Pinterest than there was before. Synopsis Campbell’s, the original convenience food, saw declining sales volumes for 30 years in a row. As farm-to-table and health movements swept America, consumers started favoring home-made, fresh food options over pre-packaged goods. The problem? These recipes take time and effort that our audience doesn’t have, fueling a new standard of home life that’s simply not realistically achievable for time-strapped families rushing to get food on the table. To add insult to injury, with these dinnertime standards growing in complexity, parents have started feeling inadequate by comparison. This is fueled by the pressure of picture-perfect (but carefully curated) parenting proliferated by social media shares on Facebook, Instagram, etc. Our goal: Reverse the 30-year slump, by positioning Campbell’s as a convenient alternative for the real, time-strapped families of today. Execution Pinterest Intercept was a notification hack powered by a data-driven algorithm. Hw it worked:?First, a custom algorithm scanned Pinterest for recently pinned recipes likely to cause more stress than they were worth. Data it surfaced included hard-to-source ingredients, unusually large prep times, and obscure-sounding techniques?Then, we saved these recipe pins onto a series of boards with “unique” names like DINNERS DOOMED FROM THE START and MEALS TO MAKE WHEN THE STARS ALIGN?On Pinterest, the act of saving someone’s pin notifies them (through the app and over email) that, for example: “CAMPBELL’S’ repinned your pin onto the board MEALS TO MAKE WHEN THE STARS ALIGN” After clicking the notifications, Pinners landed on boards that commiserated with their plight, called them out for saving unrealistic recipes in the first place, and drove to a recipe-swapping utility where they could pin simpler versions of their dinner dreams.

    Pinterest 拦截


    Pinterest Intercept






    广告公司: 天联 (美国 纽约) 制作公司: eg+ worldwide




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