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    Sapeurs (the Society of Tastemakers and Elegant People)短视频广告营销案例



    Sapeurs (社会的品味和优雅的人)

    案例简介:简要说明: 经过多年的战争,布拉柴维尔恢复了和平,并重新出现了一群非同寻常的人: 萨普洛斯人,刚果优雅人士的社会。他们是工人阶级的普通人: 出租车司机、工厂工人、甘蔗切割机。然而,他们拒绝让自己的环境来定义他们。相反,他们穿着令人难以置信的西装,以一种简单的哲学生活: 无视环境,与生活乐趣共存。 拍摄真正的 Sapeurs,广告庆祝这些人是 “更多”。虽然他们不可思议的西装提供了丰富的视觉挂毯,但他们只是揭示了他们性格的力量,正是这些内在品质证明了一个普遍的真理: 我们所有人在生活中都有选择, 我们可以让环境来定义我们,或者我们可以挑战它。 这些人类精神的灯塔提醒我们,我们总是可以选择我们是谁。 创意执行: 刚果-布拉柴维尔是一个饱受战争蹂躏的国家,从几十年的内战中崛起,所以当制作需要 “刚果街头表演” 时,你知道这是一个挑战。尤其是当专家警告我们应该在 48 小时内进出时。 但是我们想要真实,使用真正的 Sapuers。我们派了一个游击队去和 Sapeurs 住在一起。在街头演出后,我们在雷达下拍摄了我们的纪录片,在布拉柴维尔的街道上拍摄了真正的 Sapeurs。 但是我们不能在那里拍摄电视现场,因为从技术上讲,它是一个指定的战区。我们克服了国际签证的官僚作风,并为我们的萨皮尔人获得护照,把他们飞到德班。它不仅与布拉柴维尔的独特景观相匹配,而且拥有最大的刚果社区。 由于预算有限,我们无法在遥远的地方拍摄,但是有了出色的相机工作和创造性的位置,我们能够在 10千米半径范围内拍摄一切。在另一个挑战中,我们放火烧了一个场地,正好在日落前五分钟拍摄。 所有这些都必须在为期五天的拍摄中完成,使用法国刚果翻译,与非演员合作,他们从未离开布拉柴维尔,从未在电影片场工作, 而且永远不必一遍又一遍地重复编排的动作 -- 只需要两个手持红色摄像机。 一切都发生在城镇,在枪点,奇怪的位置 “谈判”,蝎子,和 AK47 手持保安,使它成为一个生产更多。

    Sapeurs (社会的品味和优雅的人)

    案例简介:Brief Explanation: After years of war, peace has returned to Brazzaville and with it has re-emerged a group of extraordinary men: the Sapeurs, the Society of Elegant Persons of the Congo. They are working class everymen: taxi drivers, factory workers, cane cutters. However, they refuse to let their circumstances define them. Instead, they wear incredible suits and live by a simple philosophy: to defy circumstance and live with Joie de Vivre. Filming the real Sapeurs, the ad celebrates these men who are “made of more”. While their incredible suits provide a rich visual tapestry, they merely reveal the strength of their character, and it is these inner qualities that prove a universal truth: all of us have a choice in life, we can let circumstance define us, or we can defy it. These beacons of the human spirit remind us that we can always choose who we are. Creative Execution: Congo-Brazzaville is a war torn country emerging from a decades long civil war, so when the production requires “street casting in the Congo” you know it’s a challenge. Especially when experts warned we should be in and out in 48 hours. But we wanted to be authentic and use real Sapuers. We sent a guerilla crew to live with the Sapeurs. After street casting, we shot our documentary, under the radar, with real Sapeurs on the streets of Brazzaville. But we couldn’t shoot the TV spot there as it is technically a designated war zone. Overcoming the bureaucracy of international visas, and obtaining passports for our Sapeurs, we flew them to Durban. It not only matched Brazzaville’s unique landscape but also has the largest Congolese community. With limited budget, we weren’t able to shoot in far-flung locations, but with great camera work, and creative locations, we were able to film everything within a 10km radius. In another challenge we set fire to a field for a one take shot precisely five minutes to sunset. All of this had to be done in a five day shoot, using French Congolese translators, working with non-actors, who had never left Brazzaville, never been on a film set, and never had to repeat choreographed moves over and over – all with just two hand-held red cameras. Everything took place in townships, which threw up two hijackings at gun point, strange location “negotiations”, scorpions, and AK47 toting security guards, making it a production made of more.

    Sapeurs (the Society of Tastemakers and Elegant People)

    案例简介:简要说明: 经过多年的战争,布拉柴维尔恢复了和平,并重新出现了一群非同寻常的人: 萨普洛斯人,刚果优雅人士的社会。他们是工人阶级的普通人: 出租车司机、工厂工人、甘蔗切割机。然而,他们拒绝让自己的环境来定义他们。相反,他们穿着令人难以置信的西装,以一种简单的哲学生活: 无视环境,与生活乐趣共存。 拍摄真正的 Sapeurs,广告庆祝这些人是 “更多”。虽然他们不可思议的西装提供了丰富的视觉挂毯,但他们只是揭示了他们性格的力量,正是这些内在品质证明了一个普遍的真理: 我们所有人在生活中都有选择, 我们可以让环境来定义我们,或者我们可以挑战它。 这些人类精神的灯塔提醒我们,我们总是可以选择我们是谁。 创意执行: 刚果-布拉柴维尔是一个饱受战争蹂躏的国家,从几十年的内战中崛起,所以当制作需要 “刚果街头表演” 时,你知道这是一个挑战。尤其是当专家警告我们应该在 48 小时内进出时。 但是我们想要真实,使用真正的 Sapuers。我们派了一个游击队去和 Sapeurs 住在一起。在街头演出后,我们在雷达下拍摄了我们的纪录片,在布拉柴维尔的街道上拍摄了真正的 Sapeurs。 但是我们不能在那里拍摄电视现场,因为从技术上讲,它是一个指定的战区。我们克服了国际签证的官僚作风,并为我们的萨皮尔人获得护照,把他们飞到德班。它不仅与布拉柴维尔的独特景观相匹配,而且拥有最大的刚果社区。 由于预算有限,我们无法在遥远的地方拍摄,但是有了出色的相机工作和创造性的位置,我们能够在 10千米半径范围内拍摄一切。在另一个挑战中,我们放火烧了一个场地,正好在日落前五分钟拍摄。 所有这些都必须在为期五天的拍摄中完成,使用法国刚果翻译,与非演员合作,他们从未离开布拉柴维尔,从未在电影片场工作, 而且永远不必一遍又一遍地重复编排的动作 -- 只需要两个手持红色摄像机。 一切都发生在城镇,在枪点,奇怪的位置 “谈判”,蝎子,和 AK47 手持保安,使它成为一个生产更多。

    Sapeurs (the Society of Tastemakers and Elegant People)

    案例简介:Brief Explanation: After years of war, peace has returned to Brazzaville and with it has re-emerged a group of extraordinary men: the Sapeurs, the Society of Elegant Persons of the Congo. They are working class everymen: taxi drivers, factory workers, cane cutters. However, they refuse to let their circumstances define them. Instead, they wear incredible suits and live by a simple philosophy: to defy circumstance and live with Joie de Vivre. Filming the real Sapeurs, the ad celebrates these men who are “made of more”. While their incredible suits provide a rich visual tapestry, they merely reveal the strength of their character, and it is these inner qualities that prove a universal truth: all of us have a choice in life, we can let circumstance define us, or we can defy it. These beacons of the human spirit remind us that we can always choose who we are. Creative Execution: Congo-Brazzaville is a war torn country emerging from a decades long civil war, so when the production requires “street casting in the Congo” you know it’s a challenge. Especially when experts warned we should be in and out in 48 hours. But we wanted to be authentic and use real Sapuers. We sent a guerilla crew to live with the Sapeurs. After street casting, we shot our documentary, under the radar, with real Sapeurs on the streets of Brazzaville. But we couldn’t shoot the TV spot there as it is technically a designated war zone. Overcoming the bureaucracy of international visas, and obtaining passports for our Sapeurs, we flew them to Durban. It not only matched Brazzaville’s unique landscape but also has the largest Congolese community. With limited budget, we weren’t able to shoot in far-flung locations, but with great camera work, and creative locations, we were able to film everything within a 10km radius. In another challenge we set fire to a field for a one take shot precisely five minutes to sunset. All of this had to be done in a five day shoot, using French Congolese translators, working with non-actors, who had never left Brazzaville, never been on a film set, and never had to repeat choreographed moves over and over – all with just two hand-held red cameras. Everything took place in townships, which threw up two hijackings at gun point, strange location “negotiations”, scorpions, and AK47 toting security guards, making it a production made of more.

    Sapeurs (社会的品味和优雅的人)


    Sapeurs (the Society of Tastemakers and Elegant People)






    广告公司: 天联 (英国 伦敦)


    Made of More



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