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    案例简介:TBWAHuntLascaris 在著名的戛纳国际广告节上为津巴布韦报纸赢得了创纪录数量的戛纳狮子。这是南非 56 年历史上获奖最多的一次活动。 上下文 霍乱、贫困、饥饿和经济全面崩溃。正是因为报道了过去 5 年的这些事情,津巴布韦记者才被流放。这些记者现在遍布世界各地,他们聚集在一起制作了一份名为津巴布韦的报纸。津巴布韦报纸在南非出版并在英国和津巴布韦出售,该报及其工作人员受到穆加贝政权的迫害。由于无法阻止报纸进入津巴布韦,赞努政权对其负有责任。它是唯一一种在穿越边境时价格翻了一番的外国纸张。对于贫困的津巴布韦人来说,报纸的沉重负担使其负担不起。为了把报纸交到他们手中,津巴布韦人意识到他们必须在南非卖出更多的报纸。但是大多数南非人已经厌倦了从我们的北方邻居那里听到坏消息。挑战是让他们面对这个问题。毫无价值的津巴布韦货币的巨大面额是该国被毁经济的辛酸象征,也是普通津巴布韦人每天面临的困难。 哲学/解决方案 津巴布韦报纸发起了一场运动,纸币确实传达了这一信息。津巴布韦最初印有一个曾经美丽繁荣的国家的照片,他补充道: 现在用钱印刷比纸便宜。传单、海报、壁画和广告牌 -- 都由数万亿万亿毫无价值的津巴布韦货币组成 -- 本周正在约翰内斯堡四处走动。这一次,这种货币有一个目的: 强调津巴布韦人民面临的持续危机,并促进将有所帮助的新闻自由。 结果 TBWAHuntLascaris 的集团总经理加文 · 赫伦欣喜若狂,作为一家机构,我们对这场胜利感到激动和谦卑,不能为我们的团队感到骄傲!该小组第一次开始开展这项运动的目的是尽可能有效地提请人们注意津巴布韦报纸和津巴布韦的困境。赢得这些奖项是一项伟大的活动的樱桃,该活动为津巴布韦人带来了卓越的销售业绩。


    案例简介:TBWAHuntLascaris has won a record number of Cannes Lions for its Trillion Dollar campaign for The Zimbabwean newspaper at the prestigious annual Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival. This is the single most awarded campaign coming out of South Africa in Cannes’ 56 year history. Context Cholera, poverty, starvation and total economic collapse. It is for reporting on these things over the past 5 years that Zimbabwean journalists have been exiled. A group of these journalists, now based around the world, have come together to produce a newspaper called The Zimbabwean. Published in South Africa and sold here, in the UK and in Zimbabwe itself, The Zimbabwean newspaper and its staff have been persecuted by the Mugabe regime. Unable to stop the paper entering Zimbabwe, the ZANU regime targets it with a duty. It’s the only ‘foreign’ paper that has its price doubled as it crosses the border. For impoverished Zimbabweans, the heavy duty on the paper makes it unaffordable. To get the paper into their hands, The Zimbabwean realised they would have to sell many more papers in South Africa. But most South Africans are already tired of hearing about bad news from our northern neighbour. The challenge was to bring them face to face with the problem. The huge denominations of worthless Zimbabwean currency are a poignant symbol of the country’s ruined economy as well as the hardships ordinary Zimbabweans face each day. Philosophy/Solution The Zimbabwean newspaper has launched a campaign in which the banknotes literally carry the message. Originally printed with pictures of a once-beautiful and prosperous country, the Zimbabwean has added its message: it’s now cheaper to print on money than paper. Flyers, posters, murals and billboards- all composed of trillions and trillions of worthless Zimbabwean currency- are making their way around the city of Johannesburg this week. For once, this currency has a purpose: To highlight the ongoing crisis that faces the people of Zimbabwe, and to promote the freedom of the press that will help. Results Gavin Heron, Group Managing Director for TBWAHuntLascaris enthused, “As an agency we are thrilled and humbled by this win and couldn’t be prouder of our team! The aim when the team first started working on this campaign was to draw attention to the plight of The Zimbabwean newspaper and Zimbabwe as effectively as possibly. Winning these awards is the cherry on top of a great campaign which delivered exceptional sales results for The Zimbabwean.

    Fight the Regime

    案例简介:TBWAHuntLascaris 在著名的戛纳国际广告节上为津巴布韦报纸赢得了创纪录数量的戛纳狮子。这是南非 56 年历史上获奖最多的一次活动。 上下文 霍乱、贫困、饥饿和经济全面崩溃。正是因为报道了过去 5 年的这些事情,津巴布韦记者才被流放。这些记者现在遍布世界各地,他们聚集在一起制作了一份名为津巴布韦的报纸。津巴布韦报纸在南非出版并在英国和津巴布韦出售,该报及其工作人员受到穆加贝政权的迫害。由于无法阻止报纸进入津巴布韦,赞努政权对其负有责任。它是唯一一种在穿越边境时价格翻了一番的外国纸张。对于贫困的津巴布韦人来说,报纸的沉重负担使其负担不起。为了把报纸交到他们手中,津巴布韦人意识到他们必须在南非卖出更多的报纸。但是大多数南非人已经厌倦了从我们的北方邻居那里听到坏消息。挑战是让他们面对这个问题。毫无价值的津巴布韦货币的巨大面额是该国被毁经济的辛酸象征,也是普通津巴布韦人每天面临的困难。 哲学/解决方案 津巴布韦报纸发起了一场运动,纸币确实传达了这一信息。津巴布韦最初印有一个曾经美丽繁荣的国家的照片,他补充道: 现在用钱印刷比纸便宜。传单、海报、壁画和广告牌 -- 都由数万亿万亿毫无价值的津巴布韦货币组成 -- 本周正在约翰内斯堡四处走动。这一次,这种货币有一个目的: 强调津巴布韦人民面临的持续危机,并促进将有所帮助的新闻自由。 结果 TBWAHuntLascaris 的集团总经理加文 · 赫伦欣喜若狂,作为一家机构,我们对这场胜利感到激动和谦卑,不能为我们的团队感到骄傲!该小组第一次开始开展这项运动的目的是尽可能有效地提请人们注意津巴布韦报纸和津巴布韦的困境。赢得这些奖项是一项伟大的活动的樱桃,该活动为津巴布韦人带来了卓越的销售业绩。

    Fight the Regime

    案例简介:TBWAHuntLascaris has won a record number of Cannes Lions for its Trillion Dollar campaign for The Zimbabwean newspaper at the prestigious annual Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival. This is the single most awarded campaign coming out of South Africa in Cannes’ 56 year history. Context Cholera, poverty, starvation and total economic collapse. It is for reporting on these things over the past 5 years that Zimbabwean journalists have been exiled. A group of these journalists, now based around the world, have come together to produce a newspaper called The Zimbabwean. Published in South Africa and sold here, in the UK and in Zimbabwe itself, The Zimbabwean newspaper and its staff have been persecuted by the Mugabe regime. Unable to stop the paper entering Zimbabwe, the ZANU regime targets it with a duty. It’s the only ‘foreign’ paper that has its price doubled as it crosses the border. For impoverished Zimbabweans, the heavy duty on the paper makes it unaffordable. To get the paper into their hands, The Zimbabwean realised they would have to sell many more papers in South Africa. But most South Africans are already tired of hearing about bad news from our northern neighbour. The challenge was to bring them face to face with the problem. The huge denominations of worthless Zimbabwean currency are a poignant symbol of the country’s ruined economy as well as the hardships ordinary Zimbabweans face each day. Philosophy/Solution The Zimbabwean newspaper has launched a campaign in which the banknotes literally carry the message. Originally printed with pictures of a once-beautiful and prosperous country, the Zimbabwean has added its message: it’s now cheaper to print on money than paper. Flyers, posters, murals and billboards- all composed of trillions and trillions of worthless Zimbabwean currency- are making their way around the city of Johannesburg this week. For once, this currency has a purpose: To highlight the ongoing crisis that faces the people of Zimbabwe, and to promote the freedom of the press that will help. Results Gavin Heron, Group Managing Director for TBWAHuntLascaris enthused, “As an agency we are thrilled and humbled by this win and couldn’t be prouder of our team! The aim when the team first started working on this campaign was to draw attention to the plight of The Zimbabwean newspaper and Zimbabwe as effectively as possibly. Winning these awards is the cherry on top of a great campaign which delivered exceptional sales results for The Zimbabwean.



    Fight the Regime










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