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    案例简介:背景 加拿大性别创意儿童是蒙特利尔的一个非营利性跨性别权利倡导组织,由跨性别儿童的父母创立。近年来,对跨性别权利的认识显着提高。但是恐惧症也是如此。跨性别恐惧症是非常有害的,研究报告说,有41% 的跨性别者曾尝试自杀。 在这种情况下,他们向我们介绍了一个公开的摘要: 使世界成为跨性别青年更容易接受的地方。这是该项目的唯一目标。预算是0美元。整个项目由公司捐款、省政府赠款和原子能机构及其合作伙伴捐赠的几个小时资助。You Inside项目包括目前在加拿大学校中使用的500 Sam玩具,以教育和让孩子们参与有关成长的含义的讨论,质疑您的性别认同。 描述创意 (投票40%) 我们最关键的见解是,没有人天生恐惧症。这是习得的行为。如果我们要实现有意义的文化变革,我们需要在恐惧症开始之前找到一种方法来制止它。我们的解决方案: 山姆,世界上第一个教育性变性人玩具。 Sam是 “You Inside” 项目的核心,该项目是为教师,心理学家,父母和儿童保育专业人员设计的教育计划,旨在以他们容易理解的方式直接向儿童传达我们的同理心和理解信息。该项目还包括一部短片《山姆的故事》和一本教育小册子。 描述执行 (投票40%) 随着短片 “山姆的故事” 的推出,You Inside Project将山姆作为动画角色和玩具。该玩具的设计基于熟悉的俄罗斯嵌套娃娃,以便孩子们可以轻松识别许多年轻人在质疑其性别身份时经历的不同情感阶段。角色设计既简单又引人入胜,让孩子们了解Sam在每一步的感受以及原因。大胆的调色板和面部表情在每个阶段都能快速传达出预期的情感,而共同的元素则将角色联系在一起。电影中的每个阶段也都栩栩如生,加深了孩子们对角色的情感联系。Sam的设计既需要作为物理玩具,也需要作为动画角色,在确保两者之间的联系的同时,优化每种媒体的情感可能性。 列出结果 (投票20%) “山姆的故事” 吸引了来自新闻和文化网站,LGBTQ倡导团体,名人和设计组织的100万多个有机观点和重要的媒体报道。对Sam的热情支持来自HuffPost,CBC,LaPresse,Mashable,Upworthy,ABC News和George Takei在美国,以及来自欧洲,亚洲和澳大利亚的国际支持。 这部电影产生了3.5万股和7.3万评论,参与促成了500 Sam toys的首次生产,该公司目前已作为政府试点项目的一部分在学校中使用。 我们还需要很多年才能知道该项目在减少恐惧症方面的真正成功,但它对该组织的影响是巨大的,直接导致他们收到了有史以来最大的捐款 (100万美元)。


    案例简介:Background Gender Creative Kids Canada is a not-for-profit trans rights advocacy organization in Montreal, founded by the parents of transgender children. Awareness of transgender rights has increased significantly in recent years. But so has transphobia. And transphobia is incredibly harmful, with research reporting that 41% of trans people have attempted suicide. Within this context, they came to us with an open brief: to make the world a more accepting place for trans youth. This was the sole objective of the project. The budget was $0. The entire project was funded by corporate donations, a provincial government grant and donated hours from the agency and its partners. The You Inside Project consists of 500 Sam toys currently being used in Canadian schools to educate and engage children in a discussion about what it means to grow up questioning your gender identity. Describe the creative idea (40% of vote) Our most critical insight was that nobody is born transphobic. It is learned behaviour. If we were to achieve meaningful cultural change we needed to find a way to stop transphobia before it starts. Our solution: Sam, the world’s first educational transgender toy. Sam was launched as the centrepiece of The You Inside Project, an educational program designed for teachers, psychologists, parents and child care professionals to directly communicate our message of empathy and understanding to children in a way they could easily understand. The project also included a short film, "Sam’s Story", and an educational booklet. Describe the execution (40% of vote) The You Inside Project introduced Sam as both an animated character and a toy with the launch of the short film "Sam’s Story". The design of the toy is based on familiar Russian nesting dolls so that children can easily identify the different emotional stages many young people go through while questioning their gender identity. The character design is simple yet engaging, allowing children to understand what Sam is feeling at each step, and why. The bold colour palette and facial expressions quickly convey the intended emotion at each stage while common elements connect the characters. Each stage was also brought to life in the film, deepening the emotional connection children felt for the character. Sam’s design needed to work as both a physical toy and as an animated character, optimizing the emotional possibilities of each media while ensuring a connection between the two. List the results (20% of vote) "Sam’s Story" attracted more than 1 million organic views and significant media coverage from news and culture sites, LGBTQ advocacy groups, celebrities and design organizations. Passionate support for Sam came from HuffPost, CBC, LaPresse, Mashable, Upworthy, ABC News and George Takei in the U.S., as well as international support from Europe, Asia and Australia. The film generated 3.5K shares and 7.3K comments, engagement that led to funding for the first production run of 500 Sam toys, which are now being used in schools as part of a government pilot project. It will be many years before we will know the true success of the project in terms of reducing transphobia, but its impact has been immense for the organization, directly leading to their largest ever donation received ($100K).

    Projet Au Cœur de Toi

    案例简介:背景 加拿大性别创意儿童是蒙特利尔的一个非营利性跨性别权利倡导组织,由跨性别儿童的父母创立。近年来,对跨性别权利的认识显着提高。但是恐惧症也是如此。跨性别恐惧症是非常有害的,研究报告说,有41% 的跨性别者曾尝试自杀。 在这种情况下,他们向我们介绍了一个公开的摘要: 使世界成为跨性别青年更容易接受的地方。这是该项目的唯一目标。预算是0美元。整个项目由公司捐款、省政府赠款和原子能机构及其合作伙伴捐赠的几个小时资助。You Inside项目包括目前在加拿大学校中使用的500 Sam玩具,以教育和让孩子们参与有关成长的含义的讨论,质疑您的性别认同。 描述创意 (投票40%) 我们最关键的见解是,没有人天生恐惧症。这是习得的行为。如果我们要实现有意义的文化变革,我们需要在恐惧症开始之前找到一种方法来制止它。我们的解决方案: 山姆,世界上第一个教育性变性人玩具。 Sam是 “You Inside” 项目的核心,该项目是为教师,心理学家,父母和儿童保育专业人员设计的教育计划,旨在以他们容易理解的方式直接向儿童传达我们的同理心和理解信息。该项目还包括一部短片《山姆的故事》和一本教育小册子。 描述执行 (投票40%) 随着短片 “山姆的故事” 的推出,You Inside Project将山姆作为动画角色和玩具。该玩具的设计基于熟悉的俄罗斯嵌套娃娃,以便孩子们可以轻松识别许多年轻人在质疑其性别身份时经历的不同情感阶段。角色设计既简单又引人入胜,让孩子们了解Sam在每一步的感受以及原因。大胆的调色板和面部表情在每个阶段都能快速传达出预期的情感,而共同的元素则将角色联系在一起。电影中的每个阶段也都栩栩如生,加深了孩子们对角色的情感联系。Sam的设计既需要作为物理玩具,也需要作为动画角色,在确保两者之间的联系的同时,优化每种媒体的情感可能性。 列出结果 (投票20%) “山姆的故事” 吸引了来自新闻和文化网站,LGBTQ倡导团体,名人和设计组织的100万多个有机观点和重要的媒体报道。对Sam的热情支持来自HuffPost,CBC,LaPresse,Mashable,Upworthy,ABC News和George Takei在美国,以及来自欧洲,亚洲和澳大利亚的国际支持。 这部电影产生了3.5万股和7.3万评论,参与促成了500 Sam toys的首次生产,该公司目前已作为政府试点项目的一部分在学校中使用。 我们还需要很多年才能知道该项目在减少恐惧症方面的真正成功,但它对该组织的影响是巨大的,直接导致他们收到了有史以来最大的捐款 (100万美元)。

    Projet Au Cœur de Toi

    案例简介:Background Gender Creative Kids Canada is a not-for-profit trans rights advocacy organization in Montreal, founded by the parents of transgender children. Awareness of transgender rights has increased significantly in recent years. But so has transphobia. And transphobia is incredibly harmful, with research reporting that 41% of trans people have attempted suicide. Within this context, they came to us with an open brief: to make the world a more accepting place for trans youth. This was the sole objective of the project. The budget was $0. The entire project was funded by corporate donations, a provincial government grant and donated hours from the agency and its partners. The You Inside Project consists of 500 Sam toys currently being used in Canadian schools to educate and engage children in a discussion about what it means to grow up questioning your gender identity. Describe the creative idea (40% of vote) Our most critical insight was that nobody is born transphobic. It is learned behaviour. If we were to achieve meaningful cultural change we needed to find a way to stop transphobia before it starts. Our solution: Sam, the world’s first educational transgender toy. Sam was launched as the centrepiece of The You Inside Project, an educational program designed for teachers, psychologists, parents and child care professionals to directly communicate our message of empathy and understanding to children in a way they could easily understand. The project also included a short film, "Sam’s Story", and an educational booklet. Describe the execution (40% of vote) The You Inside Project introduced Sam as both an animated character and a toy with the launch of the short film "Sam’s Story". The design of the toy is based on familiar Russian nesting dolls so that children can easily identify the different emotional stages many young people go through while questioning their gender identity. The character design is simple yet engaging, allowing children to understand what Sam is feeling at each step, and why. The bold colour palette and facial expressions quickly convey the intended emotion at each stage while common elements connect the characters. Each stage was also brought to life in the film, deepening the emotional connection children felt for the character. Sam’s design needed to work as both a physical toy and as an animated character, optimizing the emotional possibilities of each media while ensuring a connection between the two. List the results (20% of vote) "Sam’s Story" attracted more than 1 million organic views and significant media coverage from news and culture sites, LGBTQ advocacy groups, celebrities and design organizations. Passionate support for Sam came from HuffPost, CBC, LaPresse, Mashable, Upworthy, ABC News and George Takei in the U.S., as well as international support from Europe, Asia and Australia. The film generated 3.5K shares and 7.3K comments, engagement that led to funding for the first production run of 500 Sam toys, which are now being used in schools as part of a government pilot project. It will be many years before we will know the true success of the project in terms of reducing transphobia, but its impact has been immense for the organization, directly leading to their largest ever donation received ($100K).



    Projet Au Cœur de Toi










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