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    Whopper Exchange短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:战略 由于糟糕的礼物会影响所有年龄和背景的人,我们的目标是每个人。这项运动是由一部轻松的数字电影发起的,电影中人们在汉堡王社交平台上展示糟糕的礼物。 carollers 驻扎在购物区,邀请每个人通过歌曲来参与这项运动。我们拍摄了激活,并在网上发布,增加了项目的覆盖面。与出售糟糕礼物的商店合作,让我们把信息藏在包装纸里,上面写着: “如果你不喜欢礼物,就用它来换取免费礼物。” 活动描述 我们把火焰烤扭在再送礼物上,解决了圣诞袜子的问题,让每个人都通过用糟糕的礼物换取免费礼物来奖励自己。 12月26日,人们可以去美国、英国、巴西、墨西哥和俄罗斯的汉堡王餐馆,用他们糟糕的礼物交换一份华而不实的礼物。在社交网络上,最初几百人在 # WhopperExchange 上发布他们不想要的礼物照片,他们得到了一张礼品卡,可以在任何汉堡王餐厅兑换成免费的 Whopper。所有不需要的礼物都捐赠给了慈善机构。 概要 我们关注的是,每个人每年都会收到阿姨、祖母甚至男朋友至少一份糟糕的圣诞礼物。 执行 因为这必须是一场低预算的运动,所以我们必须在执行上有效率。启动电影: 因为这项运动是在人们有不同外表的国家推广的,所以我们只使用手。帮助我们节省演员的使用权。推出电影和 Carollers 歌曲: 我们选择了具有免费使用权的古典圣诞歌曲,并根据汉堡王的品牌改编了它们的歌词。销售点: 为了推广这项活动,我们创建了独家的标志交流和独特的汉堡王包装纸。 相关性 在圣诞节期间,人们往往不会多想汉堡。为了引发关于汉堡王的对话,我们寻找了圣诞节的一些方面,这些方面不同于汉堡王,不是 “你的方式”,并提出了一个能够引起积极反应的提议: 用 “他们的方式” 交换糟糕的礼物。这场运动的所有内容都集中在直接反应上。就像包装纸隐藏了一个特殊的信息,只有在打开礼物的确切时刻才能看到。 结果 这个小小的圣诞奇迹获得了 11亿的媒体印象和价值 1050万美元的媒体收入,并向慈善机构捐赠了 1000 多份礼物。


    案例简介:Strategy Since lousy gifts affect people of all ages and backgrounds, we targeted everyone. The campaign was launched with a light-hearted digital film of people unwrapping lousy gifts on Burger King Social platforms.Carollers were stationed around shopping areas, inviting everyone to participate through songs with adapted lyrics for the campaign. We filmed the activation and published it online as well, increasing the project’s reach.A partnership with stores that sold lousy gifts let us hide messages inside their wrapping paper that read: “If you didn’t like the present, exchange it for a Free Whopper.” CampaignDescription We put a flame-grilled twist on re-gifting, solved the Christmas sock problem, and let everyone reward themselves by exchanging lousy gifts for free Whoppers.On December 26th, people could go to Burger King restaurants in the USA, UK, Brazil, Mexico and Russia to exchange their lousy gift for a Whopper. On social networks, the first few hundred people to post a photo of their unwanted gift with #WhopperExchange got a gift card they could redeem for a free Whopper in any Burger King restaurant. All unwanted gifts were donated to charity. Synopsis We focused on the fact that everyone, every year, receives at least one lousy Christmas gift from an aunt, a grandmother, even a boyfriend. Execution Since this had to be a low budget campaign, we had to be efficient on the execution.Launch Film:Since the campaign was promoted in countries where people have different appearances, we only used hands. Helping us save on cast usage rights as well.Launch Film and Carollers songs:We chose classical Christmas songs with free usage rights and adapted their lyrics to Burger King’s brand.Point of Sale:To promote the campaign we created exclusive sign communication and unique Burger King wrapping paper. Relevancy People don’t tend to think much about burgers during the Christmas season. To spark a conversation about Burger King, we looked for aspects of Christmas that, unlike Burger King, are not “Your Way” and made an offer capable of provoking a positive reaction: exchanging lousy gifts for gifts “their way”. All of the elements of the campaign focused on a direct response. Like the wrapping paper that hid a special message, only to be seen in the exact moment of unwrapping a gift. Outcome This minor Christmas miracle gained 1.1 Billion media impressions and 10.5 Million dollars worth of earned media, and more than a thousand gifts were donated to charity.

    Whopper Exchange

    案例简介:战略 由于糟糕的礼物会影响所有年龄和背景的人,我们的目标是每个人。这项运动是由一部轻松的数字电影发起的,电影中人们在汉堡王社交平台上展示糟糕的礼物。 carollers 驻扎在购物区,邀请每个人通过歌曲来参与这项运动。我们拍摄了激活,并在网上发布,增加了项目的覆盖面。与出售糟糕礼物的商店合作,让我们把信息藏在包装纸里,上面写着: “如果你不喜欢礼物,就用它来换取免费礼物。” 活动描述 我们把火焰烤扭在再送礼物上,解决了圣诞袜子的问题,让每个人都通过用糟糕的礼物换取免费礼物来奖励自己。 12月26日,人们可以去美国、英国、巴西、墨西哥和俄罗斯的汉堡王餐馆,用他们糟糕的礼物交换一份华而不实的礼物。在社交网络上,最初几百人在 # WhopperExchange 上发布他们不想要的礼物照片,他们得到了一张礼品卡,可以在任何汉堡王餐厅兑换成免费的 Whopper。所有不需要的礼物都捐赠给了慈善机构。 概要 我们关注的是,每个人每年都会收到阿姨、祖母甚至男朋友至少一份糟糕的圣诞礼物。 执行 因为这必须是一场低预算的运动,所以我们必须在执行上有效率。启动电影: 因为这项运动是在人们有不同外表的国家推广的,所以我们只使用手。帮助我们节省演员的使用权。推出电影和 Carollers 歌曲: 我们选择了具有免费使用权的古典圣诞歌曲,并根据汉堡王的品牌改编了它们的歌词。销售点: 为了推广这项活动,我们创建了独家的标志交流和独特的汉堡王包装纸。 相关性 在圣诞节期间,人们往往不会多想汉堡。为了引发关于汉堡王的对话,我们寻找了圣诞节的一些方面,这些方面不同于汉堡王,不是 “你的方式”,并提出了一个能够引起积极反应的提议: 用 “他们的方式” 交换糟糕的礼物。这场运动的所有内容都集中在直接反应上。就像包装纸隐藏了一个特殊的信息,只有在打开礼物的确切时刻才能看到。 结果 这个小小的圣诞奇迹获得了 11亿的媒体印象和价值 1050万美元的媒体收入,并向慈善机构捐赠了 1000 多份礼物。

    Whopper Exchange

    案例简介:Strategy Since lousy gifts affect people of all ages and backgrounds, we targeted everyone. The campaign was launched with a light-hearted digital film of people unwrapping lousy gifts on Burger King Social platforms.Carollers were stationed around shopping areas, inviting everyone to participate through songs with adapted lyrics for the campaign. We filmed the activation and published it online as well, increasing the project’s reach.A partnership with stores that sold lousy gifts let us hide messages inside their wrapping paper that read: “If you didn’t like the present, exchange it for a Free Whopper.” CampaignDescription We put a flame-grilled twist on re-gifting, solved the Christmas sock problem, and let everyone reward themselves by exchanging lousy gifts for free Whoppers.On December 26th, people could go to Burger King restaurants in the USA, UK, Brazil, Mexico and Russia to exchange their lousy gift for a Whopper. On social networks, the first few hundred people to post a photo of their unwanted gift with #WhopperExchange got a gift card they could redeem for a free Whopper in any Burger King restaurant. All unwanted gifts were donated to charity. Synopsis We focused on the fact that everyone, every year, receives at least one lousy Christmas gift from an aunt, a grandmother, even a boyfriend. Execution Since this had to be a low budget campaign, we had to be efficient on the execution.Launch Film:Since the campaign was promoted in countries where people have different appearances, we only used hands. Helping us save on cast usage rights as well.Launch Film and Carollers songs:We chose classical Christmas songs with free usage rights and adapted their lyrics to Burger King’s brand.Point of Sale:To promote the campaign we created exclusive sign communication and unique Burger King wrapping paper. Relevancy People don’t tend to think much about burgers during the Christmas season. To spark a conversation about Burger King, we looked for aspects of Christmas that, unlike Burger King, are not “Your Way” and made an offer capable of provoking a positive reaction: exchanging lousy gifts for gifts “their way”. All of the elements of the campaign focused on a direct response. Like the wrapping paper that hid a special message, only to be seen in the exact moment of unwrapping a gift. Outcome This minor Christmas miracle gained 1.1 Billion media impressions and 10.5 Million dollars worth of earned media, and more than a thousand gifts were donated to charity.



    Whopper Exchange










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