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    The Isolates Cinema微电影,TVC广告营销案例




    案例简介:哥德堡电影节在偏远的灯塔岛上隔离了电影爱好者7天 全球大流行迫使世界电影院关闭。因此,斯堪的纳维亚半岛最大的电影节正在佩特诺斯特灯塔岛上创建孤立的电影院。一位电影爱好者将能够在遥远的海上岩石上完全隔离地欣赏电影节,而电影是他或她的唯一伴侣。还将在哥德堡的两个标志性场所进行独家的单人电影放映。 今天,我们的世界看起来非常不同,哥德堡电影节也是如此。2021年的电影节将是数字化的,观众可以通过数字平台观看所有的电影、首映式和演讲。一些参与者还将获得真实的体验,有机会完全隐居地观看电影: 孤立的电影院。 哥德堡电影节正在寻找一个热衷于接受挑战的人,在偏远的灯塔岛帕特 · 诺斯特 (Pater Noster) 度过一周的社交隔离,这是一个僻静的海上地点,远离家人,朋友和手机。唯一的公司将是《海洋的噪音》和节日电影。欢迎大家通过节日网站申请在Pater Noster上的现场。电影节还将在斯堪的纳维亚竞技场和德拉肯电影院一次为一个人提供孤立的电影放映。 在Youtube上查看预告片: https://youtu.be/8hcSAya7vKc -2021年的电影节焦点,社交距离,考察了大流行后出现的新世界,以及电影在这个新世界中的作用。在标志性的地点为单人观众创造孤立的电影体验是确保节日放映完全安全的一种方式,但这也是一种尝试,以处理大流行如何改变了人们与电影的关系。在帕特 · 诺斯特 (Pater Noster) 上,这一切都是关于过去一年世界上这么多人经历的完全隔离。哥德堡电影节艺术总监乔纳斯 · 霍尔姆伯格 (Jonas Holmberg) 说,在斯堪的纳维亚竞技场或Draken电影院中完全孤独的感觉与人们改变的关系联系在一起,人们现在必须与所有通常因活动而嗡嗡作响但现在已经荒废的地方联系在一起。 帕特 · 诺斯特 (Pater Noster) 是北海的一座孤独的灯塔,栖息在瑞典最贫瘠,风吹草动的地方之一的群岛边缘。在那里,一个孤独的电影爱好者将被隔离整整一周,只有电影节节目供公司使用。他或她每天都会提供有关电影的报告,以及在广阔的大海中独自一人在一块孤立的岩石上的经历。 斯堪的纳维亚半岛是瑞典人数最多的竞技场之一,是世界冰球锦标赛的举办地,并与滚石乐队和惠特尼 · 休斯顿等艺术家举行了现场音乐会。在节日期间,与世隔绝的游客将完全独自坐在溜冰场中心的电影院座位上,而巨大的看台则空无一人。 Draken电影院是哥德堡电影节及其选定的首映场所的核心。每年热情的观众都聚集在那里欣赏最新的电影。今年的晚会首映式将只有一位观众参加。游客独自坐在剧院里,在窗帘升起和电影开始之前,将从电影制片人那里获得个人介绍。 在斯堪的纳维亚姆和德拉肯举行的电影节孤立电影放映的门票将在通过电影节网站注册的游客中抽奖。注册将于1月4日在 https://goteborgfilmfestival.se/en/the-isolated-cinema/ 。对于帕特 · 诺斯特 (Pater Noster) 上的单一职位,将持续对选定的申请人进行面试。选定的将在1月19日宣布,并将从1月30日起隔离一周。


    案例简介:Göteborg Film Festival isolates film enthusiast for 7 days on remote lighthouse island The global pandemic has forced the world’s cinemas to close down. The biggest film festival in Scandinavia is therefore creating The Isolated Cinema on the lighthouse island of Pater Noster. One film enthusiast will be able to enjoy the festival in total isolation on a rock far out at sea, with film as his or her only companion. There will also be exclusive one-person film screenings at two iconic venues in Göteborg. Our world looks very different today, and so too does Göteborg Film Festival. The 2021 festival will be digital, with audience having access to all the films, premieres and talks via a digital platform. Some participants will also get a real-life experience with the opportunity to watch the films in total seclusion: The Isolated Cinema. Göteborg Film Festival is looking for someone keen to take on the challenge of spending one week in social isolation on the remote lighthouse island of Pater Noster, a secluded spot out at sea, far away from family, friends and mobile phone. The only company will be the noise of the sea – and the festival films. Everyone is welcome to apply for the spot on Pater Noster via the festival website. The festival will also be offering isolated film screenings for one person at a time at the Scandinavium arena and the Draken cinema. View the trailer on Youtube: https://youtu.be/8hcSAya7vKc – The 2021 festival focus, Social Distances, examines the new world that has emerged in the wake of the pandemic, and the role of film in this new world. The creation of isolated film experiences for single-person audiences at iconic sites is a way of ensuring entirely safe festival screenings, but it is also an attempt to process how the pandemic has changed people’s relationships with film. On Pater Noster it’s all about the total isolation experienced by so many people the world over this past year. The sensation of being utterly alone in the Scandinavium arena or Draken cinema ties in with the altered relationship people now have to all those places that normally buzz with activity but are now deserted, says Jonas Holmberg, Artistic Director at Göteborg Film Festival. Pater Noster is a lonely lighthouse in the North Sea perched at the very edge of the archipelago in one of Sweden’s most barren, windswept locations. That’s where a solitary film enthusiast will be secluded for an entire week, with only the film festival programme for company. Every day he or she will provide a report about the films and the experience of being alone on an isolated rock in a vast sea. Scandinavium is one of Sweden’s most well-attended arenas, home to the World Ice Hockey Championships and live concerts with artists such as the Rolling Stones and Whitney Houston. During the festival the isolated visitor will sit completely alone in a cinema seat at the centre of the rink while the massive stands gape empty. The Draken Cinema is the very heart of Göteborg Film Festival and its chosen premiere venue. Every year enthusiastic audiences gather there to enjoy the latest films. This year the gala premieres will each be attended by just one viewer. Sitting alone in the theatre, the visitor will get a personal introduction from the filmmakers before the curtains rise and the film begins. Tickets for the festival’s isolated film screenings at Scandinavium and Draken will be raffled among visitors who register via the festival website. Registration begins on January 4th at https://goteborgfilmfestival.se/en/the-isolated-cinema/. For the single spot on Pater Noster, interviews with selected applicants will take place on an ongoing basis. The chosen one will be announced on January 19 and will be isolated for one week from January 30.

    The Isolates Cinema

    案例简介:哥德堡电影节在偏远的灯塔岛上隔离了电影爱好者7天 全球大流行迫使世界电影院关闭。因此,斯堪的纳维亚半岛最大的电影节正在佩特诺斯特灯塔岛上创建孤立的电影院。一位电影爱好者将能够在遥远的海上岩石上完全隔离地欣赏电影节,而电影是他或她的唯一伴侣。还将在哥德堡的两个标志性场所进行独家的单人电影放映。 今天,我们的世界看起来非常不同,哥德堡电影节也是如此。2021年的电影节将是数字化的,观众可以通过数字平台观看所有的电影、首映式和演讲。一些参与者还将获得真实的体验,有机会完全隐居地观看电影: 孤立的电影院。 哥德堡电影节正在寻找一个热衷于接受挑战的人,在偏远的灯塔岛帕特 · 诺斯特 (Pater Noster) 度过一周的社交隔离,这是一个僻静的海上地点,远离家人,朋友和手机。唯一的公司将是《海洋的噪音》和节日电影。欢迎大家通过节日网站申请在Pater Noster上的现场。电影节还将在斯堪的纳维亚竞技场和德拉肯电影院一次为一个人提供孤立的电影放映。 在Youtube上查看预告片: https://youtu.be/8hcSAya7vKc -2021年的电影节焦点,社交距离,考察了大流行后出现的新世界,以及电影在这个新世界中的作用。在标志性的地点为单人观众创造孤立的电影体验是确保节日放映完全安全的一种方式,但这也是一种尝试,以处理大流行如何改变了人们与电影的关系。在帕特 · 诺斯特 (Pater Noster) 上,这一切都是关于过去一年世界上这么多人经历的完全隔离。哥德堡电影节艺术总监乔纳斯 · 霍尔姆伯格 (Jonas Holmberg) 说,在斯堪的纳维亚竞技场或Draken电影院中完全孤独的感觉与人们改变的关系联系在一起,人们现在必须与所有通常因活动而嗡嗡作响但现在已经荒废的地方联系在一起。 帕特 · 诺斯特 (Pater Noster) 是北海的一座孤独的灯塔,栖息在瑞典最贫瘠,风吹草动的地方之一的群岛边缘。在那里,一个孤独的电影爱好者将被隔离整整一周,只有电影节节目供公司使用。他或她每天都会提供有关电影的报告,以及在广阔的大海中独自一人在一块孤立的岩石上的经历。 斯堪的纳维亚半岛是瑞典人数最多的竞技场之一,是世界冰球锦标赛的举办地,并与滚石乐队和惠特尼 · 休斯顿等艺术家举行了现场音乐会。在节日期间,与世隔绝的游客将完全独自坐在溜冰场中心的电影院座位上,而巨大的看台则空无一人。 Draken电影院是哥德堡电影节及其选定的首映场所的核心。每年热情的观众都聚集在那里欣赏最新的电影。今年的晚会首映式将只有一位观众参加。游客独自坐在剧院里,在窗帘升起和电影开始之前,将从电影制片人那里获得个人介绍。 在斯堪的纳维亚姆和德拉肯举行的电影节孤立电影放映的门票将在通过电影节网站注册的游客中抽奖。注册将于1月4日在 https://goteborgfilmfestival.se/en/the-isolated-cinema/ 。对于帕特 · 诺斯特 (Pater Noster) 上的单一职位,将持续对选定的申请人进行面试。选定的将在1月19日宣布,并将从1月30日起隔离一周。

    The Isolates Cinema

    案例简介:Göteborg Film Festival isolates film enthusiast for 7 days on remote lighthouse island The global pandemic has forced the world’s cinemas to close down. The biggest film festival in Scandinavia is therefore creating The Isolated Cinema on the lighthouse island of Pater Noster. One film enthusiast will be able to enjoy the festival in total isolation on a rock far out at sea, with film as his or her only companion. There will also be exclusive one-person film screenings at two iconic venues in Göteborg. Our world looks very different today, and so too does Göteborg Film Festival. The 2021 festival will be digital, with audience having access to all the films, premieres and talks via a digital platform. Some participants will also get a real-life experience with the opportunity to watch the films in total seclusion: The Isolated Cinema. Göteborg Film Festival is looking for someone keen to take on the challenge of spending one week in social isolation on the remote lighthouse island of Pater Noster, a secluded spot out at sea, far away from family, friends and mobile phone. The only company will be the noise of the sea – and the festival films. Everyone is welcome to apply for the spot on Pater Noster via the festival website. The festival will also be offering isolated film screenings for one person at a time at the Scandinavium arena and the Draken cinema. View the trailer on Youtube: https://youtu.be/8hcSAya7vKc – The 2021 festival focus, Social Distances, examines the new world that has emerged in the wake of the pandemic, and the role of film in this new world. The creation of isolated film experiences for single-person audiences at iconic sites is a way of ensuring entirely safe festival screenings, but it is also an attempt to process how the pandemic has changed people’s relationships with film. On Pater Noster it’s all about the total isolation experienced by so many people the world over this past year. The sensation of being utterly alone in the Scandinavium arena or Draken cinema ties in with the altered relationship people now have to all those places that normally buzz with activity but are now deserted, says Jonas Holmberg, Artistic Director at Göteborg Film Festival. Pater Noster is a lonely lighthouse in the North Sea perched at the very edge of the archipelago in one of Sweden’s most barren, windswept locations. That’s where a solitary film enthusiast will be secluded for an entire week, with only the film festival programme for company. Every day he or she will provide a report about the films and the experience of being alone on an isolated rock in a vast sea. Scandinavium is one of Sweden’s most well-attended arenas, home to the World Ice Hockey Championships and live concerts with artists such as the Rolling Stones and Whitney Houston. During the festival the isolated visitor will sit completely alone in a cinema seat at the centre of the rink while the massive stands gape empty. The Draken Cinema is the very heart of Göteborg Film Festival and its chosen premiere venue. Every year enthusiastic audiences gather there to enjoy the latest films. This year the gala premieres will each be attended by just one viewer. Sitting alone in the theatre, the visitor will get a personal introduction from the filmmakers before the curtains rise and the film begins. Tickets for the festival’s isolated film screenings at Scandinavium and Draken will be raffled among visitors who register via the festival website. Registration begins on January 4th at https://goteborgfilmfestival.se/en/the-isolated-cinema/. For the single spot on Pater Noster, interviews with selected applicants will take place on an ongoing basis. The chosen one will be announced on January 19 and will be isolated for one week from January 30.



    The Isolates Cinema










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