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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 相关的是,我们将全国流通范围最广的货币转变为一种交流手段,以揭露马普切人的痛苦,并将其掌握在整个国家手中。这增加了一个创造性的策略,在没有任何相关预算的情况下,设法在社交网络和公众舆论中传播一场运动。 背景 情况: 在位于智利和阿根廷南部的阿劳卡尼亚地区,居住在美洲最古老的土著人民马普切斯。他们已经打仗 500 多年了,首先是反对西班牙的殖民统治,现在是反对跨国公司和智利国家。 秘密地,它的领导人被监禁了: 没有任何保证,没有证据,也没有司法听证。大赦国际和联合国谴责的局势。 媒体没有提到这些社区正在发生什么。只有奥金解决了这一问题,但他的覆盖范围不超过 1,000 人。 简介: 创建一个高影响力的运动,对公众和媒体进行关注冲突。 目标: 在社交网络中增加对网站的承诺、意见、追随者和访问。 让马普切人在媒体上有全国性的存在。 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 2001,智利政府决定将马普切人的形象 (一个马普切精神领袖) 放在 100 比索硬币的一张脸上,以此向马普切人表示敬意。我们决定使用硬币上的machi形象,并将其转化为一种交流手段,邀请支持者用三 (3) 条线抓挠它,代表他们领导人的监禁,在全国发行直接代表他们领导人的监禁,以便每个人都能看到。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 目标: -男性和女性,马普切和智利,所有年龄段。 -智利政治家、记者、警察和法官。 -大众媒体。 媒体规划: 为了实现信息的最大传播,我们制作了一个 60 秒的视频,邀请人们通过抓挠 100 美元的硬币并上传到脸书、Instagram和Youtube来加入抗议。 方法: 为了传播信息,我们邀请了不同的国家影响者,如支持马普切事业的音乐家、画家、诗人、运动员和政治家,通过刮硬币并在他们的社交网络上发布来参与进来。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) • 实施: 我们向我们的社交网络上传了一段 60 秒的视频,邀请人们通过抓挠 100 美元的硬币加入抗议活动 • 媒体渠道和整合: 我们在社交网络上发表了我们的文章,并利用影响者的战略作用,我们成功地将活动传播开来,实现了国内和国际媒体的媒体报道。 • 时间线: 1 ° 我们在社交网络上发布了视频 2 ° 我们邀请影响者加入这项事业,通过刮硬币和在他们的社交网络个人资料上发布内容。 3 ° 该消息在社交网络中迅速传播 第四,我们得到了大众媒体的广泛报道。 第五,马普切冲突出现在国家和国际媒体上。 • 规模: 我们使用了由社交网络传播的视频,吸引了超过 200,000 人的注意力。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) -200,000 个视图 (所有在社交网络上发布的视频都被计算在内) -22MM人到达 (Aukin的所有社交网络都被计算在内) -20 毫米免费媒体和我们设法刮 1.6% 的所有 $100 比索硬币。 -公众舆论以及国家和国际媒体都对马普切冲突感兴趣。 -但更重要的是,我们设法创造了一个努力传递紧急信息以帮助马普切人民的象征。 请告诉我们激发您的活动的社会行为和/或文化见解 在智利,对马普切人的现实完全无知和缺乏公众知识,他们的土地不断被夺走。同样的无知是他们被迫每天生活的不公正以及他们的领导人不断被监禁的主要原因,不要产生任何兴趣,即使听说过,在智利社会中引起对马普切人的普遍排斥感,这都是社会条件和虚假信息的产物。这就是为什么我们受到马普切人仍然被认可的唯一国家流通手段的启发: 100 比索的硬币,将一种货币转化为一种交流手段。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? The relevance is that we transformed the currency with the widest national circulation into a means of communication to expose the suffering of the Mapuche people and place it in the hands of an entire country. This, added to a creative strategy, managed to viralise a campaign in Social Networks and in public opinion, without any associated budget. Background Situation: In the region of the Araucanía located in the south of Chile and Argentina, inhabitant of the oldest indigenous peoples of America, the Mapuches. They have been at war for more than 500 years, first against Spanish colonization and, at present, against multinationals and the Chilean state. In secret, its leaders have been imprisoned: without any guarantees, without evidence and without judicial hearings. A situation that has been denounced by Amnesty International and the UN. The media does not mention what is happening in these communities. Only Aukin addresses the situation, but his coverage does not reach more than 1,000 people. Brief: Create a high-impact campaign to carry out the conflict of attention to the general public and the media. Objectives: In social networks increase commitment, opinions, followers and visits to the website. Make the Mapuche people have a national presence in the media. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) In 2001, the Chilean State decided to pay homage to the Mapuche people by placing the image of a Machi (a Mapuche spiritual leader) on one of the faces of the $ 100 pesos coin. We decided to use this image of the machi on the coin and transform it into a means of communication, inviting supporters to scratch it with three (3) lines which represent the imprisonment of their leaders, putting into national circulation a direct representation of the imprisonment of their leaders so that everyone could see it. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Target: - Men and women, Mapuche and Chilean, of all ages. - Chilean politicians, journalists, police and judges. - Mass media. Media planning: To achieve the maximum dissemination of the message we created a 60-second video that invited people to join the protest by scratching the $ 100 coins and uploading it to Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. Approach: In order to viralise the message, we invited different national influencers, such as musicians, painters, poets, sportsmen and politicians supportive of the Mapuche cause, to involve themselves by scratching the coins and publishing it in their Social Networks. Describe the execution (20% of vote) • Implementation: We uploaded to our Social Networks a 60-second video that invited people to join this protest by scratching the $ 100 coins • Media channels and integration: We published our piece on Social Networks and with the strategic use of influencers we managed to viralise the campaign, achieving media coverage in both national and international media. • Timeline: 1º We published the video on Social Networks 2º We invited influencers to join the cause, by scratching coins and publishing the content on their Social Networks profiles. 3º The message quickly became viral in Social Networks 4th We obtained wide national coverage by the mass media. 5th The Mapuche conflict achieved being present in national and international media. • Scale: We used a video that was viralised by social networks, capturing the attention of more than 200,000 people. List the results (30% of vote) - 200,000 VIEWS (all videos published on social networks are counted) - 22MM PEOPLE REACH (all the social networks of Aukin are counted) - 20MM FREE MEDIA and we managed to scratch 1.6% of all $ 100 pesos coins. - Public opinion and both the national and international media became interested in the Mapuche conflict. - But what is more important is that we managed to create a symbol of struggle to send an urgent message in aid of the Mapuche people. Please tell us about the social behaviour and/or cultural insights that inspired your campaign In Chile, there is a total ignorance and lack of public knowledge of the reality of the Mapuche people whose lands are continuously being taken from them. That same ignorance is the main reason why the injustices that they are forced to live every day of their lives, for as long as they have known it, and the continuous imprisonment of their leaders, do not generate any kind of interest whatsoever, and even if it is heard of, causes a general feeling of rejection towards the Mapuche people amongst the Chilean society, all a product of social conditioning and disinformation. This is why we are inspired by the only means of national circulation in which the Mapuche people are still recognized: the $ 100 pesos coin, converting a currency into a means of communication.

    Liberty Coins

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 相关的是,我们将全国流通范围最广的货币转变为一种交流手段,以揭露马普切人的痛苦,并将其掌握在整个国家手中。这增加了一个创造性的策略,在没有任何相关预算的情况下,设法在社交网络和公众舆论中传播一场运动。 背景 情况: 在位于智利和阿根廷南部的阿劳卡尼亚地区,居住在美洲最古老的土著人民马普切斯。他们已经打仗 500 多年了,首先是反对西班牙的殖民统治,现在是反对跨国公司和智利国家。 秘密地,它的领导人被监禁了: 没有任何保证,没有证据,也没有司法听证。大赦国际和联合国谴责的局势。 媒体没有提到这些社区正在发生什么。只有奥金解决了这一问题,但他的覆盖范围不超过 1,000 人。 简介: 创建一个高影响力的运动,对公众和媒体进行关注冲突。 目标: 在社交网络中增加对网站的承诺、意见、追随者和访问。 让马普切人在媒体上有全国性的存在。 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 2001,智利政府决定将马普切人的形象 (一个马普切精神领袖) 放在 100 比索硬币的一张脸上,以此向马普切人表示敬意。我们决定使用硬币上的machi形象,并将其转化为一种交流手段,邀请支持者用三 (3) 条线抓挠它,代表他们领导人的监禁,在全国发行直接代表他们领导人的监禁,以便每个人都能看到。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 目标: -男性和女性,马普切和智利,所有年龄段。 -智利政治家、记者、警察和法官。 -大众媒体。 媒体规划: 为了实现信息的最大传播,我们制作了一个 60 秒的视频,邀请人们通过抓挠 100 美元的硬币并上传到脸书、Instagram和Youtube来加入抗议。 方法: 为了传播信息,我们邀请了不同的国家影响者,如支持马普切事业的音乐家、画家、诗人、运动员和政治家,通过刮硬币并在他们的社交网络上发布来参与进来。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) • 实施: 我们向我们的社交网络上传了一段 60 秒的视频,邀请人们通过抓挠 100 美元的硬币加入抗议活动 • 媒体渠道和整合: 我们在社交网络上发表了我们的文章,并利用影响者的战略作用,我们成功地将活动传播开来,实现了国内和国际媒体的媒体报道。 • 时间线: 1 ° 我们在社交网络上发布了视频 2 ° 我们邀请影响者加入这项事业,通过刮硬币和在他们的社交网络个人资料上发布内容。 3 ° 该消息在社交网络中迅速传播 第四,我们得到了大众媒体的广泛报道。 第五,马普切冲突出现在国家和国际媒体上。 • 规模: 我们使用了由社交网络传播的视频,吸引了超过 200,000 人的注意力。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) -200,000 个视图 (所有在社交网络上发布的视频都被计算在内) -22MM人到达 (Aukin的所有社交网络都被计算在内) -20 毫米免费媒体和我们设法刮 1.6% 的所有 $100 比索硬币。 -公众舆论以及国家和国际媒体都对马普切冲突感兴趣。 -但更重要的是,我们设法创造了一个努力传递紧急信息以帮助马普切人民的象征。 请告诉我们激发您的活动的社会行为和/或文化见解 在智利,对马普切人的现实完全无知和缺乏公众知识,他们的土地不断被夺走。同样的无知是他们被迫每天生活的不公正以及他们的领导人不断被监禁的主要原因,不要产生任何兴趣,即使听说过,在智利社会中引起对马普切人的普遍排斥感,这都是社会条件和虚假信息的产物。这就是为什么我们受到马普切人仍然被认可的唯一国家流通手段的启发: 100 比索的硬币,将一种货币转化为一种交流手段。

    Liberty Coins

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? The relevance is that we transformed the currency with the widest national circulation into a means of communication to expose the suffering of the Mapuche people and place it in the hands of an entire country. This, added to a creative strategy, managed to viralise a campaign in Social Networks and in public opinion, without any associated budget. Background Situation: In the region of the Araucanía located in the south of Chile and Argentina, inhabitant of the oldest indigenous peoples of America, the Mapuches. They have been at war for more than 500 years, first against Spanish colonization and, at present, against multinationals and the Chilean state. In secret, its leaders have been imprisoned: without any guarantees, without evidence and without judicial hearings. A situation that has been denounced by Amnesty International and the UN. The media does not mention what is happening in these communities. Only Aukin addresses the situation, but his coverage does not reach more than 1,000 people. Brief: Create a high-impact campaign to carry out the conflict of attention to the general public and the media. Objectives: In social networks increase commitment, opinions, followers and visits to the website. Make the Mapuche people have a national presence in the media. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) In 2001, the Chilean State decided to pay homage to the Mapuche people by placing the image of a Machi (a Mapuche spiritual leader) on one of the faces of the $ 100 pesos coin. We decided to use this image of the machi on the coin and transform it into a means of communication, inviting supporters to scratch it with three (3) lines which represent the imprisonment of their leaders, putting into national circulation a direct representation of the imprisonment of their leaders so that everyone could see it. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Target: - Men and women, Mapuche and Chilean, of all ages. - Chilean politicians, journalists, police and judges. - Mass media. Media planning: To achieve the maximum dissemination of the message we created a 60-second video that invited people to join the protest by scratching the $ 100 coins and uploading it to Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. Approach: In order to viralise the message, we invited different national influencers, such as musicians, painters, poets, sportsmen and politicians supportive of the Mapuche cause, to involve themselves by scratching the coins and publishing it in their Social Networks. Describe the execution (20% of vote) • Implementation: We uploaded to our Social Networks a 60-second video that invited people to join this protest by scratching the $ 100 coins • Media channels and integration: We published our piece on Social Networks and with the strategic use of influencers we managed to viralise the campaign, achieving media coverage in both national and international media. • Timeline: 1º We published the video on Social Networks 2º We invited influencers to join the cause, by scratching coins and publishing the content on their Social Networks profiles. 3º The message quickly became viral in Social Networks 4th We obtained wide national coverage by the mass media. 5th The Mapuche conflict achieved being present in national and international media. • Scale: We used a video that was viralised by social networks, capturing the attention of more than 200,000 people. List the results (30% of vote) - 200,000 VIEWS (all videos published on social networks are counted) - 22MM PEOPLE REACH (all the social networks of Aukin are counted) - 20MM FREE MEDIA and we managed to scratch 1.6% of all $ 100 pesos coins. - Public opinion and both the national and international media became interested in the Mapuche conflict. - But what is more important is that we managed to create a symbol of struggle to send an urgent message in aid of the Mapuche people. Please tell us about the social behaviour and/or cultural insights that inspired your campaign In Chile, there is a total ignorance and lack of public knowledge of the reality of the Mapuche people whose lands are continuously being taken from them. That same ignorance is the main reason why the injustices that they are forced to live every day of their lives, for as long as they have known it, and the continuous imprisonment of their leaders, do not generate any kind of interest whatsoever, and even if it is heard of, causes a general feeling of rejection towards the Mapuche people amongst the Chilean society, all a product of social conditioning and disinformation. This is why we are inspired by the only means of national circulation in which the Mapuche people are still recognized: the $ 100 pesos coin, converting a currency into a means of communication.



    Liberty Coins










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