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    案例简介:Ribena 与伦敦、黄铜和多样化的沃尔特 · 汤普森合作,通过互动应用程序 “涂鸦你的世界” 解锁一个 Ribenary 世界 伦敦,4月26日,2017: Ribena 与 J. 沃尔特 · 汤普森,黄铜和各种创建交互式应用程序称为 'Doodle 你的想法,让用户 'doodle' 在周围环境中,利用 Ribenary 人物的出现会在显示器上。 新的 Ribena “涂鸦你的世界” 应用程序背后的概念是从总体品牌活动中开发出来的,“我们不能再得到任何 Ribenary 了”™,继去年利贝纳的 “彩色咖啡馆” 活动之后。该应用程序从流行的 “涂鸦轰炸” 艺术中获得灵感,并鼓励 Ribena 粉丝与他们的世界一起玩耍,“让它变得更加 Ribenary”™'。 利宾纳的粉丝可以用丰富多彩的利宾纳制作自己的视频内容™动画涂鸦,然后在 Facebook 、 Instagram 和 WhatsApp 等社交平台上与朋友分享。 用户可以通过在整个应用程序的不同游戏点解锁不同的动画来 “升级” 他们的 “Doodley skillz”。该应用程序的发布还与新的交互式利宾纳产品包装的发布相一致,用户可以在扫描一个新外观的利宾纳瓶子时解锁更多内容。 该应用程序中有 15 个动画可用; 前 5 个已经为用户解锁的动画涂鸦是拉比-G 、 Scaredy Pipe 、哈克贝利 · 放克、巴尼麻烦和迪斯科 · 德里克, 受欢迎的布里斯托尔街头艺术家乔格拉夫的插图,他以古怪的卡通作品而闻名。用户可以通过扫描带有互动包图标的 Ribena 瓶子或通过社交平台共享来解锁更多的涂鸦。粉丝们将不得不在整个活动中寻找更多令人惊讶的 riberary 角色发布。请参见下面的前 5 个涂鸦描述。 完整的运动有希望在 5月29日支持 'Doodle 发起的世界 ”应用程序。该活动将贯穿电视、户外和社交媒体,包括里贝纳有史以来最大的抽样活动。 Ribena 高级品牌经理 Emmeline Purcell 说: “我们希望与我们的目标受众创造一种有趣的体验,以一种令人惊讶和引人入胜的方式让 'ribenary' 活动变得生动起来。我们允许消费者以一种固有的互动和社交方式让他们的世界变得更加利伯纳。" 伦敦沃尔特 · 汤普森创意总监约翰 · 切里说: “这只是我们新的利宾纳涂鸦你的世界平台的开始,它将改变人们与利宾纳互动的方式。我们已经创建了一套有趣的 Ribenary 涂鸦内容,人们可以使用该应用程序的 3D 跟踪,然后在社交网站上与他们的伴侣分享。" Brass 创意总监安德鲁 · 布朗说: “设计里贝纳的第一个品牌移动应用程序令人兴奋。我们想创造一个非常个性化的利宾纳品牌体验,将你手中的瓶子和口袋中的手机联系起来。通过将优秀的内容与基于尖端 SLAM 的 3D 跟踪技术结合在一起,我们设计了一款独特的增强现实应用程序,以一种绝对正确的方式激发和取悦消费者。" 你可以在 Google play 上下载这个应用,也可以从苹果商店下载。 #1 拉比-G 我们知道他要去哪里吗?不,我们认为没有人会。学者们认为他几个世纪以来一直试图到达黑帮天堂。我们所知道的是,他可怜的小爪子没有敏捷到达顶峰。 #2 危险管道 在街区的孩子们给他的烟斗贴上标签后,scaredy 仍然胆怯,他总是在寻找臭名昭著的 “bena”。他缺乏勇气的东西,他用远见来弥补。嘘,嘘,嘘… 小心点,否则你会吓到他的。 #3 哈克贝利放克 大兔子,放克爸爸,放克大师将军。他是一只母鹿的儿子。所以穿上你的曲子,让他开槽。 #4 巴尼麻烦 就像罗马皇帝一样,这只斜倚的刺猬从悠闲的角度看待世界,而里贝纳从上面被倒入嘴里。原谅打嗝,他毕竟还是一只野兽。 #5 迪斯科井架 啊,旧球和链子。但是没有严重的德里克太老了,不能戴烤架。当然有一个双关语。他慢慢地旋转,笨拙地盯着一个人在房间里,直到他们承认他很酷。 技术 使这个应用成为可能的 3D 跟踪技术与自动驾驶汽车中使用的技术相同。同时定位和地图,或 SLAM,是一个系统,通过手机的摄像头映射环境,允许涂鸦被固定在一个场景。 该应用程序是使用 3D 游戏创建软件 Unity 开发的,并结合了 Wikitude 增强现实 SDK,为对象识别提供了特殊的映射和 Vuforia SDK。


    案例简介:Ribena partners with J. Walter Thompson London, Brass and Diverse to unlock a Ribenary world with interactive app, ‘Doodle Your World’ London, 26th April, 2017: Ribena has partnered with J. Walter Thompson London, Brass and Diverse to create an interactive app called ‘Doodle Your World’, allowing users to ‘doodle’ on their surroundings, by using Ribenary characters that come to life on their screens. The concept behind the new Ribena ‘Doodle Your World’ app has been developed from the overarching brand campaign ‘You Can’t Get Any More Ribenary™’, and follows on from Ribena’s ‘Colouring Café’ activation last year. The app draws inspiration from the popular art of ‘Doodle bombing’ and encourages Ribena fans to play with their world and ‘Make It More Ribenary™’. Ribena fans can create their own video content with the colourful and Ribenary™ animated doodles, to then share with friends across social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. A user can ‘level-up’ their “Doodley skillz” by unlocking different animations at different play points throughout the app. The app launch also aligns with the launch of the new interactive Ribena product packaging whereby a user can unlock more content if they scan one of the new-look Ribena bottles. There are 15 animations available in the app; the first 5 animated doodles, already unlocked for users, are Rabbi-G, Scaredy Pipe, Huckleberry Funk, Barney Trouble and Disco Derrick, illustrations by the popular Bristolian street artist, Cheograff, who is known for his quirky cartoon creations. Users can unlock more doodles by scanning Ribena bottles featuring the interactive pack icon OR by sharing across social platforms. Fans will have to look out for a few more surprise Ribenary character releases throughout the campaign. Please see top 5 doodle descriptions below. The full campaign is expected to break on the 29th of May, to support the launch of the ‘Doodle Your World’ app. The campaign will run across TV, outdoor, and social media and includes Ribena’s biggest ever sampling campaign. Emmeline Purcell, Senior Brand Manager at Ribena, said: “We wanted to create a playful experience with our target audience that brought the ‘Ribenary’ campaign to life in a way that is surprising and engaging. We’re allowing consumers to make their world more Ribenary in an inherently interactive and social way.” John Cherry, Creative Director at J. Walter Thompson London, said: “This is just the start of our new Ribena Doodle Your World platform that will transform how people can engage with Ribena. We’ve created a set of fun and playful Ribenary doodle content that people can bring to life using the app’s 3D tracking and then share with their mates across social.” Andrew Brown, Creative Director at Brass, said: “It’s been exciting designing Ribena’s first branded mobile app. We wanted to create a very personal Ribena brand experience that linked the bottle in your hand to the mobile in your pocket. By bringing together great content with cutting edge SLAM based 3D tracking technology, we've designed a unique augmented reality app that will excite and delight consumers in an unmistakeably Ribenary way.” You can download the app on Google play here, and from the Apple store here. #1 Rabbi-G Do we know where he’s climbing to? No, we don’t think anyone does. Scholars maintain he’s been trying to reach gangster paradise for centuries. What we do know is that his poor little paws don’t have the dexterity to summit. #2 Scaredy Pipe Still timid after the kids from the block tagged his pipe up, scaredy is always on the lookout for the notorious ‘Bena. What he lacks in courage he makes up for with vision. Sshh, shhh, shhh… Be careful or you’ll scare him. #3 Huckleberry Funk The big rabbit, the funk daddy, Funk Master General. He’s a head nodding flower spinning son of a doe. So put on your tunes and let him groove. #4 Barney Trouble Like a Roman emperor, this reclining hedgehog takes in the world from a laid back point of view while Ribena is poured into his mouth from above. Excuse the burp, he’s still a wild animal after all. #5 Disco Derrick Aah, the old ball and chain. But no seriously Derrick is too old to be wearing a grill. Certainly one with a pun on it. He slowly rotates and awkwardly stares at someone in the room until they acknowledge he’s cool. Technology The 3D tracking technology that makes this app possible is the same that is used in self-driving cars. Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, or SLAM, is a system whereby the phone’s camera maps the environment, which allows the Doodles to be fixed in place within a scene. The app was developed using 3D games creation software Unity and incorporates the Wikitude Augmented Reality SDK to provide the special mapping and the Vuforia SDK for object recognition.

    Ribena – Doodle Your World

    案例简介:Ribena 与伦敦、黄铜和多样化的沃尔特 · 汤普森合作,通过互动应用程序 “涂鸦你的世界” 解锁一个 Ribenary 世界 伦敦,4月26日,2017: Ribena 与 J. 沃尔特 · 汤普森,黄铜和各种创建交互式应用程序称为 'Doodle 你的想法,让用户 'doodle' 在周围环境中,利用 Ribenary 人物的出现会在显示器上。 新的 Ribena “涂鸦你的世界” 应用程序背后的概念是从总体品牌活动中开发出来的,“我们不能再得到任何 Ribenary 了”™,继去年利贝纳的 “彩色咖啡馆” 活动之后。该应用程序从流行的 “涂鸦轰炸” 艺术中获得灵感,并鼓励 Ribena 粉丝与他们的世界一起玩耍,“让它变得更加 Ribenary”™'。 利宾纳的粉丝可以用丰富多彩的利宾纳制作自己的视频内容™动画涂鸦,然后在 Facebook 、 Instagram 和 WhatsApp 等社交平台上与朋友分享。 用户可以通过在整个应用程序的不同游戏点解锁不同的动画来 “升级” 他们的 “Doodley skillz”。该应用程序的发布还与新的交互式利宾纳产品包装的发布相一致,用户可以在扫描一个新外观的利宾纳瓶子时解锁更多内容。 该应用程序中有 15 个动画可用; 前 5 个已经为用户解锁的动画涂鸦是拉比-G 、 Scaredy Pipe 、哈克贝利 · 放克、巴尼麻烦和迪斯科 · 德里克, 受欢迎的布里斯托尔街头艺术家乔格拉夫的插图,他以古怪的卡通作品而闻名。用户可以通过扫描带有互动包图标的 Ribena 瓶子或通过社交平台共享来解锁更多的涂鸦。粉丝们将不得不在整个活动中寻找更多令人惊讶的 riberary 角色发布。请参见下面的前 5 个涂鸦描述。 完整的运动有希望在 5月29日支持 'Doodle 发起的世界 ”应用程序。该活动将贯穿电视、户外和社交媒体,包括里贝纳有史以来最大的抽样活动。 Ribena 高级品牌经理 Emmeline Purcell 说: “我们希望与我们的目标受众创造一种有趣的体验,以一种令人惊讶和引人入胜的方式让 'ribenary' 活动变得生动起来。我们允许消费者以一种固有的互动和社交方式让他们的世界变得更加利伯纳。" 伦敦沃尔特 · 汤普森创意总监约翰 · 切里说: “这只是我们新的利宾纳涂鸦你的世界平台的开始,它将改变人们与利宾纳互动的方式。我们已经创建了一套有趣的 Ribenary 涂鸦内容,人们可以使用该应用程序的 3D 跟踪,然后在社交网站上与他们的伴侣分享。" Brass 创意总监安德鲁 · 布朗说: “设计里贝纳的第一个品牌移动应用程序令人兴奋。我们想创造一个非常个性化的利宾纳品牌体验,将你手中的瓶子和口袋中的手机联系起来。通过将优秀的内容与基于尖端 SLAM 的 3D 跟踪技术结合在一起,我们设计了一款独特的增强现实应用程序,以一种绝对正确的方式激发和取悦消费者。" 你可以在 Google play 上下载这个应用,也可以从苹果商店下载。 #1 拉比-G 我们知道他要去哪里吗?不,我们认为没有人会。学者们认为他几个世纪以来一直试图到达黑帮天堂。我们所知道的是,他可怜的小爪子没有敏捷到达顶峰。 #2 危险管道 在街区的孩子们给他的烟斗贴上标签后,scaredy 仍然胆怯,他总是在寻找臭名昭著的 “bena”。他缺乏勇气的东西,他用远见来弥补。嘘,嘘,嘘… 小心点,否则你会吓到他的。 #3 哈克贝利放克 大兔子,放克爸爸,放克大师将军。他是一只母鹿的儿子。所以穿上你的曲子,让他开槽。 #4 巴尼麻烦 就像罗马皇帝一样,这只斜倚的刺猬从悠闲的角度看待世界,而里贝纳从上面被倒入嘴里。原谅打嗝,他毕竟还是一只野兽。 #5 迪斯科井架 啊,旧球和链子。但是没有严重的德里克太老了,不能戴烤架。当然有一个双关语。他慢慢地旋转,笨拙地盯着一个人在房间里,直到他们承认他很酷。 技术 使这个应用成为可能的 3D 跟踪技术与自动驾驶汽车中使用的技术相同。同时定位和地图,或 SLAM,是一个系统,通过手机的摄像头映射环境,允许涂鸦被固定在一个场景。 该应用程序是使用 3D 游戏创建软件 Unity 开发的,并结合了 Wikitude 增强现实 SDK,为对象识别提供了特殊的映射和 Vuforia SDK。

    Ribena – Doodle Your World

    案例简介:Ribena partners with J. Walter Thompson London, Brass and Diverse to unlock a Ribenary world with interactive app, ‘Doodle Your World’ London, 26th April, 2017: Ribena has partnered with J. Walter Thompson London, Brass and Diverse to create an interactive app called ‘Doodle Your World’, allowing users to ‘doodle’ on their surroundings, by using Ribenary characters that come to life on their screens. The concept behind the new Ribena ‘Doodle Your World’ app has been developed from the overarching brand campaign ‘You Can’t Get Any More Ribenary™’, and follows on from Ribena’s ‘Colouring Café’ activation last year. The app draws inspiration from the popular art of ‘Doodle bombing’ and encourages Ribena fans to play with their world and ‘Make It More Ribenary™’. Ribena fans can create their own video content with the colourful and Ribenary™ animated doodles, to then share with friends across social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. A user can ‘level-up’ their “Doodley skillz” by unlocking different animations at different play points throughout the app. The app launch also aligns with the launch of the new interactive Ribena product packaging whereby a user can unlock more content if they scan one of the new-look Ribena bottles. There are 15 animations available in the app; the first 5 animated doodles, already unlocked for users, are Rabbi-G, Scaredy Pipe, Huckleberry Funk, Barney Trouble and Disco Derrick, illustrations by the popular Bristolian street artist, Cheograff, who is known for his quirky cartoon creations. Users can unlock more doodles by scanning Ribena bottles featuring the interactive pack icon OR by sharing across social platforms. Fans will have to look out for a few more surprise Ribenary character releases throughout the campaign. Please see top 5 doodle descriptions below. The full campaign is expected to break on the 29th of May, to support the launch of the ‘Doodle Your World’ app. The campaign will run across TV, outdoor, and social media and includes Ribena’s biggest ever sampling campaign. Emmeline Purcell, Senior Brand Manager at Ribena, said: “We wanted to create a playful experience with our target audience that brought the ‘Ribenary’ campaign to life in a way that is surprising and engaging. We’re allowing consumers to make their world more Ribenary in an inherently interactive and social way.” John Cherry, Creative Director at J. Walter Thompson London, said: “This is just the start of our new Ribena Doodle Your World platform that will transform how people can engage with Ribena. We’ve created a set of fun and playful Ribenary doodle content that people can bring to life using the app’s 3D tracking and then share with their mates across social.” Andrew Brown, Creative Director at Brass, said: “It’s been exciting designing Ribena’s first branded mobile app. We wanted to create a very personal Ribena brand experience that linked the bottle in your hand to the mobile in your pocket. By bringing together great content with cutting edge SLAM based 3D tracking technology, we've designed a unique augmented reality app that will excite and delight consumers in an unmistakeably Ribenary way.” You can download the app on Google play here, and from the Apple store here. #1 Rabbi-G Do we know where he’s climbing to? No, we don’t think anyone does. Scholars maintain he’s been trying to reach gangster paradise for centuries. What we do know is that his poor little paws don’t have the dexterity to summit. #2 Scaredy Pipe Still timid after the kids from the block tagged his pipe up, scaredy is always on the lookout for the notorious ‘Bena. What he lacks in courage he makes up for with vision. Sshh, shhh, shhh… Be careful or you’ll scare him. #3 Huckleberry Funk The big rabbit, the funk daddy, Funk Master General. He’s a head nodding flower spinning son of a doe. So put on your tunes and let him groove. #4 Barney Trouble Like a Roman emperor, this reclining hedgehog takes in the world from a laid back point of view while Ribena is poured into his mouth from above. Excuse the burp, he’s still a wild animal after all. #5 Disco Derrick Aah, the old ball and chain. But no seriously Derrick is too old to be wearing a grill. Certainly one with a pun on it. He slowly rotates and awkwardly stares at someone in the room until they acknowledge he’s cool. Technology The 3D tracking technology that makes this app possible is the same that is used in self-driving cars. Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, or SLAM, is a system whereby the phone’s camera maps the environment, which allows the Doodles to be fixed in place within a scene. The app was developed using 3D games creation software Unity and incorporates the Wikitude Augmented Reality SDK to provide the special mapping and the Vuforia SDK for object recognition.



    Ribena – Doodle Your World










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