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    Auditorium Football短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述客户的简报: 我们的消费者 (焦点: 男性 18-24) 正在变老,职责和责任将他们与朋友的神圣啤酒时刻置于危险之中。我们需要让我们的目标将喜力啤酒视为最接近啤酒饮用者的品牌,让他们过上令人惊叹的非常规品牌体验。 描述促销如何从概念发展到实施: 为了传达品牌地位 (有趣的啤酒),并让我们的目标体验与朋友一起保存啤酒的重要性,我们为 1000 ac米兰球迷创造了一个陷阱。在皇家马德里对米兰比赛的同一个晚上,我们带他们去参加一个混合了诗歌和古典音乐的假活动。我们 200 利用我们的同伙,提供喜力赞助的邀请卡,说服我们的受害者跳过比赛去听音乐会。喜力绝不会让它的目标错过比赛,这就是为什么在 15 分钟的音乐会后,我们揭露了陷阱,让观众在大屏幕上加入比赛。 描述客户和消费者的成功促销,包括一些可量化的结果: 这个宣传片带来了很高的品牌知名度。电视新闻、报纸和博客广泛谈论了这一事件,它最终增强了品牌形象,甚至与竞争对手对抗。1000 名受害者在礼堂直接经历了这种情况,600万人在电视上看到了这种情况,其他数百万人在新闻或网络上读到这种情况。即使在几个月后,人们仍然会继续谈论这个对我们的目标产生非常大影响的事件。 解释为什么促销方法与产品或服务最相关: 通过一项对啤酒饮用者来说绝对非常规的活动来促进喜力啤酒对欧洲冠军联赛的赞助,这是一种创新的方式,可以让我们的目标参与进来,并立即激活。宣传片的主要目标是为目标寻找一个相关的和吸引人的。这里的奖励是一次令人惊叹的娱乐体验,完全符合品牌理念和目标愿望。 环境执行的描述: 喜力是欧洲冠军联赛的主要赞助商,这就是为什么在 10月21日,皇家马德里对米兰的大比赛成为为我们的目标创造品牌体验的绝佳机会。一切都发生在米兰一个著名的礼堂里。在比赛的同一个晚上,我们组织了一个假活动,将诗歌和古典音乐混合在一起: “死亡之神” 表演。在 200 名同伙的支持下 (也有记者参与),我们把 1000 多名 ac米兰球迷带到礼堂,在那里呆了大约 15 分钟, 他们可以欣赏这个由弦乐四重奏表演的实验节目,他的音乐伴随着一个非常聪明的视频投影。随着时间的推移,视频投影开始给观众一些线索,15 分钟后,它揭示了陷阱,在礼堂里创造了巨大的热情,并以强有力的方式发展了关键信息: 提醒我们的主要消费者 (男性 18-24) 与朋友一起保存神圣啤酒时刻的重要性。大屏幕上现在直播了这场大比赛,1000 名受害者和我们的同伙可以享受喜力提供的这场比赛的特殊愿景。天空体育直播了它,这样一切都与其他数百万在电视上观看比赛的人分享了。 项目的基本描述: 我们安排了一个活动,让喝啤酒的人体验到保护他们最神圣的时刻是多么重要,随着时间的推移,他们越来越面临责任和责任的风险。最完美的场合是欧洲冠军联赛 (由喜力赞助) 皇家马德里 vs ac米兰。我们的同伙说服了 1000 名 ac米兰球迷在电视上牺牲比赛,以换取古典音乐和诗歌相结合的虚假表演。我们及时揭露了这个陷阱,让他们在大屏幕上享受比赛,把喜力的赞助变成了一个独特的品牌资产。


    案例简介:Describe the brief from the client: Our consumers (focus: males 18-24) are getting older, duties and responsibilities put at risk their sacred beer moments with friends. We needed to make our target perceive Heineken as the closest brand to the beer drinkers, making them live an amazing and unconventional brand experience. Describe how the promotion developed from concept to implementation: To convey the brand position (the entertaining beer) and make our target experience how important is preserving their beer moments with friends, we created a trap for 1000 ACMilan Fans. On the same evening of the match Real-Madrid vs Milan, we brought them to a fake event mixing poetry and classical music. We used 200 our accomplices that, provided with invitation card sponsored by Heineken, persuaded our victims to skip the match and go to the concert. Heineken would have never let its target miss the game, that’s why after 15 mins of concert, we revealed the trap and let the audience join the match on a huge screen. Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results: This promo brought a very high brand awareness increment. TV news, newspaper and blogs widely spoke about the event and it definitively empowered the image of the brand even against its competitor. 1000 victims directly experienced it at the Auditorium, 6 million people saw it live on TV, other million people read about it on the news or on the web the days after. Even after several months, people keep on talking and making buzz about this event that had a very strong impact on our target. Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service: Promoting the Heineken sponsorship with UEFA Champions League through an event definitively unconventional for beer drinkers has been an innovative way to involve our target and create an immediate activation. The main objective of a Promo is finding a relevant and engaging for the target. The reward here has been an amazing entertaining experience, totally consistent with the brand philosophy and with the target aspiration. Description of Ambient execution: Heineken is the main sponsor of the UEFA Champions League, that’s why, on October the 21st, the big match Real- Madrid vs Milan became a perfect occasion to create a brand experience for our target. Everything took place in a prestigious Auditorium in Milan. On the same evening of the match, we organized a fake event, mixing poetry and classical music: the “Die Shnuren” performance. Supported by 200 accomplices (also journalists have been involved), we brought more than 1000 AC Milan fans to the Auditorium, where for about 15 minutes, they could enjoy this experimental show performed by a string quartet, whose music accompanied a very intellectual video projection. As time went by, the video projection started giving the audience some clues and after 15 minutes it revealed the trap, creating a huge enthusiasm in the auditorium and developing the key message in a strong way: reminding to our main consumers (males 18-24) the importance of preserving their sacred beer moments with friends. On the big screen was now broadcasted live the big match and the 1000 victims, together with our accomplices, could enjoy a special vision of the match, offered by Heineken. SKY Sport broadcasted it live, so that everything has been shared with other millions people who were watching the match on TV. Basic description of the project: We arranged an event to make beer drinkers experience how important preserving their most sacred moments, increasingly at risk by duties and responsibilities as time goes by. The perfect occasion was the UEFA Champions League (sponsored by Heineken) Real Madrid vs AC Milan. Our accomplices persuaded 1000 AC Milan fans to sacrifice the game on TV for a fake performance combining classical music and poetry. We revealed the trap just in time to make them enjoy the match on a huge screen, turning Heineken’s sponsorship into a unique brand property.

    Auditorium Football

    案例简介:描述客户的简报: 我们的消费者 (焦点: 男性 18-24) 正在变老,职责和责任将他们与朋友的神圣啤酒时刻置于危险之中。我们需要让我们的目标将喜力啤酒视为最接近啤酒饮用者的品牌,让他们过上令人惊叹的非常规品牌体验。 描述促销如何从概念发展到实施: 为了传达品牌地位 (有趣的啤酒),并让我们的目标体验与朋友一起保存啤酒的重要性,我们为 1000 ac米兰球迷创造了一个陷阱。在皇家马德里对米兰比赛的同一个晚上,我们带他们去参加一个混合了诗歌和古典音乐的假活动。我们 200 利用我们的同伙,提供喜力赞助的邀请卡,说服我们的受害者跳过比赛去听音乐会。喜力绝不会让它的目标错过比赛,这就是为什么在 15 分钟的音乐会后,我们揭露了陷阱,让观众在大屏幕上加入比赛。 描述客户和消费者的成功促销,包括一些可量化的结果: 这个宣传片带来了很高的品牌知名度。电视新闻、报纸和博客广泛谈论了这一事件,它最终增强了品牌形象,甚至与竞争对手对抗。1000 名受害者在礼堂直接经历了这种情况,600万人在电视上看到了这种情况,其他数百万人在新闻或网络上读到这种情况。即使在几个月后,人们仍然会继续谈论这个对我们的目标产生非常大影响的事件。 解释为什么促销方法与产品或服务最相关: 通过一项对啤酒饮用者来说绝对非常规的活动来促进喜力啤酒对欧洲冠军联赛的赞助,这是一种创新的方式,可以让我们的目标参与进来,并立即激活。宣传片的主要目标是为目标寻找一个相关的和吸引人的。这里的奖励是一次令人惊叹的娱乐体验,完全符合品牌理念和目标愿望。 环境执行的描述: 喜力是欧洲冠军联赛的主要赞助商,这就是为什么在 10月21日,皇家马德里对米兰的大比赛成为为我们的目标创造品牌体验的绝佳机会。一切都发生在米兰一个著名的礼堂里。在比赛的同一个晚上,我们组织了一个假活动,将诗歌和古典音乐混合在一起: “死亡之神” 表演。在 200 名同伙的支持下 (也有记者参与),我们把 1000 多名 ac米兰球迷带到礼堂,在那里呆了大约 15 分钟, 他们可以欣赏这个由弦乐四重奏表演的实验节目,他的音乐伴随着一个非常聪明的视频投影。随着时间的推移,视频投影开始给观众一些线索,15 分钟后,它揭示了陷阱,在礼堂里创造了巨大的热情,并以强有力的方式发展了关键信息: 提醒我们的主要消费者 (男性 18-24) 与朋友一起保存神圣啤酒时刻的重要性。大屏幕上现在直播了这场大比赛,1000 名受害者和我们的同伙可以享受喜力提供的这场比赛的特殊愿景。天空体育直播了它,这样一切都与其他数百万在电视上观看比赛的人分享了。 项目的基本描述: 我们安排了一个活动,让喝啤酒的人体验到保护他们最神圣的时刻是多么重要,随着时间的推移,他们越来越面临责任和责任的风险。最完美的场合是欧洲冠军联赛 (由喜力赞助) 皇家马德里 vs ac米兰。我们的同伙说服了 1000 名 ac米兰球迷在电视上牺牲比赛,以换取古典音乐和诗歌相结合的虚假表演。我们及时揭露了这个陷阱,让他们在大屏幕上享受比赛,把喜力的赞助变成了一个独特的品牌资产。

    Auditorium Football

    案例简介:Describe the brief from the client: Our consumers (focus: males 18-24) are getting older, duties and responsibilities put at risk their sacred beer moments with friends. We needed to make our target perceive Heineken as the closest brand to the beer drinkers, making them live an amazing and unconventional brand experience. Describe how the promotion developed from concept to implementation: To convey the brand position (the entertaining beer) and make our target experience how important is preserving their beer moments with friends, we created a trap for 1000 ACMilan Fans. On the same evening of the match Real-Madrid vs Milan, we brought them to a fake event mixing poetry and classical music. We used 200 our accomplices that, provided with invitation card sponsored by Heineken, persuaded our victims to skip the match and go to the concert. Heineken would have never let its target miss the game, that’s why after 15 mins of concert, we revealed the trap and let the audience join the match on a huge screen. Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results: This promo brought a very high brand awareness increment. TV news, newspaper and blogs widely spoke about the event and it definitively empowered the image of the brand even against its competitor. 1000 victims directly experienced it at the Auditorium, 6 million people saw it live on TV, other million people read about it on the news or on the web the days after. Even after several months, people keep on talking and making buzz about this event that had a very strong impact on our target. Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service: Promoting the Heineken sponsorship with UEFA Champions League through an event definitively unconventional for beer drinkers has been an innovative way to involve our target and create an immediate activation. The main objective of a Promo is finding a relevant and engaging for the target. The reward here has been an amazing entertaining experience, totally consistent with the brand philosophy and with the target aspiration. Description of Ambient execution: Heineken is the main sponsor of the UEFA Champions League, that’s why, on October the 21st, the big match Real- Madrid vs Milan became a perfect occasion to create a brand experience for our target. Everything took place in a prestigious Auditorium in Milan. On the same evening of the match, we organized a fake event, mixing poetry and classical music: the “Die Shnuren” performance. Supported by 200 accomplices (also journalists have been involved), we brought more than 1000 AC Milan fans to the Auditorium, where for about 15 minutes, they could enjoy this experimental show performed by a string quartet, whose music accompanied a very intellectual video projection. As time went by, the video projection started giving the audience some clues and after 15 minutes it revealed the trap, creating a huge enthusiasm in the auditorium and developing the key message in a strong way: reminding to our main consumers (males 18-24) the importance of preserving their sacred beer moments with friends. On the big screen was now broadcasted live the big match and the 1000 victims, together with our accomplices, could enjoy a special vision of the match, offered by Heineken. SKY Sport broadcasted it live, so that everything has been shared with other millions people who were watching the match on TV. Basic description of the project: We arranged an event to make beer drinkers experience how important preserving their most sacred moments, increasingly at risk by duties and responsibilities as time goes by. The perfect occasion was the UEFA Champions League (sponsored by Heineken) Real Madrid vs AC Milan. Our accomplices persuaded 1000 AC Milan fans to sacrifice the game on TV for a fake performance combining classical music and poetry. We revealed the trap just in time to make them enjoy the match on a huge screen, turning Heineken’s sponsorship into a unique brand property.



    Auditorium Football



    Heineken, made to entertain



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