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    Adopable Trends短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 在一个过饱和的世界里,汽车鸣笛、人们大喊大叫和广告只是我们每天遇到的干扰之一; 达拉斯宠物活着发展了一个概念,让收容所狗脱颖而出。这部电影以最简单的方式展示了; 如何在最热门的热门话题之后重新命名狗会让每个人都注意到。 有效性 这个想法很简单: 我们根据引起很多关注的事情重新命名了我们可以收养的狗。我们以最热门的热门话题命名了它们。通过这种方式,我们将注意力的趋势转向了我们的狗,并提出了趋势话题,世界上最强大的社会现象之一,我们新的直接和近距离的收养狗的方式。当人们寻找一种趋势时,通过 AdWords 的 SEM 策略让我们有机会成为谷歌搜索结果页面的顶级结果, 广告让人们有机会收养这只与潮流相关的狗。 实施 一个引人入胜的在线视频,展示了这个想法,并引导人们来到我们的网站。达拉斯宠物活着网站完全改变了,所有的狗都根据实时趋势重新命名,随着新趋势的出现, 我们改变了添加新的狗寻找一个有这种趋势的家作为他们的新名字。我们还通过 Instagram 、 Facebook 、 Google + 和其他拥有的社交媒体渠道分享了这些新命名的狗。 结果 我们提高了他们的知名度、参与度和被收养的机会。我们把可收养的狗变成热门话题。我们给出了热门话题,一个社会目的。 98% 增加 DPA.com 的流量。 alexa 排名增加了 3 分。AdWords CTR 从 3 分增加到 9.1。在 Twitter 和 Instagram 上,每个帖子的参与度增加了 112%。今年收养人数增加 4 倍。与 2014年相比,YouTube 浏览量增加了 200% (3 天内): 增加了 195%,平均观看视频的时间为 51 秒。行业一些顶级出版物 (创意在线、传染杂志、更新或死亡等) 的公关报道。)) 相关性 达拉斯的宠物活着每年都会遇到同样的问题,他们会收留数百只被遗忘的狗。在美国,大约 270万只狗在一段时间 (通常是 1-2 周) 后被安乐死,因为它们缺乏找到永久住所所需的注意力和在线曝光。这个想法很简单: 我们根据引起很多关注的事情重新命名了我们可以收养的狗。我们以最热门的热门话题命名了它们。通过这种方式,我们将注意力的趋势转向了我们的狗,并提出了趋势话题,世界上最强大的社会现象之一,我们新的直接和近距离的收养狗的方式。当人们寻找一种趋势时,通过 AdWords 的 SEM 策略让我们有机会成为谷歌搜索结果页面的顶级结果, 广告让人们有机会收养这只与潮流相关的狗。 机密信息 N/A 达拉斯的宠物活着每年都会遇到同样的问题; 在美国,大约 270万只狗在 1-2 周后被安乐死,因为它们缺乏寻找永久住所所需的注意力和在线曝光。这个想法很简单: 我们以最热门的热门话题命名可收养的狗。通过这种方式,我们将注意力的趋势转向了我们的狗,并提出了趋势话题,这是世界上最强大的社会现象之一,是我们新的直接和近距离收养狗的方式。


    案例简介:Campaign Description In an oversaturated world, where cars honking, people yelling and advertisements are just a few of the distractions we encounter daily; Dallas Pets Alive developed a concept that makes shelter dogs stand out. The film demonstrates in the simplest way; how renaming dogs after the hottest trending topics can make everyone take notice. Effectiveness The idea was simple: we renamed our adoptable dogs after something that earns a lot of attention. We renamed them after the hottest trending topics. This way we redirected the attention trends get towards our dogs, and made trending topics, one of the most powerful social phenomenons in the world, our new direct and close way to adopt dogs. A SEM strategy via AdWords gave us the opportunity to be the top result of the Google search result page when people looked for a trend, the ad gave people the chance to adopt the dog related to the trend. Implementation An engaging online video that presented the idea and directed people to our website.The Dallas Pets Alive website changed completely, all the dogs were renamed after trends in real time, as new trends showed up, we changed added new dogs looking for a home with that trend as their new name. We also shared these newly named dogs via Instagram, Facebook, Google+ and other owned social media channels. Outcome •We increased their visibility, engagement and chances of adoption. •We turned adoptable dogs into trending topics. •We gave trending topics, a social purpose.• 98% Increase Traffic to DPA.com•1.3 pts increase in the Alexa ranking•AdWords CTR went from 3 to 9.1• +112% engagement increase per post on Twitter and Instagram. •4X more adoptions this year. 200% Increase compared to 2014• YouTube Views (in 3 days): Increased by 195% with an average time of 51 seconds spent viewing the video.•Great PR coverage in some of the top publications of the industry (Creativitty Online, Contagious Magazine, Update or Die, etc.) Relevancy Dallas Pets Alive encounters the same problem each year, they take shelter of hundreds of forgotten dogs. Around 2.7 million dogs are euthanized in the U.S. after a set period of time (usually 1-2 weeks) because they lack the attention and online exposure they need to find a permanent home. The idea was simple: we renamed our adoptable dogs after something that earns a lot of attention. We renamed them after the hottest trending topics. This way we redirected the attention trends get towards our dogs, and made trending topics, one of the most powerful social phenomenons in the world, our new direct and close way to adopt dogs. A SEM strategy via AdWords gave us the opportunity to be the top result of the Google search result page when people looked for a trend, the ad gave people the chance to adopt the dog related to the trend. Confidential Information N/A Dallas Pets Alive encounters the same problem each year; around 2.7 million dogs are euthanized in the U.S. after 1-2 weeks because they lack the attention and online exposure they need to find a permanent home. The idea was simple: we named adoptable dogs after the hottest trending topics. This way we redirected the attention trends get towards our dogs, and made trending topics, one of the most powerful social phenomenon in the world, our new direct and close way to adopt dogs.

    Adopable Trends

    案例简介:活动描述 在一个过饱和的世界里,汽车鸣笛、人们大喊大叫和广告只是我们每天遇到的干扰之一; 达拉斯宠物活着发展了一个概念,让收容所狗脱颖而出。这部电影以最简单的方式展示了; 如何在最热门的热门话题之后重新命名狗会让每个人都注意到。 有效性 这个想法很简单: 我们根据引起很多关注的事情重新命名了我们可以收养的狗。我们以最热门的热门话题命名了它们。通过这种方式,我们将注意力的趋势转向了我们的狗,并提出了趋势话题,世界上最强大的社会现象之一,我们新的直接和近距离的收养狗的方式。当人们寻找一种趋势时,通过 AdWords 的 SEM 策略让我们有机会成为谷歌搜索结果页面的顶级结果, 广告让人们有机会收养这只与潮流相关的狗。 实施 一个引人入胜的在线视频,展示了这个想法,并引导人们来到我们的网站。达拉斯宠物活着网站完全改变了,所有的狗都根据实时趋势重新命名,随着新趋势的出现, 我们改变了添加新的狗寻找一个有这种趋势的家作为他们的新名字。我们还通过 Instagram 、 Facebook 、 Google + 和其他拥有的社交媒体渠道分享了这些新命名的狗。 结果 我们提高了他们的知名度、参与度和被收养的机会。我们把可收养的狗变成热门话题。我们给出了热门话题,一个社会目的。 98% 增加 DPA.com 的流量。 alexa 排名增加了 3 分。AdWords CTR 从 3 分增加到 9.1。在 Twitter 和 Instagram 上,每个帖子的参与度增加了 112%。今年收养人数增加 4 倍。与 2014年相比,YouTube 浏览量增加了 200% (3 天内): 增加了 195%,平均观看视频的时间为 51 秒。行业一些顶级出版物 (创意在线、传染杂志、更新或死亡等) 的公关报道。)) 相关性 达拉斯的宠物活着每年都会遇到同样的问题,他们会收留数百只被遗忘的狗。在美国,大约 270万只狗在一段时间 (通常是 1-2 周) 后被安乐死,因为它们缺乏找到永久住所所需的注意力和在线曝光。这个想法很简单: 我们根据引起很多关注的事情重新命名了我们可以收养的狗。我们以最热门的热门话题命名了它们。通过这种方式,我们将注意力的趋势转向了我们的狗,并提出了趋势话题,世界上最强大的社会现象之一,我们新的直接和近距离的收养狗的方式。当人们寻找一种趋势时,通过 AdWords 的 SEM 策略让我们有机会成为谷歌搜索结果页面的顶级结果, 广告让人们有机会收养这只与潮流相关的狗。 机密信息 N/A 达拉斯的宠物活着每年都会遇到同样的问题; 在美国,大约 270万只狗在 1-2 周后被安乐死,因为它们缺乏寻找永久住所所需的注意力和在线曝光。这个想法很简单: 我们以最热门的热门话题命名可收养的狗。通过这种方式,我们将注意力的趋势转向了我们的狗,并提出了趋势话题,这是世界上最强大的社会现象之一,是我们新的直接和近距离收养狗的方式。

    Adopable Trends

    案例简介:Campaign Description In an oversaturated world, where cars honking, people yelling and advertisements are just a few of the distractions we encounter daily; Dallas Pets Alive developed a concept that makes shelter dogs stand out. The film demonstrates in the simplest way; how renaming dogs after the hottest trending topics can make everyone take notice. Effectiveness The idea was simple: we renamed our adoptable dogs after something that earns a lot of attention. We renamed them after the hottest trending topics. This way we redirected the attention trends get towards our dogs, and made trending topics, one of the most powerful social phenomenons in the world, our new direct and close way to adopt dogs. A SEM strategy via AdWords gave us the opportunity to be the top result of the Google search result page when people looked for a trend, the ad gave people the chance to adopt the dog related to the trend. Implementation An engaging online video that presented the idea and directed people to our website.The Dallas Pets Alive website changed completely, all the dogs were renamed after trends in real time, as new trends showed up, we changed added new dogs looking for a home with that trend as their new name. We also shared these newly named dogs via Instagram, Facebook, Google+ and other owned social media channels. Outcome •We increased their visibility, engagement and chances of adoption. •We turned adoptable dogs into trending topics. •We gave trending topics, a social purpose.• 98% Increase Traffic to DPA.com•1.3 pts increase in the Alexa ranking•AdWords CTR went from 3 to 9.1• +112% engagement increase per post on Twitter and Instagram. •4X more adoptions this year. 200% Increase compared to 2014• YouTube Views (in 3 days): Increased by 195% with an average time of 51 seconds spent viewing the video.•Great PR coverage in some of the top publications of the industry (Creativitty Online, Contagious Magazine, Update or Die, etc.) Relevancy Dallas Pets Alive encounters the same problem each year, they take shelter of hundreds of forgotten dogs. Around 2.7 million dogs are euthanized in the U.S. after a set period of time (usually 1-2 weeks) because they lack the attention and online exposure they need to find a permanent home. The idea was simple: we renamed our adoptable dogs after something that earns a lot of attention. We renamed them after the hottest trending topics. This way we redirected the attention trends get towards our dogs, and made trending topics, one of the most powerful social phenomenons in the world, our new direct and close way to adopt dogs. A SEM strategy via AdWords gave us the opportunity to be the top result of the Google search result page when people looked for a trend, the ad gave people the chance to adopt the dog related to the trend. Confidential Information N/A Dallas Pets Alive encounters the same problem each year; around 2.7 million dogs are euthanized in the U.S. after 1-2 weeks because they lack the attention and online exposure they need to find a permanent home. The idea was simple: we named adoptable dogs after the hottest trending topics. This way we redirected the attention trends get towards our dogs, and made trending topics, one of the most powerful social phenomenon in the world, our new direct and close way to adopt dogs.



    Adopable Trends





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