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    Put It Down短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 情况: 发短信和驾驶事故正在上升。每天都有 11 名青少年死亡,每四个事故中就有一个是由这种太常见的习惯造成的。简介: 人们不断试图减少发短信和开车,但统计数据似乎只会增加。我们被要求想出一个改变行为的想法,实际上可以改变这些数字。目标: 发短信和开车已经成为一种常见的行为,所以我们必须找到一种方法来改变这个现实,用一种可以贯穿始终的想法。创建一个可共享的歌曲是完美的人口。由于我们的预算紧张,我们的第二个目标是创造媒体收入,以便接触尽可能多的人。 活动描述 我们收集了致命的短信,这些短信是在致命事故发生的确切时刻写的,并相应地把它变成了一首在几个主要广播电台免费播放的歌曲, 激励司机不要在他们表现出这种行为的时候发短信和开车。 执行 收集到的文本被验证并移交给 Ale Jay,一位表演艺术家,他用致命的短信帮助创作了一首歌。由于他坚实的粉丝基础和流行音乐流派,Ale Jay 非常适合这个项目。这首歌在 Sound Cloud 上主持,人们可以实时跟踪歌词,下载并了解更多关于受害者的故事。这首歌随后与主要电台分享,并因其良好的观众接待而被轮流播放。这首歌使用收音机作为交通工具,影响了来自各地的司机,说服他们放下手机。 相关性 以创造性的方式使用音乐是我们想法的核心。我们收集了事故发生时正在写的致命短信,并将其转化为一首在主要收音机上播放的歌曲,以此激励司机不要发短信和开车目前他们表现出这种行为。 战略 表演艺术家艾尔 · 杰伊创作了这首歌,这首歌是在声音云上主持的,他的粉丝群在那里帮助分享和下载。这首歌也被送到了广播电台,在那里受到了好评,由于它得到了大量观众的认可,它被轮流播放。用收音机作为交通工具,这首歌最终影响了来自各地的司机,说服他们放下手机。这首歌从那时起就被有机地分享了。 结果 这个三分钟的广告激励你不要发短信和开车,已经在六个不同国家的 89 个广播电台免费播放,并作为一首新兴歌曲。这首歌已经在美国、加拿大、墨西哥、秘鲁、西班牙和澳大利亚播出,影响了 10000万多名司机,并获得了 260万美元的航空媒体收入。


    案例简介:Synopsis Situation:Texting and driving accidents are on the rise. Each day, eleven teens die and one out of every four accidents are caused by this far too common habit. Brief:There are constant attempts to reduce texting and driving but the statistics only seem to increase. We were asked to come up with a behavior altering idea that could actually shift these numbers. Objectives:Texting and driving has become a common behavior so we had to find a way to change this reality with an idea that could sustain itself throughout time. Creating a shareable song was perfect for the demographic. Since we had a tight budget our second objective was to generate media earnings in order to reach as many people as possible. CampaignDescription We gathered fatal text messages that were being written at the exact moment of the deadly accident and relevantly transformed it into a song that is being broadcasted on several major radio stations for free, inspiring drivers not to text and drive at the moment they exhibit this behavior. Execution The gathered texts were validated and handed over to Ale Jay, a performing artist who helped compose a song using the fatal text messages. Ale Jay was perfect for this project thanks to his solid fan base and popular music genre.The song was hosted on Sound Cloud where people could follow the lyrics in real time, download it and learn more about the stories of the victims. The song was then shared with major radios and placed in rotation because of its good audience reception. Using radio as a vehicle, the song impacted drivers from all over, persuading them to put their phones down. Relevancy The use of music in a creative way is the core of our idea. We gathered fatal text messages that were being written at the exact moment of the crash and transformed them into a song that is been played on major radios as a way to inspire drivers not to text and drive at the moment they exhibit this behavior. Strategy Performing artist Ale Jay composed the song, which was hosted on Sound Cloud where his fan base helped sharing and downloading. The song was also sent to radio stations, where it was well received and placed in rotation due to its great audience approval. Using the radio as a vehicle, the song finally impacted drivers from all over persuading them to put their phones down. The song has been organically shared since then. Outcome The three-minute ad inspiring you not to text and drive has been played on eighty-nine radio stations in six different countries for free and as an emerging song. The song has been broadcasted in the US, Canada, Mexico, Peru, Spain and Australia impacting more than one hundred million drivers and earning 2.6 million dollars of air media.

    Put It Down

    案例简介:概要 情况: 发短信和驾驶事故正在上升。每天都有 11 名青少年死亡,每四个事故中就有一个是由这种太常见的习惯造成的。简介: 人们不断试图减少发短信和开车,但统计数据似乎只会增加。我们被要求想出一个改变行为的想法,实际上可以改变这些数字。目标: 发短信和开车已经成为一种常见的行为,所以我们必须找到一种方法来改变这个现实,用一种可以贯穿始终的想法。创建一个可共享的歌曲是完美的人口。由于我们的预算紧张,我们的第二个目标是创造媒体收入,以便接触尽可能多的人。 活动描述 我们收集了致命的短信,这些短信是在致命事故发生的确切时刻写的,并相应地把它变成了一首在几个主要广播电台免费播放的歌曲, 激励司机不要在他们表现出这种行为的时候发短信和开车。 执行 收集到的文本被验证并移交给 Ale Jay,一位表演艺术家,他用致命的短信帮助创作了一首歌。由于他坚实的粉丝基础和流行音乐流派,Ale Jay 非常适合这个项目。这首歌在 Sound Cloud 上主持,人们可以实时跟踪歌词,下载并了解更多关于受害者的故事。这首歌随后与主要电台分享,并因其良好的观众接待而被轮流播放。这首歌使用收音机作为交通工具,影响了来自各地的司机,说服他们放下手机。 相关性 以创造性的方式使用音乐是我们想法的核心。我们收集了事故发生时正在写的致命短信,并将其转化为一首在主要收音机上播放的歌曲,以此激励司机不要发短信和开车目前他们表现出这种行为。 战略 表演艺术家艾尔 · 杰伊创作了这首歌,这首歌是在声音云上主持的,他的粉丝群在那里帮助分享和下载。这首歌也被送到了广播电台,在那里受到了好评,由于它得到了大量观众的认可,它被轮流播放。用收音机作为交通工具,这首歌最终影响了来自各地的司机,说服他们放下手机。这首歌从那时起就被有机地分享了。 结果 这个三分钟的广告激励你不要发短信和开车,已经在六个不同国家的 89 个广播电台免费播放,并作为一首新兴歌曲。这首歌已经在美国、加拿大、墨西哥、秘鲁、西班牙和澳大利亚播出,影响了 10000万多名司机,并获得了 260万美元的航空媒体收入。

    Put It Down

    案例简介:Synopsis Situation:Texting and driving accidents are on the rise. Each day, eleven teens die and one out of every four accidents are caused by this far too common habit. Brief:There are constant attempts to reduce texting and driving but the statistics only seem to increase. We were asked to come up with a behavior altering idea that could actually shift these numbers. Objectives:Texting and driving has become a common behavior so we had to find a way to change this reality with an idea that could sustain itself throughout time. Creating a shareable song was perfect for the demographic. Since we had a tight budget our second objective was to generate media earnings in order to reach as many people as possible. CampaignDescription We gathered fatal text messages that were being written at the exact moment of the deadly accident and relevantly transformed it into a song that is being broadcasted on several major radio stations for free, inspiring drivers not to text and drive at the moment they exhibit this behavior. Execution The gathered texts were validated and handed over to Ale Jay, a performing artist who helped compose a song using the fatal text messages. Ale Jay was perfect for this project thanks to his solid fan base and popular music genre.The song was hosted on Sound Cloud where people could follow the lyrics in real time, download it and learn more about the stories of the victims. The song was then shared with major radios and placed in rotation because of its good audience reception. Using radio as a vehicle, the song impacted drivers from all over, persuading them to put their phones down. Relevancy The use of music in a creative way is the core of our idea. We gathered fatal text messages that were being written at the exact moment of the crash and transformed them into a song that is been played on major radios as a way to inspire drivers not to text and drive at the moment they exhibit this behavior. Strategy Performing artist Ale Jay composed the song, which was hosted on Sound Cloud where his fan base helped sharing and downloading. The song was also sent to radio stations, where it was well received and placed in rotation due to its great audience approval. Using the radio as a vehicle, the song finally impacted drivers from all over persuading them to put their phones down. The song has been organically shared since then. Outcome The three-minute ad inspiring you not to text and drive has been played on eighty-nine radio stations in six different countries for free and as an emerging song. The song has been broadcasted in the US, Canada, Mexico, Peru, Spain and Australia impacting more than one hundred million drivers and earning 2.6 million dollars of air media.



    Put It Down










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