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    案例简介:大纲 美国是全球仅有的两个不提供带薪产假的工业化国家之一。由个人雇主来决定什么是 “公平” 的补偿,这不可避免地导致缺乏财政支持,迫使妇女在分娩后失业。当妈妈们在被迫退出后重返职场时呢?他们申请的简历中有 “空白”,未来的雇主不能合法地询问。美国妈妈最终比她们的男性同龄人找到工作的可能性要小得多 -- 包括那些休陪产假的人。短暂的产假使其合法化,因为它要求全职工作。目标 1.点燃围绕美国社会一个被忽视的问题的文化对话: 新妈妈在被迫离开后重返职场面临的困难。2.给新妈妈一个真实实用的工具来协助上述工作,同时具体帮助她们的职业生涯。 策略 鉴于社会压力要求对工作妈妈的简历差距保持沉默,我们不能仅仅用一个老套的激动人心的第三十二个广告来庆祝母性,并希望它能让人们说话。我们不得不通过实用而不是空话来产生对话,让职业妈妈感到既有能力,又成为一个更大、更引人注目的社区的一部分。灵感和效用的混合需求使我们选择 LinkedIn 作为我们的焦点。作为世界上最大的职业建设平台,它是团结和教育需要声音和前进道路的职业母亲的理想媒体工具。最终,母亲、雇主和国家越容易谈论产假,我们就能越早打击歧视。 相关性 通过将一个紧迫的文化问题与一个广泛的社交平台直接联系起来,我们能够激励整个母亲社区大声疾呼并采取行动。具体来说,我们使用领英作为母亲自豪地拥有产假的工具,在这个过程中引发了更大的文化对话。 结果 对我们来说,成功有两个部分: 1) 围绕这个问题在文化中进行对话,2) 确保女性拥有一个有用的工具。在文化上,我们成功地在网上开始了一场传播到现实世界的对话。我们的在线读者有 60亿人,像摩根士丹利和 Lifetime 这样的公司已经联系我们,让暂停怀孕成为一个更大的教育平台。对变革的渴望只会越来越强烈。至于创建一个可用的工具,育儿,新闻和商业网站,从可怕的妈妈,布拉沃,赫芬顿邮报,PopSugar,母亲名单,市场观察和 Romper,即使是像辛迪 · 盖洛普这样的文化领袖,所有人都同意:我们为这个问题提供了一个真正的工具和权宜之计。以至于我们现在有来自 33 个州和 20 个国家的 1600 名追随者。 执行 为了让人们说话,我们的执行必须确保这项工作尽可能有用和容易获得。这始于它的家。我们选择了世界上最大的职业发展平台领英,这样我们就可以在她们的地盘上接触并帮助大量的职业妈妈。无论从哪方面来看,这使得怀孕暂停成为妈妈们可以引用的真正公司。但是仅仅建立一个公司是不够的。我们还为人们创建了一个工具包,让他们建立自己的简历,为潜在雇主提供专用电话线,以及一个提高认识和煽动行动的教育视频。 活动描述 “怀孕暂停” 我们知道我们不能一夜之间修正美国的公共政策,但是现在有一个简单的事实可以帮助女性: 根据宾夕法尼亚大学法律评论 [的一项研究: 就业法下的信息交流。宾夕法尼亚大学法律评论,165 卷,2017],公开承认休假时间的工作妈妈有更大的机会被雇用。由于这些简历差距在历史上一直很难谈论,我们创建了一家公司,女性可以在 LinkedIn 上简单地列出她们休假期间的名单: “妈妈” 在 “怀孕暂停”。"


    案例简介:Synopsis Situation America is one of only two industrialized nations worldwide that doesn’t provide paid maternity leave. It’s up to individual employers to decide what’s “fair” compensation, which inevitably leads to lack of financial support, forcing women out of work once they give birth. And when moms return to the workforce after being pressured out? They apply with “gaps” in their resumes that prospective employers can’t legally ask about. American moms are ultimately far less likely to find jobs than their male peers - including those who took paternity leave. Brief Legitimize maternity leave as the demanding full-time employment that it is. Objectives 1. Ignite cultural conversation around an overlooked issue in American society: the difficulty new moms face in returning to the workforce after being forced out. 2. Give new moms a real and practical tool to assist in the above, while concretely helping their careers at the same time. Strategy Given the societal pressure to stay silent on working moms’ resume gaps, we couldn't just celebrate motherhood with a stereotypically stirring thirty-second commercial and hope it got people talking. We had to generate conversation through utility, not empty words, making working moms feel both empowered and part of a bigger, more visible community. The need for a blend of inspiration and utility is what made us choose LinkedIn as our focal point. As the world’s largest platform for career-building, it was the ideal media vehicle to both rally and educate the working moms that needed a voice and a path forward. Ultimately, the easier it is for moms, employers and the nation to talk about maternity leave, the sooner we can combat discrimination. Relevancy By directly linking a pressing cultural issue to a widespread social platform, we were able to inspire an entire community of mothers to speak up and take action. Specifically, we used LinkedIn as a tool for mothers to proudly take ownership of their maternity leave, igniting a bigger cultural conversation in the process. Outcome Success for us has two parts: 1) creating a conversation in culture around this issue, and 2) ensuring women have a helpful tool at their disposal. Culturally, we successfully started a conversation online that spread into the real world. Our online readership stands at 6 billion people, and companies as diverse as Morgan Stanley and Lifetime have contacted us to make the Pregnancy Pause a bigger educational platform. The desire for change is only growing. As far as creating a usable tool, parenting, news and business sites alike, from Scary Mommy, Bravo, The Huffington Post, PopSugar, The Mother List, Market Watch, and Romper, to even cultural leaders like Cindy Gallop, all agreed: we were providing both a real tool and stopgap for the problem. So much so that we now have 1600 followers from 33 states and 20 countries. Execution To get people talking, our execution had to ensure the work was as useful and accessible as possible. This began with its home. We chose LinkedIn, the world’s largest platform for career-building, so that we could reach, and assist, a wide swath of working moms on their home turf. This made the Pregnancy Pause, for all intents and purposes, a real company for moms to cite. But just making a company wasn’t enough. We also created a toolkit for people to build their own resumes, a dedicated phone line for potential employers to call, and an educational video to raise awareness and incite action. CampaignDescription “The Pregnancy Pause” We knew we couldn’t fix American public policy overnight, but there’s one simple truth that can help women right now: according to a study from the University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Something to Talk About: Information Exchange Under Employment Law. University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Vol. 165, 2017], working moms who openly acknowledge time spent on leave have a greater chance of being hired. Since these resume gaps have historically been so hard to talk about, we created a company women can simply list on LinkedIn for the duration of their leave: “Mom” at “The Pregnancy Pause.”

    The Pregnancy Pause

    案例简介:大纲 美国是全球仅有的两个不提供带薪产假的工业化国家之一。由个人雇主来决定什么是 “公平” 的补偿,这不可避免地导致缺乏财政支持,迫使妇女在分娩后失业。当妈妈们在被迫退出后重返职场时呢?他们申请的简历中有 “空白”,未来的雇主不能合法地询问。美国妈妈最终比她们的男性同龄人找到工作的可能性要小得多 -- 包括那些休陪产假的人。短暂的产假使其合法化,因为它要求全职工作。目标 1.点燃围绕美国社会一个被忽视的问题的文化对话: 新妈妈在被迫离开后重返职场面临的困难。2.给新妈妈一个真实实用的工具来协助上述工作,同时具体帮助她们的职业生涯。 策略 鉴于社会压力要求对工作妈妈的简历差距保持沉默,我们不能仅仅用一个老套的激动人心的第三十二个广告来庆祝母性,并希望它能让人们说话。我们不得不通过实用而不是空话来产生对话,让职业妈妈感到既有能力,又成为一个更大、更引人注目的社区的一部分。灵感和效用的混合需求使我们选择 LinkedIn 作为我们的焦点。作为世界上最大的职业建设平台,它是团结和教育需要声音和前进道路的职业母亲的理想媒体工具。最终,母亲、雇主和国家越容易谈论产假,我们就能越早打击歧视。 相关性 通过将一个紧迫的文化问题与一个广泛的社交平台直接联系起来,我们能够激励整个母亲社区大声疾呼并采取行动。具体来说,我们使用领英作为母亲自豪地拥有产假的工具,在这个过程中引发了更大的文化对话。 结果 对我们来说,成功有两个部分: 1) 围绕这个问题在文化中进行对话,2) 确保女性拥有一个有用的工具。在文化上,我们成功地在网上开始了一场传播到现实世界的对话。我们的在线读者有 60亿人,像摩根士丹利和 Lifetime 这样的公司已经联系我们,让暂停怀孕成为一个更大的教育平台。对变革的渴望只会越来越强烈。至于创建一个可用的工具,育儿,新闻和商业网站,从可怕的妈妈,布拉沃,赫芬顿邮报,PopSugar,母亲名单,市场观察和 Romper,即使是像辛迪 · 盖洛普这样的文化领袖,所有人都同意:我们为这个问题提供了一个真正的工具和权宜之计。以至于我们现在有来自 33 个州和 20 个国家的 1600 名追随者。 执行 为了让人们说话,我们的执行必须确保这项工作尽可能有用和容易获得。这始于它的家。我们选择了世界上最大的职业发展平台领英,这样我们就可以在她们的地盘上接触并帮助大量的职业妈妈。无论从哪方面来看,这使得怀孕暂停成为妈妈们可以引用的真正公司。但是仅仅建立一个公司是不够的。我们还为人们创建了一个工具包,让他们建立自己的简历,为潜在雇主提供专用电话线,以及一个提高认识和煽动行动的教育视频。 活动描述 “怀孕暂停” 我们知道我们不能一夜之间修正美国的公共政策,但是现在有一个简单的事实可以帮助女性: 根据宾夕法尼亚大学法律评论 [的一项研究: 就业法下的信息交流。宾夕法尼亚大学法律评论,165 卷,2017],公开承认休假时间的工作妈妈有更大的机会被雇用。由于这些简历差距在历史上一直很难谈论,我们创建了一家公司,女性可以在 LinkedIn 上简单地列出她们休假期间的名单: “妈妈” 在 “怀孕暂停”。"

    The Pregnancy Pause

    案例简介:Synopsis Situation America is one of only two industrialized nations worldwide that doesn’t provide paid maternity leave. It’s up to individual employers to decide what’s “fair” compensation, which inevitably leads to lack of financial support, forcing women out of work once they give birth. And when moms return to the workforce after being pressured out? They apply with “gaps” in their resumes that prospective employers can’t legally ask about. American moms are ultimately far less likely to find jobs than their male peers - including those who took paternity leave. Brief Legitimize maternity leave as the demanding full-time employment that it is. Objectives 1. Ignite cultural conversation around an overlooked issue in American society: the difficulty new moms face in returning to the workforce after being forced out. 2. Give new moms a real and practical tool to assist in the above, while concretely helping their careers at the same time. Strategy Given the societal pressure to stay silent on working moms’ resume gaps, we couldn't just celebrate motherhood with a stereotypically stirring thirty-second commercial and hope it got people talking. We had to generate conversation through utility, not empty words, making working moms feel both empowered and part of a bigger, more visible community. The need for a blend of inspiration and utility is what made us choose LinkedIn as our focal point. As the world’s largest platform for career-building, it was the ideal media vehicle to both rally and educate the working moms that needed a voice and a path forward. Ultimately, the easier it is for moms, employers and the nation to talk about maternity leave, the sooner we can combat discrimination. Relevancy By directly linking a pressing cultural issue to a widespread social platform, we were able to inspire an entire community of mothers to speak up and take action. Specifically, we used LinkedIn as a tool for mothers to proudly take ownership of their maternity leave, igniting a bigger cultural conversation in the process. Outcome Success for us has two parts: 1) creating a conversation in culture around this issue, and 2) ensuring women have a helpful tool at their disposal. Culturally, we successfully started a conversation online that spread into the real world. Our online readership stands at 6 billion people, and companies as diverse as Morgan Stanley and Lifetime have contacted us to make the Pregnancy Pause a bigger educational platform. The desire for change is only growing. As far as creating a usable tool, parenting, news and business sites alike, from Scary Mommy, Bravo, The Huffington Post, PopSugar, The Mother List, Market Watch, and Romper, to even cultural leaders like Cindy Gallop, all agreed: we were providing both a real tool and stopgap for the problem. So much so that we now have 1600 followers from 33 states and 20 countries. Execution To get people talking, our execution had to ensure the work was as useful and accessible as possible. This began with its home. We chose LinkedIn, the world’s largest platform for career-building, so that we could reach, and assist, a wide swath of working moms on their home turf. This made the Pregnancy Pause, for all intents and purposes, a real company for moms to cite. But just making a company wasn’t enough. We also created a toolkit for people to build their own resumes, a dedicated phone line for potential employers to call, and an educational video to raise awareness and incite action. CampaignDescription “The Pregnancy Pause” We knew we couldn’t fix American public policy overnight, but there’s one simple truth that can help women right now: according to a study from the University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Something to Talk About: Information Exchange Under Employment Law. University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Vol. 165, 2017], working moms who openly acknowledge time spent on leave have a greater chance of being hired. Since these resume gaps have historically been so hard to talk about, we created a company women can simply list on LinkedIn for the duration of their leave: “Mom” at “The Pregnancy Pause.”



    The Pregnancy Pause






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