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    James Patterson Self-Destructing Book短视频广告营销案例



    詹姆斯 · 帕特森自毁书

    案例简介:执行 我们在 selfdestructingbook.com 发布了 1,000 本免费电子书。在那里,用户得到了独特的代码来解锁和下载电子书,为了增加兴奋,他们可以跟踪其他读者并从中窃取时间。电子书被实时连接到网站上,提供关于读者位置、阅读速度和进度的信息。网站和移动设备之间的整合创造了一个粉丝社区,通过一本书的激动人心而团结在一起。 iPad 电子书包括一个 24 小时计时器、可怕的故事相关动画和一个不祥的 “页面燃烧器”,当用户刷卡时,它会破坏每一页。 结果 头脑被吹了。我们花了 13,000 多个小时阅读手机版的 “私人维加斯”,用户互相破坏了近 6,000 次,总共 5,310,000 次被盗。全世界写了 86 篇文章。我们得到了传统报纸的报道,比如《卫报》,还有科技杂志,比如《连线》和《 Mashable 》。一些博客甚至写下了他们每小时的经历。所有的新闻报道都给这场运动留下了超过 4.19亿的印象。访问 jamespatterson.com 的游客增加了 60%。精装版的《私人维加斯》在活动开始后的第一周成为《纽约时报》的畅销书。 战略 30 多年来,詹姆斯 · 帕特森一直让他的读者感到激动。为了推出詹姆斯 · 帕特森的新书《私人维加斯》,我们想证明,在出版了 90 多本书后,他仍然是刺激的主人。我们知道,我们必须推动出版界超越传统界限,并利用技术吸引新一代粉丝。我们所做的是把 “私人拉斯维加斯” 固有的刺激带到一个新的疯狂的高度。我们创造了自毁的书。旨在显著提高阅读快感的运动。我们给了人们 24 小时阅读《私人维加斯》的时间,然后它就自毁了。我们重塑了电子书格式,使其成为有史以来最激动人心的阅读体验,一场惊心动魄的赛跑。

    詹姆斯 · 帕特森自毁书

    案例简介:Execution We released 1,000 free e-books available at selfdestructingbook.com. There, users got unique codes to unlock and download the digital book and, to heighten the thrill, they could track other readers and steal time from them. The e-book was connected to the website in real-time providing information about the reader’s location, reading speed and progress. The integration between the site and the mobile devices created a community of fans united by the thrill of a book.The iPad e-book included a 24 hours timer, frightening story-related animations and an ominous “page burner” that destroyed every page as the user swiped it. Outcome Minds were blown. More than 13,000 hours were spent reading our mobile version of “Private Vegas” and users sabotage each other almost 6,000 times, for a total of 5,310,000 stolen seconds.86 articles were written around the world. We got coverage from traditional newspapers, like The Guardian, to technology magazines, like Wired and Mashable. Some bloggers even wrote about their experience our-by-hour. All the press coverage gave the campaign more than 419 million impressions.Visitors to jamespatterson.com went up more than 60%. And the hardcover version of “Private Vegas” became a New York Times bestseller in the first week after the launch of the campaign. Strategy James Patterson has been thrilling his readers for more than 30 years. For the launch of James Patterson’s new book “Private Vegas”, we wanted to demonstrate that, after more than 90 books published, he still is the master of thrill.We knew that we had to push the publishing world beyond conventional boundaries and use technology to engage a new generation of fans.What we did was taking the inherent thrill of “Private Vegas” to a new, crazy height.We created the Self-Destructing Book. A campaign designed to dramatically heighten the thrill of reading a book. We gave people 24 hours to read “Private Vegas” before it self-destructed. We reinvented the e-book format by making it the most thrilling reading experience ever, a thrilling race against the clock.

    James Patterson Self-Destructing Book

    案例简介:执行 我们在 selfdestructingbook.com 发布了 1,000 本免费电子书。在那里,用户得到了独特的代码来解锁和下载电子书,为了增加兴奋,他们可以跟踪其他读者并从中窃取时间。电子书被实时连接到网站上,提供关于读者位置、阅读速度和进度的信息。网站和移动设备之间的整合创造了一个粉丝社区,通过一本书的激动人心而团结在一起。 iPad 电子书包括一个 24 小时计时器、可怕的故事相关动画和一个不祥的 “页面燃烧器”,当用户刷卡时,它会破坏每一页。 结果 头脑被吹了。我们花了 13,000 多个小时阅读手机版的 “私人维加斯”,用户互相破坏了近 6,000 次,总共 5,310,000 次被盗。全世界写了 86 篇文章。我们得到了传统报纸的报道,比如《卫报》,还有科技杂志,比如《连线》和《 Mashable 》。一些博客甚至写下了他们每小时的经历。所有的新闻报道都给这场运动留下了超过 4.19亿的印象。访问 jamespatterson.com 的游客增加了 60%。精装版的《私人维加斯》在活动开始后的第一周成为《纽约时报》的畅销书。 战略 30 多年来,詹姆斯 · 帕特森一直让他的读者感到激动。为了推出詹姆斯 · 帕特森的新书《私人维加斯》,我们想证明,在出版了 90 多本书后,他仍然是刺激的主人。我们知道,我们必须推动出版界超越传统界限,并利用技术吸引新一代粉丝。我们所做的是把 “私人拉斯维加斯” 固有的刺激带到一个新的疯狂的高度。我们创造了自毁的书。旨在显著提高阅读快感的运动。我们给了人们 24 小时阅读《私人维加斯》的时间,然后它就自毁了。我们重塑了电子书格式,使其成为有史以来最激动人心的阅读体验,一场惊心动魄的赛跑。

    James Patterson Self-Destructing Book

    案例简介:Execution We released 1,000 free e-books available at selfdestructingbook.com. There, users got unique codes to unlock and download the digital book and, to heighten the thrill, they could track other readers and steal time from them. The e-book was connected to the website in real-time providing information about the reader’s location, reading speed and progress. The integration between the site and the mobile devices created a community of fans united by the thrill of a book.The iPad e-book included a 24 hours timer, frightening story-related animations and an ominous “page burner” that destroyed every page as the user swiped it. Outcome Minds were blown. More than 13,000 hours were spent reading our mobile version of “Private Vegas” and users sabotage each other almost 6,000 times, for a total of 5,310,000 stolen seconds.86 articles were written around the world. We got coverage from traditional newspapers, like The Guardian, to technology magazines, like Wired and Mashable. Some bloggers even wrote about their experience our-by-hour. All the press coverage gave the campaign more than 419 million impressions.Visitors to jamespatterson.com went up more than 60%. And the hardcover version of “Private Vegas” became a New York Times bestseller in the first week after the launch of the campaign. Strategy James Patterson has been thrilling his readers for more than 30 years. For the launch of James Patterson’s new book “Private Vegas”, we wanted to demonstrate that, after more than 90 books published, he still is the master of thrill.We knew that we had to push the publishing world beyond conventional boundaries and use technology to engage a new generation of fans.What we did was taking the inherent thrill of “Private Vegas” to a new, crazy height.We created the Self-Destructing Book. A campaign designed to dramatically heighten the thrill of reading a book. We gave people 24 hours to read “Private Vegas” before it self-destructed. We reinvented the e-book format by making it the most thrilling reading experience ever, a thrilling race against the clock.

    詹姆斯 · 帕特森自毁书


    James Patterson Self-Destructing Book






    广告公司: Mother (美国 纽约)




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