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    The Fall短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:EntrySummary 在巴西,“perder o ch ã o” 一词非常受欢迎。直译是 “感觉地板掉下来”,意思是迷失方向,迷失方向,被坏消息吓到。这个表达是女孩摔倒的整个想法的灵感。当我们被爱包围时,逆转这个秋天和战胜癌症更容易 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 由于这是一场医院品牌重塑运动,对此没有任何限制或规定。 简要解释 一个女孩在公园里和她的狗玩。突然,她感到不舒服,昏倒在地。当她醒来时,她躺在医院的病床上,我们看到她的父母在听可怕的消息: 他们的女儿得了癌症。从那时起,我们看到她和她一起坠落,她的恐惧和孤独。我们也看到了医生和家人的爱如何让她回到正常生活。最后,这个概念说: “爱永远不会让我们失望。现在 Barretos 癌症医院有一个新的名字: 爱的医院。" 观众 用医院的名字 “爱” 代替 “癌症” 对病人和医生来说非常有意义。我们的电影以诗意、希望和情感的方式传达了这种变化。我们相信我们的信息有能力触及处于这种情况的人,并给他们力量来对抗这种疾病。 AdvertisingFormatOther 从第一天起,我们就知道只有当我们有正确的情感基调时,这种叙述才会奏效,从团队的角度来看,这只能通过一首歌来实现。在搜索了一些已知的音乐作品后,我们决定写一首原创的,因为我们想的歌曲都不适合叙事。我们的团队开始制作早期的动画版本,并相应地制作了这首歌,使得这首歌即使在电影呈现的戏剧性情绪下降和扭曲的情况下也能感觉自然。“充满爱的心” 设定了心情,引导观众走过这段旅程,丽贝卡 · 彼得的歌声是一个快乐的发现。关于音效: 一旦我们完成了渲染,我们的团队增加了一层电影声音设计,为视觉带来深度,尤其是将屏幕上描绘的两个世界分开。


    案例简介:EntrySummary In Brazil, the expression "perder o chão" is very popular. The literal translation is "feel the floor falling down" and means to be lost, disoriented, to be taken by surprise by bad news. This expression was the inspiration for the whole idea of the girl falling. Reverting this fall and beating cancer is easier when we’re surrounded by love BriefWithProjectedOutcomes Since this a hospital rebranding campaign, there is no restrictions or regulations regarding this piece. BriefExplanation A girl is playing with her dog at the park. All of a sudden she feels unwell and faints, falling into the ground. When she wakes up she’s lying in a hospital bed and we see her parents listening to terrible news: their daughter has cancer. From then on, we see her falling and along with her, her fears and loneliness. We also see how the love of doctors and her family brings her back to her normal life. At the end the concept says: “Love never lets us down. Now Barretos Cancer Hospital has a new name: Hospital of Love.” Audience Replacing "cancer" with "love" in a hospital's name is very meaningful to patients and doctors. Our film communicates this change in a poetic, hopeful and emotional way. We believe our message has the power to touch those who are in this situation and give them strength to fight this disease. AdvertisingFormatOther From day one we knew this narrative would only work if we had the right emotional tone, and from the team's perspective, this would only be achieved with a song. After searching for some known pieces of music we decided to write an original one, since none of the songs we were thinking of would fit the narrative properly. Our team started working on an early animatic version, and crafted the song accordingly, making the song feel natural even with the dramatic mood drops and twists the film presents. "Heart Full Of Love" sets the mood and conducts the viewer through this journey, and Rebecca Peters' vocals were a more than joyful find. Regarding sound effects: once we had a finished render, our team added a layer of cinematic sound design to bring depth to the visuals, especially to set apart the two worlds depicted on screen.

    The Fall

    案例简介:EntrySummary 在巴西,“perder o ch ã o” 一词非常受欢迎。直译是 “感觉地板掉下来”,意思是迷失方向,迷失方向,被坏消息吓到。这个表达是女孩摔倒的整个想法的灵感。当我们被爱包围时,逆转这个秋天和战胜癌症更容易 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 由于这是一场医院品牌重塑运动,对此没有任何限制或规定。 简要解释 一个女孩在公园里和她的狗玩。突然,她感到不舒服,昏倒在地。当她醒来时,她躺在医院的病床上,我们看到她的父母在听可怕的消息: 他们的女儿得了癌症。从那时起,我们看到她和她一起坠落,她的恐惧和孤独。我们也看到了医生和家人的爱如何让她回到正常生活。最后,这个概念说: “爱永远不会让我们失望。现在 Barretos 癌症医院有一个新的名字: 爱的医院。" 观众 用医院的名字 “爱” 代替 “癌症” 对病人和医生来说非常有意义。我们的电影以诗意、希望和情感的方式传达了这种变化。我们相信我们的信息有能力触及处于这种情况的人,并给他们力量来对抗这种疾病。 AdvertisingFormatOther 从第一天起,我们就知道只有当我们有正确的情感基调时,这种叙述才会奏效,从团队的角度来看,这只能通过一首歌来实现。在搜索了一些已知的音乐作品后,我们决定写一首原创的,因为我们想的歌曲都不适合叙事。我们的团队开始制作早期的动画版本,并相应地制作了这首歌,使得这首歌即使在电影呈现的戏剧性情绪下降和扭曲的情况下也能感觉自然。“充满爱的心” 设定了心情,引导观众走过这段旅程,丽贝卡 · 彼得的歌声是一个快乐的发现。关于音效: 一旦我们完成了渲染,我们的团队增加了一层电影声音设计,为视觉带来深度,尤其是将屏幕上描绘的两个世界分开。

    The Fall

    案例简介:EntrySummary In Brazil, the expression "perder o chão" is very popular. The literal translation is "feel the floor falling down" and means to be lost, disoriented, to be taken by surprise by bad news. This expression was the inspiration for the whole idea of the girl falling. Reverting this fall and beating cancer is easier when we’re surrounded by love BriefWithProjectedOutcomes Since this a hospital rebranding campaign, there is no restrictions or regulations regarding this piece. BriefExplanation A girl is playing with her dog at the park. All of a sudden she feels unwell and faints, falling into the ground. When she wakes up she’s lying in a hospital bed and we see her parents listening to terrible news: their daughter has cancer. From then on, we see her falling and along with her, her fears and loneliness. We also see how the love of doctors and her family brings her back to her normal life. At the end the concept says: “Love never lets us down. Now Barretos Cancer Hospital has a new name: Hospital of Love.” Audience Replacing "cancer" with "love" in a hospital's name is very meaningful to patients and doctors. Our film communicates this change in a poetic, hopeful and emotional way. We believe our message has the power to touch those who are in this situation and give them strength to fight this disease. AdvertisingFormatOther From day one we knew this narrative would only work if we had the right emotional tone, and from the team's perspective, this would only be achieved with a song. After searching for some known pieces of music we decided to write an original one, since none of the songs we were thinking of would fit the narrative properly. Our team started working on an early animatic version, and crafted the song accordingly, making the song feel natural even with the dramatic mood drops and twists the film presents. "Heart Full Of Love" sets the mood and conducts the viewer through this journey, and Rebecca Peters' vocals were a more than joyful find. Regarding sound effects: once we had a finished render, our team added a layer of cinematic sound design to bring depth to the visuals, especially to set apart the two worlds depicted on screen.



    The Fall










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