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    案例简介:简介: 我们被要求为荷兰最古老的电影院 -- 阿姆斯特丹的德 Uitkijk 寻找新观众。像欧洲许多其他独立的小型 (艺术之家) 电影院一样,德 Uitkijk 面临着观众的萎缩,并且正在努力生存。竞争不仅来自所谓的 “多路复用”,也来自家庭影院和互联网。德 Uitkijk 正在寻找至少增加 10% 的游客。目标是对 “高质量电影” 感兴趣的 (最好是年轻的) 观众。洞察: 新一代影迷在线观看和分享电影。一种全新的电影文化正在电影院外出现。 实施: 为了让这一代 “新一代” 的影迷们进入 Uitkijk,成立了一个特殊的电影俱乐部: 上传电影。它的目标是将网络上最好的视频带到银幕上。每个月的第一个星期一,一个新的网络短片节目在德 Uitkijk 放映。每个月都有一个新的主题。观众可以提交电影,编辑团队将从中选择最好的电影,并编写一个 90 分钟的节目。上传电影是像许多在线社区一样推出的: 仅通过邀请。没有任何形式的传统广告,仅仅通过口碑和 “会员获得会员”,俱乐部迅速崛起。 结果: 上传电影从一开始就是一个巨大的成功。从最初的 300 邀请邮件中,仅在三个月内就招募了 500 多名成员 (目标 250)。所有放映都被预订满了 (座位容量的 100%)。星期一比平时多四倍!(目标 50%)。2008年最后三个月去德 Uitkijk 的游客总数比 22% 增加了 2007!(目标 10%)。一项调查显示,在 38% 从未去过电影院的游客中,70% 的人表示有兴趣在其他场合参观 Uitkijk。 为什么促销方法与服务最相关: 通过将 “最好的 youtube” 带到大银幕上,两位观众相遇了: 新一代的影迷发现了网上电影和 “优质电影院”,而年长的观众发现了网络电影的 “奇妙世界”。(正在进行的) 促销活动的核心是每月主题晚会,由编辑团队现场介绍。创造一个亲密而难忘的电影体验,值得在亲朋好友之间传播。并产生了大量的回访。电子邮件和网站被用来通知、激活和联系 (潜在的) 成员。低成本的海报和传单被用于电影院本身。


    案例简介:Brief: We were asked to find a new audience for the oldest film theatre in the Netherlands, De Uitkijk in Amsterdam. Like many other small, independent (art house) cinemas in Europe, De Uitkijk is facing shrinking audiences and is struggling to survive. The competition comes not only from so-called ‘multiplexes’ but also from home cinema and the Internet. De Uitkijk is looking for an increase in visitors of at least 10%. The target is a (preferably young) audience interested in ‘quality cinema’. Insight: The new generation of film fans watches and shares movies online. A whole new film culture is emerging outside the cinemas. Implementation: To drive this ‘new generation’ of film fans to the De Uitkijk, a special film club was created: Upload Cinema. It’s goal was to bring the best videos of the web on to the silver screen. Every first Monday of the month, a fresh program of Internet shorts was screened at De Uitkijk. With a new theme each month. The audience could submit films from which an editorial team would select the best and compile a 90-minute program. Upload Cinema was launched the way many online communities are: by invitation only. Without any form of traditional advertising, just by word of mouth and ‘Member Get Member’ the club emerged rapidly. Results: Upload Cinema has been a great success right from the start. From the original invitation mailing of 300, more than 500 members were recruited in just three months (target 250). All the screenings are fully booked (100% of the seating capacity). That’s four times more than usual on a Monday! (Target was 50%). The total number of visitors to De Uitkijk in the last three months of 2008 rose by 22% compared with 2007! (Target was 10%). A survey showed that out of the 38% of visitors who had never been to the film theater, 70% expressed interest in visiting De Uitkijk on other occasions. Why the method of promotion was most relevant to the service: By bringing ‘the best of YouTube’ to the big screen, two audiences met: a new generation of film fans discovers De Uitkijk and ‘quality cinema’ while an older audience discovered the ‘wondrous world’ of web film. At the heart of the (ongoing) promotion campaign are the monthly theme evenings, which are introduced live by the editorial team. Creating an intimate and memorable cinema experience worth spreading amongst friends and relatives. And generating a lot of return visits. E-mail and website were used to inform, activate and connect (prospective) members. Low-budget posters and flyers are used in the cinema itself.

    Upload Cinema

    案例简介:简介: 我们被要求为荷兰最古老的电影院 -- 阿姆斯特丹的德 Uitkijk 寻找新观众。像欧洲许多其他独立的小型 (艺术之家) 电影院一样,德 Uitkijk 面临着观众的萎缩,并且正在努力生存。竞争不仅来自所谓的 “多路复用”,也来自家庭影院和互联网。德 Uitkijk 正在寻找至少增加 10% 的游客。目标是对 “高质量电影” 感兴趣的 (最好是年轻的) 观众。洞察: 新一代影迷在线观看和分享电影。一种全新的电影文化正在电影院外出现。 实施: 为了让这一代 “新一代” 的影迷们进入 Uitkijk,成立了一个特殊的电影俱乐部: 上传电影。它的目标是将网络上最好的视频带到银幕上。每个月的第一个星期一,一个新的网络短片节目在德 Uitkijk 放映。每个月都有一个新的主题。观众可以提交电影,编辑团队将从中选择最好的电影,并编写一个 90 分钟的节目。上传电影是像许多在线社区一样推出的: 仅通过邀请。没有任何形式的传统广告,仅仅通过口碑和 “会员获得会员”,俱乐部迅速崛起。 结果: 上传电影从一开始就是一个巨大的成功。从最初的 300 邀请邮件中,仅在三个月内就招募了 500 多名成员 (目标 250)。所有放映都被预订满了 (座位容量的 100%)。星期一比平时多四倍!(目标 50%)。2008年最后三个月去德 Uitkijk 的游客总数比 22% 增加了 2007!(目标 10%)。一项调查显示,在 38% 从未去过电影院的游客中,70% 的人表示有兴趣在其他场合参观 Uitkijk。 为什么促销方法与服务最相关: 通过将 “最好的 youtube” 带到大银幕上,两位观众相遇了: 新一代的影迷发现了网上电影和 “优质电影院”,而年长的观众发现了网络电影的 “奇妙世界”。(正在进行的) 促销活动的核心是每月主题晚会,由编辑团队现场介绍。创造一个亲密而难忘的电影体验,值得在亲朋好友之间传播。并产生了大量的回访。电子邮件和网站被用来通知、激活和联系 (潜在的) 成员。低成本的海报和传单被用于电影院本身。

    Upload Cinema

    案例简介:Brief: We were asked to find a new audience for the oldest film theatre in the Netherlands, De Uitkijk in Amsterdam. Like many other small, independent (art house) cinemas in Europe, De Uitkijk is facing shrinking audiences and is struggling to survive. The competition comes not only from so-called ‘multiplexes’ but also from home cinema and the Internet. De Uitkijk is looking for an increase in visitors of at least 10%. The target is a (preferably young) audience interested in ‘quality cinema’. Insight: The new generation of film fans watches and shares movies online. A whole new film culture is emerging outside the cinemas. Implementation: To drive this ‘new generation’ of film fans to the De Uitkijk, a special film club was created: Upload Cinema. It’s goal was to bring the best videos of the web on to the silver screen. Every first Monday of the month, a fresh program of Internet shorts was screened at De Uitkijk. With a new theme each month. The audience could submit films from which an editorial team would select the best and compile a 90-minute program. Upload Cinema was launched the way many online communities are: by invitation only. Without any form of traditional advertising, just by word of mouth and ‘Member Get Member’ the club emerged rapidly. Results: Upload Cinema has been a great success right from the start. From the original invitation mailing of 300, more than 500 members were recruited in just three months (target 250). All the screenings are fully booked (100% of the seating capacity). That’s four times more than usual on a Monday! (Target was 50%). The total number of visitors to De Uitkijk in the last three months of 2008 rose by 22% compared with 2007! (Target was 10%). A survey showed that out of the 38% of visitors who had never been to the film theater, 70% expressed interest in visiting De Uitkijk on other occasions. Why the method of promotion was most relevant to the service: By bringing ‘the best of YouTube’ to the big screen, two audiences met: a new generation of film fans discovers De Uitkijk and ‘quality cinema’ while an older audience discovered the ‘wondrous world’ of web film. At the heart of the (ongoing) promotion campaign are the monthly theme evenings, which are introduced live by the editorial team. Creating an intimate and memorable cinema experience worth spreading amongst friends and relatives. And generating a lot of return visits. E-mail and website were used to inform, activate and connect (prospective) members. Low-budget posters and flyers are used in the cinema itself.



    Upload Cinema










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