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    Football Or Father短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:相关性 我们的目标是特定的人群。体育记者。通过向他们传递日历,我们希望他们能传达我们的想法。这正是他们所做的。 活动描述 爱避孕套是一个挑战者品牌,没有媒体预算在电视上做广告。爱避孕套用菲利普的个人故事制作了一个广告,菲利普是一名比利时人,他错过了他的球队在 1986年墨西哥世界杯四分之一决赛中的胜利 (比利时有史以来最好的结果) 因为那天晚上他成了爸爸。在视频中,他解释了自己的痛苦,并以警告所有比利时人不要犯和他一样的错误和戴避孕套来结束自己的故事。这部电影在欧足联欧洲锦标赛开始前 9 个月上映,立即获得了巨大成功。然而,为了接触更多的人,我们需要上电视。但是我们怎么能在没有媒体预算的电视上被看到呢?我们制作了一个日历,里面有避孕套,将在欧足联欧洲锦标赛前 9 个月使用。日历被发送给所有体育记者。 执行 每个日历有 28 个避孕套对应于 28 天的比赛。每个避孕套将在比赛前 9 个月使用,你不想错过。每个避孕套都是根据比赛情况量身定做的。当避孕套被取出时,下面可以看到一个空白的正方形。这是为了填写你不会错过的比赛结果。日历是由插画家设计的。在左边,插图代表了支持者的生活,因此如果这个人选择使用保护,也就是不要错过比赛,会发生什么。在右边,插图代表了一个父亲的生活,因此如果这个人在欧足联锦标赛中成为父亲会发生什么。 结果 创建和生产日历的成本为 1500 欧元。日历发给了 20 名目标体育记者。由于这个日历,我们在全国最大的电视频道的黄金时段总共出现了 5 分钟。 07sec。这场运动很快就开始了,并得到了比利时所有重要媒体网站的报道 (Le Soir 、 La derni è re Heure 、 l 'avenir 、 Het Nieuwsblad 、 Het Laatste Nieuws,等) 所有这些在赢得媒体上价值超过 350.000 欧元。爱避孕套的 facebook 粉丝数量增加了 17%。活动期间销售额增加了: + 8%…… 希望每个比利时人都能在 6月享受足球。 概要 爱情避孕套是比利时的避孕套品牌。这是一个挑战者,没有媒体预算,可能会与杜蕾斯等大公司竞争。通过单独针对体育记者,我们知道这个话题会引起他们的共鸣,如果他们喜欢这个想法,他们会和电视观众交流。他们做到了。 战略 为了接触更多的人,我们需要上电视。但是我们怎么能在没有媒体预算的电视上被看到呢?我们制作了一个日历,里面有避孕套,将在欧足联欧洲锦标赛前 9 个月使用。日历被发送给所有体育记者。


    案例简介:Relevancy We targeted a specific group of people. Sports journalists. By delivering the calendar to them, we hoped that they would communicate our idea. And that’s precisely what they did. Campaign Description Love Condom is a challenger brand with no media budget for advertising on TV.Love Condom created an ad using the personal story of Philippe, a Belgian who missed his team’s victory in the quarter-finals of the World Cup in Mexico in 1986 (best result ever for Belgium) because he became a dad that evening.In the video, he explains his agony and ends his story by warning all Belgians not to make the same mistake as him, and to wear condoms. The film was released exactly 9 months before the launch of the UEFA European Championship, and was an immediate runaway success.However, to reach even more people, we needed to get on TV. But how could we get seen on TV with no media budget? We created a calendar with condoms to be used 9 months before the UEFA European Championship.The calendar was sent to all sports journalists. Execution Each calendar has 28 condoms corresponding to the 28 days of tournament matches. Each condom is to be used 9 months before the match you don’t want to miss. Each condom is tailored to the match. When a condom is removed, a blank square can be seen underneath. This is for filling in the match result you aren’t going to miss.The calendar has been designed by an illustrator. On the left, the illustrations represent the life of the supporter and therefore what will happen if the person chooses to use protection, i.e. not miss the match. On the right, the illustrations represent a dad’s life and therefore what can happen if the person becomes a dad during the UEFA European Championship. Outcome The cost of creating and producing the calendar came to 1500 euros. The calendar was delivered to 20 targeted sports journalists. As a result of this calendar, we were featured during prime time on the biggest TV-channels in the country for a total of 5 min. 07sec.The campaign was quickly taken up and got coverage from all the important Belgian press websites (Le Soir, La Dernière Heure, L’Avenir, Het Nieuwsblad, Het Laatste Nieuws, etc.) All this was worth more than 350.000 euro in earned media.Love Condom’s number of facebook fans increased with 17%.Sales increased during the campaign : +8 %… and hopefully every belgian man can enjoy football in june. Synopsis Love Condom is a Belgian brand of condoms. It’s a challenger, without a media budget that might rival the big players such as Durex. By targeting sports journalists individually, we knew that the subject would strike a chord with them and that if they liked the idea they would communicate it with their television viewers. And they did. Strategy to reach even more people, we needed to get on TV. But how could we get seen on TV with no media budget? We created a calendar with condoms to be used 9months before the UEFA European Championship.The calendar was sent to all sports journalists.

    Football Or Father

    案例简介:相关性 我们的目标是特定的人群。体育记者。通过向他们传递日历,我们希望他们能传达我们的想法。这正是他们所做的。 活动描述 爱避孕套是一个挑战者品牌,没有媒体预算在电视上做广告。爱避孕套用菲利普的个人故事制作了一个广告,菲利普是一名比利时人,他错过了他的球队在 1986年墨西哥世界杯四分之一决赛中的胜利 (比利时有史以来最好的结果) 因为那天晚上他成了爸爸。在视频中,他解释了自己的痛苦,并以警告所有比利时人不要犯和他一样的错误和戴避孕套来结束自己的故事。这部电影在欧足联欧洲锦标赛开始前 9 个月上映,立即获得了巨大成功。然而,为了接触更多的人,我们需要上电视。但是我们怎么能在没有媒体预算的电视上被看到呢?我们制作了一个日历,里面有避孕套,将在欧足联欧洲锦标赛前 9 个月使用。日历被发送给所有体育记者。 执行 每个日历有 28 个避孕套对应于 28 天的比赛。每个避孕套将在比赛前 9 个月使用,你不想错过。每个避孕套都是根据比赛情况量身定做的。当避孕套被取出时,下面可以看到一个空白的正方形。这是为了填写你不会错过的比赛结果。日历是由插画家设计的。在左边,插图代表了支持者的生活,因此如果这个人选择使用保护,也就是不要错过比赛,会发生什么。在右边,插图代表了一个父亲的生活,因此如果这个人在欧足联锦标赛中成为父亲会发生什么。 结果 创建和生产日历的成本为 1500 欧元。日历发给了 20 名目标体育记者。由于这个日历,我们在全国最大的电视频道的黄金时段总共出现了 5 分钟。 07sec。这场运动很快就开始了,并得到了比利时所有重要媒体网站的报道 (Le Soir 、 La derni è re Heure 、 l 'avenir 、 Het Nieuwsblad 、 Het Laatste Nieuws,等) 所有这些在赢得媒体上价值超过 350.000 欧元。爱避孕套的 facebook 粉丝数量增加了 17%。活动期间销售额增加了: + 8%…… 希望每个比利时人都能在 6月享受足球。 概要 爱情避孕套是比利时的避孕套品牌。这是一个挑战者,没有媒体预算,可能会与杜蕾斯等大公司竞争。通过单独针对体育记者,我们知道这个话题会引起他们的共鸣,如果他们喜欢这个想法,他们会和电视观众交流。他们做到了。 战略 为了接触更多的人,我们需要上电视。但是我们怎么能在没有媒体预算的电视上被看到呢?我们制作了一个日历,里面有避孕套,将在欧足联欧洲锦标赛前 9 个月使用。日历被发送给所有体育记者。

    Football Or Father

    案例简介:Relevancy We targeted a specific group of people. Sports journalists. By delivering the calendar to them, we hoped that they would communicate our idea. And that’s precisely what they did. Campaign Description Love Condom is a challenger brand with no media budget for advertising on TV.Love Condom created an ad using the personal story of Philippe, a Belgian who missed his team’s victory in the quarter-finals of the World Cup in Mexico in 1986 (best result ever for Belgium) because he became a dad that evening.In the video, he explains his agony and ends his story by warning all Belgians not to make the same mistake as him, and to wear condoms. The film was released exactly 9 months before the launch of the UEFA European Championship, and was an immediate runaway success.However, to reach even more people, we needed to get on TV. But how could we get seen on TV with no media budget? We created a calendar with condoms to be used 9 months before the UEFA European Championship.The calendar was sent to all sports journalists. Execution Each calendar has 28 condoms corresponding to the 28 days of tournament matches. Each condom is to be used 9 months before the match you don’t want to miss. Each condom is tailored to the match. When a condom is removed, a blank square can be seen underneath. This is for filling in the match result you aren’t going to miss.The calendar has been designed by an illustrator. On the left, the illustrations represent the life of the supporter and therefore what will happen if the person chooses to use protection, i.e. not miss the match. On the right, the illustrations represent a dad’s life and therefore what can happen if the person becomes a dad during the UEFA European Championship. Outcome The cost of creating and producing the calendar came to 1500 euros. The calendar was delivered to 20 targeted sports journalists. As a result of this calendar, we were featured during prime time on the biggest TV-channels in the country for a total of 5 min. 07sec.The campaign was quickly taken up and got coverage from all the important Belgian press websites (Le Soir, La Dernière Heure, L’Avenir, Het Nieuwsblad, Het Laatste Nieuws, etc.) All this was worth more than 350.000 euro in earned media.Love Condom’s number of facebook fans increased with 17%.Sales increased during the campaign : +8 %… and hopefully every belgian man can enjoy football in june. Synopsis Love Condom is a Belgian brand of condoms. It’s a challenger, without a media budget that might rival the big players such as Durex. By targeting sports journalists individually, we knew that the subject would strike a chord with them and that if they liked the idea they would communicate it with their television viewers. And they did. Strategy to reach even more people, we needed to get on TV. But how could we get seen on TV with no media budget? We created a calendar with condoms to be used 9months before the UEFA European Championship.The calendar was sent to all sports journalists.



    Football Or Father










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