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    Venmo 微黑客

    案例简介:活动描述 清洁水慈善机构 WATERisLIFE 将 1,000 1 美分的支付变成了社交支付应用 Venmo 上的超针对性广告,创造了一个新的媒体平台,可以用他们自己的语言直接与千禧一代交谈。 结果 以 10 美元的价格,我们瞄准了 1,000 人,将每一笔付款都变成了一个个性化的广告,与比萨、啤酒、汽钱等相关。所有广告都自动发布到用户的新闻提要和 Venmo 的公共全球提要中,数百万用户可以在那里看到这些广告。我们创造了自己的媒体频道。该活动很快被媒体机构 Gizmodo 、 PSFK 、 Techcrunch 等以及广告出版物如 Adweek 、为我们赢得了价值 178万美元的媒体曝光,这是一家小型慈善机构的无价曝光。在我们第一天迅速筹集了超过 1,000 美元的小额捐款后,Venmo 关闭了我们 -- 但向 WATERisLIFE 提供了该应用程序的第三个慈善账户,允许我们在像美国心脏协会和疟疾这样更大的慈善机构旁边合法筹集资金。 概要 千禧一代正在放弃现金和信用卡进行数字支付,他们不认为向慈善机构捐赠是一件容易的日常事情。为了提高千禧一代的意识,增加对清洁水慈善机构 WATERisLIFE 的捐款,我们使用了千禧一代最喜欢的支付应用 Venmo。 执行 在 7月4日,这是和你的朋友一起花钱的最大的日子之一,我们监控了 Venmo 的全球饲料,看看谁在偿还谁的钱,以及为什么; 然后我们马上给他们发了一个微支付。人们为啤酒和比萨饼等东西互相付钱,立即收到了 1 美分的付款,上面有相关的标题和捐赠的直接链接。用户开始在 Venmo 上向我们付款,并转发了我们的广告,用标题传播我们关于清洁水的信息。以 10 美元的价格,我们瞄准了 1,000 人,将每一笔付款都变成了一个个性化的广告,与比萨、啤酒、汽钱等相关。所有广告都自动发布到用户的新闻提要和 Venmo 的公共全球提要中,数百万用户可以在那里看到这些广告。 战略 Venmo 就像手机上的社交媒体社区,在那里你可以在支付中添加个性化信息。你可以在你的 feed 中看到你朋友的活动,在那里列出了所有最近的付款,人们经常用标题来开玩笑,或者简单地用表情符号来表达自己。拥有数百万用户,该应用在美国非常受欢迎,尤其是 mill我们的千年目标。问题是什么?Venmo 不允许广告。我们决定黑掉他们。在发现你可以添加到支付中的信息实际上没有字符限制后,我们通过支付 1,000 毫无戒心的用户 1 美分来劫持这些标题。每支付 1 美分就会成为一个超针对性、个性化的广告,由 2000 多个表情符号和基于每个用户活动的信息组成,使得它们在用户的订阅源中不可错过。

    Venmo 微黑客

    案例简介:CampaignDescription Clean water charity WATERisLIFE turned 1,000 1-cent payments into hyper-targeted ads on social payment app Venmo, creating a new media platform to talk directly to millennials in their own language. Outcome For $10, we targeted 1,000 people, turning every payment into a personalized ad that related to pizza, beer, gas money and more. All ads were automatically published to users’ news feeds, and Venmo’s public global feed where they could be seen by millions of users. We had created our own media channel.The campaign was quickly picked up by media outlets Gizmodo, PSFK, Techcrunch and more, as well as advertising publications like Adweek, earning us a total of $1.78 million worth of earned media—priceless exposure for a small charity.After quickly raising over $1,000 in microdonations on our first day, Venmo shut us down—but offered WATERisLIFE the app’s third-ever charity account, allowing us to legitimately raise money next to much bigger charities like The American Heart Association and Malaria No More. Synopsis Millennials are ditching cash and credit cards for digital payments, and don’t see donating to charities as an easy, everyday thing. To raise millennial awareness and increase donations to clean water charity WATERisLIFE, we used Venmo, millennials’ favorite payment app. Execution On the 4th of July, one of the biggest days for spending money out with your friends, we monitored Venmo’s global feed to see who was paying who back, and for what; then we immediately sent them a micro payment. People paying each other back for things like beer and pizza immediately received a 1-cent payment with a relatable caption, and a direct link to donate. Users started paying us back on Venmo and reposted our ads, using the caption to spread our message about clean water. For $10, we targeted 1,000 people, turning every payment into a personalized ad that related to pizza, beer, gas money and more. All ads were automatically published to users’ news feeds, and Venmo’s public global feed where they could be seen by millions of users. Strategy Venmo works like a social media community on mobile, where you add personalized messages to your payments. You can see your friends’ activity in your feed, where all recent payments are listed, and people often use the caption for internal jokes or simply expressing themselves in emojis. With millions of users, the app is extremely popular in America, and especially amongst our millennial target. The problem? Venmo doesn’t allow ads. We decided to hack them. After discovering that there is virtually no character limit for the messages you can add to a payment, we hijacked these captions by paying 1,000 unsuspecting users 1-cent. Each 1-cent payment became a hyper-targeted, personalized ad made of over 2000 emojis and message based on each users’ activity, making them impossible to miss in users’ feeds.

    Venmo Micro Hack

    案例简介:活动描述 清洁水慈善机构 WATERisLIFE 将 1,000 1 美分的支付变成了社交支付应用 Venmo 上的超针对性广告,创造了一个新的媒体平台,可以用他们自己的语言直接与千禧一代交谈。 结果 以 10 美元的价格,我们瞄准了 1,000 人,将每一笔付款都变成了一个个性化的广告,与比萨、啤酒、汽钱等相关。所有广告都自动发布到用户的新闻提要和 Venmo 的公共全球提要中,数百万用户可以在那里看到这些广告。我们创造了自己的媒体频道。该活动很快被媒体机构 Gizmodo 、 PSFK 、 Techcrunch 等以及广告出版物如 Adweek 、为我们赢得了价值 178万美元的媒体曝光,这是一家小型慈善机构的无价曝光。在我们第一天迅速筹集了超过 1,000 美元的小额捐款后,Venmo 关闭了我们 -- 但向 WATERisLIFE 提供了该应用程序的第三个慈善账户,允许我们在像美国心脏协会和疟疾这样更大的慈善机构旁边合法筹集资金。 概要 千禧一代正在放弃现金和信用卡进行数字支付,他们不认为向慈善机构捐赠是一件容易的日常事情。为了提高千禧一代的意识,增加对清洁水慈善机构 WATERisLIFE 的捐款,我们使用了千禧一代最喜欢的支付应用 Venmo。 执行 在 7月4日,这是和你的朋友一起花钱的最大的日子之一,我们监控了 Venmo 的全球饲料,看看谁在偿还谁的钱,以及为什么; 然后我们马上给他们发了一个微支付。人们为啤酒和比萨饼等东西互相付钱,立即收到了 1 美分的付款,上面有相关的标题和捐赠的直接链接。用户开始在 Venmo 上向我们付款,并转发了我们的广告,用标题传播我们关于清洁水的信息。以 10 美元的价格,我们瞄准了 1,000 人,将每一笔付款都变成了一个个性化的广告,与比萨、啤酒、汽钱等相关。所有广告都自动发布到用户的新闻提要和 Venmo 的公共全球提要中,数百万用户可以在那里看到这些广告。 战略 Venmo 就像手机上的社交媒体社区,在那里你可以在支付中添加个性化信息。你可以在你的 feed 中看到你朋友的活动,在那里列出了所有最近的付款,人们经常用标题来开玩笑,或者简单地用表情符号来表达自己。拥有数百万用户,该应用在美国非常受欢迎,尤其是 mill我们的千年目标。问题是什么?Venmo 不允许广告。我们决定黑掉他们。在发现你可以添加到支付中的信息实际上没有字符限制后,我们通过支付 1,000 毫无戒心的用户 1 美分来劫持这些标题。每支付 1 美分就会成为一个超针对性、个性化的广告,由 2000 多个表情符号和基于每个用户活动的信息组成,使得它们在用户的订阅源中不可错过。

    Venmo Micro Hack

    案例简介:CampaignDescription Clean water charity WATERisLIFE turned 1,000 1-cent payments into hyper-targeted ads on social payment app Venmo, creating a new media platform to talk directly to millennials in their own language. Outcome For $10, we targeted 1,000 people, turning every payment into a personalized ad that related to pizza, beer, gas money and more. All ads were automatically published to users’ news feeds, and Venmo’s public global feed where they could be seen by millions of users. We had created our own media channel.The campaign was quickly picked up by media outlets Gizmodo, PSFK, Techcrunch and more, as well as advertising publications like Adweek, earning us a total of $1.78 million worth of earned media—priceless exposure for a small charity.After quickly raising over $1,000 in microdonations on our first day, Venmo shut us down—but offered WATERisLIFE the app’s third-ever charity account, allowing us to legitimately raise money next to much bigger charities like The American Heart Association and Malaria No More. Synopsis Millennials are ditching cash and credit cards for digital payments, and don’t see donating to charities as an easy, everyday thing. To raise millennial awareness and increase donations to clean water charity WATERisLIFE, we used Venmo, millennials’ favorite payment app. Execution On the 4th of July, one of the biggest days for spending money out with your friends, we monitored Venmo’s global feed to see who was paying who back, and for what; then we immediately sent them a micro payment. People paying each other back for things like beer and pizza immediately received a 1-cent payment with a relatable caption, and a direct link to donate. Users started paying us back on Venmo and reposted our ads, using the caption to spread our message about clean water. For $10, we targeted 1,000 people, turning every payment into a personalized ad that related to pizza, beer, gas money and more. All ads were automatically published to users’ news feeds, and Venmo’s public global feed where they could be seen by millions of users. Strategy Venmo works like a social media community on mobile, where you add personalized messages to your payments. You can see your friends’ activity in your feed, where all recent payments are listed, and people often use the caption for internal jokes or simply expressing themselves in emojis. With millions of users, the app is extremely popular in America, and especially amongst our millennial target. The problem? Venmo doesn’t allow ads. We decided to hack them. After discovering that there is virtually no character limit for the messages you can add to a payment, we hijacked these captions by paying 1,000 unsuspecting users 1-cent. Each 1-cent payment became a hyper-targeted, personalized ad made of over 2000 emojis and message based on each users’ activity, making them impossible to miss in users’ feeds.

    Venmo 微黑客


    Venmo Micro Hack






    广告公司: Deutsch (美国 纽约) 制作公司: Deutsch




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