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    Piter by Bushe Bakery短视频广告营销案例



    Bushe 面包店的 Piter

    案例简介:活动描述 该项目的主要任务是展示俄罗斯第二首都的特殊氛围和 “Bushe” 作为其标志性目的地之一的独特性。“Bushe” 总是在情节中扮演关键的角色,要么在最后的转折中帮助一个角色,要么是一切开始的地方。另一个想法是涉及当地的圣。电影制作过程中的皮特创意: 照片和摄像师、艺术家和音乐家 -- 超过 500 人,谁在片头,免费帮助,并在电影上映后在社交媒体上分享。 相关性 “Piter by” 是一个品牌内容项目,它以几个简短和冗长的故事情节为特色,有一个统一的主题 -- 这些故事只能发生在圣彼得堡这个伟大的多元文化城市。我们拍了一部关于圣彼得堡的故事片。但我们更喜欢像当地人一样称这座城市为 “派特”。这座城市被拍摄了很多次,但从来没有被一个品牌拍摄过。尤其是连锁面包店。 结果 这部电影的预告片已经有超过百万的人看过。在圣彼得堡、叶卡捷琳堡、莫斯科上映。我们在电视雨频道 2月14日放映电影。我们推出了这部电影的官方网站 http://www.piter.film/Additional 信息: https://readymag.com/vgnc/piterbyfilm/Online 俄罗斯所有主要媒体都以释放为特色。总预算 -- 该市 25 000 美元的品牌忠诚度提高到 89%,每月的支票数量超过了 600,000 笔交易电影版本将为盲人制作。这部电影是在康斯坦丁 · 哈贝斯基基金会的支持下创作的,该基金会帮助患有肿瘤疾病的儿童 执行 这部电影扮演了圣彼得堡的崇拜人物 -- 音乐家、演员和运动员。虽然这个项目被归类为品牌内容,但它是作为故事片交付给观众的,在圣彼得堡的电影院首映。它的广告活动使用了大功能发布的所有工具 -- 在线媒体、户外活动、预告片发布和商品。 战略 Bushe 的 “独特的销售主张是它的客户。以波西米亚的氛围与负担得起的菜单列表相匹配,你会得到时髦的艺术家群体和年轻的初创企业群体的混合。我们决定利用这个创意之井,并宣布了一场关于这座传奇城市的最佳故事竞赛,今天是圣彼得堡。最好的故事成为了那年晚些时候我们制作的年鉴的一部分。考虑到这整件事始于草根运动,我们想继续这一趋势,并决定与圣彼得堡最受欢迎的角色 -- 音乐家、演员、运动员等合作。这些人永远不会参与广告,但会以最好的方式代表这座城市。这就是《 Bushe 》如何让它的品牌内容成为今年最受期待的剧集。 概要 客户 -- “Bushe” 面包店是一个邪教机构,是现代圣彼得堡的象征之一。它在全市拥有 27 个地方和 500 多名忠实顾客。他们想出了社交媒体宣传的简报。他们的目标是增加观众对品牌的忠诚度,增加餐馆每月的游客数量,包括当地人和游客。我们想出了拍摄电影的独特想法,而不是在社交媒体上做广告。老实说,我们想让 Bushe 和 best St. 皮特目击了泽尼特和赫米蒂奇。

    Bushe 面包店的 Piter

    案例简介:CampaignDescription The main task of the project was to show the special atmosphere of the second capital of Russia and the uniqueness of "Bushe" as one of it’s signature destinations. "Bushe" always plays a crucial part in the plot, either helping out a character at the final twist, or being the place where it all starts.Another idea was the involving of the local St.Pete creatives into the process of film-making: photo- and videographers, artists and musicians - more than 500 people, who are on the titles, helped absolutely free of charge and shared the movie on the social media after its release. Relevancy “Piter by” is a branded content project which features a few short and long storylines with one unifying theme - these stories can only happen in the great multicultural city that is St. Petersburg.We shot a feature film about St Petersburg. But we prefer to call this city "Piter" exactly like the locals do. This city was filmed a lot of times, but never by a brand. Especially by a chain of bakeries. Outcome The teaser of the film have seen by more than a million people.Theatrical release was done in St Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Moscow. We featured film at TV Rain channel 14 of February. We launched an official site of the film http://www.piter.film/Additional info:https://readymag.com/vgnc/piterbyfilm/Online release was featured by all main medias in Russia.Total budget - 25 000$Level of brand loyalty in the city increased to 89% The number of checks per month exceeded 600,000 transactionsAlso, the film version will be made for the blind people The film was created with the support of the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation which helps children with oncological diseases Execution The movie cast St. Petersburg’s cult personalities - musicians, actors and athletes. Although, this project is categorized as branded content, it was delivered to the audience as a feature film, with premieres in St. Petersburg’s cinemas. And it’s advertising campaign used all of the tools of the big feature release - online media, OOH placements, trailer releases, and merchandise. Strategy Bushe’s" unique selling proposition is its costumers. Take the bohemian atmosphere matched with affordable menu list, and you get a mix of the hip artist crowd and young start-up flock. We decided to tap into this well of creative ideas and announced a competition for the best story about the legendary city that is St. Petersburg today. The best stories became part of the almanac we produced later that year. Considering that this whole thing started as a grassroots movement, we wanted to continue the trend and decided to work with St. Petersburg’s most beloved characters - musicians, actors, athletes etc. These people would never be involved in advertising, but would take it on themselves to represent the city in the best possible way. That’s how "Bushe" got it’s branded content to become the most awaited theatrical release of the year. Synopsis The client - "Bushe" bakery is a cult establishment and is one of the symbols of modern St Petersburg. It has 27 places all over the city and more than 500 000 loyal customers. They came up with the brief for a social media campaing.Their objectives were to increase audience's loyalty to the brand and to increase the number of monthly visitors of the restaurants counting both locals and tourists. Instead of context or banners advertising in social media, we came up with the unique idea of shooting a movie.And honestly we wanted to put Bushe in the row with greatest St.Pete's sightseeings as Zenit and Hermitage.

    Piter by Bushe Bakery

    案例简介:活动描述 该项目的主要任务是展示俄罗斯第二首都的特殊氛围和 “Bushe” 作为其标志性目的地之一的独特性。“Bushe” 总是在情节中扮演关键的角色,要么在最后的转折中帮助一个角色,要么是一切开始的地方。另一个想法是涉及当地的圣。电影制作过程中的皮特创意: 照片和摄像师、艺术家和音乐家 -- 超过 500 人,谁在片头,免费帮助,并在电影上映后在社交媒体上分享。 相关性 “Piter by” 是一个品牌内容项目,它以几个简短和冗长的故事情节为特色,有一个统一的主题 -- 这些故事只能发生在圣彼得堡这个伟大的多元文化城市。我们拍了一部关于圣彼得堡的故事片。但我们更喜欢像当地人一样称这座城市为 “派特”。这座城市被拍摄了很多次,但从来没有被一个品牌拍摄过。尤其是连锁面包店。 结果 这部电影的预告片已经有超过百万的人看过。在圣彼得堡、叶卡捷琳堡、莫斯科上映。我们在电视雨频道 2月14日放映电影。我们推出了这部电影的官方网站 http://www.piter.film/Additional 信息: https://readymag.com/vgnc/piterbyfilm/Online 俄罗斯所有主要媒体都以释放为特色。总预算 -- 该市 25 000 美元的品牌忠诚度提高到 89%,每月的支票数量超过了 600,000 笔交易电影版本将为盲人制作。这部电影是在康斯坦丁 · 哈贝斯基基金会的支持下创作的,该基金会帮助患有肿瘤疾病的儿童 执行 这部电影扮演了圣彼得堡的崇拜人物 -- 音乐家、演员和运动员。虽然这个项目被归类为品牌内容,但它是作为故事片交付给观众的,在圣彼得堡的电影院首映。它的广告活动使用了大功能发布的所有工具 -- 在线媒体、户外活动、预告片发布和商品。 战略 Bushe 的 “独特的销售主张是它的客户。以波西米亚的氛围与负担得起的菜单列表相匹配,你会得到时髦的艺术家群体和年轻的初创企业群体的混合。我们决定利用这个创意之井,并宣布了一场关于这座传奇城市的最佳故事竞赛,今天是圣彼得堡。最好的故事成为了那年晚些时候我们制作的年鉴的一部分。考虑到这整件事始于草根运动,我们想继续这一趋势,并决定与圣彼得堡最受欢迎的角色 -- 音乐家、演员、运动员等合作。这些人永远不会参与广告,但会以最好的方式代表这座城市。这就是《 Bushe 》如何让它的品牌内容成为今年最受期待的剧集。 概要 客户 -- “Bushe” 面包店是一个邪教机构,是现代圣彼得堡的象征之一。它在全市拥有 27 个地方和 500 多名忠实顾客。他们想出了社交媒体宣传的简报。他们的目标是增加观众对品牌的忠诚度,增加餐馆每月的游客数量,包括当地人和游客。我们想出了拍摄电影的独特想法,而不是在社交媒体上做广告。老实说,我们想让 Bushe 和 best St. 皮特目击了泽尼特和赫米蒂奇。

    Piter by Bushe Bakery

    案例简介:CampaignDescription The main task of the project was to show the special atmosphere of the second capital of Russia and the uniqueness of "Bushe" as one of it’s signature destinations. "Bushe" always plays a crucial part in the plot, either helping out a character at the final twist, or being the place where it all starts.Another idea was the involving of the local St.Pete creatives into the process of film-making: photo- and videographers, artists and musicians - more than 500 people, who are on the titles, helped absolutely free of charge and shared the movie on the social media after its release. Relevancy “Piter by” is a branded content project which features a few short and long storylines with one unifying theme - these stories can only happen in the great multicultural city that is St. Petersburg.We shot a feature film about St Petersburg. But we prefer to call this city "Piter" exactly like the locals do. This city was filmed a lot of times, but never by a brand. Especially by a chain of bakeries. Outcome The teaser of the film have seen by more than a million people.Theatrical release was done in St Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Moscow. We featured film at TV Rain channel 14 of February. We launched an official site of the film http://www.piter.film/Additional info:https://readymag.com/vgnc/piterbyfilm/Online release was featured by all main medias in Russia.Total budget - 25 000$Level of brand loyalty in the city increased to 89% The number of checks per month exceeded 600,000 transactionsAlso, the film version will be made for the blind people The film was created with the support of the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation which helps children with oncological diseases Execution The movie cast St. Petersburg’s cult personalities - musicians, actors and athletes. Although, this project is categorized as branded content, it was delivered to the audience as a feature film, with premieres in St. Petersburg’s cinemas. And it’s advertising campaign used all of the tools of the big feature release - online media, OOH placements, trailer releases, and merchandise. Strategy Bushe’s" unique selling proposition is its costumers. Take the bohemian atmosphere matched with affordable menu list, and you get a mix of the hip artist crowd and young start-up flock. We decided to tap into this well of creative ideas and announced a competition for the best story about the legendary city that is St. Petersburg today. The best stories became part of the almanac we produced later that year. Considering that this whole thing started as a grassroots movement, we wanted to continue the trend and decided to work with St. Petersburg’s most beloved characters - musicians, actors, athletes etc. These people would never be involved in advertising, but would take it on themselves to represent the city in the best possible way. That’s how "Bushe" got it’s branded content to become the most awaited theatrical release of the year. Synopsis The client - "Bushe" bakery is a cult establishment and is one of the symbols of modern St Petersburg. It has 27 places all over the city and more than 500 000 loyal customers. They came up with the brief for a social media campaing.Their objectives were to increase audience's loyalty to the brand and to increase the number of monthly visitors of the restaurants counting both locals and tourists. Instead of context or banners advertising in social media, we came up with the unique idea of shooting a movie.And honestly we wanted to put Bushe in the row with greatest St.Pete's sightseeings as Zenit and Hermitage.

    Bushe 面包店的 Piter


    Piter by Bushe Bakery










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