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    Noon Assembly短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 印度大约 90% 的儿童患有维生素d 缺乏。这种缺乏会导致终身骨骼虚弱、免疫力降低以及许多生活方式紊乱的风险。作为素食者的印度人的一般饮食也缺乏维生素d。在 Kwality 有限公司,我们知道强化我们的产品只是解决方案的一部分。强化食品只能满足每日维生素d 需求的 3分之1。其余的日常需求必须通过暴露在阳光下大约 15 到 20 分钟来满足,最佳时间是上午11点到下午1点。展示 kwarity 致力于改善印度儿童健康的简报。目标发起一项倡议,在印度儿童中传播对维生素d 缺乏的认识,并提出一个简单、可扩展的想法,帮助他们以有意义、实用的方式提高维生素d 水平。 战略 中午大会的信息需要传达给父母、儿童、医疗专业人员和决策者。我们联系了印度政府卫生和家庭福利部下属的印度食品安全和标准管理局,帮助领导这项倡议。人力资源发展部 (MHRD) FSSAI 在线; 教育委员会中等教育中央委员会,印度中等教育证书, 全国教育研究和培训理事会 (NCERT); 学校团体新德里市政委员会 (NDMC) 、北德里市政公司 (北 MCD);私立学校; 非政府组织拯救儿童,儿童生存印度,SEHEAC,增益,也加入了。我们决定在我们的方法中同时成为国家和地方。国家出版物和电子媒体帮助我们广泛接触到大多数目标受众。另一方面,学校和诊所的当地活动帮助获得了基层的支持。 相关性 Kwarity 有限公司是印度领先的私营乳制品公司之一。将中午集会带入生活有助于 Kwality 以一种有意义和吸引人的方式与他们的核心目标受众 -- 儿童和父母 -- 接触。中午集会是一种现实世界的激活,它改变了学校的时间表,将早上的集会转移到中午左右。 结果 中午大会让全国谈论维生素d 缺乏。到目前为止,33,000 + 家长和 52 + 学校支持它给 50,000 + 学校的学生,100万 + “太阳分钟”。750 多名医生通过 HCP 通信工具包传达了中午组装的好处。几乎每个人都推荐它。这项运动在全国范围内得到了报道,赢得了大约 200万美元的媒体收入。Kwality 通过学校项目获得了数千名学生和家长的积极支持。这项运动将与 FSSAI 的食品强化资源中心 (FFRC) 一起接触 2000年 + 学校。Kwality 将在这些学校的食堂提供他们的强化产品,帮助它在全国范围内存在。CBSE 已经提议强制体育活动期,并正在考虑提议中午集会作为其附属的所有 20000 多所学校的强制性活动。NCERT 正在考虑将维生素d 缺乏及其影响和解决方案作为国家课程的一部分。 执行 该倡议始于 2018年3月05日在 FSSAI 总部举行的政府和非政府利益攸关方关于 “打击儿童维生素d 缺乏战略” 的联席会议。在这些利益攸关方的参与下,该倡议于 2018年4月09日在新德里国家巴尔巴文举行了一次中午联合大会。来自大约 25 所学校的 600 多名学生参加了启动活动。我们通过全国性日报的平面广告,向儿童、家长、学校和医疗专业人员伸出援手。在网站上,Facebook 、 Twitter 和 Instagram 处理 FSSAI 、 noonassembly 、学校活动和诊所访问。在启动不到一个月的时间里,地方和国家印刷、电视和在线媒体报道了该倡议,报道了近 200 个故事,并帮助中午集会覆盖了全国 50 多所学校。 活动描述 中午大会利用古老的习俗,并重新使用它来改善印度儿童的维生素d 状况。它将学校传统的早上集会时间转移到中午左右,并为学生提供更好的阳光照射,这一时间最适合他们体内的维生素d 生产。近 90% 的儿童患有维生素d 缺乏症,这实际上是印度如此巨大的公共卫生问题的零成本解决方案。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 不适用 简要解释 观众 近 90% 的儿童患有维生素d 缺乏症,印度正面临维生素d 危机。医疗保健专业人员可以在帮助传播对该问题的认识以及更好地管理该问题的方法方面发挥重要作用。我们联系了医疗保健专业人员,儿童患者来自 VDD 和他们的父母。


    案例简介:Synopsis Situation Around 90% of children in India are suffering from a deficiency of Vitamin D. This deficiency can lead to lifelong bone weakness, reduced immunity, and risk of many lifestyle disorders. The general diet of Indians, being primality vegetarian is also low on Vitamin D. At Kwality Ltd. we know that fortification of our products is just one part of the solution. Fortified foods can meet only one-third of the daily requirements of vitamin D. Rest of its daily requirement must be met by exposure to sunlight for about 15 to 20 minutes, with the best time being 11 am to 1 pm. Brief To show Kwality’s commitment towards improving the health of Indian children. Objectives Launch an initiative that spreads awareness about Vitamin D deficiency in Indian children and come up with a simple, scalable, idea that helps improve their vitamin D levels in a meaningful, practical manner. Strategy Noon Assembly’s message needed to reach out to parents, children, medical professionals, and policymakers. We reached out to the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), under Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, to help lead the initiative. With FSSAI on-board, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD); educational boards Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT); school bodies New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC), Municipal Corporation of North Delhi (North MCD); private schools; and NGOs Save The Children, Child Survival India, SEHEAC, GAIN, also joined. We decided to be both national and local in our approach. National publications and electronic media helped us reach wide to a majority of our target audience. On the other hand, local events in schools and clinic visits helped gain support at the ground level. Relevancy Kwality Ltd. is one of the leading private dairy companies in India. Bringing Noon Assembly to life helped Kwality engage with their core target audience- children and parents in a meaningful and engaging way. Noon Assembly is a real-world activation that changes the schools’ timetable and shifts morning assemblies to around noon time. Outcome Noon Assembly got the nation talking about Vitamin D deficiency. So far, 33,000+ parents and 52+ Schools have supported it giving 50,000+ school students, 1 Million+ ‘sun minutes'. 750+ doctors were communicated the benefits of Noon Assembly with HCP communication toolkit. Almost everyone recommended it. The campaign got nationwide coverage with around $2 Million+ in earned media. Kwality got positive reinforcement with the thousands of students and parents it reached through school programs. The campaign will be reaching out to 2000+ schools with FSSAI’s Food Fortification Resource Centre (FFRC). Kwality will make their fortified products available in these school's canteens, helping it get a nationwide presence. CBSE has already proposed a compulsory physical activity period and is considering to propose Noon Assembly as mandatory to all the 20000+ schools under its affiliation. NCERT is considering to make Vitamin D deficiency, its impact and solution a part of the national curriculum. Execution The initiative kicked off with a joint meeting between various governmental and non-governmental stakeholders on ‘Strategies to combat Vitamin D Deficiency in Children’ at the FSSAI headquarters on March 05, 2018. With the involvement of these stakeholders, the initiative was launched with a joint Noon Assembly on April 09, 2018 at the National Bal Bhavan, New Delhi. More than 600 students from around 25 schools participated in the launch event. We reached out to children, parents, schools, and medical professionals through print ads in national dailies, noonassembly.in website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram handles of FSSAI, and noonassembly, school events, and clinic visits. In less than a month since launch, local and national print, TV, and online media covered the initiative with nearly 200 stories and helped the Noon Assembly reach more than 50 schools in the country. CampaignDescription The Noon Assembly utilizes an age-old custom and repurposes it to improve the Vitamin D status of children in India. It shifts the time of the traditional morning assembly in schools to around noon and provides students better sunlight exposure, at a time most suited for Vitamin D production in their bodies. With nearly 90% of children suffering from Vitamin D Deficiency (VDD), it is practically a zero-cost solution to such a huge public health problem in India. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes Not Applicable BriefExplanation Audience With nearly 90% of children suffering from its deficiency, India is facing a Vitamin D crisis. Healthcare professionals can play an important role in helping spread awareness about the issue and ways to manage it better. We reached out to healthcare professionals, children suffering from VDD and their parents.

    Noon Assembly

    案例简介:概要 印度大约 90% 的儿童患有维生素d 缺乏。这种缺乏会导致终身骨骼虚弱、免疫力降低以及许多生活方式紊乱的风险。作为素食者的印度人的一般饮食也缺乏维生素d。在 Kwality 有限公司,我们知道强化我们的产品只是解决方案的一部分。强化食品只能满足每日维生素d 需求的 3分之1。其余的日常需求必须通过暴露在阳光下大约 15 到 20 分钟来满足,最佳时间是上午11点到下午1点。展示 kwarity 致力于改善印度儿童健康的简报。目标发起一项倡议,在印度儿童中传播对维生素d 缺乏的认识,并提出一个简单、可扩展的想法,帮助他们以有意义、实用的方式提高维生素d 水平。 战略 中午大会的信息需要传达给父母、儿童、医疗专业人员和决策者。我们联系了印度政府卫生和家庭福利部下属的印度食品安全和标准管理局,帮助领导这项倡议。人力资源发展部 (MHRD) FSSAI 在线; 教育委员会中等教育中央委员会,印度中等教育证书, 全国教育研究和培训理事会 (NCERT); 学校团体新德里市政委员会 (NDMC) 、北德里市政公司 (北 MCD);私立学校; 非政府组织拯救儿童,儿童生存印度,SEHEAC,增益,也加入了。我们决定在我们的方法中同时成为国家和地方。国家出版物和电子媒体帮助我们广泛接触到大多数目标受众。另一方面,学校和诊所的当地活动帮助获得了基层的支持。 相关性 Kwarity 有限公司是印度领先的私营乳制品公司之一。将中午集会带入生活有助于 Kwality 以一种有意义和吸引人的方式与他们的核心目标受众 -- 儿童和父母 -- 接触。中午集会是一种现实世界的激活,它改变了学校的时间表,将早上的集会转移到中午左右。 结果 中午大会让全国谈论维生素d 缺乏。到目前为止,33,000 + 家长和 52 + 学校支持它给 50,000 + 学校的学生,100万 + “太阳分钟”。750 多名医生通过 HCP 通信工具包传达了中午组装的好处。几乎每个人都推荐它。这项运动在全国范围内得到了报道,赢得了大约 200万美元的媒体收入。Kwality 通过学校项目获得了数千名学生和家长的积极支持。这项运动将与 FSSAI 的食品强化资源中心 (FFRC) 一起接触 2000年 + 学校。Kwality 将在这些学校的食堂提供他们的强化产品,帮助它在全国范围内存在。CBSE 已经提议强制体育活动期,并正在考虑提议中午集会作为其附属的所有 20000 多所学校的强制性活动。NCERT 正在考虑将维生素d 缺乏及其影响和解决方案作为国家课程的一部分。 执行 该倡议始于 2018年3月05日在 FSSAI 总部举行的政府和非政府利益攸关方关于 “打击儿童维生素d 缺乏战略” 的联席会议。在这些利益攸关方的参与下,该倡议于 2018年4月09日在新德里国家巴尔巴文举行了一次中午联合大会。来自大约 25 所学校的 600 多名学生参加了启动活动。我们通过全国性日报的平面广告,向儿童、家长、学校和医疗专业人员伸出援手。在网站上,Facebook 、 Twitter 和 Instagram 处理 FSSAI 、 noonassembly 、学校活动和诊所访问。在启动不到一个月的时间里,地方和国家印刷、电视和在线媒体报道了该倡议,报道了近 200 个故事,并帮助中午集会覆盖了全国 50 多所学校。 活动描述 中午大会利用古老的习俗,并重新使用它来改善印度儿童的维生素d 状况。它将学校传统的早上集会时间转移到中午左右,并为学生提供更好的阳光照射,这一时间最适合他们体内的维生素d 生产。近 90% 的儿童患有维生素d 缺乏症,这实际上是印度如此巨大的公共卫生问题的零成本解决方案。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 不适用 简要解释 观众 近 90% 的儿童患有维生素d 缺乏症,印度正面临维生素d 危机。医疗保健专业人员可以在帮助传播对该问题的认识以及更好地管理该问题的方法方面发挥重要作用。我们联系了医疗保健专业人员,儿童患者来自 VDD 和他们的父母。

    Noon Assembly

    案例简介:Synopsis Situation Around 90% of children in India are suffering from a deficiency of Vitamin D. This deficiency can lead to lifelong bone weakness, reduced immunity, and risk of many lifestyle disorders. The general diet of Indians, being primality vegetarian is also low on Vitamin D. At Kwality Ltd. we know that fortification of our products is just one part of the solution. Fortified foods can meet only one-third of the daily requirements of vitamin D. Rest of its daily requirement must be met by exposure to sunlight for about 15 to 20 minutes, with the best time being 11 am to 1 pm. Brief To show Kwality’s commitment towards improving the health of Indian children. Objectives Launch an initiative that spreads awareness about Vitamin D deficiency in Indian children and come up with a simple, scalable, idea that helps improve their vitamin D levels in a meaningful, practical manner. Strategy Noon Assembly’s message needed to reach out to parents, children, medical professionals, and policymakers. We reached out to the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), under Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, to help lead the initiative. With FSSAI on-board, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD); educational boards Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT); school bodies New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC), Municipal Corporation of North Delhi (North MCD); private schools; and NGOs Save The Children, Child Survival India, SEHEAC, GAIN, also joined. We decided to be both national and local in our approach. National publications and electronic media helped us reach wide to a majority of our target audience. On the other hand, local events in schools and clinic visits helped gain support at the ground level. Relevancy Kwality Ltd. is one of the leading private dairy companies in India. Bringing Noon Assembly to life helped Kwality engage with their core target audience- children and parents in a meaningful and engaging way. Noon Assembly is a real-world activation that changes the schools’ timetable and shifts morning assemblies to around noon time. Outcome Noon Assembly got the nation talking about Vitamin D deficiency. So far, 33,000+ parents and 52+ Schools have supported it giving 50,000+ school students, 1 Million+ ‘sun minutes'. 750+ doctors were communicated the benefits of Noon Assembly with HCP communication toolkit. Almost everyone recommended it. The campaign got nationwide coverage with around $2 Million+ in earned media. Kwality got positive reinforcement with the thousands of students and parents it reached through school programs. The campaign will be reaching out to 2000+ schools with FSSAI’s Food Fortification Resource Centre (FFRC). Kwality will make their fortified products available in these school's canteens, helping it get a nationwide presence. CBSE has already proposed a compulsory physical activity period and is considering to propose Noon Assembly as mandatory to all the 20000+ schools under its affiliation. NCERT is considering to make Vitamin D deficiency, its impact and solution a part of the national curriculum. Execution The initiative kicked off with a joint meeting between various governmental and non-governmental stakeholders on ‘Strategies to combat Vitamin D Deficiency in Children’ at the FSSAI headquarters on March 05, 2018. With the involvement of these stakeholders, the initiative was launched with a joint Noon Assembly on April 09, 2018 at the National Bal Bhavan, New Delhi. More than 600 students from around 25 schools participated in the launch event. We reached out to children, parents, schools, and medical professionals through print ads in national dailies, noonassembly.in website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram handles of FSSAI, and noonassembly, school events, and clinic visits. In less than a month since launch, local and national print, TV, and online media covered the initiative with nearly 200 stories and helped the Noon Assembly reach more than 50 schools in the country. CampaignDescription The Noon Assembly utilizes an age-old custom and repurposes it to improve the Vitamin D status of children in India. It shifts the time of the traditional morning assembly in schools to around noon and provides students better sunlight exposure, at a time most suited for Vitamin D production in their bodies. With nearly 90% of children suffering from Vitamin D Deficiency (VDD), it is practically a zero-cost solution to such a huge public health problem in India. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes Not Applicable BriefExplanation Audience With nearly 90% of children suffering from its deficiency, India is facing a Vitamin D crisis. Healthcare professionals can play an important role in helping spread awareness about the issue and ways to manage it better. We reached out to healthcare professionals, children suffering from VDD and their parents.



    Noon Assembly










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