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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 这项运动的主要目的是减少Lendlease工作场所造成严重伤害和死亡的可能性。Lendlease通过这些 “重大事件” 的频率来衡量安全绩效,并努力创建一个工作场所,使工人和公众不会遭受严重伤害的风险。Lendlease的声誉建立在创建真正关心工人和社区福祉的最佳场所上。 卓越的安全性能是Lendlease的经营许可,企业必须积极促进安全以保护其声誉。在公众认知中,安全等于质量和可靠性。 背景 作为世界领先的建筑和房地产公司之一,Lendlease经营着一个极高风险的行业。工作场所安全至关重要。传统的安全运动通常是无效的,并且未能吸引目标受众,从而导致稳定的安全性能。 从历史上看,这种方法是使用来自各种来源的大量标牌和活动来抹灰。噪音很大,参与也很少。相关消息不再中断。 简介: 提出一个原创的创意,协调围绕一个故事的安全沟通,同时影响目标受众的行为。开发安全主张和通信平台,可以在全球业务中实施。 目标 减少重大事件 • 围绕创造更安全的工作场所的共同目标召集两个不同的受众 • 通过展示积极有效的安全方法来保护和提高企业的声誉 描述创意 (投票20%) 妈妈为了安全。以现实生活中的妈妈为特色,租借工人。 妈妈是理性的声音,也是最了解你的人。从你出生的那一刻起,她就保证了你的安全。您现在可能已经成年了,但是当她说话时,您仍然会听。 招聘了包括首席执行官在内的Lendlease员工的母亲 (和母亲人物),以传达重要的安全,健康和福祉信息。通过将安全信息从Lendlease的声音转移到工人妈妈的声音,它绕过了公司过滤器,直接进入了听众的心。 这个想法旨在为交流带来真实的人性和轻松的一面。使用真正的工人及其家人,它可以提高现场的可谈性,从而提高意识并鼓励预防措施,使每个人都能安全回家。 描述公关策略 (投票30%) 洞察力 如果安全控制措施得到适当实施,所有现场重大事件都可以避免。 人们转向公司声音。情绪会影响行为改变 关键信息 在现场照顾您的安全是我们的首要任务,以确保您和您的工作同事安全回到您所爱的人身边。 目标受众 所有Lendlease员工,访客和分包商在澳大利亚,随后在全球。 资产的创建和分配 真正的工人和他们的妈妈被招募来拍摄为期五天的电影和剧照。制作了四分钟的感应电影,重点是关键事件的最常见原因。 创建了其他竞选资产,并将其交付给悉尼和布里斯班的两个试点地点,将工作环境转变为身临其境的妈妈,以获得安全体验。 其他应用的抵押品包括墙壁标牌,数字屏幕,涂鸦模板和商品,战略性地放置在每个不同的体验点。 描述PR执行 (投票20%) 2018年9月 向管理软启动 通过eDM,内部网帖子以及通过团队会议亲自致电所有员工 全球首席执行官史蒂夫·麦肯 (Steve McCann) (和他的母亲) 被招募为参与者和倡导者 2018年11月 该活动在澳大利亚的两个工作地点进行了启动活动-新南威尔士州的悉尼港和昆士兰州的斯普林菲尔德崛起。电影首次亮相,并邀请了所有参与者。然后,该活动通过intranet内容进行了宣传。 2019年2月 面向澳大利亚所有Lendlease工作场所的所有员工推出。 到目前为止,它已经达到大约13,000名员工和数千名承包商 2019年5月 该活动将在全球范围内启动,并按地区量身定制,并在未来12个月内以新鲜的面孔和新鲜的内容不断发展。 列出结果 (投票30%),必须至少包括以下两个层: 目标受众结果 就员工敬业度而言,这是Lendlease有史以来最成功的活动。 它一直是Pulse (Lendlease的全球内部网) 上最受欢迎的活动,拥有有史以来最多的评论和最多的喜欢,显示出对安全意识的可测量的变化。 竞选赢得了e最佳全球客户参与倡议竞赛 (十二名中的第一名) 在2018 Lendlease全球高管论坛上,由顶级200名Lendlease领导人投票选出。 该活动资产在该公司的数字资产管理系统上的下载率排名第一。现在,在澳大利亚的各个业务中都可以看到海报,商品和横幅,使项目和办公室可以根据自己的特定需求量身定制妈妈的安全信息。 业务成果 最重要的可衡量结果是,自竞选活动开始以来,我们澳大利亚行动的关键事件显着减少。这项运动通过其独特的语调,影响力,消息传递,环境传播和电影产生了巨大的影响。 在过去三年中,Lendlease澳大利亚的重大事件表现与整个Lendlease集团的表现保持一致。自该运动在澳大利亚发起以来,Lendlease Property的表现优于集团9倍,与同期集团的3% 下降相比,重大事件发生的频率27% 下降。 这归功于Mums for Safety,这是当时推出的唯一重要的安全计划。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? The primary objective of this campaign is to reduce the potential for serious injuries and fatalities across Lendlease’s workplaces. Lendlease measures safety performance through the frequency of these “Critical Incidents” and strives to create a workplace where workers and the public are not exposed to the risk of serious injury. Lendlease has built its reputation on creating the best places which genuinely care about the wellbeing of workers and the community. Exceptional safety performance is Lendlease’s license to operate and the business must actively promote safety to protect its reputation. In public perception, safety equals quality and reliability. Background As one of the world’s leading construction and property companies, Lendlease operates in an extremely high-risk industry. Workplace safety is paramount. Traditional safety campaigns have often been ineffective and failed to engage the target audience, leading to plateauing safety performance. Historically, the approach was to plaster sites with a multitude of signage and campaigns from various sources. There was a lot of noise and little engagement. The relevant messages were no longer cutting through. Brief: come up with an original creative idea that harmonises safety communications around one story while influencing behavior in the target audience. Develop a safety proposition and a communications platform that can be executionally rolled out across the global business. OBJECTIVES • Reduction of Critical Incidents • Rally two different audiences around the common goal of creating a safer workplace • Protect and enhance the business’s reputation by showing a proactive and effective approach to safety Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) Mums for Safety. Featuring real life mums of real life Lendlease workers. Mum is the voice of reason and the one who knows you best. From the moment you were born, she has kept you safe. You might be an adult now, but when she talks you still listen. Mothers (and mother figures) of Lendlease workers, including the CEO, were recruited to deliver important safety, health and wellbeing messages. By shifting safety messages from the voice of Lendlease to the voices of workers’ mums, it bypasses the corporate filter and goes straight to the hearts of our audience. The idea was designed to bring an authentic humanity and lighter side to communications. Using real workers and their families, it increases talkability on-site, which increases awareness and encourages preventative behaviour so that everyone gets home safely. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) INSIGHT All Critical Incidents on-site could have been avoided if safety controls had been properly implemented. People switch off to the corporate voice. Emotion can influence behavioural change KEY MESSAGE Looking after your safety on-site is our number one priority, to ensure you and your work colleagues get home safely to the people you love. TARGET AUDIENCE All Lendlease employees, visitors, and sub-contractors in Australia and subsequently globally. CREATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS Real workers and their mums were recruited for a five day film and stills shoot. A four-minute induction film was produced, focusing on the most frequent causes of Critical Incidents. Other campaign assets were created and delivered to two pilot sites in Sydney and Brisbane, transforming the work environment into an immersive Mums for Safety experience. Other applied collateral included wall signage, digital screens, graffiti stencils and merchandise, strategically placed at each different point of experience. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) September 2018 Soft launch to management Casting call to all staff via eDM, intranet posts and in person through team meetings Global CEO, Steve McCann (and his mother) recruited as participant and advocate November 2018 The campaign was piloted with a launch event at two worksites in Australia – One Sydney Harbour in New South Wales and Springfield Rise in Queensland. The film was debuted and all participants invited. The campaign was then publicised with intranet content February 2019 Launched to all employees across all Lendlease workplaces in Australia. To date it has reached circa 13,000 employees and thousands of contractors May 2019 The campaign will be launched globally and tailored by region, evolving in the next 12 months with fresh faces and fresh content. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: TARGET AUDIENCE OUTCOMES In terms of employee engagement, this has been Lendlease’s most successful campaign ever. It has been the top trending campaign on Pulse (Lendlease’s global intranet), with the most-ever comments and most-ever likes, showing measurable changes in awareness of safety. The campaign has won the best Global Customer Engagement Initiative competition (first out of twelve) at the Lendlease Global Executives Forum for 2018, as voted by top 200 Lendlease leaders. The campaign assets have recorded the number one download rate on the company’s digital asset management system. The posters, merchandise and banners are now seen across Australian operations allowing projects and offices to convey the Mums for Safety message, tailored to their specific needs. BUSINESS OUTCOMES The most important measurable result is the marked reduction in Critical Incidents at our Australian operations since the campaign launched. This campaign has had a huge impact through its unique tone of voice, its reach, messaging, environmental communications and film. Over the last three years Lendlease Australia’s Critical Incident performance was tracking in line with that of the Lendlease Group as a whole. Since the launch of the campaign in Australia, Lendlease Property has outperformed the Group by a factor of 9, recording a 27% decline in the frequency of Critical Incidents compared to the Group’s decline of 3% in the same period. This has been attributed to Mums for Safety which was the only significant safety program launched at the time.

    Lendlease Mums for Safety

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 这项运动的主要目的是减少Lendlease工作场所造成严重伤害和死亡的可能性。Lendlease通过这些 “重大事件” 的频率来衡量安全绩效,并努力创建一个工作场所,使工人和公众不会遭受严重伤害的风险。Lendlease的声誉建立在创建真正关心工人和社区福祉的最佳场所上。 卓越的安全性能是Lendlease的经营许可,企业必须积极促进安全以保护其声誉。在公众认知中,安全等于质量和可靠性。 背景 作为世界领先的建筑和房地产公司之一,Lendlease经营着一个极高风险的行业。工作场所安全至关重要。传统的安全运动通常是无效的,并且未能吸引目标受众,从而导致稳定的安全性能。 从历史上看,这种方法是使用来自各种来源的大量标牌和活动来抹灰。噪音很大,参与也很少。相关消息不再中断。 简介: 提出一个原创的创意,协调围绕一个故事的安全沟通,同时影响目标受众的行为。开发安全主张和通信平台,可以在全球业务中实施。 目标 减少重大事件 • 围绕创造更安全的工作场所的共同目标召集两个不同的受众 • 通过展示积极有效的安全方法来保护和提高企业的声誉 描述创意 (投票20%) 妈妈为了安全。以现实生活中的妈妈为特色,租借工人。 妈妈是理性的声音,也是最了解你的人。从你出生的那一刻起,她就保证了你的安全。您现在可能已经成年了,但是当她说话时,您仍然会听。 招聘了包括首席执行官在内的Lendlease员工的母亲 (和母亲人物),以传达重要的安全,健康和福祉信息。通过将安全信息从Lendlease的声音转移到工人妈妈的声音,它绕过了公司过滤器,直接进入了听众的心。 这个想法旨在为交流带来真实的人性和轻松的一面。使用真正的工人及其家人,它可以提高现场的可谈性,从而提高意识并鼓励预防措施,使每个人都能安全回家。 描述公关策略 (投票30%) 洞察力 如果安全控制措施得到适当实施,所有现场重大事件都可以避免。 人们转向公司声音。情绪会影响行为改变 关键信息 在现场照顾您的安全是我们的首要任务,以确保您和您的工作同事安全回到您所爱的人身边。 目标受众 所有Lendlease员工,访客和分包商在澳大利亚,随后在全球。 资产的创建和分配 真正的工人和他们的妈妈被招募来拍摄为期五天的电影和剧照。制作了四分钟的感应电影,重点是关键事件的最常见原因。 创建了其他竞选资产,并将其交付给悉尼和布里斯班的两个试点地点,将工作环境转变为身临其境的妈妈,以获得安全体验。 其他应用的抵押品包括墙壁标牌,数字屏幕,涂鸦模板和商品,战略性地放置在每个不同的体验点。 描述PR执行 (投票20%) 2018年9月 向管理软启动 通过eDM,内部网帖子以及通过团队会议亲自致电所有员工 全球首席执行官史蒂夫·麦肯 (Steve McCann) (和他的母亲) 被招募为参与者和倡导者 2018年11月 该活动在澳大利亚的两个工作地点进行了启动活动-新南威尔士州的悉尼港和昆士兰州的斯普林菲尔德崛起。电影首次亮相,并邀请了所有参与者。然后,该活动通过intranet内容进行了宣传。 2019年2月 面向澳大利亚所有Lendlease工作场所的所有员工推出。 到目前为止,它已经达到大约13,000名员工和数千名承包商 2019年5月 该活动将在全球范围内启动,并按地区量身定制,并在未来12个月内以新鲜的面孔和新鲜的内容不断发展。 列出结果 (投票30%),必须至少包括以下两个层: 目标受众结果 就员工敬业度而言,这是Lendlease有史以来最成功的活动。 它一直是Pulse (Lendlease的全球内部网) 上最受欢迎的活动,拥有有史以来最多的评论和最多的喜欢,显示出对安全意识的可测量的变化。 竞选赢得了e最佳全球客户参与倡议竞赛 (十二名中的第一名) 在2018 Lendlease全球高管论坛上,由顶级200名Lendlease领导人投票选出。 该活动资产在该公司的数字资产管理系统上的下载率排名第一。现在,在澳大利亚的各个业务中都可以看到海报,商品和横幅,使项目和办公室可以根据自己的特定需求量身定制妈妈的安全信息。 业务成果 最重要的可衡量结果是,自竞选活动开始以来,我们澳大利亚行动的关键事件显着减少。这项运动通过其独特的语调,影响力,消息传递,环境传播和电影产生了巨大的影响。 在过去三年中,Lendlease澳大利亚的重大事件表现与整个Lendlease集团的表现保持一致。自该运动在澳大利亚发起以来,Lendlease Property的表现优于集团9倍,与同期集团的3% 下降相比,重大事件发生的频率27% 下降。 这归功于Mums for Safety,这是当时推出的唯一重要的安全计划。

    Lendlease Mums for Safety

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? The primary objective of this campaign is to reduce the potential for serious injuries and fatalities across Lendlease’s workplaces. Lendlease measures safety performance through the frequency of these “Critical Incidents” and strives to create a workplace where workers and the public are not exposed to the risk of serious injury. Lendlease has built its reputation on creating the best places which genuinely care about the wellbeing of workers and the community. Exceptional safety performance is Lendlease’s license to operate and the business must actively promote safety to protect its reputation. In public perception, safety equals quality and reliability. Background As one of the world’s leading construction and property companies, Lendlease operates in an extremely high-risk industry. Workplace safety is paramount. Traditional safety campaigns have often been ineffective and failed to engage the target audience, leading to plateauing safety performance. Historically, the approach was to plaster sites with a multitude of signage and campaigns from various sources. There was a lot of noise and little engagement. The relevant messages were no longer cutting through. Brief: come up with an original creative idea that harmonises safety communications around one story while influencing behavior in the target audience. Develop a safety proposition and a communications platform that can be executionally rolled out across the global business. OBJECTIVES • Reduction of Critical Incidents • Rally two different audiences around the common goal of creating a safer workplace • Protect and enhance the business’s reputation by showing a proactive and effective approach to safety Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) Mums for Safety. Featuring real life mums of real life Lendlease workers. Mum is the voice of reason and the one who knows you best. From the moment you were born, she has kept you safe. You might be an adult now, but when she talks you still listen. Mothers (and mother figures) of Lendlease workers, including the CEO, were recruited to deliver important safety, health and wellbeing messages. By shifting safety messages from the voice of Lendlease to the voices of workers’ mums, it bypasses the corporate filter and goes straight to the hearts of our audience. The idea was designed to bring an authentic humanity and lighter side to communications. Using real workers and their families, it increases talkability on-site, which increases awareness and encourages preventative behaviour so that everyone gets home safely. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) INSIGHT All Critical Incidents on-site could have been avoided if safety controls had been properly implemented. People switch off to the corporate voice. Emotion can influence behavioural change KEY MESSAGE Looking after your safety on-site is our number one priority, to ensure you and your work colleagues get home safely to the people you love. TARGET AUDIENCE All Lendlease employees, visitors, and sub-contractors in Australia and subsequently globally. CREATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS Real workers and their mums were recruited for a five day film and stills shoot. A four-minute induction film was produced, focusing on the most frequent causes of Critical Incidents. Other campaign assets were created and delivered to two pilot sites in Sydney and Brisbane, transforming the work environment into an immersive Mums for Safety experience. Other applied collateral included wall signage, digital screens, graffiti stencils and merchandise, strategically placed at each different point of experience. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) September 2018 Soft launch to management Casting call to all staff via eDM, intranet posts and in person through team meetings Global CEO, Steve McCann (and his mother) recruited as participant and advocate November 2018 The campaign was piloted with a launch event at two worksites in Australia – One Sydney Harbour in New South Wales and Springfield Rise in Queensland. The film was debuted and all participants invited. The campaign was then publicised with intranet content February 2019 Launched to all employees across all Lendlease workplaces in Australia. To date it has reached circa 13,000 employees and thousands of contractors May 2019 The campaign will be launched globally and tailored by region, evolving in the next 12 months with fresh faces and fresh content. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: TARGET AUDIENCE OUTCOMES In terms of employee engagement, this has been Lendlease’s most successful campaign ever. It has been the top trending campaign on Pulse (Lendlease’s global intranet), with the most-ever comments and most-ever likes, showing measurable changes in awareness of safety. The campaign has won the best Global Customer Engagement Initiative competition (first out of twelve) at the Lendlease Global Executives Forum for 2018, as voted by top 200 Lendlease leaders. The campaign assets have recorded the number one download rate on the company’s digital asset management system. The posters, merchandise and banners are now seen across Australian operations allowing projects and offices to convey the Mums for Safety message, tailored to their specific needs. BUSINESS OUTCOMES The most important measurable result is the marked reduction in Critical Incidents at our Australian operations since the campaign launched. This campaign has had a huge impact through its unique tone of voice, its reach, messaging, environmental communications and film. Over the last three years Lendlease Australia’s Critical Incident performance was tracking in line with that of the Lendlease Group as a whole. Since the launch of the campaign in Australia, Lendlease Property has outperformed the Group by a factor of 9, recording a 27% decline in the frequency of Critical Incidents compared to the Group’s decline of 3% in the same period. This has been attributed to Mums for Safety which was the only significant safety program launched at the time.



    Lendlease Mums for Safety










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