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    The Live Fish Pack短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:执行 在Mila出售的前3条鱼的包装-Dorada,鲭鱼和罗非鱼-进行了重新设计,并使用电子动画技术赋予了它们生命,并使它们表现得像新鲜的渔获物。这些包装通过带有接近传感器的wifi连接,在冰柜上摇晃和跳跃,接近冷冻食品板块的消费者感到惊讶。激活还在一个网站上播出,人们可以实时看到商店,并激活3个 “实时包装” 来恶作剧客户。人们也可以通过移动设备参与。Mila以其包装为媒介,可以证明其冷冻鱼系列令人惊讶地新鲜。 结果 与商店和在线消费者的90小时互动2,800万人潜在地在线和商店联系03:33分钟每个用户在我们网站上花费的平均时间增加了11% 的冷冻鱼销售 (与去年同期相比) 赢得了媒体800% 值得我们投资 概要 Mila是一家连锁超市,在波兰有189家商店专注于其产品的新鲜度,但他们出售的一种产品不是新鲜的: 鱼。许多人仍然在饮食中加入冷冻鱼方面存在偏见,因为他们认为新鲜的鱼始终是最健康的选择,但这是不正确的。以今天的技术,冻鱼可以比 “鲜鱼” 更好。捕鱼业的新工艺允许将鱼在船上或被捕获后数小时内冷冻,从而保留其味道,质地和营养益处。但是,这些信息并非所有人都知道,冷冻食品仍然被视为一种惩罚。我们的目标是激发Mila的消费者,向他们展示冷冻鱼的新鲜程度,从而改变他们对这种产品的看法。 战略 由于主流媒体没有竞选活动的预算,我们决定利用顾客的流动,在一周内对他们进行一次实验,我们的包装就像冰柜上的新鲜渔获物一样使他们感到惊讶。商店外的人们还通过社交媒体被邀请通过促销网站或手机参与实验,远程激活包裹并了解冷冻鱼的好处。 活动描述 为了传达Mila冷冻鱼系列的新鲜度并改变消费者对这种产品的看法,我们决定对其消费者进行实验,使我们的冷冻鱼包装具有生命,使它们的行为像新鲜的渔获物一样。


    案例简介:Execution The packaging of the top 3 fish sold in Mila - Dorada, Mackerel and Tilapia - were redesigned and, using animatronic techniques we gave life to them and made them behave like fresh catches.The packs were connected by wifi with a proximity sensor, shaking and jumping on the freezers, surprising consumers who approached the frozen food section.The activation was also broadcasted in a website, where people could see the store in real time and activate the 3 “live packs” to prank the clients. People could also participate through mobile.Using its pack as a media, Mila could show that its frozen fish range is surprisingly fresh. Outcome 90 hours of engagement with consumers in store and online2,8 million people potencially reached online and in store03:33 min average time spent per user on our website 11% more frozen fish sold (compared to last year same period)Earned media 800% worth our investment Synopsis Mila is a supermarket chain, with 189 stores in Poland focused on the freshness of its products, but there is one product that they sell that it is not fresh: fish. And many people still have prejudice in include frozen fish in their diet because they believe that fresh fish is always the healthiest option, but it is not correct. With today´s technology, frozen fish can be better than “fresh fish”. New processes in the fishing industry allow to frozen the fishes right on the boat or within hours of being caught, preserving it taste, texture and nutritional benefits.However, this information is not known by all and frozen food is still seen as a punishment. Our goal was to provoke Mila´s consumers showing them how fresh a frozen fish could be, and consequently change their perception about this kind of product. Strategy With no budget for a campaign in the mainstream media, we decided to take advantage of the flow of customers and make an experiment with them in store, during one week, surprising them with our packs behaving like fresh catches on our freezers.People outside the store were also invited via social media to participate in the experiment through a promotional website or mobile, activating remotely the packages and learning about the benefits of frozen fish. Campaign Description To communicate the freshness of Mila´s frozen fish range and change the consumer´s perception about this kind of product, we decided to make an experiment with its consumers giving life to our frozen fish packs, making them behave like fresh catches.

    The Live Fish Pack

    案例简介:执行 在Mila出售的前3条鱼的包装-Dorada,鲭鱼和罗非鱼-进行了重新设计,并使用电子动画技术赋予了它们生命,并使它们表现得像新鲜的渔获物。这些包装通过带有接近传感器的wifi连接,在冰柜上摇晃和跳跃,接近冷冻食品板块的消费者感到惊讶。激活还在一个网站上播出,人们可以实时看到商店,并激活3个 “实时包装” 来恶作剧客户。人们也可以通过移动设备参与。Mila以其包装为媒介,可以证明其冷冻鱼系列令人惊讶地新鲜。 结果 与商店和在线消费者的90小时互动2,800万人潜在地在线和商店联系03:33分钟每个用户在我们网站上花费的平均时间增加了11% 的冷冻鱼销售 (与去年同期相比) 赢得了媒体800% 值得我们投资 概要 Mila是一家连锁超市,在波兰有189家商店专注于其产品的新鲜度,但他们出售的一种产品不是新鲜的: 鱼。许多人仍然在饮食中加入冷冻鱼方面存在偏见,因为他们认为新鲜的鱼始终是最健康的选择,但这是不正确的。以今天的技术,冻鱼可以比 “鲜鱼” 更好。捕鱼业的新工艺允许将鱼在船上或被捕获后数小时内冷冻,从而保留其味道,质地和营养益处。但是,这些信息并非所有人都知道,冷冻食品仍然被视为一种惩罚。我们的目标是激发Mila的消费者,向他们展示冷冻鱼的新鲜程度,从而改变他们对这种产品的看法。 战略 由于主流媒体没有竞选活动的预算,我们决定利用顾客的流动,在一周内对他们进行一次实验,我们的包装就像冰柜上的新鲜渔获物一样使他们感到惊讶。商店外的人们还通过社交媒体被邀请通过促销网站或手机参与实验,远程激活包裹并了解冷冻鱼的好处。 活动描述 为了传达Mila冷冻鱼系列的新鲜度并改变消费者对这种产品的看法,我们决定对其消费者进行实验,使我们的冷冻鱼包装具有生命,使它们的行为像新鲜的渔获物一样。

    The Live Fish Pack

    案例简介:Execution The packaging of the top 3 fish sold in Mila - Dorada, Mackerel and Tilapia - were redesigned and, using animatronic techniques we gave life to them and made them behave like fresh catches.The packs were connected by wifi with a proximity sensor, shaking and jumping on the freezers, surprising consumers who approached the frozen food section.The activation was also broadcasted in a website, where people could see the store in real time and activate the 3 “live packs” to prank the clients. People could also participate through mobile.Using its pack as a media, Mila could show that its frozen fish range is surprisingly fresh. Outcome 90 hours of engagement with consumers in store and online2,8 million people potencially reached online and in store03:33 min average time spent per user on our website 11% more frozen fish sold (compared to last year same period)Earned media 800% worth our investment Synopsis Mila is a supermarket chain, with 189 stores in Poland focused on the freshness of its products, but there is one product that they sell that it is not fresh: fish. And many people still have prejudice in include frozen fish in their diet because they believe that fresh fish is always the healthiest option, but it is not correct. With today´s technology, frozen fish can be better than “fresh fish”. New processes in the fishing industry allow to frozen the fishes right on the boat or within hours of being caught, preserving it taste, texture and nutritional benefits.However, this information is not known by all and frozen food is still seen as a punishment. Our goal was to provoke Mila´s consumers showing them how fresh a frozen fish could be, and consequently change their perception about this kind of product. Strategy With no budget for a campaign in the mainstream media, we decided to take advantage of the flow of customers and make an experiment with them in store, during one week, surprising them with our packs behaving like fresh catches on our freezers.People outside the store were also invited via social media to participate in the experiment through a promotional website or mobile, activating remotely the packages and learning about the benefits of frozen fish. Campaign Description To communicate the freshness of Mila´s frozen fish range and change the consumer´s perception about this kind of product, we decided to make an experiment with its consumers giving life to our frozen fish packs, making them behave like fresh catches.



    The Live Fish Pack










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