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    克朗 (皇冠) 啤酒

    案例简介:执行 我们开发了一个磨砂玻璃瓶,它突出了商店货架上诱人的冷色。磨砂玻璃使瓶子看起来很好,即使它们是空的,而且瓶子的触觉表面在手里感觉很好。挪威没有磨砂玻璃啤酒瓶,我们相信这在全球啤酒中也是独一无二的。实现这一目标需要大量的研究和与选定制造商的密切合作。我们避免了一个透明的标签,将所有的图形直接印在使用真正黄金的瓶子上。这些罐头是一种不寻常的 0.4 升格式 -- 非常适合那些发现 0.5 升太多或者 0.33 升太少的目标群体。他们有一个马特完成协调瓶。酒吧和餐馆生产了啤酒杯和杯垫。 活动描述 克朗背后的想法是创建一个大胆的城市啤酒品牌,反映出质量可以是简单的。啤酒由四种天然成分制成,这种简单性在设计中得到体现。我们剥去了所有不必要的东西,给人一种纯粹的感觉,并把简单的磨砂玻璃放在焦点上。克朗是一种有机产品,但我们不希望克朗看起来像其他刻板的有机产品,因为通常被生态纸、有机装饰元素和装饰品所认可。我们为啤酒系列选择的名字是克朗 (皇冠)。通过名字和颜色,现代简约和一些啤酒传统之间的平衡被仔细考虑。该标志包含了一个微妙的皇冠 -- 通过水平 E 可视化。罐和瓶盖上的黄金顶部也加强了这一点。 战略 克朗迎合更年轻的城市人群,特别关注女性啤酒饮用者。克朗的策略是站在架子上,大胆,但优雅简单。该设计必须在大胆挑战商业市场与非常规设计之间找到平衡,同时仍有足够的啤酒传统与老牌啤酒竞争。设计简单现代,名称和颜色选择更传统。黄金与质量相关,并与 Krone 这个名字联系在一起 -- Krone 是用真正的黄金印在瓶子上的屏幕。 结果 对于一个不属于大型啤酒厂的新来者来说,很难在大型杂货店连锁店获得货架空间,也很难在餐馆和酒吧与大品牌竞争。设计帮助这个新啤酒品牌成为挪威最大的连锁超市之一。许多酒吧和餐馆已经根据价格、口味和设计来接受。Krone Pilsner 和 IPA 目前正在销售,拜耳和帕莱啤酒将很快上市。啤酒系列的销售时间不够长,无法获得具体的销售结果,但迄今为止的反馈非常好。兴趣和意识已经超出了预期。由于迄今为止的良好销售结果,零售商现在已经要求客户为罐头制造 4 包,为瓶子制造 3 包。 概要 客户带着非常公开的简报和有限的预算来找我们。他们想推出一个新的国家有机啤酒品牌,与挪威零售商今天提供的知名啤酒品牌竞争。像汉莎、林恩、图堡、嘉士伯等品牌的啤酒市场非常拥挤,使用设计是提高知名度的关键目标。在挪威,广告啤酒是非法的,因此产品的设计至关重要。皮尔斯纳和拜耳将在瓶子和罐子中领先,而淡啤酒和 IPA 只在罐子中出售。

    克朗 (皇冠) 啤酒

    案例简介:Execution We developed a frosted glass bottle that stands out and gives a tempting cold look on the store shelf. The frosted glass makes the bottles look good even when they are empty and the tactile surface of the bottles feels good in the hand. There are no frosted glass beer bottles in Norway and we believe this is also unique among beer worldwide. Achieving this required a great deal of research and close cooperation with the selected manufacturer. We avoided a transparent label by silkscreening all the graphics directly onto the bottles with real gold being used. The cans are in an unusual 0.4 liter format – perfect for those in the target group who find 0.5 liters a little too much, or 0.33 liters a bit too little. They have a matt finish which harmonize the bottles. A beer glass and coasters have been produced for bars and restaurants. CampaignDescription The idea behind Krone, was to create a bold and urban beer brand that reflects that quality can be simplicity. The beer is made with four natural ingredients and this simplicity is reflected in the design. We stripped away all that wasn’t essential giving a sense of purity and putting the simple frosted glass in focus. Krone is an organic product, but we did not want Krone to look like other stereotypical organic products, as is often recognized by eco-paper, organic decor elements and ornaments. The name we chose for the beer series was Krone (Crown). A balance between modern simplicity and some beer tradition through the name and colours were carefully considered.The logo incorporates a subtle crown - visualized by the horizontal E. This is also reinforced by the gold tops on the cans and bottle caps. Strategy Krone caters to a younger more urban crowd with an extra focus on the female beer drinker. The strategy for Krone was to stand out on the shelf and be bold, yet with elegant simplicity. The design had to find the balance between daring to challenge the commercial market with an unconventional design while still having just enough beer tradition to compete against the established brands. The design is simple and modern while the name and choice of colour are more traditional. Gold is associated with quality and is linked to the name Krone - which is screen printed with real gold right onto the bottle. Outcome For a newcomer that is not part of a big established brewery, it is very difficult to get shelf space in a major grocery store chain or buy in at restaurants and bars against the big brands. Design has helped this new beer brand come into one of the biggest supermarket chains in Norway. Many bars and restaurants have taken it in already based on price, taste and design. Krone Pilsner and IPA is currently on sale and soon Bayer and Pale Ale will be in stores. The beer series has not been on sale long enough for concrete sales results, but the feedback so far is excellent. Interest and awareness has already exceeded expectations. The retailers have now asked the client to create 4-packs for the cans and 3-packs for the bottles, due to the good sales results so far. Synopsis The client came to us with a very open brief and a limited budget. They wanted to launch a new national organic beer brand, that was to compete with the big established beer brands that Norwegian retailers offers today. Brands like Hansa, Ringnes, Tuborg, Carlsberg etc. The beer market is extremely crowded and using design was a key goal to gain awareness. In Norway advertising beer is illegal and therefor the design of the product is critical. Pilsner and Bayer was to lead the series in bottles and cans, and with Pale Ale and IPA being sold in cans only.

    Krone (Crown) Beer

    案例简介:执行 我们开发了一个磨砂玻璃瓶,它突出了商店货架上诱人的冷色。磨砂玻璃使瓶子看起来很好,即使它们是空的,而且瓶子的触觉表面在手里感觉很好。挪威没有磨砂玻璃啤酒瓶,我们相信这在全球啤酒中也是独一无二的。实现这一目标需要大量的研究和与选定制造商的密切合作。我们避免了一个透明的标签,将所有的图形直接印在使用真正黄金的瓶子上。这些罐头是一种不寻常的 0.4 升格式 -- 非常适合那些发现 0.5 升太多或者 0.33 升太少的目标群体。他们有一个马特完成协调瓶。酒吧和餐馆生产了啤酒杯和杯垫。 活动描述 克朗背后的想法是创建一个大胆的城市啤酒品牌,反映出质量可以是简单的。啤酒由四种天然成分制成,这种简单性在设计中得到体现。我们剥去了所有不必要的东西,给人一种纯粹的感觉,并把简单的磨砂玻璃放在焦点上。克朗是一种有机产品,但我们不希望克朗看起来像其他刻板的有机产品,因为通常被生态纸、有机装饰元素和装饰品所认可。我们为啤酒系列选择的名字是克朗 (皇冠)。通过名字和颜色,现代简约和一些啤酒传统之间的平衡被仔细考虑。该标志包含了一个微妙的皇冠 -- 通过水平 E 可视化。罐和瓶盖上的黄金顶部也加强了这一点。 战略 克朗迎合更年轻的城市人群,特别关注女性啤酒饮用者。克朗的策略是站在架子上,大胆,但优雅简单。该设计必须在大胆挑战商业市场与非常规设计之间找到平衡,同时仍有足够的啤酒传统与老牌啤酒竞争。设计简单现代,名称和颜色选择更传统。黄金与质量相关,并与 Krone 这个名字联系在一起 -- Krone 是用真正的黄金印在瓶子上的屏幕。 结果 对于一个不属于大型啤酒厂的新来者来说,很难在大型杂货店连锁店获得货架空间,也很难在餐馆和酒吧与大品牌竞争。设计帮助这个新啤酒品牌成为挪威最大的连锁超市之一。许多酒吧和餐馆已经根据价格、口味和设计来接受。Krone Pilsner 和 IPA 目前正在销售,拜耳和帕莱啤酒将很快上市。啤酒系列的销售时间不够长,无法获得具体的销售结果,但迄今为止的反馈非常好。兴趣和意识已经超出了预期。由于迄今为止的良好销售结果,零售商现在已经要求客户为罐头制造 4 包,为瓶子制造 3 包。 概要 客户带着非常公开的简报和有限的预算来找我们。他们想推出一个新的国家有机啤酒品牌,与挪威零售商今天提供的知名啤酒品牌竞争。像汉莎、林恩、图堡、嘉士伯等品牌的啤酒市场非常拥挤,使用设计是提高知名度的关键目标。在挪威,广告啤酒是非法的,因此产品的设计至关重要。皮尔斯纳和拜耳将在瓶子和罐子中领先,而淡啤酒和 IPA 只在罐子中出售。

    Krone (Crown) Beer

    案例简介:Execution We developed a frosted glass bottle that stands out and gives a tempting cold look on the store shelf. The frosted glass makes the bottles look good even when they are empty and the tactile surface of the bottles feels good in the hand. There are no frosted glass beer bottles in Norway and we believe this is also unique among beer worldwide. Achieving this required a great deal of research and close cooperation with the selected manufacturer. We avoided a transparent label by silkscreening all the graphics directly onto the bottles with real gold being used. The cans are in an unusual 0.4 liter format – perfect for those in the target group who find 0.5 liters a little too much, or 0.33 liters a bit too little. They have a matt finish which harmonize the bottles. A beer glass and coasters have been produced for bars and restaurants. CampaignDescription The idea behind Krone, was to create a bold and urban beer brand that reflects that quality can be simplicity. The beer is made with four natural ingredients and this simplicity is reflected in the design. We stripped away all that wasn’t essential giving a sense of purity and putting the simple frosted glass in focus. Krone is an organic product, but we did not want Krone to look like other stereotypical organic products, as is often recognized by eco-paper, organic decor elements and ornaments. The name we chose for the beer series was Krone (Crown). A balance between modern simplicity and some beer tradition through the name and colours were carefully considered.The logo incorporates a subtle crown - visualized by the horizontal E. This is also reinforced by the gold tops on the cans and bottle caps. Strategy Krone caters to a younger more urban crowd with an extra focus on the female beer drinker. The strategy for Krone was to stand out on the shelf and be bold, yet with elegant simplicity. The design had to find the balance between daring to challenge the commercial market with an unconventional design while still having just enough beer tradition to compete against the established brands. The design is simple and modern while the name and choice of colour are more traditional. Gold is associated with quality and is linked to the name Krone - which is screen printed with real gold right onto the bottle. Outcome For a newcomer that is not part of a big established brewery, it is very difficult to get shelf space in a major grocery store chain or buy in at restaurants and bars against the big brands. Design has helped this new beer brand come into one of the biggest supermarket chains in Norway. Many bars and restaurants have taken it in already based on price, taste and design. Krone Pilsner and IPA is currently on sale and soon Bayer and Pale Ale will be in stores. The beer series has not been on sale long enough for concrete sales results, but the feedback so far is excellent. Interest and awareness has already exceeded expectations. The retailers have now asked the client to create 4-packs for the cans and 3-packs for the bottles, due to the good sales results so far. Synopsis The client came to us with a very open brief and a limited budget. They wanted to launch a new national organic beer brand, that was to compete with the big established beer brands that Norwegian retailers offers today. Brands like Hansa, Ringnes, Tuborg, Carlsberg etc. The beer market is extremely crowded and using design was a key goal to gain awareness. In Norway advertising beer is illegal and therefor the design of the product is critical. Pilsner and Bayer was to lead the series in bottles and cans, and with Pale Ale and IPA being sold in cans only.

    克朗 (皇冠) 啤酒


    Krone (Crown) Beer










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