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    案例简介:加拿大领先的大麻生产商之一Flowr Corporation发起了一项新的运动,旨在围绕仍然与大麻使用有关的污名展开全国性的对话。“没什么可隐藏的”,该品牌的最新宣传活动旨在将大麻的使用带出阴影,进入用户的日常生活,鼓励他们摆脱与大麻消费相关的负面含义。该活动旨在促使该品牌的用户改变其隐藏产品的合法化前行为,而是进行公开和诚实的对话。利用藏身之处的想法,该活动鼓励用户自豪地展示他们的Flowr产品。强化品牌的信念,即大麻持续生长并负责任地使用,可以平衡和改善我们的生活。该运动由Flowr的记录机构zero万亿创建,旨在减少与大麻使用相关的社会污名。这部电影和随附的资产在多伦多附近的多个地点拍摄,显示Flowr的干花包裹在醒目的钴蓝色玻璃包装中,并在房屋周围自豪地展示 *。45秒的位置由1974米莉 · 杰克逊 (Millie Jackson) 的歌曲《我厌倦了躲藏》 (I'm wear Hiding) 进行了声音跟踪,完美地赞扬了竞选活动的气氛。在将大麻和大麻使用者视为一维的品牌海洋中,Flowr旨在承认大麻文化是使用者生活的一部分; 一些值得接受和讨论的东西。该活动是在该品牌的新玻璃包装发布之后进行的,该包装于今年早些时候首次亮相,旨在进行展示。可以通过Flowr品牌醒目的钴蓝识别的玻璃罐也经过科学证明,可以保存产品并保持从工厂到烟雾的优质一致性。Flowr品牌总监Nicole Wolff表示: “就我们作为一个行业而言,不可避免的事实是,大麻和大麻的使用仍然存在一些负面联系。在Flowr,我们相信,大麻如果使用得当并持续种植,可以用作增强生活各方面的工具-这并不可耻。通过这次活动,我们希望突出新的玻璃包装,但也提醒人们,真正的质量永远不会隐藏。”zero万亿首席执行官Alex Paquin补充说:“ 这次活动是一个很好的机会,可以在过去两年为Flowr所做的工作的基础上再接再厉。我们想庆祝品牌的好处,并展示它们如何适应用户的生活。“。加拿大zero万亿为Flowr创建的集成广告,类别为: 烟草。


    案例简介:The Flowr Corporation, one of Canada’s leading cannabis producers, has launched a new campaign that aims to start a nationwide conversation around the stigmas still associated with cannabis use. ‘Nothing to Hide’, the brand’s latest above-the-line campaign aims to bring cannabis use out of the shadows and into the everyday lives of its users, encouraging them to shed the negative connotations associated with cannabis consumption. The campaign aims to prompt users of the brand to change their pre-legalization behaviors of concealing the product and instead engage in open and honest conversations. Playing with the idea of the hiding place, the campaign encourages users to display their Flowr products with pride. Reinforcing the brand’s belief that when grown consistently, and used responsibly, cannabis can balance and enhance our lives. Created by Flowr’s agency of record, Zerotrillion, the campaign aims to reduce the social stigma associated with cannabis use. Shot in multiple locations around Toronto, the film and accompanying assets show Flowr’s dried flower encased in the striking cobalt blue glass packaging, on proud display around the home*. The 45-second spot is sound-tracked by the 1974, Millie Jackson song, I’m Tired of Hiding, perfectly complimenting the sentiment of the campaign. In a sea of brands that treat cannabis and cannabis users as one-dimensional, Flowr aims to acknowledge cannabis culture as a part of a user's life; something to be embraced and discussed. The campaign follows the launch of the brand’s new glass packaging, which debuted earlier this year and was designed to be displayed. The glass jar, which can be identified by the striking cobalt blue of the Flowr brand is also scientifically proven to preserve the product and maintain premium consistency from the factory to smoke. Nicole Wolff, Brand Director at Flowr said: “As far as we have come as an industry, there is no avoiding the fact that cannabis and the use of cannabis still have some negative associations. At Flowr, we believe that cannabis, when used appropriately and grown consistently, can be used as a tool to enhance aspects of your life - and there is no shame in that. With this campaign, we wanted to highlight the new glass packaging, but also remind people that true quality never hides.” Alex Paquin, CEO of Zerotrillion, added: “This campaign was a great opportunity to build on the work we have done for Flowr over the last two years. We wanted to celebrate the benefits of the brand and show how they can fit into a user's life.” Integrated advertisement created by Zerotrillion, Canada for Flowr, within the category: Tobacco.

    Nothing to Hide

    案例简介:加拿大领先的大麻生产商之一Flowr Corporation发起了一项新的运动,旨在围绕仍然与大麻使用有关的污名展开全国性的对话。“没什么可隐藏的”,该品牌的最新宣传活动旨在将大麻的使用带出阴影,进入用户的日常生活,鼓励他们摆脱与大麻消费相关的负面含义。该活动旨在促使该品牌的用户改变其隐藏产品的合法化前行为,而是进行公开和诚实的对话。利用藏身之处的想法,该活动鼓励用户自豪地展示他们的Flowr产品。强化品牌的信念,即大麻持续生长并负责任地使用,可以平衡和改善我们的生活。该运动由Flowr的记录机构zero万亿创建,旨在减少与大麻使用相关的社会污名。这部电影和随附的资产在多伦多附近的多个地点拍摄,显示Flowr的干花包裹在醒目的钴蓝色玻璃包装中,并在房屋周围自豪地展示 *。45秒的位置由1974米莉 · 杰克逊 (Millie Jackson) 的歌曲《我厌倦了躲藏》 (I'm wear Hiding) 进行了声音跟踪,完美地赞扬了竞选活动的气氛。在将大麻和大麻使用者视为一维的品牌海洋中,Flowr旨在承认大麻文化是使用者生活的一部分; 一些值得接受和讨论的东西。该活动是在该品牌的新玻璃包装发布之后进行的,该包装于今年早些时候首次亮相,旨在进行展示。可以通过Flowr品牌醒目的钴蓝识别的玻璃罐也经过科学证明,可以保存产品并保持从工厂到烟雾的优质一致性。Flowr品牌总监Nicole Wolff表示: “就我们作为一个行业而言,不可避免的事实是,大麻和大麻的使用仍然存在一些负面联系。在Flowr,我们相信,大麻如果使用得当并持续种植,可以用作增强生活各方面的工具-这并不可耻。通过这次活动,我们希望突出新的玻璃包装,但也提醒人们,真正的质量永远不会隐藏。”zero万亿首席执行官Alex Paquin补充说:“ 这次活动是一个很好的机会,可以在过去两年为Flowr所做的工作的基础上再接再厉。我们想庆祝品牌的好处,并展示它们如何适应用户的生活。“。加拿大zero万亿为Flowr创建的集成广告,类别为: 烟草。

    Nothing to Hide

    案例简介:The Flowr Corporation, one of Canada’s leading cannabis producers, has launched a new campaign that aims to start a nationwide conversation around the stigmas still associated with cannabis use. ‘Nothing to Hide’, the brand’s latest above-the-line campaign aims to bring cannabis use out of the shadows and into the everyday lives of its users, encouraging them to shed the negative connotations associated with cannabis consumption. The campaign aims to prompt users of the brand to change their pre-legalization behaviors of concealing the product and instead engage in open and honest conversations. Playing with the idea of the hiding place, the campaign encourages users to display their Flowr products with pride. Reinforcing the brand’s belief that when grown consistently, and used responsibly, cannabis can balance and enhance our lives. Created by Flowr’s agency of record, Zerotrillion, the campaign aims to reduce the social stigma associated with cannabis use. Shot in multiple locations around Toronto, the film and accompanying assets show Flowr’s dried flower encased in the striking cobalt blue glass packaging, on proud display around the home*. The 45-second spot is sound-tracked by the 1974, Millie Jackson song, I’m Tired of Hiding, perfectly complimenting the sentiment of the campaign. In a sea of brands that treat cannabis and cannabis users as one-dimensional, Flowr aims to acknowledge cannabis culture as a part of a user's life; something to be embraced and discussed. The campaign follows the launch of the brand’s new glass packaging, which debuted earlier this year and was designed to be displayed. The glass jar, which can be identified by the striking cobalt blue of the Flowr brand is also scientifically proven to preserve the product and maintain premium consistency from the factory to smoke. Nicole Wolff, Brand Director at Flowr said: “As far as we have come as an industry, there is no avoiding the fact that cannabis and the use of cannabis still have some negative associations. At Flowr, we believe that cannabis, when used appropriately and grown consistently, can be used as a tool to enhance aspects of your life - and there is no shame in that. With this campaign, we wanted to highlight the new glass packaging, but also remind people that true quality never hides.” Alex Paquin, CEO of Zerotrillion, added: “This campaign was a great opportunity to build on the work we have done for Flowr over the last two years. We wanted to celebrate the benefits of the brand and show how they can fit into a user's life.” Integrated advertisement created by Zerotrillion, Canada for Flowr, within the category: Tobacco.



    Nothing to Hide






    广告公司: Zerotrillion




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