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    I Love My Balls海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 我爱我的球 -- 一张拯救生命的instagram贴纸。 有了 $0的预算,我们在自由新闻中筹集了 $2,000,000,并实现了2,520,000多个社交媒体互动和216780亿多个观看次数。但最重要的是,我们挽救了5名被诊断患有癌症的早期生命。 背景 情况 在秘鲁,前列腺癌、睾丸癌和阴茎癌4,500每年发现数千例15至30岁的年轻人。 简介 我们被要求发起一场运动,以提高对这一问题的认识,并激励男性阴茎、前列腺和睾丸癌的预防检查。 目标 在运动期间说服至少500名男性做前列腺癌,睾丸和阴茎检查,这意味着增加500% 促进男性癌症预防的文化变革,说服年轻男性和成年人失去恐惧,并进行自我检查和年度检查。 描述创意 (投票20%) 我爱我的球 -- 一张拯救生命的instagram贴纸。 所有男人都在乎自己的球,在预防阴茎癌和睾丸癌时,由于他们周围的禁忌,他们不会表现出同样的爱。 这就是我们决定翻开一个心爱的Instagram贴纸的方式,邀请男性打破这一禁忌,并提高人们对年度体检的认识。 描述公关策略 (投票30%) 洞察力 禁忌被幽默所克服。 关键信息 我爱我的球 -- 一张拯救生命的instagram贴纸。 一个简单的想法,就像在Instagram上贴上标签一样,结束了对这些类型癌症的禁忌,并挽救了许多秘鲁人的生命。 目标受众 尤其是15至40岁的男性,更容易发展为睾丸,阴茎和前列腺癌。 资产的创建和分配 我们通过一个教育网站为有影响力的人和名人的社交网络发布了一个视频。然后,所有这些都成为不同数字频道的出版物,广播节目,哦,电视和广播采访以及新闻通知。 描述PR执行 (投票20%) 公关的实施 我们为社交网络制作了一个幽默而引人注目的视频,其中有影响者和名人完全赤裸裸,并传达了有力的信息,影响了秘鲁人预防前列腺癌,睾丸和阴茎。 完全赤身裸体的名人和有影响力的人使我们的竞选活动失控了。演员、音乐家、艺术家、我们的国家足球队,甚至第一夫人也加入了这场运动。 我们的标签 # AmoMisBolas (# ILoveMyBalls) 和使用心爱的Instagram标签的新方法模拟了一双握住睾丸的手,这帮助我们快速解决了这个问题。 时间线 从6月1日到6月30日2018年。 规模 通过cero预算,我们覆盖了全国的整个社交媒体用户。 列出结果 (投票30%),必须至少包括以下两个层: 第1层: 媒体输出 -有了 $0的预算,我们在自由新闻中筹集了 $2,000,000。 第2层: 目标受众结果 -我们挽救了被诊断为癌症早期阶段的5条生命。 -在销售方面,我们对全国所有诊所的检查增加了1,800% 多次。 -我们实现了2,520,000多个社交媒体互动和216780亿多个视图。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? I Love My Balls - An instagram sticker that saved lives. With $0 budget we raised $ 2,000,000 in free press and achieved more than 2,520,000 social media interactions and more than 21,678,000 million views. But best of all, we saved 5 lives who were diagnosed with an early stage of cancer. Background Situation In Peru, prostate, testicular and penile cancer affects 4,500 thousands new cases of young adults between the ages of 15 and 30 years are detected every year. Brief We were asked to create a campaign to generate awareness about the problem and motivates prevention check ups of penis, prostate and testicle cancer in men. Objectives Persuade at least 500 males during the period of the campaign to do a prostate cancer, testicles and penis check up, this means increasing the number by 500% Promote a cultural change on cancer prevention in men, convincing young males and adults to lose their fear and to carry out a self-examination and an annual check-up. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) I Love My Balls - An instagram sticker that saved lives. All men care about their balls, bud when it comes to preventing penile and testicular cancers de don’t show the same kind of love due to the taboo surrounding them. This is how we decided to flip over a loved Instagram sticker to invite on men to break this taboo and generate awareness about annual check ups. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) Insight Taboos are overcome with humor. Key message I Love My Balls - An instagram sticker that saved lives. An idea as simple as turning an Instagram sticker ended the taboo on these types of cancer and saved the lives of many Peruvians. Target audience Men especially from 15 to 40 years, who are more prone to the development testicular, penis and prostate cancer. Creation and distribution of assets We launched a video for social networks with influencers and celebrities by the hand of an educational website. Then all this became publications for different digital channels, radio spots, OOH, interviews on TV and Radio and press notices. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) Implementation of the PR We made a humorous and striking video for social networks with influencers and celebrities totally naked with a powerful message that influenced Peruvians to prevent prostate cancer, testicles and penises. Celebrities and influencers who posed totally naked made our campaign go out of control. Actors, musicians, artists, our national soccer team and even the first lady joined this movement. Our hashtag #AmoMisBolas (#ILoveMyBalls) and the new way to use the beloved Instagram tag simulated a pair of hands holding their testicles which helped us solve this problem quickly. Timeline From June 1st to June 30th of 2018. Scale With cero budget we reached the whole social media users nationwide. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: Tier 1: Media Outputs - With $0 budget we raised $ 2,000,000 in free press. Tier 2: Target Audience Outcomes - We saved 5 lives who were diagnosed with an early stage of cancer. - In sales we increased by more than 1,800% checkups to all our clinics nationwide. - We achieved more than 2,520,000 social media interactions and more than 21,678,000 million views.

    I Love My Balls

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 我爱我的球 -- 一张拯救生命的instagram贴纸。 有了 $0的预算,我们在自由新闻中筹集了 $2,000,000,并实现了2,520,000多个社交媒体互动和216780亿多个观看次数。但最重要的是,我们挽救了5名被诊断患有癌症的早期生命。 背景 情况 在秘鲁,前列腺癌、睾丸癌和阴茎癌4,500每年发现数千例15至30岁的年轻人。 简介 我们被要求发起一场运动,以提高对这一问题的认识,并激励男性阴茎、前列腺和睾丸癌的预防检查。 目标 在运动期间说服至少500名男性做前列腺癌,睾丸和阴茎检查,这意味着增加500% 促进男性癌症预防的文化变革,说服年轻男性和成年人失去恐惧,并进行自我检查和年度检查。 描述创意 (投票20%) 我爱我的球 -- 一张拯救生命的instagram贴纸。 所有男人都在乎自己的球,在预防阴茎癌和睾丸癌时,由于他们周围的禁忌,他们不会表现出同样的爱。 这就是我们决定翻开一个心爱的Instagram贴纸的方式,邀请男性打破这一禁忌,并提高人们对年度体检的认识。 描述公关策略 (投票30%) 洞察力 禁忌被幽默所克服。 关键信息 我爱我的球 -- 一张拯救生命的instagram贴纸。 一个简单的想法,就像在Instagram上贴上标签一样,结束了对这些类型癌症的禁忌,并挽救了许多秘鲁人的生命。 目标受众 尤其是15至40岁的男性,更容易发展为睾丸,阴茎和前列腺癌。 资产的创建和分配 我们通过一个教育网站为有影响力的人和名人的社交网络发布了一个视频。然后,所有这些都成为不同数字频道的出版物,广播节目,哦,电视和广播采访以及新闻通知。 描述PR执行 (投票20%) 公关的实施 我们为社交网络制作了一个幽默而引人注目的视频,其中有影响者和名人完全赤裸裸,并传达了有力的信息,影响了秘鲁人预防前列腺癌,睾丸和阴茎。 完全赤身裸体的名人和有影响力的人使我们的竞选活动失控了。演员、音乐家、艺术家、我们的国家足球队,甚至第一夫人也加入了这场运动。 我们的标签 # AmoMisBolas (# ILoveMyBalls) 和使用心爱的Instagram标签的新方法模拟了一双握住睾丸的手,这帮助我们快速解决了这个问题。 时间线 从6月1日到6月30日2018年。 规模 通过cero预算,我们覆盖了全国的整个社交媒体用户。 列出结果 (投票30%),必须至少包括以下两个层: 第1层: 媒体输出 -有了 $0的预算,我们在自由新闻中筹集了 $2,000,000。 第2层: 目标受众结果 -我们挽救了被诊断为癌症早期阶段的5条生命。 -在销售方面,我们对全国所有诊所的检查增加了1,800% 多次。 -我们实现了2,520,000多个社交媒体互动和216780亿多个视图。

    I Love My Balls

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? I Love My Balls - An instagram sticker that saved lives. With $0 budget we raised $ 2,000,000 in free press and achieved more than 2,520,000 social media interactions and more than 21,678,000 million views. But best of all, we saved 5 lives who were diagnosed with an early stage of cancer. Background Situation In Peru, prostate, testicular and penile cancer affects 4,500 thousands new cases of young adults between the ages of 15 and 30 years are detected every year. Brief We were asked to create a campaign to generate awareness about the problem and motivates prevention check ups of penis, prostate and testicle cancer in men. Objectives Persuade at least 500 males during the period of the campaign to do a prostate cancer, testicles and penis check up, this means increasing the number by 500% Promote a cultural change on cancer prevention in men, convincing young males and adults to lose their fear and to carry out a self-examination and an annual check-up. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) I Love My Balls - An instagram sticker that saved lives. All men care about their balls, bud when it comes to preventing penile and testicular cancers de don’t show the same kind of love due to the taboo surrounding them. This is how we decided to flip over a loved Instagram sticker to invite on men to break this taboo and generate awareness about annual check ups. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) Insight Taboos are overcome with humor. Key message I Love My Balls - An instagram sticker that saved lives. An idea as simple as turning an Instagram sticker ended the taboo on these types of cancer and saved the lives of many Peruvians. Target audience Men especially from 15 to 40 years, who are more prone to the development testicular, penis and prostate cancer. Creation and distribution of assets We launched a video for social networks with influencers and celebrities by the hand of an educational website. Then all this became publications for different digital channels, radio spots, OOH, interviews on TV and Radio and press notices. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) Implementation of the PR We made a humorous and striking video for social networks with influencers and celebrities totally naked with a powerful message that influenced Peruvians to prevent prostate cancer, testicles and penises. Celebrities and influencers who posed totally naked made our campaign go out of control. Actors, musicians, artists, our national soccer team and even the first lady joined this movement. Our hashtag #AmoMisBolas (#ILoveMyBalls) and the new way to use the beloved Instagram tag simulated a pair of hands holding their testicles which helped us solve this problem quickly. Timeline From June 1st to June 30th of 2018. Scale With cero budget we reached the whole social media users nationwide. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: Tier 1: Media Outputs - With $0 budget we raised $ 2,000,000 in free press. Tier 2: Target Audience Outcomes - We saved 5 lives who were diagnosed with an early stage of cancer. - In sales we increased by more than 1,800% checkups to all our clinics nationwide. - We achieved more than 2,520,000 social media interactions and more than 21,678,000 million views.



    I Love My Balls










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