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    MOZZIE BOX短视频广告营销案例



    MOZZIE 盒子

    案例简介:描述客户的简报: 作为背景,SP Lager 是巴布亚新几内亚最大的啤酒厂,多年来竞争很少。 随着新啤酒进入市场,SP Lager 希望发起一场运动,证明他们比任何进口啤酒都更了解巴布亚新几内亚的饮酒者。 他们的广告定位线是我们的啤酒,已经有了任何人都记得的时间。 我们的工作是证明这一点。 促进发展: 客户简报和当地的巴布亚新几内亚见解是这个想法的灵感来源,创造性的解决方案来自卑微的蚊子线圈。 我们拿了一个普通的纸箱,通过添加天然驱蚊剂 -- 桉树,让它表现得像蚊香。一旦涂上涂层,纸箱的碎片就被撕掉,扔进火里,以产生一种驱虫烟,让 mozzies 远离。 一个理想的结果是看到巴布亚新几内亚当地人使用这些盒子,并证明 SP Lager 是唯一一种真正适合巴布亚新几内亚人和巴布亚新几内亚条件的啤酒。 结果: 正如你可以想象的那样,巴布亚新几内亚热情的啤酒饮用社区感激地接受了任何让喝啤酒更好、更愉快的事情。 一个理想的结果是看到当地人使用 Mozzie 盒子来增强他们的啤酒饮用体验。另一个证明 SP Lager 是一种为巴布亚新几内亚人和巴布亚新几内亚条件制作的啤酒。这两个结果都实现了。 ROI 非常出色,因为这个想法在现有的 SP Lager cartons 上有一个简单的变化。 基于对最初限量版夏季促销的极其积极的反应,SP breaking 计划明年在全国推出 SP Mozzie Box。 与产品/服务的相关性: 设计/想法来自两个当地的见解。 一个是,在巴布亚新几内亚,大多数啤酒是由户外火灾周围的人饮用的。另一个是,在夏天,携带蚊子的巨大疟疾云袭击了外面的任何人。 为了给生活带来洞察力,我们印刷了一种天然的 (桉树) 驱虫剂油墨涂层,将 SP 啤酒纸盒变成了一种携带啤酒的大蚊香。 我们保留了经典的 SP Lager 外观,添加了 SP Lager Mozzie Box 标志,并简单地告诉饮酒者撕下纸盒,扔进火中制造烟雾。

    MOZZIE 盒子

    案例简介:Describe the brief from the client: As a bit of background, SP Lager is Papua New Guinea's biggest brewery and over the years it's had very little competition. With new beers entering the market, SP Lager wanted a campaign that demonstrated that they know PNG beer drinkers better than any import ever could. Their advertising positioning line is OUR BEER and has been for as long as anyone can remember. Our job was to prove it. Promotion Development: The client brief and local PNG insights were the inspiration for the idea and the creative solution came from the humble mosquito coil. We took a regular carton and made it behave like a mosquito coil by adding the natural mosquito repellant - eucalyptus. Once coated, pieces of the carton were torn off and thrown in a fire to create an insect repellant smoke that kept mozzies away. One desired outcome was to see PNG locals using the boxes and to prove that SP Lager is the only beer that's truly made for PNG blokes and PNG conditions. Results: As you can imagine anything that makes drinking beer better and more enjoyable was gratefully received by Papua New Guinea's, enthusiastic beer drinking community. One desired outcome was to see locals using Mozzie Boxes to enhance their beer drinking experience. Another was proving that SP Lager is a beer made for PNG blokes and PNG conditions. Both of these outcomes were achieved. The ROI was outstanding because the idea worked with a simple variation on the existing SP Lager cartons. Based on the extremely positive reaction to the initial limited edition summer promotion, SP Brewing is planning to roll SP Mozzie Box out nationally next year. Relevancy to Product/Service: The design/idea came from two local insights. One is that in PNG most beer is consumed by blokes outdoors around fires. The other is that in Summer, clouds of huge, malaria carrying mosquitoes attack anyone outside. To bring the insight to life we printed a natural (Eucalyptus) insect repellant ink coating that turned the SP Lager carton into a kind of big mosquito coil that carried beer. We retained the classic SP Lager look, added the SP Lager Mozzie Box logo and simple telling drinkers to tear off pieces of carton and throw them in a fire to make smoke.


    案例简介:描述客户的简报: 作为背景,SP Lager 是巴布亚新几内亚最大的啤酒厂,多年来竞争很少。 随着新啤酒进入市场,SP Lager 希望发起一场运动,证明他们比任何进口啤酒都更了解巴布亚新几内亚的饮酒者。 他们的广告定位线是我们的啤酒,已经有了任何人都记得的时间。 我们的工作是证明这一点。 促进发展: 客户简报和当地的巴布亚新几内亚见解是这个想法的灵感来源,创造性的解决方案来自卑微的蚊子线圈。 我们拿了一个普通的纸箱,通过添加天然驱蚊剂 -- 桉树,让它表现得像蚊香。一旦涂上涂层,纸箱的碎片就被撕掉,扔进火里,以产生一种驱虫烟,让 mozzies 远离。 一个理想的结果是看到巴布亚新几内亚当地人使用这些盒子,并证明 SP Lager 是唯一一种真正适合巴布亚新几内亚人和巴布亚新几内亚条件的啤酒。 结果: 正如你可以想象的那样,巴布亚新几内亚热情的啤酒饮用社区感激地接受了任何让喝啤酒更好、更愉快的事情。 一个理想的结果是看到当地人使用 Mozzie 盒子来增强他们的啤酒饮用体验。另一个证明 SP Lager 是一种为巴布亚新几内亚人和巴布亚新几内亚条件制作的啤酒。这两个结果都实现了。 ROI 非常出色,因为这个想法在现有的 SP Lager cartons 上有一个简单的变化。 基于对最初限量版夏季促销的极其积极的反应,SP breaking 计划明年在全国推出 SP Mozzie Box。 与产品/服务的相关性: 设计/想法来自两个当地的见解。 一个是,在巴布亚新几内亚,大多数啤酒是由户外火灾周围的人饮用的。另一个是,在夏天,携带蚊子的巨大疟疾云袭击了外面的任何人。 为了给生活带来洞察力,我们印刷了一种天然的 (桉树) 驱虫剂油墨涂层,将 SP 啤酒纸盒变成了一种携带啤酒的大蚊香。 我们保留了经典的 SP Lager 外观,添加了 SP Lager Mozzie Box 标志,并简单地告诉饮酒者撕下纸盒,扔进火中制造烟雾。


    案例简介:Describe the brief from the client: As a bit of background, SP Lager is Papua New Guinea's biggest brewery and over the years it's had very little competition. With new beers entering the market, SP Lager wanted a campaign that demonstrated that they know PNG beer drinkers better than any import ever could. Their advertising positioning line is OUR BEER and has been for as long as anyone can remember. Our job was to prove it. Promotion Development: The client brief and local PNG insights were the inspiration for the idea and the creative solution came from the humble mosquito coil. We took a regular carton and made it behave like a mosquito coil by adding the natural mosquito repellant - eucalyptus. Once coated, pieces of the carton were torn off and thrown in a fire to create an insect repellant smoke that kept mozzies away. One desired outcome was to see PNG locals using the boxes and to prove that SP Lager is the only beer that's truly made for PNG blokes and PNG conditions. Results: As you can imagine anything that makes drinking beer better and more enjoyable was gratefully received by Papua New Guinea's, enthusiastic beer drinking community. One desired outcome was to see locals using Mozzie Boxes to enhance their beer drinking experience. Another was proving that SP Lager is a beer made for PNG blokes and PNG conditions. Both of these outcomes were achieved. The ROI was outstanding because the idea worked with a simple variation on the existing SP Lager cartons. Based on the extremely positive reaction to the initial limited edition summer promotion, SP Brewing is planning to roll SP Mozzie Box out nationally next year. Relevancy to Product/Service: The design/idea came from two local insights. One is that in PNG most beer is consumed by blokes outdoors around fires. The other is that in Summer, clouds of huge, malaria carrying mosquitoes attack anyone outside. To bring the insight to life we printed a natural (Eucalyptus) insect repellant ink coating that turned the SP Lager carton into a kind of big mosquito coil that carried beer. We retained the classic SP Lager look, added the SP Lager Mozzie Box logo and simple telling drinkers to tear off pieces of carton and throw them in a fire to make smoke.

    MOZZIE 盒子












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