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    Bulambuli Valley短视频广告营销案例



    Bulambii 山谷

    案例简介:概要 社区促进发展是一个小型非政府组织,在乌干达农村开展活动,重点是培训和教导当地社区经济独立。 c4D 要求我们创建一个零预算筹款活动,可以把它们放在地图上,并收集捐款来支持他们即将在 2017年举行的活动。我们的目标是: 捐赠至少 15k 美元,足以在乌干达的布尔拉米山谷继续工作 12 个月。 ClientBriefOrObjective 制作预算: 7.000 € 媒体预算: 0 € pr 预算: 0 € 活动描述 如果我们能像在硅谷一样讲述 bulambii Valley 企业家的故事呢?我们在国际平台 Indiegogo 上发起了一场真正的众筹活动,支持 bulambii 的农村企业家,嘲笑初创企业的声音和语言。™第一台 3D 鸡蛋打印机,番茄,100% 太阳能食品革命,或椅子,无线个人充电站,bulambii 的故事到达了世界的四个角落。 执行 一个视频宣言,展示了一些最激动人心的 “初创企业”,比如鸡肉、椅子或番茄,以及 Indiegogo 上的众筹页面, 竞选的开始和 30 天的资助。一旦公关和社交渠道了解了我们的故事并传播到世界各地,我们就开始了与我们的新粉丝和捐助者的实时对话,通过回应活动, bulambii 当地人用视频回答,首先感谢 youtube 用户、媒体和互联网人士。 结果 由于没有公关支持或预算,乌干达硅谷的故事无论如何都登上了世界各地的头条,吸引了新的粉丝,更重要的是,吸引了新的捐助者。我们在不到 15 天的时间里达到了我们的资金目标,并超过了它,以超过 21K 美元的 141% 的资金完成了这项运动,来自 45 个不同国家的捐助者。公关报道产生了 1500万多个印象。维基百科的创始人吉米 · 威尔士在他的社交媒体上分享了这项运动。 相关性 这个想法和平台都是吸引观众的关键: 它不仅为这个鲜为人知的非政府组织引发了前所未有的捐赠和资助浪潮,还为我们赢得了新的粉丝, 和自发的品牌大使,帮助我们传播新闻和收集额外的资金。 战略 我们分析了多个众筹平台以及行业博客和杂志中的趋势、语言和内容。我们的核心目标是早期适配器和创新爱好者,他们愿意为一个激动人心的想法或项目捐款。我们在 Indiegogo 上联系了他们,他们最自然的栖息地是寻找新的想法和项目,并对一个非常不同和独特的创新故事感到惊讶,这个故事可能会挑战他们的敏感性,并激励他们捐赠。

    Bulambii 山谷

    案例简介:Synopsis Communities for Development is a small NGO operating in rural Uganda and focusing on training and teaching local communities to be economically independent.C4D asked us to create a zero budget fundraising campaign that could put them on the map and gather donations to support their upcoming activities in 2017. Our objective: reach at least 15K dollars in donations, enough to keep working in the poor valley of Bulambuli, Uganda for another 12 months. ClientBriefOrObjective Production budget: 7.000€Media Budget: 0€PR Budget: 0€ CampaignDescription What if we could tell the stories of Bulambuli Valley's entrepreneurs the same way they do in Silicon Valley? We launched an actual crowdfunding campaign on international platform Indiegogo to support Bulambuli’s rural entrepreneurs, mocking the tone of voice and language of startups.Thanks to groundbreaking products like Chicken™, the first 3D Egg Printer, Tomato, the 100% solar powered food revolution, or Chair, the wireless personalcharging station, the story of Bulambuli reached the four corners of the world. Execution A video manifesto, showcasing some of the most exciting "startups" out of Bulambuli Valley, like Chicken, Chair or Tomato, marked, along with the crowdfunding page on Indiegogo, the beginning of the campaign and the 30 days of funding. Once PR and social channels picked up our story and spread around the world, we started a real time conversation with our new fans and donors, through a response campaign, with Bulambuli locals answering with videomessages to thank in first person youtube users, media outlets and internet personalities. Outcome With no PR support or budget, the story of the Ugandan Silicon Valley managed anyway to make headlines all over the world, getting new fans and, more importantly, new donors. We reached our funding goal in less than 15 days and surpassed it, finishing the campaign at 141% of funding with over 21K$, coming from donors from 45 different countries.The PR coverage generated more than 15 Million impressions.Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia, shared the campaign on his social media. Relevancy The idea and the platform were both key in engaging our audience: not only it sparked a wave of donations and funding unprecedented for the little-known NGO, but it also won us new fans, and spontaneous brand ambassadors that helped us spread the news and gather additional funding. Strategy We analyzed trends, language and content across multiple crowdfunding platforms and within industry's blogs and magazines. Our core target was early adapters and innovation enthusiasts, people who are open to donate to an exciting idea or project.And we reached out to them on Indiegogo, their most natural habitat for hunting for new ideas and projects and surprised with a very different and unique innovation story that could challenge their sensibility and provoke them to donate.

    Bulambuli Valley

    案例简介:概要 社区促进发展是一个小型非政府组织,在乌干达农村开展活动,重点是培训和教导当地社区经济独立。 c4D 要求我们创建一个零预算筹款活动,可以把它们放在地图上,并收集捐款来支持他们即将在 2017年举行的活动。我们的目标是: 捐赠至少 15k 美元,足以在乌干达的布尔拉米山谷继续工作 12 个月。 ClientBriefOrObjective 制作预算: 7.000 € 媒体预算: 0 € pr 预算: 0 € 活动描述 如果我们能像在硅谷一样讲述 bulambii Valley 企业家的故事呢?我们在国际平台 Indiegogo 上发起了一场真正的众筹活动,支持 bulambii 的农村企业家,嘲笑初创企业的声音和语言。™第一台 3D 鸡蛋打印机,番茄,100% 太阳能食品革命,或椅子,无线个人充电站,bulambii 的故事到达了世界的四个角落。 执行 一个视频宣言,展示了一些最激动人心的 “初创企业”,比如鸡肉、椅子或番茄,以及 Indiegogo 上的众筹页面, 竞选的开始和 30 天的资助。一旦公关和社交渠道了解了我们的故事并传播到世界各地,我们就开始了与我们的新粉丝和捐助者的实时对话,通过回应活动, bulambii 当地人用视频回答,首先感谢 youtube 用户、媒体和互联网人士。 结果 由于没有公关支持或预算,乌干达硅谷的故事无论如何都登上了世界各地的头条,吸引了新的粉丝,更重要的是,吸引了新的捐助者。我们在不到 15 天的时间里达到了我们的资金目标,并超过了它,以超过 21K 美元的 141% 的资金完成了这项运动,来自 45 个不同国家的捐助者。公关报道产生了 1500万多个印象。维基百科的创始人吉米 · 威尔士在他的社交媒体上分享了这项运动。 相关性 这个想法和平台都是吸引观众的关键: 它不仅为这个鲜为人知的非政府组织引发了前所未有的捐赠和资助浪潮,还为我们赢得了新的粉丝, 和自发的品牌大使,帮助我们传播新闻和收集额外的资金。 战略 我们分析了多个众筹平台以及行业博客和杂志中的趋势、语言和内容。我们的核心目标是早期适配器和创新爱好者,他们愿意为一个激动人心的想法或项目捐款。我们在 Indiegogo 上联系了他们,他们最自然的栖息地是寻找新的想法和项目,并对一个非常不同和独特的创新故事感到惊讶,这个故事可能会挑战他们的敏感性,并激励他们捐赠。

    Bulambuli Valley

    案例简介:Synopsis Communities for Development is a small NGO operating in rural Uganda and focusing on training and teaching local communities to be economically independent.C4D asked us to create a zero budget fundraising campaign that could put them on the map and gather donations to support their upcoming activities in 2017. Our objective: reach at least 15K dollars in donations, enough to keep working in the poor valley of Bulambuli, Uganda for another 12 months. ClientBriefOrObjective Production budget: 7.000€Media Budget: 0€PR Budget: 0€ CampaignDescription What if we could tell the stories of Bulambuli Valley's entrepreneurs the same way they do in Silicon Valley? We launched an actual crowdfunding campaign on international platform Indiegogo to support Bulambuli’s rural entrepreneurs, mocking the tone of voice and language of startups.Thanks to groundbreaking products like Chicken™, the first 3D Egg Printer, Tomato, the 100% solar powered food revolution, or Chair, the wireless personalcharging station, the story of Bulambuli reached the four corners of the world. Execution A video manifesto, showcasing some of the most exciting "startups" out of Bulambuli Valley, like Chicken, Chair or Tomato, marked, along with the crowdfunding page on Indiegogo, the beginning of the campaign and the 30 days of funding. Once PR and social channels picked up our story and spread around the world, we started a real time conversation with our new fans and donors, through a response campaign, with Bulambuli locals answering with videomessages to thank in first person youtube users, media outlets and internet personalities. Outcome With no PR support or budget, the story of the Ugandan Silicon Valley managed anyway to make headlines all over the world, getting new fans and, more importantly, new donors. We reached our funding goal in less than 15 days and surpassed it, finishing the campaign at 141% of funding with over 21K$, coming from donors from 45 different countries.The PR coverage generated more than 15 Million impressions.Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia, shared the campaign on his social media. Relevancy The idea and the platform were both key in engaging our audience: not only it sparked a wave of donations and funding unprecedented for the little-known NGO, but it also won us new fans, and spontaneous brand ambassadors that helped us spread the news and gather additional funding. Strategy We analyzed trends, language and content across multiple crowdfunding platforms and within industry's blogs and magazines. Our core target was early adapters and innovation enthusiasts, people who are open to donate to an exciting idea or project.And we reached out to them on Indiegogo, their most natural habitat for hunting for new ideas and projects and surprised with a very different and unique innovation story that could challenge their sensibility and provoke them to donate.

    Bulambii 山谷


    Bulambuli Valley






    广告公司: DUDE (意大利 米兰) 制作公司: Dude




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