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    # Voteirl

    案例简介:结果 这是 YouTube 有史以来最成功的直接面向创作者的视频提示,超过 211 名顶级 YouTubers 和名人参加了 (雪儿、瑞安 · 西克莱斯特、摇滚、柯南、链条式吸烟者)。我们成功地用我们的打开提示激活了创作者,而不是典型的脚本 PSA。YouTube 上的 # voteIRL 视频获得了超过 700 万的联合浏览量。我们产生了 24k 的社交提及和 2.4B 的总有机印象,超过 43% 的印象来自我们的目标人口 (18-24 岁)。虽然美国选举的结果是.令人惊讶的是,登记和投票的千禧一代比以往任何时候都多。我们的竞选短线 ( http://g.co/elections/134 ) 单独驾驶 2m 点击通过在线注册工具。2016 年,创纪录的 83% 的千禧一代登记投票,与 2012年相比,30% 的千禧一代实际投票。他们仍然会在 2020年注册:) 我们有 70 多个新闻报道,包括青少年时尚、 Mashable 和 View (2.7 观众)。 概要 知道美国总统选举将是 2016年的一个重要文化时刻,选民投票率已经下降到糟糕的水平。YouTube 想帮助激发变革,增强 YouTubers 和名人的声音,以及跟随他们的千禧一代的声音。-2012年只有每三个千禧一代中有一个投票。-2016,50% 的未登记选民是千禧一代。 2016 是第一次千禧一代将超过婴儿潮一代的选举。 youTube 的目标是提高 2016 选举的新选民登记和选举日投票率。我们的目标是接触 50% 的美国千禧一代。 活动描述 YouTube 社区以组织运动、评论、喜欢和不喜欢而闻名。然而,尽管有这种数字激进主义,他们是最不可能投票的人口。VoteIRL 要求千禧一代放下手机,在现实生活中投票。但是要投票,你必须注册。我们发现注册投票平均需要 1m34。因此,我们没有向名人提供脚本,而是专注于为 YouTube 社区构建有趣的提示和创意工具,以自己创建赋权信息。我们用一个简单的提示激活创作者: “当你的观众注册投票时,你自己为 1m34 做任何你想做的事情。”YouTubers 和包括摇滚和柯南在内的名人制作了 211 多个视频,总浏览量为 700 万次。作为最后的推动,我们与奥巴马总统录制了一段特别视频,敦促我们的社区在现实生活中投票。 执行 2016年9月20日,# voteIRL 在全国选民登记日前一周启动。作为我们的主播,我们鼓励 YouTubers 和名人在州注册截止日期前的几周内上传他们的 “1:34 注册投票” 视频。我们的活动在多个领域进行了直播: 影响者 YouTube 频道 -- 影响者在他们的频道和社交网站上发布了 1:34 视频,7 米总视图。 youTube 聚光灯频道 -- 向我们自己的频道 (2600 万用户) 发布了一个 1:34 汇编视频和各种名人视频 (雪儿,西翼剧组) -- 结合了 182 多粉丝, 发布影响者视频,定制内容,并接管了艺术频道。 youTube 主页和应用内宣传片主页放置和应用内宣传片获得了 280 的印象 (超过美国人口的一半 s) 11月7日,我们推出了我们的奥巴马投票 PSA,作为一个额外的推动,让我们的观众在现实生活中投票,300 万次。 战略 为了确定 YouTube 在推动年轻选民投票率方面的独特作用,我们在三个关键领域寻找见解: YouTube 社区、选举景观和文化趋势。我们看到已经有 YouTubers,有成千上万的年轻粉丝,他们非常关心选举。鉴于选举季节越来越消极的基调,我们看到了一个机会,赋予这些 YouTubers 权力,并利用它们作为催化剂,以积极的方式引发投票率。通过社会倾听,我们发现在选举前几个月,消极情绪和选民疲劳增加了 + 34%,为更轻松的投票信息创造了机会。除此之外,加入社会挑战呼吁行动,我们可以创造一种紧迫感和行动感。利用有影响力的 YouTubers 和名人,我们在两个关键时刻发展了一个轻松、面向挑战的信息: 国家注册日和选举日,以创建一个将投票社会化的运动。

    # Voteirl

    案例简介:Outcome This was YouTube’s most successful direct-to-creator video prompt ever, over 211 top YouTubers and celebrities participated (Cher, Ryan Seacrest, The Rock, Conan, Chainsmokers). We successfully activated creators with our open prompt, instead of a typical scripted PSA. The #voteIRL videos on YouTube received over 7M combined views.We generated 24k social mentions and 2.4B total organic impressions, with over 43% of our impressions came from our target demographic (18-24 yr olds).While the outcome of the U.S. election was...surprising, more millennials registered & voted than ever before. Our campaign shortlink (http://g.co/elections/134) alone drove 2M clicks through to online registration tools. In 2016, a record breaking 83% of millennials were registered to vote and 30% more millennials actually voted compared to 2012. And they’ll still be registered in 2020 :)We had 70+ press stories including Teen Vogue, Mashable, and The View (2.7M viewers). Synopsis Knowing that the US Presidential Election would be a major cultural moment in 2016 and that voter turnout had decreased to abysmal levels. YouTube wanted to help spark change and empower the voices of YouTubers & celebrities, along with the millennials who follow them.- Only 1 in 3 millennials voted in 2012.- In 2016, 50% of unregistered voters were millennials.- 2016 is the first election where millennials will outnumber baby boomers.YouTube’s objective was to increase the levels of new voter registration and election day turnout for the 2016 election. We aimed to reach 50% of U.S. millennials. CampaignDescription The YouTube community is famous for organizing movements, commenting, liking, and disliking. Yet, despite this digital activism, they're the least likely demographic to vote. VoteIRL asked millennials to put down their phones and vote in real life. But to vote, you have to be registered. We discovered it takes an average of 1m34s to register to vote. So rather than feed scripts to celebrities, we focused on building entertaining prompts and creative tools for the YouTube community to create empowering messages themselves. We activated creators with a simple prompt: "Film yourself doing anything you want for 1m34s while your viewers register to vote." Over 211 videos were created by YouTubers and celebrities including The Rock and Conan, earning 7M total views. As a final push we recorded a special video with President Obama, urging our community to get out and vote in real life. Execution On September 20th, 2016, #voteIRL launched a week before National Voter Registration Day. Using this as our anchor, we galvanized YouTubers & celebrities to upload their ‘Register to Vote in 1:34’ videos in the weeks leading up to state registration deadlines.Our campaign went live across multiple properties:Influencer YouTube Channels - Influencers posted 1:34 videos to their channels and social, 7M total views.YouTube Spotlight Channel - posted a 1:34 compilation video and various celebrity videos (Cher, West Wing cast) to our own channel (26M subscribers)YouTube Social Handles - combined 182M+ followers, posted influencer videos, custom content, and did a channel art takeover.YouTube Homepage & In-App Promos - homepage placement & in-app promos garnered 280M impressions (over half the population of the U.S.)On November 7, we launched our Obama voting PSA as an extra push to get our audience to vote in real life, 3M views. Strategy To define YouTube’s unique role in driving young voter turnout, we looked for insights in three key areas: the YouTube community, the elections landscape, and cultural trends. We saw that there were already YouTubers, with thousands to millions of young fans, who deeply cared about the elections. Given the increasingly negative tone of the elections season, we saw an opportunity to empower those YouTubers and use them as catalysts to spark turnout in a positive way.Through social listening we found a +34% MoM increase in negativity & voter fatigue in months before election, creating an opportunity for a more lighthearted voting message. Along with that, adding a social challenge call-to-action, we could create a sense of urgency and action.Utilizing influential YouTubers and celebrities we developed a light-hearted, challenge-oriented message during two key moments: National Registration Day and Election Day to create a movement that socialized the vote.


    案例简介:结果 这是 YouTube 有史以来最成功的直接面向创作者的视频提示,超过 211 名顶级 YouTubers 和名人参加了 (雪儿、瑞安 · 西克莱斯特、摇滚、柯南、链条式吸烟者)。我们成功地用我们的打开提示激活了创作者,而不是典型的脚本 PSA。YouTube 上的 # voteIRL 视频获得了超过 700 万的联合浏览量。我们产生了 24k 的社交提及和 2.4B 的总有机印象,超过 43% 的印象来自我们的目标人口 (18-24 岁)。虽然美国选举的结果是.令人惊讶的是,登记和投票的千禧一代比以往任何时候都多。我们的竞选短线 ( http://g.co/elections/134 ) 单独驾驶 2m 点击通过在线注册工具。2016 年,创纪录的 83% 的千禧一代登记投票,与 2012年相比,30% 的千禧一代实际投票。他们仍然会在 2020年注册:) 我们有 70 多个新闻报道,包括青少年时尚、 Mashable 和 View (2.7 观众)。 概要 知道美国总统选举将是 2016年的一个重要文化时刻,选民投票率已经下降到糟糕的水平。YouTube 想帮助激发变革,增强 YouTubers 和名人的声音,以及跟随他们的千禧一代的声音。-2012年只有每三个千禧一代中有一个投票。-2016,50% 的未登记选民是千禧一代。 2016 是第一次千禧一代将超过婴儿潮一代的选举。 youTube 的目标是提高 2016 选举的新选民登记和选举日投票率。我们的目标是接触 50% 的美国千禧一代。 活动描述 YouTube 社区以组织运动、评论、喜欢和不喜欢而闻名。然而,尽管有这种数字激进主义,他们是最不可能投票的人口。VoteIRL 要求千禧一代放下手机,在现实生活中投票。但是要投票,你必须注册。我们发现注册投票平均需要 1m34。因此,我们没有向名人提供脚本,而是专注于为 YouTube 社区构建有趣的提示和创意工具,以自己创建赋权信息。我们用一个简单的提示激活创作者: “当你的观众注册投票时,你自己为 1m34 做任何你想做的事情。”YouTubers 和包括摇滚和柯南在内的名人制作了 211 多个视频,总浏览量为 700 万次。作为最后的推动,我们与奥巴马总统录制了一段特别视频,敦促我们的社区在现实生活中投票。 执行 2016年9月20日,# voteIRL 在全国选民登记日前一周启动。作为我们的主播,我们鼓励 YouTubers 和名人在州注册截止日期前的几周内上传他们的 “1:34 注册投票” 视频。我们的活动在多个领域进行了直播: 影响者 YouTube 频道 -- 影响者在他们的频道和社交网站上发布了 1:34 视频,7 米总视图。 youTube 聚光灯频道 -- 向我们自己的频道 (2600 万用户) 发布了一个 1:34 汇编视频和各种名人视频 (雪儿,西翼剧组) -- 结合了 182 多粉丝, 发布影响者视频,定制内容,并接管了艺术频道。 youTube 主页和应用内宣传片主页放置和应用内宣传片获得了 280 的印象 (超过美国人口的一半 s) 11月7日,我们推出了我们的奥巴马投票 PSA,作为一个额外的推动,让我们的观众在现实生活中投票,300 万次。 战略 为了确定 YouTube 在推动年轻选民投票率方面的独特作用,我们在三个关键领域寻找见解: YouTube 社区、选举景观和文化趋势。我们看到已经有 YouTubers,有成千上万的年轻粉丝,他们非常关心选举。鉴于选举季节越来越消极的基调,我们看到了一个机会,赋予这些 YouTubers 权力,并利用它们作为催化剂,以积极的方式引发投票率。通过社会倾听,我们发现在选举前几个月,消极情绪和选民疲劳增加了 + 34%,为更轻松的投票信息创造了机会。除此之外,加入社会挑战呼吁行动,我们可以创造一种紧迫感和行动感。利用有影响力的 YouTubers 和名人,我们在两个关键时刻发展了一个轻松、面向挑战的信息: 国家注册日和选举日,以创建一个将投票社会化的运动。


    案例简介:Outcome This was YouTube’s most successful direct-to-creator video prompt ever, over 211 top YouTubers and celebrities participated (Cher, Ryan Seacrest, The Rock, Conan, Chainsmokers). We successfully activated creators with our open prompt, instead of a typical scripted PSA. The #voteIRL videos on YouTube received over 7M combined views.We generated 24k social mentions and 2.4B total organic impressions, with over 43% of our impressions came from our target demographic (18-24 yr olds).While the outcome of the U.S. election was...surprising, more millennials registered & voted than ever before. Our campaign shortlink (http://g.co/elections/134) alone drove 2M clicks through to online registration tools. In 2016, a record breaking 83% of millennials were registered to vote and 30% more millennials actually voted compared to 2012. And they’ll still be registered in 2020 :)We had 70+ press stories including Teen Vogue, Mashable, and The View (2.7M viewers). Synopsis Knowing that the US Presidential Election would be a major cultural moment in 2016 and that voter turnout had decreased to abysmal levels. YouTube wanted to help spark change and empower the voices of YouTubers & celebrities, along with the millennials who follow them.- Only 1 in 3 millennials voted in 2012.- In 2016, 50% of unregistered voters were millennials.- 2016 is the first election where millennials will outnumber baby boomers.YouTube’s objective was to increase the levels of new voter registration and election day turnout for the 2016 election. We aimed to reach 50% of U.S. millennials. CampaignDescription The YouTube community is famous for organizing movements, commenting, liking, and disliking. Yet, despite this digital activism, they're the least likely demographic to vote. VoteIRL asked millennials to put down their phones and vote in real life. But to vote, you have to be registered. We discovered it takes an average of 1m34s to register to vote. So rather than feed scripts to celebrities, we focused on building entertaining prompts and creative tools for the YouTube community to create empowering messages themselves. We activated creators with a simple prompt: "Film yourself doing anything you want for 1m34s while your viewers register to vote." Over 211 videos were created by YouTubers and celebrities including The Rock and Conan, earning 7M total views. As a final push we recorded a special video with President Obama, urging our community to get out and vote in real life. Execution On September 20th, 2016, #voteIRL launched a week before National Voter Registration Day. Using this as our anchor, we galvanized YouTubers & celebrities to upload their ‘Register to Vote in 1:34’ videos in the weeks leading up to state registration deadlines.Our campaign went live across multiple properties:Influencer YouTube Channels - Influencers posted 1:34 videos to their channels and social, 7M total views.YouTube Spotlight Channel - posted a 1:34 compilation video and various celebrity videos (Cher, West Wing cast) to our own channel (26M subscribers)YouTube Social Handles - combined 182M+ followers, posted influencer videos, custom content, and did a channel art takeover.YouTube Homepage & In-App Promos - homepage placement & in-app promos garnered 280M impressions (over half the population of the U.S.)On November 7, we launched our Obama voting PSA as an extra push to get our audience to vote in real life, 3M views. Strategy To define YouTube’s unique role in driving young voter turnout, we looked for insights in three key areas: the YouTube community, the elections landscape, and cultural trends. We saw that there were already YouTubers, with thousands to millions of young fans, who deeply cared about the elections. Given the increasingly negative tone of the elections season, we saw an opportunity to empower those YouTubers and use them as catalysts to spark turnout in a positive way.Through social listening we found a +34% MoM increase in negativity & voter fatigue in months before election, creating an opportunity for a more lighthearted voting message. Along with that, adding a social challenge call-to-action, we could create a sense of urgency and action.Utilizing influential YouTubers and celebrities we developed a light-hearted, challenge-oriented message during two key moments: National Registration Day and Election Day to create a movement that socialized the vote.

    # Voteirl












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