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    Travel Oregon: The Game短视频广告营销案例



    俄勒冈州旅游: 游戏

    案例简介:概要 俄勒冈州的形势旅行负责激励国际和美国游客来参观我们美丽州的辉煌。夏季,俄勒冈州的山脉郁郁葱葱,绿油油。海滩很酷,有一个戏剧性的美丽。高沙漠提供了惊人的地点和美丽的日落。有很多东西可以吸引旅行者。但是在冬天,这项工作要困难得多。天气可能危险,道路可能危险。俄勒冈州的旅游重点不是关注外来者,而是让俄勒冈州人在该州旅行。目的激励俄勒冈人在今年冬天探索俄勒冈的其他地方。 战略 大多数俄勒冈州人住在俄勒冈州,因为他们喜欢户外活动和你可以在全州找到的所有冒险。但是即使是最崎岖、最喜欢冒险的俄勒冈州人也倾向于在冬天蹲下来。天气寒冷,经常结冰。天气在俄勒冈文化和对话中发挥着重要作用。在冬天的很多时候,对话是关于避免或逃避它。俄勒冈人的冒险意识在冬天会休眠。所以,我们必须创造性地思考一种激励旅行的新方法。这不是一个典型的旅游活动。它必须更有创造力,给俄勒冈人新的灵感来了解和参观该州的其他地方。该策略是通过激发俄勒冈州人的冒险精神,激发他们在俄勒冈州的所有乐趣。 相关性 这个游戏非常有趣。它以经典的 8 位荣耀带来了俄勒冈旅行,并触动了怀旧的和弦。让它喜欢的是经典游戏和滑稽的当代参考的结合。超过一半的玩家已经玩过了,许多人一次玩一个小时。有些人甚至在 Twitch 和 YouTube 上播放他们的游戏。许多人在社交网站上分享了他们有趣的墓碑。尽管在俄勒冈州成为目标,但赢得的媒体给人留下了深刻的印象。Vice 、 Mashable 、 Thrillist 、 Men's Journal 、 People.com 和许多其他媒体报道了它。对一个只为俄勒冈人做的小运动来说还不错。 结果 在我们所有的社交平台之间,我们获得了超过 200万的印象和超过 100万的浏览量。(考虑到俄勒冈州有 400万多居民,这还不错。) 执行 这项运动于 10月发起,一直持续到 12月。我们优先考虑以策划娱乐优质内容而闻名的媒体合作伙伴,我们将利基定位分层,因为我们希望与更有可能参与游戏的俄勒冈人建立联系。一些最大的合作伙伴包括 Hulu 、 Discovery 、 Pandora 、 Reddit 、 Undertone 、 Zefr 和 BuzzFeed。我们还与 Atlas Obscura 、 Expedia 和 TripAdvisor 合作,吸引积极寻找旅游内容的俄勒冈人。 活动描述 我们需要一种方法在缓慢的旅游季节把俄勒冈人送到该州,所以我们创建了一个视频游戏来做到这一点。这是对经典电脑游戏俄勒冈州步道的致敬,但更新了 20 多个迷你游戏,旨在展示俄勒冈州周围的许多冬季活动和度假胜地。我们知道 8 位美学对我们的观众来说很熟悉,这让我们能够创造一些怀旧、容易演奏、充满自我意识的幽默,这种幽默对俄勒冈州来说是真实和独特的。例如,游戏包括从下坡滑雪和雪鞋到假装是侍酒师和在酒吧检查身份证的一切。旅程中的危险包括以俄勒冈州为中心的笑话,比如过量服用康普茶或因咖啡因戒断而死亡。

    俄勒冈州旅游: 游戏

    案例简介:Synopsis Situation Travel Oregon is charged with inspiring international and US travelers to come visit the splendor of our beautiful state. In the summertime, the mountains of Oregon are lush and green. The beach is cool and has a dramatic beauty. And the high desert offers amazing sites and beautiful sunsets. There’s a lot to tempt travelers. But in the winter, the job is much tougher. Weather can be treacherous and roads can be dodgy. Rather than focusing on outsiders, Travel Oregon focuses on getting Oregonians to travel within the state. Objective Inspire Oregonians to explore other parts of Oregon this winter. Strategy Most Oregonians live in Oregon because they love the outdoors and all the adventures you can find all around the state. But even the most rugged, adventurous Oregonians tend to hunker down in the winter months. It’s cold and often icy. The weather plays a big role in Oregon culture and conversations. And a lot of the time in winter, the conversation is about avoiding it or escaping it. Oregonians’ sense of adventure can go dormant in the winter. So, we had to think creatively about a new way to inspire travel. It couldn’t be a typical travel campaign. It had to be more creative and give Oregonians new inspiration to learn about and visit other parts of the state. The strategy was to stoke Oregonians’ natural sense of adventure by inspiring them with all the fun they could experience around Oregon. Relevancy This game is super fun. It brings Oregon travel to life in classic 8-bit glory and strikes a nostalgic chord. What makes it loved is the combination of the classic gameplay with hilarious, contemporary references. Over half a million players have played, many for an hour at a time. Some even broadcast their gameplay on Twitch and YouTube. Many shared their funny tombstones on social. Despite being targeted within Oregon, the earned media was impressive. Vice, Mashable, Thrillist, Men’s Journal, People.com, and many other outlets covered it. Not bad for a little campaign made just for Oregonians. Outcome Between all our social platforms we achieved well over 2 million impressions and over 1 million views. (Not bad considering the whole state of Oregon has just over 4 million residents.) Execution This campaign launched in mid-October and ran through mid-December. We prioritized media partners known for curating entertaining premium content, and we layered on niche targeting because we wanted to connect with Oregonians who were more likely to engage with the game. Some of the biggest partners included Hulu, Discovery, Pandora, Reddit, Undertone, Zefr, and BuzzFeed. We also worked with Atlas Obscura, Expedia, and TripAdvisor to engage Oregonians who were actively seeking out travel content. CampaignDescription We needed a way to send Oregonians around the state during the slow tourist season, so we created a video game that would do just that. It was an homage to the classic computer game, The Oregon Trail, but updated with over 20 mini-games designed to showcase the many winter activities and vacation spots around Oregon. We knew the 8-bit aesthetic was familiar to our audience, which allowed us to create something that was nostalgic, easy to play, and full of self-aware humor that felt true and unique to Oregon. For example, games included everything from downhill skiing and snowshoeing to pretending to be a sommelier and checking IDs at a bar. Perils on the journey included Oregon-centric jokes, such as overdosing on kombucha or dying from caffeine withdrawal.

    Travel Oregon: The Game

    案例简介:概要 俄勒冈州的形势旅行负责激励国际和美国游客来参观我们美丽州的辉煌。夏季,俄勒冈州的山脉郁郁葱葱,绿油油。海滩很酷,有一个戏剧性的美丽。高沙漠提供了惊人的地点和美丽的日落。有很多东西可以吸引旅行者。但是在冬天,这项工作要困难得多。天气可能危险,道路可能危险。俄勒冈州的旅游重点不是关注外来者,而是让俄勒冈州人在该州旅行。目的激励俄勒冈人在今年冬天探索俄勒冈的其他地方。 战略 大多数俄勒冈州人住在俄勒冈州,因为他们喜欢户外活动和你可以在全州找到的所有冒险。但是即使是最崎岖、最喜欢冒险的俄勒冈州人也倾向于在冬天蹲下来。天气寒冷,经常结冰。天气在俄勒冈文化和对话中发挥着重要作用。在冬天的很多时候,对话是关于避免或逃避它。俄勒冈人的冒险意识在冬天会休眠。所以,我们必须创造性地思考一种激励旅行的新方法。这不是一个典型的旅游活动。它必须更有创造力,给俄勒冈人新的灵感来了解和参观该州的其他地方。该策略是通过激发俄勒冈州人的冒险精神,激发他们在俄勒冈州的所有乐趣。 相关性 这个游戏非常有趣。它以经典的 8 位荣耀带来了俄勒冈旅行,并触动了怀旧的和弦。让它喜欢的是经典游戏和滑稽的当代参考的结合。超过一半的玩家已经玩过了,许多人一次玩一个小时。有些人甚至在 Twitch 和 YouTube 上播放他们的游戏。许多人在社交网站上分享了他们有趣的墓碑。尽管在俄勒冈州成为目标,但赢得的媒体给人留下了深刻的印象。Vice 、 Mashable 、 Thrillist 、 Men's Journal 、 People.com 和许多其他媒体报道了它。对一个只为俄勒冈人做的小运动来说还不错。 结果 在我们所有的社交平台之间,我们获得了超过 200万的印象和超过 100万的浏览量。(考虑到俄勒冈州有 400万多居民,这还不错。) 执行 这项运动于 10月发起,一直持续到 12月。我们优先考虑以策划娱乐优质内容而闻名的媒体合作伙伴,我们将利基定位分层,因为我们希望与更有可能参与游戏的俄勒冈人建立联系。一些最大的合作伙伴包括 Hulu 、 Discovery 、 Pandora 、 Reddit 、 Undertone 、 Zefr 和 BuzzFeed。我们还与 Atlas Obscura 、 Expedia 和 TripAdvisor 合作,吸引积极寻找旅游内容的俄勒冈人。 活动描述 我们需要一种方法在缓慢的旅游季节把俄勒冈人送到该州,所以我们创建了一个视频游戏来做到这一点。这是对经典电脑游戏俄勒冈州步道的致敬,但更新了 20 多个迷你游戏,旨在展示俄勒冈州周围的许多冬季活动和度假胜地。我们知道 8 位美学对我们的观众来说很熟悉,这让我们能够创造一些怀旧、容易演奏、充满自我意识的幽默,这种幽默对俄勒冈州来说是真实和独特的。例如,游戏包括从下坡滑雪和雪鞋到假装是侍酒师和在酒吧检查身份证的一切。旅程中的危险包括以俄勒冈州为中心的笑话,比如过量服用康普茶或因咖啡因戒断而死亡。

    Travel Oregon: The Game

    案例简介:Synopsis Situation Travel Oregon is charged with inspiring international and US travelers to come visit the splendor of our beautiful state. In the summertime, the mountains of Oregon are lush and green. The beach is cool and has a dramatic beauty. And the high desert offers amazing sites and beautiful sunsets. There’s a lot to tempt travelers. But in the winter, the job is much tougher. Weather can be treacherous and roads can be dodgy. Rather than focusing on outsiders, Travel Oregon focuses on getting Oregonians to travel within the state. Objective Inspire Oregonians to explore other parts of Oregon this winter. Strategy Most Oregonians live in Oregon because they love the outdoors and all the adventures you can find all around the state. But even the most rugged, adventurous Oregonians tend to hunker down in the winter months. It’s cold and often icy. The weather plays a big role in Oregon culture and conversations. And a lot of the time in winter, the conversation is about avoiding it or escaping it. Oregonians’ sense of adventure can go dormant in the winter. So, we had to think creatively about a new way to inspire travel. It couldn’t be a typical travel campaign. It had to be more creative and give Oregonians new inspiration to learn about and visit other parts of the state. The strategy was to stoke Oregonians’ natural sense of adventure by inspiring them with all the fun they could experience around Oregon. Relevancy This game is super fun. It brings Oregon travel to life in classic 8-bit glory and strikes a nostalgic chord. What makes it loved is the combination of the classic gameplay with hilarious, contemporary references. Over half a million players have played, many for an hour at a time. Some even broadcast their gameplay on Twitch and YouTube. Many shared their funny tombstones on social. Despite being targeted within Oregon, the earned media was impressive. Vice, Mashable, Thrillist, Men’s Journal, People.com, and many other outlets covered it. Not bad for a little campaign made just for Oregonians. Outcome Between all our social platforms we achieved well over 2 million impressions and over 1 million views. (Not bad considering the whole state of Oregon has just over 4 million residents.) Execution This campaign launched in mid-October and ran through mid-December. We prioritized media partners known for curating entertaining premium content, and we layered on niche targeting because we wanted to connect with Oregonians who were more likely to engage with the game. Some of the biggest partners included Hulu, Discovery, Pandora, Reddit, Undertone, Zefr, and BuzzFeed. We also worked with Atlas Obscura, Expedia, and TripAdvisor to engage Oregonians who were actively seeking out travel content. CampaignDescription We needed a way to send Oregonians around the state during the slow tourist season, so we created a video game that would do just that. It was an homage to the classic computer game, The Oregon Trail, but updated with over 20 mini-games designed to showcase the many winter activities and vacation spots around Oregon. We knew the 8-bit aesthetic was familiar to our audience, which allowed us to create something that was nostalgic, easy to play, and full of self-aware humor that felt true and unique to Oregon. For example, games included everything from downhill skiing and snowshoeing to pretending to be a sommelier and checking IDs at a bar. Perils on the journey included Oregon-centric jokes, such as overdosing on kombucha or dying from caffeine withdrawal.

    俄勒冈州旅游: 游戏


    Travel Oregon: The Game






    广告公司: 韦柯 (美国 波特兰) 制作公司: Hinge Digital




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