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    For Every Bachelor & Bachelorette短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:竞选摘要: 在一项决定同性婚姻未来的邮政调查中,“不” 竞选比 “是” 多了 2 比 1。一个国家被分裂了,仇视同性恋的诽谤和仇恨开始主导谈话。我们知道大多数澳大利亚人会在收到选票后 48 小时内做出决定。他们到达的那天也是电视上最大的异性恋婚姻庆祝活动 -- 单身汉结局播出的那天晚上。在最后的广告间隙,我们在一个捐赠的媒体空间里劫持了真人秀,展示了由 Lgbti 社区提供的真实婚礼镜头。在瞬间,社交媒体充满了爱的话语。几个小时内,名人、政治家和活动家就分享了这个景点,吸引了全世界数千万观众。在 48 小时内,公众筹集资金让现场重新播出,谈话又回到了我们的身边。11月14日,澳大利亚人对同性婚姻赞不绝口。 简介: 在一项决定同性婚姻未来的邮政调查中,“不” 运动以 2 比 1 的速度超过了 “是”。一个国家被分裂了,仇视同性恋的诽谤和仇恨开始主导谈话。我们需要通过吸引澳大利亚郊区中心地带的选民 -- 那些犹豫不决的人,那些可能从未见过同性恋的人,将话题从仇恨转向爱, 更不用说参加同性恋婚礼了。为了做到这一点,我们决定通过真实同性婚礼的镜头来展示真爱 -- 所有这些都是由 Lgbti 社区在一次小型社交媒体活动后捐赠的,以获得镜头。 策略: 由于 “不” 运动得到了天主教会的支持,他们几乎可以在所有媒体上超过我们,一些报道暗示多达 5 比 1 (《卫报》 2017年9月13日)。我们无法在消费上与他们相提并论,但我们可以尝试用影响力和情感超越他们。我们只有 12 天的时间来拼凑一拳。我们想向单身汉的观众展示同性婚礼和其他婚礼一样,所以我们在社交媒体上呼吁 Lgbti 社区提供他们真正的婚礼镜头。该节目的观众是婚礼的超级粉丝,所以我们知道,通过人性化和正常化同性婚姻,我们可能有机会改变他们的观点。他们的情绪反应比我们想象的要强烈,在仇恨和毒液开始占据主导地位的媒体环境中,我们的广告将爱和同情坚定地带回了中心舞台。 执行/执行和工艺: 我们在最后一次广告休息中,在捐赠的媒体空间里,用一个情绪激动的 60 ”镜头劫持了这位单身汉,展示了由 Lgbti 社区提供的真实婚礼镜头。推特立即点燃了爱和支持的话。几个小时后,名人、政治家和活动人士就分享了这个景点,吸引了全世界数千万观众。在 48 小时内,公众筹集资金让现场重新播出。 结果是: 无论是在单身汉决赛中还是在网上,58% 的投票公众都获得了支持。2150万媒体印象。所有这些都来自媒体、公关或制作上的 0 美元支出 (《单身汉》中的 150 点是由该节目的主要赞助商箭牌的额外捐赠的)。所有镜头都是由 Lgbti 社区捐赠的,68 对夫妇同意参加。该网站获得的浏览、喜欢和分享比为 “是” 和 “否” 双方创建的所有其他内容加起来还要多。大多数 61% 的澳大利亚人投了赞成票,澳大利亚政府在圣诞节前通过了这项立法。现在每个单身汉和单身汉都可以有他们的结局。


    案例简介:Campaign Summary : In The Midst Of A Postal Survey To Decide The Future Of Same Sex Marriage, The ‘no’ Campaign Was Outspending ‘yes’ By 2 To 1. A Nation Was Divided, And Homophobic Slurs And Hatred Had Begun To Dominate The Conversation. We Knew That Most Australians Would Make Up Their Minds Within 48 Hours Of Receiving Their Ballots. The Day They Arrived Was Also The Night That Tv’s Biggest Celebrationof Heterosexual Marriage, The Bachelor Finale Was Aired. We Hijacked The Reality Show With An Emotive 60” Spot Featuring Real Wedding Footage, Supplied By The Lgbti Community, In A Donated Media Space In The Final Ad Break. Within Moments, Social Media Lit Up With Words Of Love. Within Hours The Spot Was Shared By Celebrities, Politicians And Activists, Reaching An Audience Of Tens Of Millions Worldwide. Within 48 Hours, The Public Was Raising Money To Get The Spot Back On Air And The Conversation Had Swung Back In Our Favour. On November 14, Australians Voteda Resounding Yes For Same Sex Marriage. The Brief : In The Midst Of A Postal Survey To Decide The Future Of Same Sex Marriage, The ‘no’ Campaign Was Outspending ‘yes’ By 2 To 1. A Nation Was Divided, And Homophobic Slurs And Hatred Had Begun To Dominate The Conversation. We Needed To Swing The Conversation Away From Hate And Back To Love By Appealing To Australia’s Suburban Heartland Voters – Those Who Were Undecided And Who May Never Have Met A Gay Person, Let Alone Attended A Gay Wedding. To Do This We Decided To Show True Love Via Footage From Real Same Sex Weddings – All Kindly Donated By The Lgbti Community After A Small Social Media Campaign To Get Footage. The Strategy : As The ‘no’ Campaign Was Backed By The Catholic Church, They Could Outspend Us In Nearly Every Media, With Some Reports Suggesting As Much As 5 To 1 (The Guardian, September 13, 2017). We Couldn’t Match Them On Spend, But We Could Try And Outdo Them With Impact And Emotion. We Had Just 12 Days To Pull Together A Knock-out Punch. We Wanted To Show The Bachelor’s Audience That Same-sex Weddings Are Just Like Any Other, So We Put Out A Call On Social Media To The Lgbti Community For Their Real Wedding Footage. Viewers Of The Show Are Big Fans Of Weddings So We Knew That By Humanizing And Normalizing Same Sex Marriages We Might Have A Chance Of Swaying Their Opinion. Their Emotive Reaction Was Bigger Than We Could Have Imagined And In A Media Landscape Where Hate And Venom Had Begun To Dominate, Our Ad Put Love And Compassion Back Firmly Back On Centre Stage. The Execution/the Execution & Craft : We Hijacked The Bachelor With An Emotive 60” Spot Featuring Real Wedding Footage, Supplied By The Lgbti Community, In A Donated Media Space In The Final Ad Break. Twitter Immediately Lit Up With Words Of Love And Support. Within Hours The Spot Was Being Shared By Celebrities, Politicians And Activists, Reaching An Audience Of Tens Of Millions Worldwide. Within 48 Hours, The Public Was Raising Money To Get The Spot Back On Air. The Result : 58% Of The Voting Public Were Reached, Either During The Bachelor Finale Or Online. 21.5 Million Media Impressions. All From $0 Spend On Media, Pr Or Production (The 150k Spot During The Bachelor Was Donated By The Show’s Major Sponsor, Wrigley’s Extra). All Footage Was Donated By The Lgbti Community, With 68 Couples Agreeing To Take Part. The Spot Received More Views, Likes And Shares Than All Other Content Created For Both Yes And No Sides, Combined. A Majority Of 61% Of Australians Voted Yes, And The Australian Government Passed The Legislation By Christmas. Now Every Bachelor And Bachelorette Can Have Their Finale.

    For Every Bachelor & Bachelorette

    案例简介:竞选摘要: 在一项决定同性婚姻未来的邮政调查中,“不” 竞选比 “是” 多了 2 比 1。一个国家被分裂了,仇视同性恋的诽谤和仇恨开始主导谈话。我们知道大多数澳大利亚人会在收到选票后 48 小时内做出决定。他们到达的那天也是电视上最大的异性恋婚姻庆祝活动 -- 单身汉结局播出的那天晚上。在最后的广告间隙,我们在一个捐赠的媒体空间里劫持了真人秀,展示了由 Lgbti 社区提供的真实婚礼镜头。在瞬间,社交媒体充满了爱的话语。几个小时内,名人、政治家和活动家就分享了这个景点,吸引了全世界数千万观众。在 48 小时内,公众筹集资金让现场重新播出,谈话又回到了我们的身边。11月14日,澳大利亚人对同性婚姻赞不绝口。 简介: 在一项决定同性婚姻未来的邮政调查中,“不” 运动以 2 比 1 的速度超过了 “是”。一个国家被分裂了,仇视同性恋的诽谤和仇恨开始主导谈话。我们需要通过吸引澳大利亚郊区中心地带的选民 -- 那些犹豫不决的人,那些可能从未见过同性恋的人,将话题从仇恨转向爱, 更不用说参加同性恋婚礼了。为了做到这一点,我们决定通过真实同性婚礼的镜头来展示真爱 -- 所有这些都是由 Lgbti 社区在一次小型社交媒体活动后捐赠的,以获得镜头。 策略: 由于 “不” 运动得到了天主教会的支持,他们几乎可以在所有媒体上超过我们,一些报道暗示多达 5 比 1 (《卫报》 2017年9月13日)。我们无法在消费上与他们相提并论,但我们可以尝试用影响力和情感超越他们。我们只有 12 天的时间来拼凑一拳。我们想向单身汉的观众展示同性婚礼和其他婚礼一样,所以我们在社交媒体上呼吁 Lgbti 社区提供他们真正的婚礼镜头。该节目的观众是婚礼的超级粉丝,所以我们知道,通过人性化和正常化同性婚姻,我们可能有机会改变他们的观点。他们的情绪反应比我们想象的要强烈,在仇恨和毒液开始占据主导地位的媒体环境中,我们的广告将爱和同情坚定地带回了中心舞台。 执行/执行和工艺: 我们在最后一次广告休息中,在捐赠的媒体空间里,用一个情绪激动的 60 ”镜头劫持了这位单身汉,展示了由 Lgbti 社区提供的真实婚礼镜头。推特立即点燃了爱和支持的话。几个小时后,名人、政治家和活动人士就分享了这个景点,吸引了全世界数千万观众。在 48 小时内,公众筹集资金让现场重新播出。 结果是: 无论是在单身汉决赛中还是在网上,58% 的投票公众都获得了支持。2150万媒体印象。所有这些都来自媒体、公关或制作上的 0 美元支出 (《单身汉》中的 150 点是由该节目的主要赞助商箭牌的额外捐赠的)。所有镜头都是由 Lgbti 社区捐赠的,68 对夫妇同意参加。该网站获得的浏览、喜欢和分享比为 “是” 和 “否” 双方创建的所有其他内容加起来还要多。大多数 61% 的澳大利亚人投了赞成票,澳大利亚政府在圣诞节前通过了这项立法。现在每个单身汉和单身汉都可以有他们的结局。

    For Every Bachelor & Bachelorette

    案例简介:Campaign Summary : In The Midst Of A Postal Survey To Decide The Future Of Same Sex Marriage, The ‘no’ Campaign Was Outspending ‘yes’ By 2 To 1. A Nation Was Divided, And Homophobic Slurs And Hatred Had Begun To Dominate The Conversation. We Knew That Most Australians Would Make Up Their Minds Within 48 Hours Of Receiving Their Ballots. The Day They Arrived Was Also The Night That Tv’s Biggest Celebrationof Heterosexual Marriage, The Bachelor Finale Was Aired. We Hijacked The Reality Show With An Emotive 60” Spot Featuring Real Wedding Footage, Supplied By The Lgbti Community, In A Donated Media Space In The Final Ad Break. Within Moments, Social Media Lit Up With Words Of Love. Within Hours The Spot Was Shared By Celebrities, Politicians And Activists, Reaching An Audience Of Tens Of Millions Worldwide. Within 48 Hours, The Public Was Raising Money To Get The Spot Back On Air And The Conversation Had Swung Back In Our Favour. On November 14, Australians Voteda Resounding Yes For Same Sex Marriage. The Brief : In The Midst Of A Postal Survey To Decide The Future Of Same Sex Marriage, The ‘no’ Campaign Was Outspending ‘yes’ By 2 To 1. A Nation Was Divided, And Homophobic Slurs And Hatred Had Begun To Dominate The Conversation. We Needed To Swing The Conversation Away From Hate And Back To Love By Appealing To Australia’s Suburban Heartland Voters – Those Who Were Undecided And Who May Never Have Met A Gay Person, Let Alone Attended A Gay Wedding. To Do This We Decided To Show True Love Via Footage From Real Same Sex Weddings – All Kindly Donated By The Lgbti Community After A Small Social Media Campaign To Get Footage. The Strategy : As The ‘no’ Campaign Was Backed By The Catholic Church, They Could Outspend Us In Nearly Every Media, With Some Reports Suggesting As Much As 5 To 1 (The Guardian, September 13, 2017). We Couldn’t Match Them On Spend, But We Could Try And Outdo Them With Impact And Emotion. We Had Just 12 Days To Pull Together A Knock-out Punch. We Wanted To Show The Bachelor’s Audience That Same-sex Weddings Are Just Like Any Other, So We Put Out A Call On Social Media To The Lgbti Community For Their Real Wedding Footage. Viewers Of The Show Are Big Fans Of Weddings So We Knew That By Humanizing And Normalizing Same Sex Marriages We Might Have A Chance Of Swaying Their Opinion. Their Emotive Reaction Was Bigger Than We Could Have Imagined And In A Media Landscape Where Hate And Venom Had Begun To Dominate, Our Ad Put Love And Compassion Back Firmly Back On Centre Stage. The Execution/the Execution & Craft : We Hijacked The Bachelor With An Emotive 60” Spot Featuring Real Wedding Footage, Supplied By The Lgbti Community, In A Donated Media Space In The Final Ad Break. Twitter Immediately Lit Up With Words Of Love And Support. Within Hours The Spot Was Being Shared By Celebrities, Politicians And Activists, Reaching An Audience Of Tens Of Millions Worldwide. Within 48 Hours, The Public Was Raising Money To Get The Spot Back On Air. The Result : 58% Of The Voting Public Were Reached, Either During The Bachelor Finale Or Online. 21.5 Million Media Impressions. All From $0 Spend On Media, Pr Or Production (The 150k Spot During The Bachelor Was Donated By The Show’s Major Sponsor, Wrigley’s Extra). All Footage Was Donated By The Lgbti Community, With 68 Couples Agreeing To Take Part. The Spot Received More Views, Likes And Shares Than All Other Content Created For Both Yes And No Sides, Combined. A Majority Of 61% Of Australians Voted Yes, And The Australian Government Passed The Legislation By Christmas. Now Every Bachelor And Bachelorette Can Have Their Finale.



    For Every Bachelor & Bachelorette










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