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    Bachelors & Bachelorettes微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:相关性 从编辑的角度来看,该项目具有挑战性,因为从想法到屏幕的截止日期为12天,制作预算为0美元,并且需要情感上的共鸣和真实的时刻。转向社交媒体,我们要求捐赠同性婚礼录像。在5天内,我们收到了150小时的镜头,从电话镜头到专业拍摄的电影。在许多深夜编辑中,这150个小时被缩减为3分钟的情感亮点。由于这部电影的政治性质,我们不仅需要对夫妇本人,而且还需要对任何可识别的客人签署同意和警察检查。许多人从列表中删除,导致编辑出现黑洞,需要同等的情感。最重要的是,我们失去了最初捐赠的音乐,这意味着在截止日期前几天寻找新的曲目和重做的编辑。 入口摘要 澳大利亚人以一个悠闲,脚踏实地和热情好客的国家而闻名世界。民意调查显示,大多数澳大利亚人支持将同性婚姻合法化,但议会继续否认他们的这项权利。最终,澳大利亚人有机会大声疾呼,并宣布了一项邮政投票,以决定同性婚姻的未来。报告显示,在天主教会捐款的支持下,“不” 运动的支出超过了 “是” 的5比1。我们只有12天的时间和零生产预算来创造一些东西,使辩论远离主导它的仇恨,谎言和同性恋恐惧症。在那12天里,澳大利亚人聚集在一起,捐赠他们的音乐,才华,时间,最重要的是,捐赠他们的同性婚礼镜头,制作一部感人的电影,一劳永逸地证明爱情将永远获胜。 简要说明 我们的电影捕捉了婚姻给每对夫妇带来的快乐,从LGBTQI + 夫妇捐赠的超过150小时的真实婚礼镜头中切出了强大的、普遍的时刻,揭示了一个简单的事实 -- 爱就是爱,不分性别。由于生产预算为零,它在两个重要时刻的融合中播出-决定同性婚姻未来的邮政投票,以及电视收视率最高的异性婚姻庆祝活动《单身汉》的结局。这部电影旨在通过令人振奋的人类信息来影响篱笆保姆投票赞成,并提高弱势群体的士气,为那些感到脆弱和恐惧的人带来希望,他们将受到结果的影响。这部电影以澳大利亚艺术家莎拉·布拉斯科 (Sarah Blasko) 表演的标志性拥挤房屋曲目 “不要梦想它已经过了” 的封面为背景,创造了同性婚姻的正面表现,每个澳大利亚人,无论背景如何,都可以与之相关。


    案例简介:Relevancy This project was challenging from an editing perspective due to the 12 day deadline from idea to screen, the $0 production budget, and the need for emotionally resonant and authentic moments. Turning to social media, we asked for donations of same-sex wedding footage. Over 5 days, we received 150 hours of footage, from phone footage to professionally shot films. With many a late night editing, those 150 hours were whittled down to 3 minutes of emotional highlights. Due to the political nature of the film, we needed signed consent and police checks not only for the couples themselves, but also for any recognisable guests. Many dropped off the list, resulting in black holes in the edit, requiring an equally emotional equivalent. On top of these constraints, we lost our initial donated piece of music, meaning a search for the new track and rework of the edit days before the deadline. EntrySummary Australians are world famous for being a laid-back, down to earth and extremely welcoming nation. Polls had shown that the majority of Australians supported legalising same-sex marriage, but parliament continued to deny them this right. Aussies were finally given their chance to speak out, with a postal vote announced to decide the future of same-sex marriage. Reports suggested that the ‘No’ campaign, backed by donations from the Catholic Church, were outspending the ‘Yes’ side by as much as 5 to 1. We had just 12 days and zero production budget to create something that would steer the debate away from the hatred, lies and homophobia that were dominating it. In those 12 days, Australians came together to donate their music, talent, time and most importantly, their same-sex wedding footage, to deliver an emotional piece of film, proving once and for all that love will always win. BriefExplanation Our film captures the joy marriage brings to every couple, with powerful, universal moments cut from over 150 hours of real wedding footage donated by LGBTQI+ couples to reveal a simple truth — love is love regardless of gender. With zero production budget, it aired during the convergence of two significant moments — a postal vote that would determine the future of same-sex marriage, and the finale of TV’s highest rated celebration of heterosexual marriage, The Bachelor. The film aimed to influence fence-sitters to vote ‘Yes’ with an uplifting, human message, and boost morale of the vulnerable give hope to those feeling vulnerable and fearful, who would be affected by the outcome. Set to a cover of the iconic Crowded House track ‘Don't Dream It's Over’ performed by Australian artist, Sarah Blasko, the film creates a positive representation of same-sex marriage that every Australian, regardless of background, can relate to.

    Bachelors & Bachelorettes

    案例简介:相关性 从编辑的角度来看,该项目具有挑战性,因为从想法到屏幕的截止日期为12天,制作预算为0美元,并且需要情感上的共鸣和真实的时刻。转向社交媒体,我们要求捐赠同性婚礼录像。在5天内,我们收到了150小时的镜头,从电话镜头到专业拍摄的电影。在许多深夜编辑中,这150个小时被缩减为3分钟的情感亮点。由于这部电影的政治性质,我们不仅需要对夫妇本人,而且还需要对任何可识别的客人签署同意和警察检查。许多人从列表中删除,导致编辑出现黑洞,需要同等的情感。最重要的是,我们失去了最初捐赠的音乐,这意味着在截止日期前几天寻找新的曲目和重做的编辑。 入口摘要 澳大利亚人以一个悠闲,脚踏实地和热情好客的国家而闻名世界。民意调查显示,大多数澳大利亚人支持将同性婚姻合法化,但议会继续否认他们的这项权利。最终,澳大利亚人有机会大声疾呼,并宣布了一项邮政投票,以决定同性婚姻的未来。报告显示,在天主教会捐款的支持下,“不” 运动的支出超过了 “是” 的5比1。我们只有12天的时间和零生产预算来创造一些东西,使辩论远离主导它的仇恨,谎言和同性恋恐惧症。在那12天里,澳大利亚人聚集在一起,捐赠他们的音乐,才华,时间,最重要的是,捐赠他们的同性婚礼镜头,制作一部感人的电影,一劳永逸地证明爱情将永远获胜。 简要说明 我们的电影捕捉了婚姻给每对夫妇带来的快乐,从LGBTQI + 夫妇捐赠的超过150小时的真实婚礼镜头中切出了强大的、普遍的时刻,揭示了一个简单的事实 -- 爱就是爱,不分性别。由于生产预算为零,它在两个重要时刻的融合中播出-决定同性婚姻未来的邮政投票,以及电视收视率最高的异性婚姻庆祝活动《单身汉》的结局。这部电影旨在通过令人振奋的人类信息来影响篱笆保姆投票赞成,并提高弱势群体的士气,为那些感到脆弱和恐惧的人带来希望,他们将受到结果的影响。这部电影以澳大利亚艺术家莎拉·布拉斯科 (Sarah Blasko) 表演的标志性拥挤房屋曲目 “不要梦想它已经过了” 的封面为背景,创造了同性婚姻的正面表现,每个澳大利亚人,无论背景如何,都可以与之相关。

    Bachelors & Bachelorettes

    案例简介:Relevancy This project was challenging from an editing perspective due to the 12 day deadline from idea to screen, the $0 production budget, and the need for emotionally resonant and authentic moments. Turning to social media, we asked for donations of same-sex wedding footage. Over 5 days, we received 150 hours of footage, from phone footage to professionally shot films. With many a late night editing, those 150 hours were whittled down to 3 minutes of emotional highlights. Due to the political nature of the film, we needed signed consent and police checks not only for the couples themselves, but also for any recognisable guests. Many dropped off the list, resulting in black holes in the edit, requiring an equally emotional equivalent. On top of these constraints, we lost our initial donated piece of music, meaning a search for the new track and rework of the edit days before the deadline. EntrySummary Australians are world famous for being a laid-back, down to earth and extremely welcoming nation. Polls had shown that the majority of Australians supported legalising same-sex marriage, but parliament continued to deny them this right. Aussies were finally given their chance to speak out, with a postal vote announced to decide the future of same-sex marriage. Reports suggested that the ‘No’ campaign, backed by donations from the Catholic Church, were outspending the ‘Yes’ side by as much as 5 to 1. We had just 12 days and zero production budget to create something that would steer the debate away from the hatred, lies and homophobia that were dominating it. In those 12 days, Australians came together to donate their music, talent, time and most importantly, their same-sex wedding footage, to deliver an emotional piece of film, proving once and for all that love will always win. BriefExplanation Our film captures the joy marriage brings to every couple, with powerful, universal moments cut from over 150 hours of real wedding footage donated by LGBTQI+ couples to reveal a simple truth — love is love regardless of gender. With zero production budget, it aired during the convergence of two significant moments — a postal vote that would determine the future of same-sex marriage, and the finale of TV’s highest rated celebration of heterosexual marriage, The Bachelor. The film aimed to influence fence-sitters to vote ‘Yes’ with an uplifting, human message, and boost morale of the vulnerable give hope to those feeling vulnerable and fearful, who would be affected by the outcome. Set to a cover of the iconic Crowded House track ‘Don't Dream It's Over’ performed by Australian artist, Sarah Blasko, the film creates a positive representation of same-sex marriage that every Australian, regardless of background, can relate to.



    Bachelors & Bachelorettes










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