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    只此一秒 | IF ONLY FOR A SECOND短视频广告营销案例



    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 咪咪基金会为癌症患者提供支持。它在比利时、法国和瑞士的医院开设了健康中心。支持是理发师,化妆和按摩。 他们没有医疗监管机构、电视台或其他监管机构强加的监管,因为这不是医疗支持,而是健康。 结果: 咪咪基金会的使命是为癌症患者提供支持。它在比利时、法国和瑞士的医院开设了几个健康中心。 今天,为了发展其行动,咪咪基金会需要增加其恶名。 简介: 如何为咪咪基金会及其使命创造意识? 竞选理念: “你知道我最想念什么吗?无忧无虑 ”(凯蒂.被诊断患有癌症) 这句话启发了第二个项目。 20 名癌症患者被邀请到一个工作室。 他们的头发和化妆品都做了,但他们不能看到转变。 他们一睁开眼睛,一张照片就永垂不朽了。 这种惊喜让他们忘记了这种疾病,哪怕只是一秒钟。 该项目分两个阶段进行。 第一次是 6月在布鲁塞尔举行的,在那里,咪咪基金会让一名摄影师和一名导演重聚。 其中一个任务是捕捉第二个病人在他们转变后看到自己的时候, 另一个拍摄他们经历的每一刻。 该项目的第二阶段是于 2013年11月7日为患者家属组织一次摄影展。 这个想法是同时展示所有的照片。不到一秒钟,房间里到处都是笑脸。就在那一刻,癌症对家庭成员来说也不存在。 对于这个项目,YouTube 频道推出了一个 3 分钟 43 秒的节目,并向世界各地的公关代表发送了一本名为《如果只有一秒钟》的书。 20 名癌症患者被邀请到一个工作室。 他们的头发和化妆品都做了,但他们不能看到转变。 他们一睁开眼睛,一张照片就永垂不朽了。 这种惊喜让他们忘记了这种疾病,哪怕只是一秒钟。 收集的照片作为一本书出版,提供给新闻界的成员。2013年12月4日,世界各地的记者、公关代表和博客作者发现了肖像中表达的笑声和担忧。每张照片都提到了每个病人忘记疾病的日期和第二个日期。 读者被邀请通过闪烁二维码观看这部电影。 成千上万的人 (《世界报》、《费加罗报》、《 Elle 》、《 Grazia 》、《解放》……) 在国际媒体 (《卫报》、《时代》、《赫芬顿邮报》、 NBC 、 CNN 、 Het Niewsblad……)。 超过 15 million 的浏览量 (Youtube 、 Dailymotion 、 Vimeo…)。 推文每 2 分钟发送一次。 世界各地已经有几次展览 (巴黎、纽约、布鲁塞尔……) 参观者将会发现收集到的肖像,并有可能购买这本书,这本书已经是受大众需求的第二次印刷。 这本书是一个成功的故事! 已经从中国、欧洲或美国订购了 2000 份。

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: The Mimi Foundation's provides support to cancer patients. It has opened wellness centers in hospitals in Belgium, France and Switzerland. The support are hairdresser, make-up and massages. Their is no regulation imposed by healthcare regulatory, or Tv station or other regulating body because it is not medical support but wellness. Results: The Mimi Foundation's mission is to provide support to cancer patients. It has opened several wellness centers in hospitals in Belgium, France and Switzerland. Today, in order to develop its action, the Mimi Foundation needs to increase its notoriety. The brief : How to create awareness for the Mimi Foundation and its mission ? The Campaign IDEA : “You know what I miss the most ? being carefree”(Katy.A diagnosed with cancer) Here is the sentence that inspired the «if only for a second» project. 20 cancer patients were invited to a studio. Their hair and makeup were done but they could not watch the transformation. A photograph immortalized the moment they opened their eyes. The surprise allowed them to forget the disease, if only for a second. The project was conducted in two stages. The first took place in Brussels in June, where the Mimi Foundation reunited a photographer and a director. One of them had the mission to capture the second when the patient saw themselves after their transformation, the other to film every moment of their experiences. The second stage of the project was to organize a photo exhibition for the families of the patients on November 7th, 2013. The idea was to reveal at the same time all the photographs. Within a second, smiling faces were seen all over the room. At that very moment, the cancer did not exist for the family members either. For this project, there is a 3 minutes 43 seconds spot, launched on YouTube channel and a book entitled "If only for a second" sent to the representative PR all around the world. 20 cancer patients were invited to a studio. Their hair and makeup were done but they could not watch the transformation. A photograph immortalized the moment they opened their eyes. The surprise allowed them to forget the disease, if only for a second. The collected photographs were published as a book, that was offered to members of the press. On dec 4th, 2013, journalists, PR representatives and bloggers around the world discovered the laugh and carefreeness expressed in the portraits. Every photo mentioned the date and the second in which every patient forgot about their illness. Readers were invited to watch the film by flashing the QR code. Articles appeared in the press and national media by the tens of thousands (Le Monde, Le Figaro, Elle, Grazia, Libération…) and in the international press (The Guardian, Time, The Huffington Post, NBC, CNN, Het Niewsblad…). More than 15 millions views (Youtube, Dailymotion, Vimeo…). Tweets were sent every 2 minutes. Several exhibitions of « If only for a second » are already programmed around the world (Paris, New York, Brussels…) Visitors will discover the collected portraits and will have the possibility to buy the book, which is already in its second printing by popular demand. The book is a success story ! 2000 copies have already been firmly ordered from China, Europe or the United States.


    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 咪咪基金会为癌症患者提供支持。它在比利时、法国和瑞士的医院开设了健康中心。支持是理发师,化妆和按摩。 他们没有医疗监管机构、电视台或其他监管机构强加的监管,因为这不是医疗支持,而是健康。 结果: 咪咪基金会的使命是为癌症患者提供支持。它在比利时、法国和瑞士的医院开设了几个健康中心。 今天,为了发展其行动,咪咪基金会需要增加其恶名。 简介: 如何为咪咪基金会及其使命创造意识? 竞选理念: “你知道我最想念什么吗?无忧无虑 ”(凯蒂.被诊断患有癌症) 这句话启发了第二个项目。 20 名癌症患者被邀请到一个工作室。 他们的头发和化妆品都做了,但他们不能看到转变。 他们一睁开眼睛,一张照片就永垂不朽了。 这种惊喜让他们忘记了这种疾病,哪怕只是一秒钟。 该项目分两个阶段进行。 第一次是 6月在布鲁塞尔举行的,在那里,咪咪基金会让一名摄影师和一名导演重聚。 其中一个任务是捕捉第二个病人在他们转变后看到自己的时候, 另一个拍摄他们经历的每一刻。 该项目的第二阶段是于 2013年11月7日为患者家属组织一次摄影展。 这个想法是同时展示所有的照片。不到一秒钟,房间里到处都是笑脸。就在那一刻,癌症对家庭成员来说也不存在。 对于这个项目,YouTube 频道推出了一个 3 分钟 43 秒的节目,并向世界各地的公关代表发送了一本名为《如果只有一秒钟》的书。 20 名癌症患者被邀请到一个工作室。 他们的头发和化妆品都做了,但他们不能看到转变。 他们一睁开眼睛,一张照片就永垂不朽了。 这种惊喜让他们忘记了这种疾病,哪怕只是一秒钟。 收集的照片作为一本书出版,提供给新闻界的成员。2013年12月4日,世界各地的记者、公关代表和博客作者发现了肖像中表达的笑声和担忧。每张照片都提到了每个病人忘记疾病的日期和第二个日期。 读者被邀请通过闪烁二维码观看这部电影。 成千上万的人 (《世界报》、《费加罗报》、《 Elle 》、《 Grazia 》、《解放》……) 在国际媒体 (《卫报》、《时代》、《赫芬顿邮报》、 NBC 、 CNN 、 Het Niewsblad……)。 超过 15 million 的浏览量 (Youtube 、 Dailymotion 、 Vimeo…)。 推文每 2 分钟发送一次。 世界各地已经有几次展览 (巴黎、纽约、布鲁塞尔……) 参观者将会发现收集到的肖像,并有可能购买这本书,这本书已经是受大众需求的第二次印刷。 这本书是一个成功的故事! 已经从中国、欧洲或美国订购了 2000 份。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: The Mimi Foundation's provides support to cancer patients. It has opened wellness centers in hospitals in Belgium, France and Switzerland. The support are hairdresser, make-up and massages. Their is no regulation imposed by healthcare regulatory, or Tv station or other regulating body because it is not medical support but wellness. Results: The Mimi Foundation's mission is to provide support to cancer patients. It has opened several wellness centers in hospitals in Belgium, France and Switzerland. Today, in order to develop its action, the Mimi Foundation needs to increase its notoriety. The brief : How to create awareness for the Mimi Foundation and its mission ? The Campaign IDEA : “You know what I miss the most ? being carefree”(Katy.A diagnosed with cancer) Here is the sentence that inspired the «if only for a second» project. 20 cancer patients were invited to a studio. Their hair and makeup were done but they could not watch the transformation. A photograph immortalized the moment they opened their eyes. The surprise allowed them to forget the disease, if only for a second. The project was conducted in two stages. The first took place in Brussels in June, where the Mimi Foundation reunited a photographer and a director. One of them had the mission to capture the second when the patient saw themselves after their transformation, the other to film every moment of their experiences. The second stage of the project was to organize a photo exhibition for the families of the patients on November 7th, 2013. The idea was to reveal at the same time all the photographs. Within a second, smiling faces were seen all over the room. At that very moment, the cancer did not exist for the family members either. For this project, there is a 3 minutes 43 seconds spot, launched on YouTube channel and a book entitled "If only for a second" sent to the representative PR all around the world. 20 cancer patients were invited to a studio. Their hair and makeup were done but they could not watch the transformation. A photograph immortalized the moment they opened their eyes. The surprise allowed them to forget the disease, if only for a second. The collected photographs were published as a book, that was offered to members of the press. On dec 4th, 2013, journalists, PR representatives and bloggers around the world discovered the laugh and carefreeness expressed in the portraits. Every photo mentioned the date and the second in which every patient forgot about their illness. Readers were invited to watch the film by flashing the QR code. Articles appeared in the press and national media by the tens of thousands (Le Monde, Le Figaro, Elle, Grazia, Libération…) and in the international press (The Guardian, Time, The Huffington Post, NBC, CNN, Het Niewsblad…). More than 15 millions views (Youtube, Dailymotion, Vimeo…). Tweets were sent every 2 minutes. Several exhibitions of « If only for a second » are already programmed around the world (Paris, New York, Brussels…) Visitors will discover the collected portraits and will have the possibility to buy the book, which is already in its second printing by popular demand. The book is a success story ! 2000 copies have already been firmly ordered from China, Europe or the United States.




    广告公司: 李奥贝纳 (法国 巴黎) 制作公司: Prodigious




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