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    37 Days短视频广告营销案例



    37 天

    案例简介:观众 这首先是一场品牌识别运动,旨在加强大西洋公司在法国电加热市场的领导地位。为了展示热对生命有多重要,我们做了一个实验,在恶劣的环境中孕育生命。 客户简报或目标 为了展示热对生命有多重要,我们做了一个实验,在恶劣的环境中生出生命。然后,从这个实验中生出的花在树脂块中永垂不朽。雕刻在他们身上,他们出生的故事以及网站 heatislife.com,以邀请记者和电加热零售商发现下面描述的拍摄实验。我们建造了一个立方体,分成两个部分,由两个电加热器加热。在每个部分: 冬眠的生命形式,和冰块的位置,以灌溉不断增长的植被融化。立方体被带到不列颠哥伦比亚,海拔 2400米,温度低至-30 摄氏度。在 37 天内,由于连续准确的温度监测,这种短暂的安装成功地在与任何植物生命敌对的环境中生出了许多花。 执行 我们沟通计划的第一步是从我们在不列颠哥伦比亚省的临时设施中向记者和电加热零售商发送个人鲜花。每朵花都固定在一块树脂中。第二步是利用记者产生的媒体报道和电加热零售商的支持,让公众知道这项运动的网站 heatislife.com。 结果 在法国,公众不关心加热器。这就是为什么我们需要创造一种非常强大和独特的交流形式,以一种深刻的情感方式接触他们。媒体的报道和零售商的支持,通过提醒每个人一个简单的事实,帮助看到了电加热及其法国领导者大西洋集团的新面貌:既然这场运动刚刚 (在 2015年4月15日) 启动,现在取得实质性成果还为时过早。 概要 在实验的媒体报道之后,多亏了电加热零售商,互联网用户和顾客可以在 www.heatislife.com 发现这部电影和整个实验。

    37 天

    案例简介:Audience This is above all a brand recognition campaign to strengthen Atlantic’s leadership in the French electric heating market. To show how important heat is for life, we set up an experiment to give birth to life in a hostile environment. Client Brief Or Objective To show how important heat is for life, we set up an experiment to give birth to life in a hostile environment.Then, flowers born from this experiment were immortalized in blocks of resin. Carved on them, the story of their birth as well as the website heatislife.com in order to invite journalists and electric heating retailers to discover the filmed experiment described below.We built a cube divided into two sections heated by two electric heaters. In each section: hibernating life forms, and blocks of ice positioned in order to irrigate the growing vegetation as they melt. The cube was brought to British Columbia, at 2400 meters above sea level in temperatures as low as -30 ° Celsius.In 37 days, thanks to continuous and accurate temperature monitoring, this ephemeral installation managed to give birth to many flowers in an environment hostile to any kind of plant life. Execution The first step of our communication plan is to send journalists and electric heating retailers individual flowers from our temporary installation in British Columbia. Each flower is fixed in a block of resin. The second step is to use the media coverage generated by the journalists and the support of electric heating retailers to make the campaign's website heatislife.com known to the public. Outcome In France, the public doesn’t care about heaters. That’s why we needed to create a very strong and unique form of communication to touch them in a deep emotional way.The media coverage and support by retailers helped to see electric heating and its French leader, the Atlantic Group, in a new light by reminding everyone of a simple truth: that heat is life.Since the campaign has just been launched (on the 15th of April 2015) it is too early yet for substantial results. Synopsis After the experiment’s media coverage and thanks to electric heating retailers, internet users and customers can discover the film and the whole experiment at www.heatislife.com.

    37 Days

    案例简介:观众 这首先是一场品牌识别运动,旨在加强大西洋公司在法国电加热市场的领导地位。为了展示热对生命有多重要,我们做了一个实验,在恶劣的环境中孕育生命。 客户简报或目标 为了展示热对生命有多重要,我们做了一个实验,在恶劣的环境中生出生命。然后,从这个实验中生出的花在树脂块中永垂不朽。雕刻在他们身上,他们出生的故事以及网站 heatislife.com,以邀请记者和电加热零售商发现下面描述的拍摄实验。我们建造了一个立方体,分成两个部分,由两个电加热器加热。在每个部分: 冬眠的生命形式,和冰块的位置,以灌溉不断增长的植被融化。立方体被带到不列颠哥伦比亚,海拔 2400米,温度低至-30 摄氏度。在 37 天内,由于连续准确的温度监测,这种短暂的安装成功地在与任何植物生命敌对的环境中生出了许多花。 执行 我们沟通计划的第一步是从我们在不列颠哥伦比亚省的临时设施中向记者和电加热零售商发送个人鲜花。每朵花都固定在一块树脂中。第二步是利用记者产生的媒体报道和电加热零售商的支持,让公众知道这项运动的网站 heatislife.com。 结果 在法国,公众不关心加热器。这就是为什么我们需要创造一种非常强大和独特的交流形式,以一种深刻的情感方式接触他们。媒体的报道和零售商的支持,通过提醒每个人一个简单的事实,帮助看到了电加热及其法国领导者大西洋集团的新面貌:既然这场运动刚刚 (在 2015年4月15日) 启动,现在取得实质性成果还为时过早。 概要 在实验的媒体报道之后,多亏了电加热零售商,互联网用户和顾客可以在 www.heatislife.com 发现这部电影和整个实验。

    37 Days

    案例简介:Audience This is above all a brand recognition campaign to strengthen Atlantic’s leadership in the French electric heating market. To show how important heat is for life, we set up an experiment to give birth to life in a hostile environment. Client Brief Or Objective To show how important heat is for life, we set up an experiment to give birth to life in a hostile environment.Then, flowers born from this experiment were immortalized in blocks of resin. Carved on them, the story of their birth as well as the website heatislife.com in order to invite journalists and electric heating retailers to discover the filmed experiment described below.We built a cube divided into two sections heated by two electric heaters. In each section: hibernating life forms, and blocks of ice positioned in order to irrigate the growing vegetation as they melt. The cube was brought to British Columbia, at 2400 meters above sea level in temperatures as low as -30 ° Celsius.In 37 days, thanks to continuous and accurate temperature monitoring, this ephemeral installation managed to give birth to many flowers in an environment hostile to any kind of plant life. Execution The first step of our communication plan is to send journalists and electric heating retailers individual flowers from our temporary installation in British Columbia. Each flower is fixed in a block of resin. The second step is to use the media coverage generated by the journalists and the support of electric heating retailers to make the campaign's website heatislife.com known to the public. Outcome In France, the public doesn’t care about heaters. That’s why we needed to create a very strong and unique form of communication to touch them in a deep emotional way.The media coverage and support by retailers helped to see electric heating and its French leader, the Atlantic Group, in a new light by reminding everyone of a simple truth: that heat is life.Since the campaign has just been launched (on the 15th of April 2015) it is too early yet for substantial results. Synopsis After the experiment’s media coverage and thanks to electric heating retailers, internet users and customers can discover the film and the whole experiment at www.heatislife.com.

    37 天


    37 Days










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