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    The Talking Wonders短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:相关性 意大利艺术遗产的很大一部分被锁在紧闭的门后,但是意大利人无法接触它们,也不知道它们。通过对讲机成新促销中,“会说话的奇迹” 向辉中的自己。当人们走近一个隐藏的奇迹,对讲和建筑惊讶他们,与他们,并邀请他们到 FAIMarathon。结果是压倒性的: 一项开创性的新法律重新开放奇迹,FAI 活动参与者 (+ 232%),新订户 (+ 94%), 相关性 (有史以来观看和分享最多的 FAI 视频) 、媒体曝光、在线参与 (+ 180% 用户)。 概要 意大利最大的经济资源是其文化和艺术瑰宝。然而,其中许多是看不见的 -- 仍然被锁在普通的市中心建筑里,大多数意大利人每天都在不知不觉中走过 (超过 60% 的意大利人)。意大利国家信托基金的使命是向公众开放所有这些隐藏的奇迹。因此,推动政府采取行动,筹集资金,并产生兴趣,它每年举办一次,一天全国打开门事件称为 FAIMarathon。然而,很难引起人们的兴趣,因为国家媒体致力于文化的广播时间很少,而且在人们的日常生活中很难拦截他们。 活动描述 意大利建筑的对讲机成为了一种媒介,向路过的人宣传隐藏在门后的奇迹,拦截他们,然后当场将他们注册到费马拉顿。 结果 社会变革: 该倡议迫使意大利文化部长达里奥 · 弗朗切斯基尼与 FAI 联合签署一项法律,该法律将通过与非政府组织合作打开意大利所有隐藏的奇迹。意识: 这次行动给了费马拉森巨大的能见度。在一周的播出中,我们的倡议视频比 FAI 的任何其他倡议都收集了更多的观点和分享,超过 100万用户。就连登上重要的国家和国际新闻、电视、广播、并重新发布的知名人士和有影响力的人。线索: 根据该倡议,FAIMarathon 的网站注册了 + 180% 个独特用户,而 2014 个用户,会话增加了 169%。35% 多人下载了该活动的应用程序,而 2014 人下载了该应用程序。活动出席人数: 近 10 万人来到费马拉森,+ 232% 对 2014。收购: 与 94% 相比,这场运动和活动让 FAI 的新付费会员增加了 2014。 执行 该行动是在费马拉顿 (2015年10月18日) 之前的几周内实施的。在意大利各地选择了 50 个地点进行特技表演,并进一步深入研究。然后,每一个地方都有一个轶事被发展成一个重新制定的剧本。为了使信息更相关,每个故事都有一个 “模块化” 的开始,适合不同类别的路人 (“先生” 、 “女士” 、 “男孩” 、 “女士” 等)。) 并据此执行。这有助于吸引人们。我们在每个对讲机中放置了一个蓝牙扬声器,并将其连接到 iPad 上,从 iPad 上可以从隐藏的位置实时播放音频文件,以适应路人的反应。当路人的好奇心,我们打开门让他们进去,让大家看看了不知道刚听到有关他的事, 和一名 FAI 志愿者一起,他们也注册了 FAIMarathon。 战略 目标: 我们的目标是所有的意大利人,在他们即将忽略一个潜在的美丽、隐藏的奇迹的日常时刻。购买: 在一系列的现场活动,我们重新制定每一处竟将通过对讲机追逐的目标,要求对单身的人的群体。订婚: 一旦人们接近对讲机,他们会听轶事的重演,甚至会与声音互动,这让他们更加好奇。行动呼吁: 在演讲结束时,声音邀请他们在费马拉森发现更多的地方和故事。但真正令人惊讶的是,当声音打开门,在大楼里嗡嗡作响,这样他们就可以自己看看隐藏的奇迹, 见见一位愿意为他们报名参加 FAIMarathon 的 FAI 志愿者。


    案例简介:Relevancy A large part of Italy’s artistic heritage is locked behind closed doors, but Italians cannot access them and don’t know them. By turning the intercom into a new promotional medium, “The Talking Wonders” gave FAI a medium of its own. As people walked close to a hidden wonder, the intercom of its building surprised them, interacted with them, and invited them to FAIMarathon. Results were overwhelming: a groundbreaking new law to re-open the wonders, FAI event attendees (+232%), new subscribers (+94%), relevance (most viewed and shared FAI video ever), media exposure, online engagement (+180% users). Synopsis Italy’s biggest economic resources are its cultural and artistic treasures. However, lots of them are invisible- still locked inside ordinary downtown buildings that most Italians walk past every day without knowing (more than 60% of Italians). The Italian National Trust’s (FAI) mission is to open all these hidden wonders to the public. So, to push for governmental action, collect funds, and generate interest, it runs a yearly, one-day nationwide open doors event called FAIMarathon. However, it is extremely hard to generate interest, given the little airtime that National media dedicate to culture, and the many distractions that make it difficult to intercept people during their routine. Campaign Description The intercoms of Italian buildings became a medium, to advertise the wonders hiding behind their doors to the people walking by, intercepting them and subsequently signing them up to FAIMarathon, on the spot. Outcome Social change: the initiative pressured the Italian Minister of Culture, Dario Franceschini, to sign a law, jointly with FAI, which will open all of Italy’s hidden wonders by partnering with NGO’s.Awareness: the operation gave enormous visibility to FAIMarathon. In one week of airing, the video of our initiative collected more views and shares than any other initiative by FAI, reaching more than 1 million users. It was even featured on major national and international press, TV, radio, and re-posted by celebrities and influencers. Leads: following the initiative, FAIMarathon’s website registered +180% unique users vs. 2014, with sessions going up 169%. 35% more people vs. 2014 downloaded the event’s app. Event attendance: almost 100’000 brought to FAIMarathon, +232% vs. 2014. Acquisitions: the campaign and the event generated 94% more new paying members of FAI vs. 2014. Execution The operation was implemented during the weeks leading up to FAIMarathon (October 18th 2015). 50 locations across Italy were selected for the stunts and further studied in depth. Then, one anecdote for every location was developed into a re-enacted script. To make the message more relevant, every story featured a “modular” beginning, fitted to various categories of passersby (“sir” “madam” “boys”, “ladies”, etc.) and executed accordingly. This helped a lot in attracting people. We placed a Bluetooth speaker inside each intercom, and connected it to an iPad from which the audio files could be played live from a hidden location, adapting to the reactions of passersby. When passersby were curious enough, we opened the door to let them inside, so they’d check out the wonder whose story they had just heard, together with a FAI volunteer who’d also sign them up to FAIMarathon. Strategy Target: we targeted all Italians, in the exact everyday moment when they were about to ignore a potentially beautiful, hidden wonder. Acquisition: in a series of live events, we re-enacted anecdotes about every location and delivered them through the intercoms, calling on single people as well as groups. Engagement: once people got closer to the intercom, they would listen to the re-enacting of the anecdote and even interact with the voice, which made them all more curious. Call to action: at the end of the speech, the voice invited them to discover a lot more places and stories at FAIMarathon. But the real surprise came when the voice opened the door and buzzed them inside the building, so they could check out the hidden wonder themselves, and meet a FAI volunteer who’d sign them up for FAIMarathon.

    The Talking Wonders

    案例简介:相关性 意大利艺术遗产的很大一部分被锁在紧闭的门后,但是意大利人无法接触它们,也不知道它们。通过对讲机成新促销中,“会说话的奇迹” 向辉中的自己。当人们走近一个隐藏的奇迹,对讲和建筑惊讶他们,与他们,并邀请他们到 FAIMarathon。结果是压倒性的: 一项开创性的新法律重新开放奇迹,FAI 活动参与者 (+ 232%),新订户 (+ 94%), 相关性 (有史以来观看和分享最多的 FAI 视频) 、媒体曝光、在线参与 (+ 180% 用户)。 概要 意大利最大的经济资源是其文化和艺术瑰宝。然而,其中许多是看不见的 -- 仍然被锁在普通的市中心建筑里,大多数意大利人每天都在不知不觉中走过 (超过 60% 的意大利人)。意大利国家信托基金的使命是向公众开放所有这些隐藏的奇迹。因此,推动政府采取行动,筹集资金,并产生兴趣,它每年举办一次,一天全国打开门事件称为 FAIMarathon。然而,很难引起人们的兴趣,因为国家媒体致力于文化的广播时间很少,而且在人们的日常生活中很难拦截他们。 活动描述 意大利建筑的对讲机成为了一种媒介,向路过的人宣传隐藏在门后的奇迹,拦截他们,然后当场将他们注册到费马拉顿。 结果 社会变革: 该倡议迫使意大利文化部长达里奥 · 弗朗切斯基尼与 FAI 联合签署一项法律,该法律将通过与非政府组织合作打开意大利所有隐藏的奇迹。意识: 这次行动给了费马拉森巨大的能见度。在一周的播出中,我们的倡议视频比 FAI 的任何其他倡议都收集了更多的观点和分享,超过 100万用户。就连登上重要的国家和国际新闻、电视、广播、并重新发布的知名人士和有影响力的人。线索: 根据该倡议,FAIMarathon 的网站注册了 + 180% 个独特用户,而 2014 个用户,会话增加了 169%。35% 多人下载了该活动的应用程序,而 2014 人下载了该应用程序。活动出席人数: 近 10 万人来到费马拉森,+ 232% 对 2014。收购: 与 94% 相比,这场运动和活动让 FAI 的新付费会员增加了 2014。 执行 该行动是在费马拉顿 (2015年10月18日) 之前的几周内实施的。在意大利各地选择了 50 个地点进行特技表演,并进一步深入研究。然后,每一个地方都有一个轶事被发展成一个重新制定的剧本。为了使信息更相关,每个故事都有一个 “模块化” 的开始,适合不同类别的路人 (“先生” 、 “女士” 、 “男孩” 、 “女士” 等)。) 并据此执行。这有助于吸引人们。我们在每个对讲机中放置了一个蓝牙扬声器,并将其连接到 iPad 上,从 iPad 上可以从隐藏的位置实时播放音频文件,以适应路人的反应。当路人的好奇心,我们打开门让他们进去,让大家看看了不知道刚听到有关他的事, 和一名 FAI 志愿者一起,他们也注册了 FAIMarathon。 战略 目标: 我们的目标是所有的意大利人,在他们即将忽略一个潜在的美丽、隐藏的奇迹的日常时刻。购买: 在一系列的现场活动,我们重新制定每一处竟将通过对讲机追逐的目标,要求对单身的人的群体。订婚: 一旦人们接近对讲机,他们会听轶事的重演,甚至会与声音互动,这让他们更加好奇。行动呼吁: 在演讲结束时,声音邀请他们在费马拉森发现更多的地方和故事。但真正令人惊讶的是,当声音打开门,在大楼里嗡嗡作响,这样他们就可以自己看看隐藏的奇迹, 见见一位愿意为他们报名参加 FAIMarathon 的 FAI 志愿者。

    The Talking Wonders

    案例简介:Relevancy A large part of Italy’s artistic heritage is locked behind closed doors, but Italians cannot access them and don’t know them. By turning the intercom into a new promotional medium, “The Talking Wonders” gave FAI a medium of its own. As people walked close to a hidden wonder, the intercom of its building surprised them, interacted with them, and invited them to FAIMarathon. Results were overwhelming: a groundbreaking new law to re-open the wonders, FAI event attendees (+232%), new subscribers (+94%), relevance (most viewed and shared FAI video ever), media exposure, online engagement (+180% users). Synopsis Italy’s biggest economic resources are its cultural and artistic treasures. However, lots of them are invisible- still locked inside ordinary downtown buildings that most Italians walk past every day without knowing (more than 60% of Italians). The Italian National Trust’s (FAI) mission is to open all these hidden wonders to the public. So, to push for governmental action, collect funds, and generate interest, it runs a yearly, one-day nationwide open doors event called FAIMarathon. However, it is extremely hard to generate interest, given the little airtime that National media dedicate to culture, and the many distractions that make it difficult to intercept people during their routine. Campaign Description The intercoms of Italian buildings became a medium, to advertise the wonders hiding behind their doors to the people walking by, intercepting them and subsequently signing them up to FAIMarathon, on the spot. Outcome Social change: the initiative pressured the Italian Minister of Culture, Dario Franceschini, to sign a law, jointly with FAI, which will open all of Italy’s hidden wonders by partnering with NGO’s.Awareness: the operation gave enormous visibility to FAIMarathon. In one week of airing, the video of our initiative collected more views and shares than any other initiative by FAI, reaching more than 1 million users. It was even featured on major national and international press, TV, radio, and re-posted by celebrities and influencers. Leads: following the initiative, FAIMarathon’s website registered +180% unique users vs. 2014, with sessions going up 169%. 35% more people vs. 2014 downloaded the event’s app. Event attendance: almost 100’000 brought to FAIMarathon, +232% vs. 2014. Acquisitions: the campaign and the event generated 94% more new paying members of FAI vs. 2014. Execution The operation was implemented during the weeks leading up to FAIMarathon (October 18th 2015). 50 locations across Italy were selected for the stunts and further studied in depth. Then, one anecdote for every location was developed into a re-enacted script. To make the message more relevant, every story featured a “modular” beginning, fitted to various categories of passersby (“sir” “madam” “boys”, “ladies”, etc.) and executed accordingly. This helped a lot in attracting people. We placed a Bluetooth speaker inside each intercom, and connected it to an iPad from which the audio files could be played live from a hidden location, adapting to the reactions of passersby. When passersby were curious enough, we opened the door to let them inside, so they’d check out the wonder whose story they had just heard, together with a FAI volunteer who’d also sign them up to FAIMarathon. Strategy Target: we targeted all Italians, in the exact everyday moment when they were about to ignore a potentially beautiful, hidden wonder. Acquisition: in a series of live events, we re-enacted anecdotes about every location and delivered them through the intercoms, calling on single people as well as groups. Engagement: once people got closer to the intercom, they would listen to the re-enacting of the anecdote and even interact with the voice, which made them all more curious. Call to action: at the end of the speech, the voice invited them to discover a lot more places and stories at FAIMarathon. But the real surprise came when the voice opened the door and buzzed them inside the building, so they could check out the hidden wonder themselves, and meet a FAI volunteer who’d sign them up for FAIMarathon.



    The Talking Wonders










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