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    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 品牌娱乐在印度市场处于一个非常新生的空间。当然,作为世界上最大的手机市场之一,这种潜力非常接近惊人。廉价智能手机的出现以前所未有的方式连接了每个人。我们可以一个接一个地与潜在的运动员和现在的运动员交谈,互动是双向的,所以我们应该在网上产生很多真实的内容和对话。 这场运动是通过社交媒体共同创造的。由于缺乏摄像机以及从印度小镇和农村上传视频内容的复杂性,我们不能期待大量的人群来源的视频内容。设计的机制非常简单。你所需要做的就是在脸谱网上收件箱里放一张板球比赛的照片,或者用 # justdoit 发推特。 结果: 挑战: 庆祝印度的板球疯狂青年,人数达到数百万。 时间: T20 板球世界杯 想法: 板球疯狂 CO-CREATION 一场以用户生成板球疯狂内容 (包括视频) 为特色的运动, 耐克和耐克运动员的帖子和推特邀请板球疯狂青年启动这项运动,并向印度和世界展示他们如何通过发送自己在任何地方玩游戏的照片来让每一码都有价值他们是。 一个动作值千张图片: 最大的内容是耐克板球世界杯电影,这部电影是由一群来自板球疯狂青年的 225,001 帧图像库组成的。最后的分裂第二个动作是用 440 张图片连接在一起的,这些图片捕捉了一个动作,横跨数千个游戏场。 在线 CO-CREATION: 全国各地的年轻人都被邀请通过 Facebook 、 Twitter 和 nikecricket.in 在任何位置发送他们的动作图像。但是每个图像都有一个在网上发布的关键帧作为前缀。有人看到快速投球手跳过检票口,击球手总是攻击球打钩,外野手俯冲并把球扔给守门员,等等。板球疯狂运动员通过手机摄像头、 gopros 、网络摄像头和 procams 在网上上传了数千张动作图片,这些图片是在瞬间上传的。 地面 CO-CREATION: 108 名不同的摄影师也在几个操场上激活了相同的动作序列,以捕捉印度农村小镇上相同的无缝动作。 一个行动胜过千千万万个声音。 板球疯狂的圣歌、呼吸、尖叫声、上诉和雪橇被记录在移动摄像机上,横跨数千个不同的操场,并被传奇的声乐打击乐家和声音设计师渲染成配乐。 一个动作值千部手机: 全国各地的运动员、球迷和板球疯狂青年都被邀请通过 Facebook 、 Twitter 和 nikecricket.in 在任何比赛位置发送他们的动作图像。但是每一张照片的前缀都是一个关键的动作框架,包括快速投球手跳跃、巴茨曼钩、外野手俯冲和守门员树桩。成千上万的这些瞬间动作图像通过手机摄像头、 gopros 、网络摄像头和进程上传到网上。 这张用户生成的专辑内容包括印度各地 225,000 张原始和真实的板球场地图像。 一次旅行价值一千码。 所有以数以千计的静态图像形式出现的板球疯狂内容都来自 9 个大城市的网上和地面; 班加罗尔、钦奈、德里、科钦、加尔各答、海德拉巴、孟买, 浦那和斋浦尔,加上印度 200 多个小镇和几个村庄。 最后,从 225,001 个人群来源的板球疯狂青年的惊人图像库中,1,440 个无缝动作图像,由板球疯狂青年和 108 摄影师拍摄, 被选择并缝合在一起,以完成一个球从投球手到击球手到外野手到守门员的旅程中的一个动作。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: Branded Entertainment is in a very nascent space out here in the Indian market. The potential of course is pretty close to phenomenal with one of the largest mobile phone markets in the world. And the advent of the cheap smart phone has connected everyone in a way like never before. We can talk to potential athletes and current athletes on a one on one basis and the interaction works both ways so we should be generating a lot of authentic content and conversations online from this campaign. This campaign is driven by co-creation through social media. We can't expect great crowd sourced video content due to the lack of video cameras and the complexity of uploading video content from small town and rural India. The mechanics were extremely simple by design. All you needed to do is inbox a cricket playing picture to nikecricket.in on Facebook or tweet the picture with #justdoit. Results: CHALLENGE : Celebrate the Cricket Crazy Youth of India, with a playing population that runs into many millions. TIMING : T20 CRICKET WORLD CUP IDEA : CRICKET CRAZY CO-CREATION A campaign featuring user generated Cricket Crazy Content including videos, posts and tweets from Nike as well as Nike's athletes inviting cricket crazy youth to activate the campaign and show India and the world how they make every yard count by sending pictures of themselves playing the game wherever they are. ONE ACTION IS WORTH A THOUSAND PICTURES : The biggest content piece was the nike cricket world cup film that was composed from a Crowd Sourced image bank of 225,001 frames of cricket crazy youth. The final split second action is threaded together using1,440 images capturing one action across a thousand playing fields. ONLINE CO-CREATION: Youth across the country were invited via Facebook, Twitter and nikecricket.in to send in their action images in any playing position. But each image was prefixed with a key frame posted online. The fast bowler was seen leaping over the wicket, the batsman would always attack the ball to play a hook shot, and the fielder dives and throws the ball to the keeper and so on. And thousands of action images, in these split second frames, were uploaded online by cricket crazy athletes across cities, towns and even some villages via mobile phone cameras, gopros, webcams and procams. ON GROUND CO-CREATION: The same action sequence was also activated across several playgrounds by 108 different photographers to capture the same seamless action across small towns in rural India. ONE ACTION IS WORTH A THOUSAND VOICES. Cricket Crazy chants, breaths, screams, appeals and sledges were recorded on mobile cameras across a thousand different playgrounds and rendered into the soundtrack by legendary vocal percussionists and sound designers. ONE ACTION IS WORTH A THOUSAND MOBILE PHONES : Athletes and fans and Cricket Crazy Youth across the country were invited via Facebook, Twitter and nikecricket.in to send in their action images in any playing position. But each image was prefixed with a key action frame posted online including the fast bowlers leap, the batsmans hook, the fielders dive and the keepers stump. And thousands of these split second action images were uploaded online via mobile phone cameras, gopros, webcams and procams. This User Generated album is content with 225,000 images of raw and authentic cricket yards across India. ONE JOURNEY IS WORTH A THOUSAND YARDS. ALL THE CRICKET CRAZY CONTENT IN THE FORM OF THOUSANDS OF STILL IMAGES WERE CROWD SOURCED BOTH ONLINE AND ON GROUND FROM 9 BIG CITIES; BANGALORE, CHENNAI, DELHI, COCHIN, KOLKATA, HYDERABAD, MUMBAI, PUNE & JAIPUR, PLUS OVER 200 SMALL TOWNS AND A FEW VILLAGES ACROSS INDIA. Finally from a phenomenal image bank of 225,001 crowd sourced images of Cricket crazy youth, 1,440 seamless action images, captured by both Cricket Crazy Youth and the 108 photographers, were chosen and stitched together to complete one action of the journey of one ball from bowler to batsman to fielder to keeper.


    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 品牌娱乐在印度市场处于一个非常新生的空间。当然,作为世界上最大的手机市场之一,这种潜力非常接近惊人。廉价智能手机的出现以前所未有的方式连接了每个人。我们可以一个接一个地与潜在的运动员和现在的运动员交谈,互动是双向的,所以我们应该在网上产生很多真实的内容和对话。 这场运动是通过社交媒体共同创造的。由于缺乏摄像机以及从印度小镇和农村上传视频内容的复杂性,我们不能期待大量的人群来源的视频内容。设计的机制非常简单。你所需要做的就是在脸谱网上收件箱里放一张板球比赛的照片,或者用 # justdoit 发推特。 结果: 挑战: 庆祝印度的板球疯狂青年,人数达到数百万。 时间: T20 板球世界杯 想法: 板球疯狂 CO-CREATION 一场以用户生成板球疯狂内容 (包括视频) 为特色的运动, 耐克和耐克运动员的帖子和推特邀请板球疯狂青年启动这项运动,并向印度和世界展示他们如何通过发送自己在任何地方玩游戏的照片来让每一码都有价值他们是。 一个动作值千张图片: 最大的内容是耐克板球世界杯电影,这部电影是由一群来自板球疯狂青年的 225,001 帧图像库组成的。最后的分裂第二个动作是用 440 张图片连接在一起的,这些图片捕捉了一个动作,横跨数千个游戏场。 在线 CO-CREATION: 全国各地的年轻人都被邀请通过 Facebook 、 Twitter 和 nikecricket.in 在任何位置发送他们的动作图像。但是每个图像都有一个在网上发布的关键帧作为前缀。有人看到快速投球手跳过检票口,击球手总是攻击球打钩,外野手俯冲并把球扔给守门员,等等。板球疯狂运动员通过手机摄像头、 gopros 、网络摄像头和 procams 在网上上传了数千张动作图片,这些图片是在瞬间上传的。 地面 CO-CREATION: 108 名不同的摄影师也在几个操场上激活了相同的动作序列,以捕捉印度农村小镇上相同的无缝动作。 一个行动胜过千千万万个声音。 板球疯狂的圣歌、呼吸、尖叫声、上诉和雪橇被记录在移动摄像机上,横跨数千个不同的操场,并被传奇的声乐打击乐家和声音设计师渲染成配乐。 一个动作值千部手机: 全国各地的运动员、球迷和板球疯狂青年都被邀请通过 Facebook 、 Twitter 和 nikecricket.in 在任何比赛位置发送他们的动作图像。但是每一张照片的前缀都是一个关键的动作框架,包括快速投球手跳跃、巴茨曼钩、外野手俯冲和守门员树桩。成千上万的这些瞬间动作图像通过手机摄像头、 gopros 、网络摄像头和进程上传到网上。 这张用户生成的专辑内容包括印度各地 225,000 张原始和真实的板球场地图像。 一次旅行价值一千码。 所有以数以千计的静态图像形式出现的板球疯狂内容都来自 9 个大城市的网上和地面; 班加罗尔、钦奈、德里、科钦、加尔各答、海德拉巴、孟买, 浦那和斋浦尔,加上印度 200 多个小镇和几个村庄。 最后,从 225,001 个人群来源的板球疯狂青年的惊人图像库中,1,440 个无缝动作图像,由板球疯狂青年和 108 摄影师拍摄, 被选择并缝合在一起,以完成一个球从投球手到击球手到外野手到守门员的旅程中的一个动作。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: Branded Entertainment is in a very nascent space out here in the Indian market. The potential of course is pretty close to phenomenal with one of the largest mobile phone markets in the world. And the advent of the cheap smart phone has connected everyone in a way like never before. We can talk to potential athletes and current athletes on a one on one basis and the interaction works both ways so we should be generating a lot of authentic content and conversations online from this campaign. This campaign is driven by co-creation through social media. We can't expect great crowd sourced video content due to the lack of video cameras and the complexity of uploading video content from small town and rural India. The mechanics were extremely simple by design. All you needed to do is inbox a cricket playing picture to nikecricket.in on Facebook or tweet the picture with #justdoit. Results: CHALLENGE : Celebrate the Cricket Crazy Youth of India, with a playing population that runs into many millions. TIMING : T20 CRICKET WORLD CUP IDEA : CRICKET CRAZY CO-CREATION A campaign featuring user generated Cricket Crazy Content including videos, posts and tweets from Nike as well as Nike's athletes inviting cricket crazy youth to activate the campaign and show India and the world how they make every yard count by sending pictures of themselves playing the game wherever they are. ONE ACTION IS WORTH A THOUSAND PICTURES : The biggest content piece was the nike cricket world cup film that was composed from a Crowd Sourced image bank of 225,001 frames of cricket crazy youth. The final split second action is threaded together using1,440 images capturing one action across a thousand playing fields. ONLINE CO-CREATION: Youth across the country were invited via Facebook, Twitter and nikecricket.in to send in their action images in any playing position. But each image was prefixed with a key frame posted online. The fast bowler was seen leaping over the wicket, the batsman would always attack the ball to play a hook shot, and the fielder dives and throws the ball to the keeper and so on. And thousands of action images, in these split second frames, were uploaded online by cricket crazy athletes across cities, towns and even some villages via mobile phone cameras, gopros, webcams and procams. ON GROUND CO-CREATION: The same action sequence was also activated across several playgrounds by 108 different photographers to capture the same seamless action across small towns in rural India. ONE ACTION IS WORTH A THOUSAND VOICES. Cricket Crazy chants, breaths, screams, appeals and sledges were recorded on mobile cameras across a thousand different playgrounds and rendered into the soundtrack by legendary vocal percussionists and sound designers. ONE ACTION IS WORTH A THOUSAND MOBILE PHONES : Athletes and fans and Cricket Crazy Youth across the country were invited via Facebook, Twitter and nikecricket.in to send in their action images in any playing position. But each image was prefixed with a key action frame posted online including the fast bowlers leap, the batsmans hook, the fielders dive and the keepers stump. And thousands of these split second action images were uploaded online via mobile phone cameras, gopros, webcams and procams. This User Generated album is content with 225,000 images of raw and authentic cricket yards across India. ONE JOURNEY IS WORTH A THOUSAND YARDS. ALL THE CRICKET CRAZY CONTENT IN THE FORM OF THOUSANDS OF STILL IMAGES WERE CROWD SOURCED BOTH ONLINE AND ON GROUND FROM 9 BIG CITIES; BANGALORE, CHENNAI, DELHI, COCHIN, KOLKATA, HYDERABAD, MUMBAI, PUNE & JAIPUR, PLUS OVER 200 SMALL TOWNS AND A FEW VILLAGES ACROSS INDIA. Finally from a phenomenal image bank of 225,001 crowd sourced images of Cricket crazy youth, 1,440 seamless action images, captured by both Cricket Crazy Youth and the 108 photographers, were chosen and stitched together to complete one action of the journey of one ball from bowler to batsman to fielder to keeper.








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