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    Taking Care of Business微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:INTUIT QUICKBOOKS发起了有史以来最大的英国运动 综合运动展示了QuickBooks如何帮助小企业和个体户照顾企业 经营一家小企业在最好的时候压力很大,但后来2020发生了。这就是为什么全球领先的财务管理软件Intuit QuickBooks在英国发起了有史以来最大规模的集成活动,以展示它如何通过 “照顾业务” 来提供支持。 Intuit QuickBooks致力于通过数字工具解决主要的财务问题,从而帮助小型企业和个体户。它通过一个很小的商人团队在竞选中讲述了这个故事-一个充满激情和刻薄的团队,适合您的口袋,每周八天,每天27小时随时待命。 这个小小的团队可以解决从现金流、发票、税收和增值税到工资和里程的所有问题,指导中小企业度过这个充满挑战的局面。 由Wieden + Kennedy London创建,由Nick Ball通过Blink执导,60英寸的广告将在整个2021年在英国播出。这部电影将紧随其后的是另外三个30英寸的产品广告,以及广播、数字和社交方面的支持。 60 ”向观众介绍了精打细算的QuickBooks团队,每个成员都有自己的财务专业知识 (和巨大的个性),带着态度走过一个时髦的办公室。随着时间的推移,我们意识到这个团队很小,事实上,这个办公室就在一家炸鱼薯条店的柜台上,配有餐巾架门、叉子分配器墙和腌制鸡蛋艺术装置。无论业务需要什么,chippy的袖珍财务团队都随时准备。 Intuit QuickBooks的英国营销总监Alicia Skubick说: “对于各种形状和规模的企业来说,这是一个极其艰难的环境。通过这次活动,我们想展示QuickBooks如何成为中小型企业和自雇人士最坚定的合作伙伴。 “我们喜欢Wieden + Kennedy讲述这个故事的方式,将我们的软件变成了一个很小的团队,可以照顾那些为自己工作的人每天面临的重大挑战。”我们很高兴能如此创造性地提高对我们支持的认识,同时以独特和令人难忘的方式将我们的数字工具生态系统带入生活。“ 在即将推出的专注于税收的2021年1月10日上,这个小小的精打细分的团队在半夜突然出现,以安抚另一个正在做税收噩梦的企业主。在其余2021年中,这个微小的业务团队将以其独特的强硬方式出现在几乎所有地方,以使中小型企业在需要时放心。总是以一点金融繁荣和他们的 “照顾业务” 重金属国歌结束。 伦敦W + K创意总监Hollie Walker和Cal Al-Jorani说: “2020过山车。中小型企业主比以往任何时候都更需要帮助。会计师。薪资专家。费用向导。由财务专家组成的瑞士军刀直接为您提供帮助,并为您的业务带来优势需求。这是我们口袋大小的硬汉quickBooks团队进来了。他们支持你,他们热爱自己的财务,就像热爱自己的金属一样。“


    案例简介:INTUIT QUICKBOOKS LAUNCHES BIGGEST EVER UK CAMPAIGN Integrated campaign shows how QuickBooks can help small businesses and the self-employed Take Care of Business Running a small business is stressful at the best of times, but then 2020 happened. That’s why Intuit QuickBooks, the world’s leading financial management software, is launching its biggest ever integrated campaign in the UK to show how it can support - by ‘Taking Care of Business’. Intuit QuickBooks is committed to helping small businesses and the self-employed by solving major financial problems through digital tools. It tells this story in the campaign through a tiny team of businesspeople – a passionate and hard-nosed team that fit in your pocket and are on call to Take Care of Business 27 hours a day, eight days a week. The tiny team can tackle everything from cash flow, invoicing, tax and VAT to payroll and mileage, guiding SMBs through this challenging landscape. Created by Wieden+Kennedy London and directed by Nick Ball via Blink, the 60” ad will air in the UK throughout 2021. The film will be followed closely by three other 30” product spots, alongside support on radio, digital, and social. The 60” introduces viewers to the hard-nosed QuickBooks team, each member with their financial expertise (and giant personality), walking with attitude through a swanky office. As the spot goes on, we realise that the team are teeny tiny, and this office is in fact on the counter of a fish and chip shop complete with a napkin holder door, fork dispenser wall and a pickled egg art installation. The chippy’s pocket-sized financial team is always on hand for whatever the business needs. Alicia Skubick, UK Marketing Director at Intuit QuickBooks said: “It’s an extremely tough environment for businesses of all shapes and sizes right now. With this campaign we wanted to show how QuickBooks can be the most committed partner to SMBs and the Self-Employed. “We love how Wieden+Kennedy has told this story by turning our software into a tiny team who can take care of major challenges faced every day by those who work for themselves. We’re excited to drive awareness of our support so creatively, while bringing our ecosystem of digital tools to life in a distinct and memorable way.” In the forthcoming spot launching on 10th January 2021, focussed on taxes, the tiny hard-nosed team pops up in the middle of the night to reassure another business owner who is having a tax nightmare. Across the rest of 2021, the tiny business team will show up just about everywhere reassuring SMBs when they need it, in their unique hard-nosed way. Always ending with a little finance boogy and headbang to their ‘Taking Care of Business’ heavy metal anthem. Hollie Walker and Cal Al-Jorani, Creative Directors, W+K London, said: "2020 has been a rollercoaster. Small to medium business owners need help more than ever. An accountant. A payroll expert. An expense wizard. A Swiss Army knife of financial specialists giving it to you straight and bringing the edge to your business needs. Which is where our pocket-sized hard-nosed QuickBooks team comes in. They’ve got your back and they love their finances just as much as they love their metal.”

    Taking Care of Business

    案例简介:INTUIT QUICKBOOKS发起了有史以来最大的英国运动 综合运动展示了QuickBooks如何帮助小企业和个体户照顾企业 经营一家小企业在最好的时候压力很大,但后来2020发生了。这就是为什么全球领先的财务管理软件Intuit QuickBooks在英国发起了有史以来最大规模的集成活动,以展示它如何通过 “照顾业务” 来提供支持。 Intuit QuickBooks致力于通过数字工具解决主要的财务问题,从而帮助小型企业和个体户。它通过一个很小的商人团队在竞选中讲述了这个故事-一个充满激情和刻薄的团队,适合您的口袋,每周八天,每天27小时随时待命。 这个小小的团队可以解决从现金流、发票、税收和增值税到工资和里程的所有问题,指导中小企业度过这个充满挑战的局面。 由Wieden + Kennedy London创建,由Nick Ball通过Blink执导,60英寸的广告将在整个2021年在英国播出。这部电影将紧随其后的是另外三个30英寸的产品广告,以及广播、数字和社交方面的支持。 60 ”向观众介绍了精打细算的QuickBooks团队,每个成员都有自己的财务专业知识 (和巨大的个性),带着态度走过一个时髦的办公室。随着时间的推移,我们意识到这个团队很小,事实上,这个办公室就在一家炸鱼薯条店的柜台上,配有餐巾架门、叉子分配器墙和腌制鸡蛋艺术装置。无论业务需要什么,chippy的袖珍财务团队都随时准备。 Intuit QuickBooks的英国营销总监Alicia Skubick说: “对于各种形状和规模的企业来说,这是一个极其艰难的环境。通过这次活动,我们想展示QuickBooks如何成为中小型企业和自雇人士最坚定的合作伙伴。 “我们喜欢Wieden + Kennedy讲述这个故事的方式,将我们的软件变成了一个很小的团队,可以照顾那些为自己工作的人每天面临的重大挑战。”我们很高兴能如此创造性地提高对我们支持的认识,同时以独特和令人难忘的方式将我们的数字工具生态系统带入生活。“ 在即将推出的专注于税收的2021年1月10日上,这个小小的精打细分的团队在半夜突然出现,以安抚另一个正在做税收噩梦的企业主。在其余2021年中,这个微小的业务团队将以其独特的强硬方式出现在几乎所有地方,以使中小型企业在需要时放心。总是以一点金融繁荣和他们的 “照顾业务” 重金属国歌结束。 伦敦W + K创意总监Hollie Walker和Cal Al-Jorani说: “2020过山车。中小型企业主比以往任何时候都更需要帮助。会计师。薪资专家。费用向导。由财务专家组成的瑞士军刀直接为您提供帮助,并为您的业务带来优势需求。这是我们口袋大小的硬汉quickBooks团队进来了。他们支持你,他们热爱自己的财务,就像热爱自己的金属一样。“

    Taking Care of Business

    案例简介:INTUIT QUICKBOOKS LAUNCHES BIGGEST EVER UK CAMPAIGN Integrated campaign shows how QuickBooks can help small businesses and the self-employed Take Care of Business Running a small business is stressful at the best of times, but then 2020 happened. That’s why Intuit QuickBooks, the world’s leading financial management software, is launching its biggest ever integrated campaign in the UK to show how it can support - by ‘Taking Care of Business’. Intuit QuickBooks is committed to helping small businesses and the self-employed by solving major financial problems through digital tools. It tells this story in the campaign through a tiny team of businesspeople – a passionate and hard-nosed team that fit in your pocket and are on call to Take Care of Business 27 hours a day, eight days a week. The tiny team can tackle everything from cash flow, invoicing, tax and VAT to payroll and mileage, guiding SMBs through this challenging landscape. Created by Wieden+Kennedy London and directed by Nick Ball via Blink, the 60” ad will air in the UK throughout 2021. The film will be followed closely by three other 30” product spots, alongside support on radio, digital, and social. The 60” introduces viewers to the hard-nosed QuickBooks team, each member with their financial expertise (and giant personality), walking with attitude through a swanky office. As the spot goes on, we realise that the team are teeny tiny, and this office is in fact on the counter of a fish and chip shop complete with a napkin holder door, fork dispenser wall and a pickled egg art installation. The chippy’s pocket-sized financial team is always on hand for whatever the business needs. Alicia Skubick, UK Marketing Director at Intuit QuickBooks said: “It’s an extremely tough environment for businesses of all shapes and sizes right now. With this campaign we wanted to show how QuickBooks can be the most committed partner to SMBs and the Self-Employed. “We love how Wieden+Kennedy has told this story by turning our software into a tiny team who can take care of major challenges faced every day by those who work for themselves. We’re excited to drive awareness of our support so creatively, while bringing our ecosystem of digital tools to life in a distinct and memorable way.” In the forthcoming spot launching on 10th January 2021, focussed on taxes, the tiny hard-nosed team pops up in the middle of the night to reassure another business owner who is having a tax nightmare. Across the rest of 2021, the tiny business team will show up just about everywhere reassuring SMBs when they need it, in their unique hard-nosed way. Always ending with a little finance boogy and headbang to their ‘Taking Care of Business’ heavy metal anthem. Hollie Walker and Cal Al-Jorani, Creative Directors, W+K London, said: "2020 has been a rollercoaster. Small to medium business owners need help more than ever. An accountant. A payroll expert. An expense wizard. A Swiss Army knife of financial specialists giving it to you straight and bringing the edge to your business needs. Which is where our pocket-sized hard-nosed QuickBooks team comes in. They’ve got your back and they love their finances just as much as they love their metal.”



    Taking Care of Business






    广告公司: 韦柯 (英国 伦敦) 制作公司: Blink




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