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    BKWLD Takes Teens On A Graphic Robo-trip短视频,动图广告营销案例



    BKWLD 带青少年进行图形机器人之旅

    案例简介:BKWLD 以青少年的图形 ROBO-TRIP 一个十几岁的孩子醒来,颤抖,迷失方向,浑身是血和呕吐物。他记得的最后一件事是在派对前的狂欢中砰地摔了一瓶 DXM 止咳糖浆。一条紧急短信将他发送到他的 Facebook 页面,在那里,夜间的大屠杀贯穿了他的时间表 -- 吐溅的汽车和厕所的照片被各种朋友的震惊评论所包围。零星的狂夜回到了青少年支离破碎的记忆中: 绊倒、呕吐和同龄人的愤怒反应。 任何 Facebook 用户都可以通过这种迷失方向的 3:00 体验,这要归功于 BKWLD 通过部落 DDB SF 为 Drugfree.org 的合作伙伴设计和开发的 Sip Facebook Connect 应用程序。BKWLD 创造了整个体验,在一个网站 dxmstories.com 旁边建立了 Facebook 页面,该网站探索了咳嗽糖浆滥用的有害影响。 BKWLD 副总裁乔希 · 雷丁说: “我们在这里最大的机会是生动地展示这种药物的负面后果。”。“我们希望休克价值能够让人们明白,咳嗽糖浆滥用是一个真正的问题,会带来真正的健康后果,对青少年来说,甚至更重要的是,你的社交生活。" 该工作室监督了 Facebook 应用程序和 dxmstories.com 的拍摄,CD Chad Turner 与 Moxie Pictures 导演 Henry & Rel 合作, 他为 Facebook 应用程序和网络视频拍摄了各种滑稽的真人镜头。该工作室随后与 Beast 编辑 Brian Lagerhausen 合作,组装了体验。 特纳解释说: “青少年每天都通过他们的 Facebook 帖子来解释彼此的生活,所以通过实时帖子展示滥用毒品行为的灾难性后果会创造一种非常发自内心的体验。”。“我们希望青少年走开,想,'我不想成为那个孩子。'” 工作人员面临着无数的挑战,从重新创建一个现实的脸谱网墙到让应用程序有效运行,无论用户有一个朋友还是 700。该工作室还利用 iTunes API 选择在派对场景中播放的音乐,并利用谷歌街景 API 将乘车视频合成用户附近的视频。BKWLD 甚至定制了一种测量接近度和互动频率的算法,以确保朋友的评论是相关的。 这款应用已经取得了相当大的成功 -- 在 Facebook 上获得了惊人的 20% 的点击率,并通过社交网络产生了超过 120 的曝光率。自该应用推出以来,DXMStories.com 的用户参与度显著提高。指标显示,访问者现在平均每次访问该网站比去年同期多花费两分钟。这些访问者在到达后深入和探索网站的可能性也是他们的两倍,而不是立即 “跳跃” 到其他网站目的地。 Dxmstories.com 通过一系列原始互动视频探索咳嗽糖浆滥用的影响。该网站还包括虐待者的故事、关于这种药物的事实以及与有助于戒毒的组织的链接。在这场运动的延续中,三个 YouTube 视频上周发布,迄今为止点击率超过 100。

    BKWLD 带青少年进行图形机器人之旅

    案例简介:BKWLD TAKES TEENS ON A GRAPHIC ROBO-TRIP A teen wakes up, shaky, disoriented, covered in blood and vomit. The last thing he remembers is slamming a bottle of DXM cough syrup (robo-tripping) in a pre-party binge. An urgent text message sends him to his Facebook page, where the night’s carnage plays out across his timeline – photos of puke-splattered cars and toilets framed by appalled comments from assorted friends. Bits of the wild night return to the teen in fragmented memories: stumbling, puking, and the angry reactions of his peers. Any Facebook user can put themselves through this disorienting 3:00 experience thanks to the Sip It Up Facebook Connect app designed and developed by BKWLD for Partnership at Drugfree.org via Tribal DDB SF. BKWLD created the entire experience, building the Facebook page alongside a website – dxmstories.com – that explores the detrimental effects of cough syrup abuse. “Our biggest opportunity here was to graphically show the negative consequences of the drug,” stated BKWLD VP Josh Reddin. “We wanted shock value to drive home the fact that cough syrup abuse is a real problem, with real health consequences and – maybe even more important for teenagers – your social life.” The studio supervised the shoots for the Facebook app and dxmstories.com, with CD Chad Turner teaming up with Moxie Pictures Directors Henry & Rel, who shot a variety of trippy live-action footage for the Facebook app and web videos. The studio then worked with Beast Editor Brian Lagerhausen to assemble the experience. “Teens interpret one another’s lives every day through their Facebook posts, so showing the disastrous consequences of drug-abusing behavior through real-time posts creates a very visceral experience,” explained Turner. “We wanted teens walking away thinking, ‘I don’t want to be that kid.’” The crew faced myriad challenges, from recreating a realistic Facebook wall to making the app operate effectively whether a user had one friend or 700. The studio also tapped iTunes API to select the music that is played in the party scene, and Google Street View API to composite the car-ride footage into a video of the user’s neighborhood. BKWLD even customized an algorithm measuring proximity and frequency of interaction to ensure that the friends commenting were relevant. The app has already enjoyed considerable success—garnering an astounding 20% like/share rate on Facebook, and producing in excess of 120k exposures through social networks. Since the launch of the app, DXMStories.com has seen a significant increase in user engagement. Metrics show that visitors are now spending an average of two minutes more per visit on the site than they were during the same time period last year. Those visitors are also twice as likely to delve into and explore the site upon arrival, rather than immediately “bouncing” to other web destinations. Dxmstories.com explores the effects of cough syrup abuse through a series of raw interactive videos. The site also includes stories from abusers, facts about the drug, and links to organizations that can help with addiction. In a continuation of the campaign, a trio of YouTube videos was released last week with over 100K hits to date.

    BKWLD Takes Teens On A Graphic Robo-trip

    案例简介:BKWLD 以青少年的图形 ROBO-TRIP 一个十几岁的孩子醒来,颤抖,迷失方向,浑身是血和呕吐物。他记得的最后一件事是在派对前的狂欢中砰地摔了一瓶 DXM 止咳糖浆。一条紧急短信将他发送到他的 Facebook 页面,在那里,夜间的大屠杀贯穿了他的时间表 -- 吐溅的汽车和厕所的照片被各种朋友的震惊评论所包围。零星的狂夜回到了青少年支离破碎的记忆中: 绊倒、呕吐和同龄人的愤怒反应。 任何 Facebook 用户都可以通过这种迷失方向的 3:00 体验,这要归功于 BKWLD 通过部落 DDB SF 为 Drugfree.org 的合作伙伴设计和开发的 Sip Facebook Connect 应用程序。BKWLD 创造了整个体验,在一个网站 dxmstories.com 旁边建立了 Facebook 页面,该网站探索了咳嗽糖浆滥用的有害影响。 BKWLD 副总裁乔希 · 雷丁说: “我们在这里最大的机会是生动地展示这种药物的负面后果。”。“我们希望休克价值能够让人们明白,咳嗽糖浆滥用是一个真正的问题,会带来真正的健康后果,对青少年来说,甚至更重要的是,你的社交生活。" 该工作室监督了 Facebook 应用程序和 dxmstories.com 的拍摄,CD Chad Turner 与 Moxie Pictures 导演 Henry & Rel 合作, 他为 Facebook 应用程序和网络视频拍摄了各种滑稽的真人镜头。该工作室随后与 Beast 编辑 Brian Lagerhausen 合作,组装了体验。 特纳解释说: “青少年每天都通过他们的 Facebook 帖子来解释彼此的生活,所以通过实时帖子展示滥用毒品行为的灾难性后果会创造一种非常发自内心的体验。”。“我们希望青少年走开,想,'我不想成为那个孩子。'” 工作人员面临着无数的挑战,从重新创建一个现实的脸谱网墙到让应用程序有效运行,无论用户有一个朋友还是 700。该工作室还利用 iTunes API 选择在派对场景中播放的音乐,并利用谷歌街景 API 将乘车视频合成用户附近的视频。BKWLD 甚至定制了一种测量接近度和互动频率的算法,以确保朋友的评论是相关的。 这款应用已经取得了相当大的成功 -- 在 Facebook 上获得了惊人的 20% 的点击率,并通过社交网络产生了超过 120 的曝光率。自该应用推出以来,DXMStories.com 的用户参与度显著提高。指标显示,访问者现在平均每次访问该网站比去年同期多花费两分钟。这些访问者在到达后深入和探索网站的可能性也是他们的两倍,而不是立即 “跳跃” 到其他网站目的地。 Dxmstories.com 通过一系列原始互动视频探索咳嗽糖浆滥用的影响。该网站还包括虐待者的故事、关于这种药物的事实以及与有助于戒毒的组织的链接。在这场运动的延续中,三个 YouTube 视频上周发布,迄今为止点击率超过 100。

    BKWLD Takes Teens On A Graphic Robo-trip

    案例简介:BKWLD TAKES TEENS ON A GRAPHIC ROBO-TRIP A teen wakes up, shaky, disoriented, covered in blood and vomit. The last thing he remembers is slamming a bottle of DXM cough syrup (robo-tripping) in a pre-party binge. An urgent text message sends him to his Facebook page, where the night’s carnage plays out across his timeline – photos of puke-splattered cars and toilets framed by appalled comments from assorted friends. Bits of the wild night return to the teen in fragmented memories: stumbling, puking, and the angry reactions of his peers. Any Facebook user can put themselves through this disorienting 3:00 experience thanks to the Sip It Up Facebook Connect app designed and developed by BKWLD for Partnership at Drugfree.org via Tribal DDB SF. BKWLD created the entire experience, building the Facebook page alongside a website – dxmstories.com – that explores the detrimental effects of cough syrup abuse. “Our biggest opportunity here was to graphically show the negative consequences of the drug,” stated BKWLD VP Josh Reddin. “We wanted shock value to drive home the fact that cough syrup abuse is a real problem, with real health consequences and – maybe even more important for teenagers – your social life.” The studio supervised the shoots for the Facebook app and dxmstories.com, with CD Chad Turner teaming up with Moxie Pictures Directors Henry & Rel, who shot a variety of trippy live-action footage for the Facebook app and web videos. The studio then worked with Beast Editor Brian Lagerhausen to assemble the experience. “Teens interpret one another’s lives every day through their Facebook posts, so showing the disastrous consequences of drug-abusing behavior through real-time posts creates a very visceral experience,” explained Turner. “We wanted teens walking away thinking, ‘I don’t want to be that kid.’” The crew faced myriad challenges, from recreating a realistic Facebook wall to making the app operate effectively whether a user had one friend or 700. The studio also tapped iTunes API to select the music that is played in the party scene, and Google Street View API to composite the car-ride footage into a video of the user’s neighborhood. BKWLD even customized an algorithm measuring proximity and frequency of interaction to ensure that the friends commenting were relevant. The app has already enjoyed considerable success—garnering an astounding 20% like/share rate on Facebook, and producing in excess of 120k exposures through social networks. Since the launch of the app, DXMStories.com has seen a significant increase in user engagement. Metrics show that visitors are now spending an average of two minutes more per visit on the site than they were during the same time period last year. Those visitors are also twice as likely to delve into and explore the site upon arrival, rather than immediately “bouncing” to other web destinations. Dxmstories.com explores the effects of cough syrup abuse through a series of raw interactive videos. The site also includes stories from abusers, facts about the drug, and links to organizations that can help with addiction. In a continuation of the campaign, a trio of YouTube videos was released last week with over 100K hits to date.

    BKWLD 带青少年进行图形机器人之旅


    BKWLD Takes Teens On A Graphic Robo-trip






    广告公司: 恒美 (美国 旧金山) 制作公司: Chris Edmonds




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