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    BMO200 喷泉

    案例简介:概要 蒙特利尔银行成立于 1817年,是加拿大第一家银行。为了纪念他们的双年展,我们面临的挑战是创造一种长达一年的体验,这种体验可以让品牌变得栩栩如生,向他们的过去点头,但以未来的方式。它不仅需要让消费者加入进来,让他们积极参与庆祝活动, 但同时必须让全球 45,000 多名员工重新参与该品牌的承诺,即 “我们在这里提供帮助”。考虑到消费者与银行的交易关系,这是一项具有挑战性的任务,老实说,我们只是喜欢恨他们。在接受调查时,超过 82% 的消费者表示,他们不在乎银行的 200。他们更关心 2017年的另一个生日 -- 加拿大的 150。鉴于简介,目标是针对显著的品牌指标,包括品牌考虑和知名度的可衡量提升。 结果 BMO200 喷泉是一个巨大的壮举,其结果与之相匹配。虽然这个概念花了将近两年的时间来销售,但该团队在六个多月的时间里设计、设计和建造了喷泉。这包括虚拟现实中的一个版本,用于测试硬币投掷的所有动画和轨迹。仅通过步行交通,BMO200 喷泉就获得了 900万多个印象。喷泉有超过 250,000 次独特的互动,平均每次超过两分钟,超过基准 300%。最终,品牌考虑提高了 15 个百分点,知名度跃升 45%。人们甚至告诉我们,他们会因为它发出的信息而换银行。尽管结果很强大,但对所有参与者来说,衡量成功的真正标准要深刻得多。它可以从 BMO200 喷泉对世界各地社区的实际影响中感受到。 执行 BMO200 喷泉以令人敬畏的方式将物理和数字结合在一起,这是对世行过去的肯定,也是对美好未来的催化剂。它高 17英尺,重 5,000镑多磅,完全没有水。相反,最初在股票行情中发现的 50,000 多个翻转点 (让人想起该品牌的标志) 被用来模仿视觉和声音中的液体。反射的溪流和无限的圆盘被悬挑,以完成流水的幻觉。虽然材料是模拟的,但希望是什么。通过将移动设备连接到喷泉,观众投掷数字硬币。喷泉用 35 个定制动画中的一个来实时回应他们的愿望。为了避免消费者的惰性,创建了一个类别子集来帮助引导愿望。从绿色到幸福再到社区,为每个人制作了一种图形语言,并改编成纪念数字硬币,用于社交分享。 活动描述 当庆祝生日时,我们许下的愿望本质上是自私的。在世界各地的文化中,希望为自己获得物质产品而不是为他人利他是司空见惯的。这个想法是为了揭开这个普遍的真相,在世行的 200 日,我们为人民和社区服务,希望创造真正的社会变革。考虑到这一点,BMO200 喷泉的创意理念诞生并体现在一个 17 英尺高的互动动态雕塑中,旨在帮助消费者祝愿它向前发展。

    BMO200 喷泉

    案例简介:Synopsis Founded in 1817, the Bank of Montreal is Canada’s first bank. To mark their bicentennial, we were challenged to create a yearlong experience that could bring the brand to life, nodding to their past but in a future-forward way. Not only did it need to bring consumers into the fold, making them active participants in the celebration, but simultaneously had to re-engage over 45,000 employees worldwide in the brand’s promise of ‘we’re here to help.’ A challenging task considering how transactional consumer relationships are with the bank, and that in all honestly, we just love to hate them. When surveyed, over 82% of consumers said they didn’t care that the bank was turning 200. They cared more about another birthday in 2017 – Canada’s 150th. Given the brief, objectives were laser-focused against salient brand metrics, including a measurable lift in brand consideration and awareness. Outcome The BMO200 fountain was a monumental feat, with the results to match. While the concept took almost two years to sell through, the team designed, engineered and built the fountain in just over six months. This included a version in VR to test all animations and trajectories of the coin toss. Via foot traffic alone, the BMO200 fountain garnered over 9 million impressions. With over 250,000 unique interactions, on average surpassing two minutes each, the fountain exceeded benchmarks by 300%. In the end, brand consideration increased 15 points and awareness jumped 45%. People even told us they’d actually switch banks because of the message it sent. As powerful as the results are, for all those involved, the real measure of success was much more profound. It could be felt in the actual impact the BMO200 fountain had on communities worldwide. Execution A nod to the bank’s past and catalyst for a better future, the BMO200 fountain combined the physical and digital in an awe-inspiring way. 17 feet tall and weighing over 5,000 pounds, it was made entirely without water. Instead, over 50,000 flip dots originally found in stock tickers (and reminiscent of the brand’s logo) were used to mimic liquid in both sight and sound. Reflective streams and an infinity disk were cantilevered to complete the illusion of running water. While materials were analog, wishing was anything but. By connecting their mobile devices to the fountain, viewers tossed digital coins. The fountain reacted in real time to their wishes with one of thirty-five customized animations. To avoid consumer inertia, a subset of categories was created to help guide wishes. From green to happiness to community, a graphic language was crafted for each and adapted into commemorative digital coins for social sharing. CampaignDescription When celebrating a birthday, the wishes we make tend to be inherently selfish. In cultures the world over, it’s commonplace to wish for material goods for ourselves rather than altruism for others. The idea was to turn this universal truth on its head, and on the bank’s 200th, gift wishes to the people and communities we serve in the hopes of creating real social change. With that in mind, the creative idea of the BMO200 fountain was born and manifested in a 17-foot tall, interactive, kinetic sculpture, designed to help consumers wish it forward.

    The BMO200 Fountain

    案例简介:概要 蒙特利尔银行成立于 1817年,是加拿大第一家银行。为了纪念他们的双年展,我们面临的挑战是创造一种长达一年的体验,这种体验可以让品牌变得栩栩如生,向他们的过去点头,但以未来的方式。它不仅需要让消费者加入进来,让他们积极参与庆祝活动, 但同时必须让全球 45,000 多名员工重新参与该品牌的承诺,即 “我们在这里提供帮助”。考虑到消费者与银行的交易关系,这是一项具有挑战性的任务,老实说,我们只是喜欢恨他们。在接受调查时,超过 82% 的消费者表示,他们不在乎银行的 200。他们更关心 2017年的另一个生日 -- 加拿大的 150。鉴于简介,目标是针对显著的品牌指标,包括品牌考虑和知名度的可衡量提升。 结果 BMO200 喷泉是一个巨大的壮举,其结果与之相匹配。虽然这个概念花了将近两年的时间来销售,但该团队在六个多月的时间里设计、设计和建造了喷泉。这包括虚拟现实中的一个版本,用于测试硬币投掷的所有动画和轨迹。仅通过步行交通,BMO200 喷泉就获得了 900万多个印象。喷泉有超过 250,000 次独特的互动,平均每次超过两分钟,超过基准 300%。最终,品牌考虑提高了 15 个百分点,知名度跃升 45%。人们甚至告诉我们,他们会因为它发出的信息而换银行。尽管结果很强大,但对所有参与者来说,衡量成功的真正标准要深刻得多。它可以从 BMO200 喷泉对世界各地社区的实际影响中感受到。 执行 BMO200 喷泉以令人敬畏的方式将物理和数字结合在一起,这是对世行过去的肯定,也是对美好未来的催化剂。它高 17英尺,重 5,000镑多磅,完全没有水。相反,最初在股票行情中发现的 50,000 多个翻转点 (让人想起该品牌的标志) 被用来模仿视觉和声音中的液体。反射的溪流和无限的圆盘被悬挑,以完成流水的幻觉。虽然材料是模拟的,但希望是什么。通过将移动设备连接到喷泉,观众投掷数字硬币。喷泉用 35 个定制动画中的一个来实时回应他们的愿望。为了避免消费者的惰性,创建了一个类别子集来帮助引导愿望。从绿色到幸福再到社区,为每个人制作了一种图形语言,并改编成纪念数字硬币,用于社交分享。 活动描述 当庆祝生日时,我们许下的愿望本质上是自私的。在世界各地的文化中,希望为自己获得物质产品而不是为他人利他是司空见惯的。这个想法是为了揭开这个普遍的真相,在世行的 200 日,我们为人民和社区服务,希望创造真正的社会变革。考虑到这一点,BMO200 喷泉的创意理念诞生并体现在一个 17 英尺高的互动动态雕塑中,旨在帮助消费者祝愿它向前发展。

    The BMO200 Fountain

    案例简介:Synopsis Founded in 1817, the Bank of Montreal is Canada’s first bank. To mark their bicentennial, we were challenged to create a yearlong experience that could bring the brand to life, nodding to their past but in a future-forward way. Not only did it need to bring consumers into the fold, making them active participants in the celebration, but simultaneously had to re-engage over 45,000 employees worldwide in the brand’s promise of ‘we’re here to help.’ A challenging task considering how transactional consumer relationships are with the bank, and that in all honestly, we just love to hate them. When surveyed, over 82% of consumers said they didn’t care that the bank was turning 200. They cared more about another birthday in 2017 – Canada’s 150th. Given the brief, objectives were laser-focused against salient brand metrics, including a measurable lift in brand consideration and awareness. Outcome The BMO200 fountain was a monumental feat, with the results to match. While the concept took almost two years to sell through, the team designed, engineered and built the fountain in just over six months. This included a version in VR to test all animations and trajectories of the coin toss. Via foot traffic alone, the BMO200 fountain garnered over 9 million impressions. With over 250,000 unique interactions, on average surpassing two minutes each, the fountain exceeded benchmarks by 300%. In the end, brand consideration increased 15 points and awareness jumped 45%. People even told us they’d actually switch banks because of the message it sent. As powerful as the results are, for all those involved, the real measure of success was much more profound. It could be felt in the actual impact the BMO200 fountain had on communities worldwide. Execution A nod to the bank’s past and catalyst for a better future, the BMO200 fountain combined the physical and digital in an awe-inspiring way. 17 feet tall and weighing over 5,000 pounds, it was made entirely without water. Instead, over 50,000 flip dots originally found in stock tickers (and reminiscent of the brand’s logo) were used to mimic liquid in both sight and sound. Reflective streams and an infinity disk were cantilevered to complete the illusion of running water. While materials were analog, wishing was anything but. By connecting their mobile devices to the fountain, viewers tossed digital coins. The fountain reacted in real time to their wishes with one of thirty-five customized animations. To avoid consumer inertia, a subset of categories was created to help guide wishes. From green to happiness to community, a graphic language was crafted for each and adapted into commemorative digital coins for social sharing. CampaignDescription When celebrating a birthday, the wishes we make tend to be inherently selfish. In cultures the world over, it’s commonplace to wish for material goods for ourselves rather than altruism for others. The idea was to turn this universal truth on its head, and on the bank’s 200th, gift wishes to the people and communities we serve in the hopes of creating real social change. With that in mind, the creative idea of the BMO200 fountain was born and manifested in a 17-foot tall, interactive, kinetic sculpture, designed to help consumers wish it forward.

    BMO200 喷泉


    The BMO200 Fountain










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