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    免费的孩子 2

    案例简介:童年戏剧受到威胁。这是 OMO/Persil 本周发起的新的全球整合营销活动的鲜明结论。报告显示,大多数儿童花在户外的时间与最大安全囚犯一样少,每两名儿童中就有一名每天花在户外一个小时或更少,每 10 名儿童中就有一名从不在户外玩耍。 为了帮助解决这一全球危机,OMO/Persil 与世界领先的教育、创造力和人类发展专家肯 · 罗宾逊爵士合作,发起了最新的一批突破性的 “土是好” 运动。 在他的第一次品牌合作中,肯爵士将与国家游戏研究所的创始人斯图尔特 · 布朗博士一起担任 Dirt is Good 儿童发展咨询委员会的主席。董事会将支持 Dirt is Good 运动及其重新平衡儿童生活的承诺,调查帮助儿童玩耍的最佳方式, 每天探索和变脏,这样他们就可以学习和发展他们的全部潜力。 在这场运动的核心,OMO/Persil 创作了一部以美国最高安全监狱为背景的突破性电影《释放孩子们》。由伦敦穆伦洛创作,由纪录片制作人、 RSA 电影公司的托比 · 迪恩执导,该团队参观了印第安纳州的瓦巴什谷监狱, 美国与监狱囚犯谈论他们对日常户外时间的重要性。 囚犯们的强大故事,他们自愿参与这个项目, 传达他们每天在户外得到保证的时间和今天的孩子在户外玩耍的时间少得可怜之间的鲜明对比。 伦敦穆伦洛 OMO/Persil 的全球创意总监亚历克斯 · 冈田解释道: “我们知道一个传统的想法不足以引发围绕这个戏剧性问题的辩论。这次活动是一个机会,给污垢一个新的维度是好的品牌哲学。" RSA Films 导演托比 · 戴伊补充道: “这部电影中的一切都是在真正的纪录片条件下,由五名小组成员为真实拍摄的。忠实于纪录片的方法,我们愿意允许在拍摄现实生活中出现的无脚本和无计划的情况塑造我们完成的电影。我感到非常自豪的是,我们制作了一部在如此多的层面上工作的电影,并以一种情感参与、非评判的方式有力地传达了预期的信息。" 作为一场旨在推动大众社交对话的运动,联合利华将与推特合作,利用其 “时刻” 服务。这将是联合利华第一次围绕其去年年底推出的 “最佳” 产品与社交平台合作。 当我们发现今天的孩子们像囚犯一样享受很少的时间时,我们感到震惊。这就是为什么 OMO/Persil 决定让孩子们自由,让这个问题变得生动,并开始一场关于游戏对儿童学习和发展的重要性的全球对话。这也促使我们思考如何帮助家庭在家里和学校重新发现户外游戏,”全球股票总监 OMO/Persil 詹姆斯 · 海赫斯特评论道。 此外,OMO/Persil 正在与 Dirt 项目合作举办户外教室日,这是一项全球倡议,旨在让世界各地的数百万学童在户外学习一天。该运动在英国、巴西和土耳其发起,将要求家长分享他们对游戏的看法,并通过新创建的 www.dirtisgood.com 注册他们孩子的学校参加户外教室日。 新的运动建立在长达十年的 “污垢是好的” 历史基础上,该项目侧重于提高对儿童参与动手探索游戏重要性的认识。帮助孩子学习和发展的游戏,以实现他们作为成年人的全部潜力。

    免费的孩子 2

    案例简介:Childhood play is under threat. This is the stark conclusion of a new global integrated marketing campaign launching this week from OMO/ Persil. It reveals that the majority of children spend as little time outdoors as maximum security prisoners, with one in two spending an hour or less outside per day and one in 10 never playing outdoors. To help tackle this global crisis OMO/Persil is launching the latest instalment of its ground breaking Dirt is Good campaign in partnership with Sir Ken Robinson, world leading expert in education, creativity and human development. In his first brand collaboration, Sir Ken will take the role of Chair of the Dirt is Good Child Development Advisory Board, alongside Dr Stuart Brown, Founder of the National Institute of Play. The Board will support the Dirt is Good campaign and its commitment to rebalance children’s lives, investigating the best ways to help children play, explore and get dirty every day so that they can learn and develop to their full potential. At the heart of the campaign, OMO/Persil has created ‘Free the Kids’ a ground- breaking film set in a maximum security prison in the US. Created by MullenLowe London and directed by documentary filmmaker, Toby Dye of RSA Films, the team visited Wabash Valley Correctional Facility in Indiana, USA to talk to prison inmates about the importance they place on their daily outdoors time. The powerful stories of the prisoners, who volunteered to be part of the project, communicate the stark contrast between the time they are guaranteed outside each day and the woeful lack of time spent playing outdoors by today’s children. Alex Okada, Global Creative Director for OMO/Persil at MullenLowe London explains: “We knew a traditional idea would not be enough to provoke the debate we need around this dramatic problem. This campaign is an opportunity to give a new dimension to the Dirt is Good brand philosophy." Toby Dye, Director RSA Films added: “Everything in the film was shot for real with a tiny crew of five, under genuine documentary conditions. Staying true to the documentary approach we were open to allowing the unscripted and unplanned for occurrences of filming real life shape our finished film. I’m very proud that we have made a film that works on so many levels and have powerfully communicated the intended message in an emotionally engaging, non-judgemental way.” As a campaign destined to drive mass social conversation, Unilever will be working with Twitter to utilise its ‘Moments’ offering. This will be the first time that Unilever has partnered with the social platform around its ‘best of’ offering, launched late last year. 'We were shocked when we discovered that children today were enjoying as little time outside as prisoners. That is why OMO/Persil decide to make Free The Kids, to bring this issue to life, and to start a global conversation about the importance of play for children's learning and development. It has also prompted us to think about ways we can help families rediscover outdoor play, both at home and through schools”, commented James Hayhurst, Global Equity Director OMO/Persil. Additionally, OMO/Persil is partnering with Project Dirt to deliver Outdoor Classroom Day, a global initiative aimed at getting millions of schoolchildren across the world to spend a day learning outside in nature. Launching in the UK, Brazil and Turkey, the campaign will be asking parents to share their views on play and sign up their child’s school to Outdoor Classroom Day via the newly created www.dirtisgood.com. The new campaign builds on a decade-long history of Dirt is Good, a programme focused on raising awareness of the importance of children getting involved in hands on, exploratory play. Play that helps children learn and develop to achieve their full potential as adults.

    Free the Kids 2

    案例简介:童年戏剧受到威胁。这是 OMO/Persil 本周发起的新的全球整合营销活动的鲜明结论。报告显示,大多数儿童花在户外的时间与最大安全囚犯一样少,每两名儿童中就有一名每天花在户外一个小时或更少,每 10 名儿童中就有一名从不在户外玩耍。 为了帮助解决这一全球危机,OMO/Persil 与世界领先的教育、创造力和人类发展专家肯 · 罗宾逊爵士合作,发起了最新的一批突破性的 “土是好” 运动。 在他的第一次品牌合作中,肯爵士将与国家游戏研究所的创始人斯图尔特 · 布朗博士一起担任 Dirt is Good 儿童发展咨询委员会的主席。董事会将支持 Dirt is Good 运动及其重新平衡儿童生活的承诺,调查帮助儿童玩耍的最佳方式, 每天探索和变脏,这样他们就可以学习和发展他们的全部潜力。 在这场运动的核心,OMO/Persil 创作了一部以美国最高安全监狱为背景的突破性电影《释放孩子们》。由伦敦穆伦洛创作,由纪录片制作人、 RSA 电影公司的托比 · 迪恩执导,该团队参观了印第安纳州的瓦巴什谷监狱, 美国与监狱囚犯谈论他们对日常户外时间的重要性。 囚犯们的强大故事,他们自愿参与这个项目, 传达他们每天在户外得到保证的时间和今天的孩子在户外玩耍的时间少得可怜之间的鲜明对比。 伦敦穆伦洛 OMO/Persil 的全球创意总监亚历克斯 · 冈田解释道: “我们知道一个传统的想法不足以引发围绕这个戏剧性问题的辩论。这次活动是一个机会,给污垢一个新的维度是好的品牌哲学。" RSA Films 导演托比 · 戴伊补充道: “这部电影中的一切都是在真正的纪录片条件下,由五名小组成员为真实拍摄的。忠实于纪录片的方法,我们愿意允许在拍摄现实生活中出现的无脚本和无计划的情况塑造我们完成的电影。我感到非常自豪的是,我们制作了一部在如此多的层面上工作的电影,并以一种情感参与、非评判的方式有力地传达了预期的信息。" 作为一场旨在推动大众社交对话的运动,联合利华将与推特合作,利用其 “时刻” 服务。这将是联合利华第一次围绕其去年年底推出的 “最佳” 产品与社交平台合作。 当我们发现今天的孩子们像囚犯一样享受很少的时间时,我们感到震惊。这就是为什么 OMO/Persil 决定让孩子们自由,让这个问题变得生动,并开始一场关于游戏对儿童学习和发展的重要性的全球对话。这也促使我们思考如何帮助家庭在家里和学校重新发现户外游戏,”全球股票总监 OMO/Persil 詹姆斯 · 海赫斯特评论道。 此外,OMO/Persil 正在与 Dirt 项目合作举办户外教室日,这是一项全球倡议,旨在让世界各地的数百万学童在户外学习一天。该运动在英国、巴西和土耳其发起,将要求家长分享他们对游戏的看法,并通过新创建的 www.dirtisgood.com 注册他们孩子的学校参加户外教室日。 新的运动建立在长达十年的 “污垢是好的” 历史基础上,该项目侧重于提高对儿童参与动手探索游戏重要性的认识。帮助孩子学习和发展的游戏,以实现他们作为成年人的全部潜力。

    Free the Kids 2

    案例简介:Childhood play is under threat. This is the stark conclusion of a new global integrated marketing campaign launching this week from OMO/ Persil. It reveals that the majority of children spend as little time outdoors as maximum security prisoners, with one in two spending an hour or less outside per day and one in 10 never playing outdoors. To help tackle this global crisis OMO/Persil is launching the latest instalment of its ground breaking Dirt is Good campaign in partnership with Sir Ken Robinson, world leading expert in education, creativity and human development. In his first brand collaboration, Sir Ken will take the role of Chair of the Dirt is Good Child Development Advisory Board, alongside Dr Stuart Brown, Founder of the National Institute of Play. The Board will support the Dirt is Good campaign and its commitment to rebalance children’s lives, investigating the best ways to help children play, explore and get dirty every day so that they can learn and develop to their full potential. At the heart of the campaign, OMO/Persil has created ‘Free the Kids’ a ground- breaking film set in a maximum security prison in the US. Created by MullenLowe London and directed by documentary filmmaker, Toby Dye of RSA Films, the team visited Wabash Valley Correctional Facility in Indiana, USA to talk to prison inmates about the importance they place on their daily outdoors time. The powerful stories of the prisoners, who volunteered to be part of the project, communicate the stark contrast between the time they are guaranteed outside each day and the woeful lack of time spent playing outdoors by today’s children. Alex Okada, Global Creative Director for OMO/Persil at MullenLowe London explains: “We knew a traditional idea would not be enough to provoke the debate we need around this dramatic problem. This campaign is an opportunity to give a new dimension to the Dirt is Good brand philosophy." Toby Dye, Director RSA Films added: “Everything in the film was shot for real with a tiny crew of five, under genuine documentary conditions. Staying true to the documentary approach we were open to allowing the unscripted and unplanned for occurrences of filming real life shape our finished film. I’m very proud that we have made a film that works on so many levels and have powerfully communicated the intended message in an emotionally engaging, non-judgemental way.” As a campaign destined to drive mass social conversation, Unilever will be working with Twitter to utilise its ‘Moments’ offering. This will be the first time that Unilever has partnered with the social platform around its ‘best of’ offering, launched late last year. 'We were shocked when we discovered that children today were enjoying as little time outside as prisoners. That is why OMO/Persil decide to make Free The Kids, to bring this issue to life, and to start a global conversation about the importance of play for children's learning and development. It has also prompted us to think about ways we can help families rediscover outdoor play, both at home and through schools”, commented James Hayhurst, Global Equity Director OMO/Persil. Additionally, OMO/Persil is partnering with Project Dirt to deliver Outdoor Classroom Day, a global initiative aimed at getting millions of schoolchildren across the world to spend a day learning outside in nature. Launching in the UK, Brazil and Turkey, the campaign will be asking parents to share their views on play and sign up their child’s school to Outdoor Classroom Day via the newly created www.dirtisgood.com. The new campaign builds on a decade-long history of Dirt is Good, a programme focused on raising awareness of the importance of children getting involved in hands on, exploratory play. Play that helps children learn and develop to achieve their full potential as adults.

    免费的孩子 2


    Free the Kids 2








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