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    World's Fastest Dunkin' Run: 360° Fly With Ellen短视频广告营销案例



    世界上最快的邓金跑: 360 ° 和艾伦一起飞行

    案例简介:活动描述 为了展示你可以通过 dunkin 'Donut 的新的移动应用程序获得订单的速度,我们推出了世界上最快的 dunkin' Run,与艾伦 · 布伦南合作, 世界上最快的女性翼装运动员。在广告中,艾伦使用该应用程序从山顶订购,然后在时速 120 英里的时候飞下并抓住袋子。 执行 我们与世界上最快的女性翼装运动员艾伦 · 布伦南合作,她从 8,300英尺跳下,以每小时 120 英里的速度飞下,在悬崖边的 dunkin '商店抢了她的订单, 海拔 5,000英尺。与世界顶级极限运动特技协调员和摄影师合作,我们制作了在线和广播内容。然后,为了更身临其境的体验,我们制作了一个 360 的虚拟现实视频; 让人们想象自己是在令人兴奋的练习飞行中与艾伦一起飞行的翼衣运动员。 概要 到 2016年中,快速服务餐馆的移动点菜成为了这一类别的标准产品。我们的目标是在其他人中间脱颖而出,并创造性地意识到 dunkin 'Donuts 新的移动应用程序的速度和易用性。 结果 作为第一批使用 Facebook 新的 360 视频功能的品牌之一,这一体验创造了巨大的兴奋,在最初的两周内收集了超过 700万的浏览量,推动了更多的其他活动内容, 帮助将新应用用户数量提高 44%。此外,邓金 360 ° 体验成为历史上最受关注的 360 翼装视频。 战略 虽然大多数品牌都专注于告诉客户如何使用该应用程序或祝贺自己的创新, dunkin 'Donuts 想关注速度对消费者的核心好处,并以最迷人的方式表达 “最快的线路根本不是线路” 的想法。我们的注意特技强烈地传达了我们的信息,使我们与人群分开。

    世界上最快的邓金跑: 360 ° 和艾伦一起飞行

    案例简介:CampaignDescription To demonstrate the speed with which you can get your order with Dunkin' Donut's new On-the-Go app, we introduced the World’s Fastest Dunkin’ Run, partnering with Ellen Brennan, the world’s fastest female wing-suit athlete. In the ad, Ellen uses the app to order from atop a mountain, then flies down and grabs the bag while flying 120mph. Execution We partnered with Ellen Brennan, the world’s fastest female wingsuit athlete, who jumped from 8,300 feet, flew at 120mph, swooped down and grabbed her order at a cliff-side Dunkin’ store, 5,000 feet above sea level.Working with the world’s top extreme sports stunt coordinators and cinematographers, we produced online and broadcast content. Then for an even more immersive experience, we created a 360 virtual reality video; letting people imagine themselves as wingsuit athletes flying alongside Ellen during an exhilarating practice flight. Synopsis By mid-2016, mobile ordering at quick-service restaurants became a standard offering across the category. Our objective was to stand out amongst the others and creative awareness of the speed and ease of use of the new On-the-Go app for Dunkin' Donuts. Outcome As one of the first brands to use Facebook’s new 360 video feature, the experience created huge excitement, collecting over 7 million views in the first two weeks, driving more to other campaign content, helping to lift the number of new app users by 44%. In addition, the Dunkin’ 360° experience became the most watched 360 wingsuit video in history. Strategy While most brands focused on telling customers how to use the app or congratulating themselves for being innovative, Dunkin’ Donuts wanted to focus on the core benefit of speed for the consumer and express the idea that “the fastest line is no line at all” in the most captivating way possible. Our attention-getting stunt strongly conveyed our message in a way that separated us from the crowd.

    World's Fastest Dunkin' Run: 360° Fly With Ellen

    案例简介:活动描述 为了展示你可以通过 dunkin 'Donut 的新的移动应用程序获得订单的速度,我们推出了世界上最快的 dunkin' Run,与艾伦 · 布伦南合作, 世界上最快的女性翼装运动员。在广告中,艾伦使用该应用程序从山顶订购,然后在时速 120 英里的时候飞下并抓住袋子。 执行 我们与世界上最快的女性翼装运动员艾伦 · 布伦南合作,她从 8,300英尺跳下,以每小时 120 英里的速度飞下,在悬崖边的 dunkin '商店抢了她的订单, 海拔 5,000英尺。与世界顶级极限运动特技协调员和摄影师合作,我们制作了在线和广播内容。然后,为了更身临其境的体验,我们制作了一个 360 的虚拟现实视频; 让人们想象自己是在令人兴奋的练习飞行中与艾伦一起飞行的翼衣运动员。 概要 到 2016年中,快速服务餐馆的移动点菜成为了这一类别的标准产品。我们的目标是在其他人中间脱颖而出,并创造性地意识到 dunkin 'Donuts 新的移动应用程序的速度和易用性。 结果 作为第一批使用 Facebook 新的 360 视频功能的品牌之一,这一体验创造了巨大的兴奋,在最初的两周内收集了超过 700万的浏览量,推动了更多的其他活动内容, 帮助将新应用用户数量提高 44%。此外,邓金 360 ° 体验成为历史上最受关注的 360 翼装视频。 战略 虽然大多数品牌都专注于告诉客户如何使用该应用程序或祝贺自己的创新, dunkin 'Donuts 想关注速度对消费者的核心好处,并以最迷人的方式表达 “最快的线路根本不是线路” 的想法。我们的注意特技强烈地传达了我们的信息,使我们与人群分开。

    World's Fastest Dunkin' Run: 360° Fly With Ellen

    案例简介:CampaignDescription To demonstrate the speed with which you can get your order with Dunkin' Donut's new On-the-Go app, we introduced the World’s Fastest Dunkin’ Run, partnering with Ellen Brennan, the world’s fastest female wing-suit athlete. In the ad, Ellen uses the app to order from atop a mountain, then flies down and grabs the bag while flying 120mph. Execution We partnered with Ellen Brennan, the world’s fastest female wingsuit athlete, who jumped from 8,300 feet, flew at 120mph, swooped down and grabbed her order at a cliff-side Dunkin’ store, 5,000 feet above sea level.Working with the world’s top extreme sports stunt coordinators and cinematographers, we produced online and broadcast content. Then for an even more immersive experience, we created a 360 virtual reality video; letting people imagine themselves as wingsuit athletes flying alongside Ellen during an exhilarating practice flight. Synopsis By mid-2016, mobile ordering at quick-service restaurants became a standard offering across the category. Our objective was to stand out amongst the others and creative awareness of the speed and ease of use of the new On-the-Go app for Dunkin' Donuts. Outcome As one of the first brands to use Facebook’s new 360 video feature, the experience created huge excitement, collecting over 7 million views in the first two weeks, driving more to other campaign content, helping to lift the number of new app users by 44%. In addition, the Dunkin’ 360° experience became the most watched 360 wingsuit video in history. Strategy While most brands focused on telling customers how to use the app or congratulating themselves for being innovative, Dunkin’ Donuts wanted to focus on the core benefit of speed for the consumer and express the idea that “the fastest line is no line at all” in the most captivating way possible. Our attention-getting stunt strongly conveyed our message in a way that separated us from the crowd.

    世界上最快的邓金跑: 360 ° 和艾伦一起飞行


    World's Fastest Dunkin' Run: 360° Fly With Ellen










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