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    巴黎 2024 奥林匹克日

    案例简介:概要 巴黎市要求我们展示自己的能力,让公众加入奥运会和残奥会的体育氛围,以获得当地居民的支持,并向 ICO 委员会展示。我们决定通过展示巴黎的灵魂 -- 建筑、艺术和生活方式的结合 -- 以及对体育学科的热情来实现这一目标,这给了巴黎 2024 的独特之处。因此,奥运会学科展览和露天艺术表演的结合,将巴黎地标变成了运动场,成为世界各地的头条新闻 战略 频道策略主要依赖于创建独特而强大的图像和视频内容,这些内容可以通过新闻频道和社交网络大量共享。从一开始,我们就在浮动轨道上建立了一个电视演播室,这样法国 2 电视频道就可以轻松地整合设置,并从活动的中心进行现场直播。法国电视台对运动员和官员进行了各种现场采访,包括最近当选的法国总统埃马纽埃尔 · 马克龙。 相关性 6月23至24日,我们设计了有史以来在城市中心创建的最大的城市体育公园。为了在 ICO 做出最终决定之前的几周内促进和支持巴黎 2024 奥运会的申办。为了使法国首都对奥运会有吸引力,这项活动在全国和国际上引起了杰出的媒体报道, 并超过了洛杉矶当天在全球主要媒体上的活动。它还有助于强调申奥的核心价值观和使命声明,并展示了该市赢得 2024年奥运会的强大设计。 结果 奥运日在 2 天内吸引了总计 1200 万游客,并受益于 RMC 和法国电视台的现场报道 (2 小时电视节目直播 + 中午和晚间新闻报道)。总的来说,11 个国家电视频道上的 180 多个主题和国际电视频道上的 276 多个主题展示了这项活动,该活动在 48 小时内以 15b 个标签被提及在推特法国排名第一。总的来说,奥运日在社交媒体和新闻上超过了巴黎的时装周,产生的印象比洛杉矶的活动多 10 倍。 执行 8 个主题区域被设计在塞纳河旁边,以展示 33 个奥林匹克学科。所有景点都向公众提供运动员的示范和启蒙。在 48 小时的活动中,安排了一些关键时刻,如:-格兰德 triverse é e: 由 T 领导的 300 艘独木舟与孩子们和运动员的聚会埃斯泰格和巴黎市长伊达尔戈从法兰西体育场参加活动。-巴黎 2024千米: 世界上最大的城市接力赛在巴黎志愿者赛跑者、骑马者和骑自行车者的帮助下完成了 2024千米。-闭幕秀: 与此同时,数千名巴黎人在亚历山大三世桥上展开了一场巨大的蒂夫舞, frattelini 学院和法国艺术与体育联合委员会的艺术表演全天进行。 活动描述 为了突出巴黎独特的能力,结合其额外的灵魂、风格和历史,我们开发了一条 156m 长的跑道,漂浮在塞纳河上。它举办了各种各样的体育示威和艺术表演,巴黎人也可以四处闲逛和拍照。这种独特的设置需要强大的工程和几十项授权,比如几天的特别内陆航行协议。此外,我们在亚历山大三号桥的边缘创造了一个 17 米高的潜水平台,让专业潜水员全天进行惊险的高潜水演示。Ettoile 广场还没有变成一个临时的自行车馆,而小宫变成了一个蹦床竞技场。

    巴黎 2024 奥林匹克日

    案例简介:Synopsis City of Paris asked us to demonstrate its ability to enroll the general public into Olympic & Paralympic sports atmosphere, in order to gain support within the local population and show it to the ICO committee. We decided to do it by showcasing the soul of Paris –a mix of architecture, arts and lifestyle– and it's passion for sports disciplines which gives to the Paris 2024 bid its singularity. Hence the mix between olympics disciplines exhibitions and open-air artistic performances, turning Paris landmarks into sport playgrounds to hit the headlines all over the world Strategy The channel strategy mostly relied on creating unique and powerful images and video content that can be massively shared through news channels and across social networks. From the beginning, we incorporated a TV studio on the floating track so that France 2 TV channel could easily integrate the setup and broadcast live from the heart of the event. France Television performed a variety of live interview of athletes and officials, including the recently elected President of France, Emmanuel Macron. Relevancy On June 23-24th, we designed the biggest urban sport park ever created in the heart of a city. In order to promote and support the Paris 2024 Olympic bid in the weeks before ICO's final decision making. To make the capital of France attractive to the Olympics, the event generated outstanding media coverage both nation-wide and internationally, and outstripped Los Angeles' event on the same day in the major medias across the globe. It also contributed to underline the bid's core values and mission statement as well as to show the city's strong designe to win the games in 2024. Outcome The Olympic Days attracted a total of 1,2 million visitors over 2 days and benefited from a live coverage by RMC & France Television (2 hours TV show live + mid day & evening news report). In general, more than 180 topics on 11 national TV channels and 276 topics on international TV channels featured the event, which ranked top TT on Twitter France for 48hrs with 1,5b hashtags mentions. Overall, Olympic days outstripped Paris' Fashion week in social media & news and generated 10x more impressions than Los Angeles' event. Execution 8 thematic areas were designed alongside the river Seine to showcase 33 olympics disciplines. All spots offered both demonstrations from athletes and initiations to the general public. Some key momentums were scheduled during the 48h event, such as : - La Grande traversée" : a gathering of 300 canoes with kids and athletes was headed by T. Estanguet and Mayor of Paris A. Hidalgo to join the event from the Stade de France. - 2024 km of Paris : the world biggest urban relay race completed 2024km with parisian volunteers runners, horse riders & cyclists. - The closing show : thousands of parisians unrolling a giant tifo over the Pont Alexandre III In the meantime, artistic performances from Academie Frattelini and the Comédie Française mixing arts and sports were taking place all day long. CampaignDescription To highlight Paris' unique ability to deliver an outstanding olympic experience combined with its extra soul, style and history, we developed & buit a 156m-long running track, floating on the Seine river. It hosted a large variety of sports demonstrations & artistic performances and was also accessible to the parisians to hang around & take pictures. This unique setup required both strong enginering & dozens of authorisations, such as a special inland navigation agreement for a few days. In addition, we created a 17m-high diving platform on the edge of Pont Alexandre III, allowing professional divers to perform thrilling high-diving demonstrations all day long. The Place de l'Etoile was yet turned into a temporary velodrome while the Petit Palais was turned into a trampoline arena.

    Paris 2024 Olympic Days

    案例简介:概要 巴黎市要求我们展示自己的能力,让公众加入奥运会和残奥会的体育氛围,以获得当地居民的支持,并向 ICO 委员会展示。我们决定通过展示巴黎的灵魂 -- 建筑、艺术和生活方式的结合 -- 以及对体育学科的热情来实现这一目标,这给了巴黎 2024 的独特之处。因此,奥运会学科展览和露天艺术表演的结合,将巴黎地标变成了运动场,成为世界各地的头条新闻 战略 频道策略主要依赖于创建独特而强大的图像和视频内容,这些内容可以通过新闻频道和社交网络大量共享。从一开始,我们就在浮动轨道上建立了一个电视演播室,这样法国 2 电视频道就可以轻松地整合设置,并从活动的中心进行现场直播。法国电视台对运动员和官员进行了各种现场采访,包括最近当选的法国总统埃马纽埃尔 · 马克龙。 相关性 6月23至24日,我们设计了有史以来在城市中心创建的最大的城市体育公园。为了在 ICO 做出最终决定之前的几周内促进和支持巴黎 2024 奥运会的申办。为了使法国首都对奥运会有吸引力,这项活动在全国和国际上引起了杰出的媒体报道, 并超过了洛杉矶当天在全球主要媒体上的活动。它还有助于强调申奥的核心价值观和使命声明,并展示了该市赢得 2024年奥运会的强大设计。 结果 奥运日在 2 天内吸引了总计 1200 万游客,并受益于 RMC 和法国电视台的现场报道 (2 小时电视节目直播 + 中午和晚间新闻报道)。总的来说,11 个国家电视频道上的 180 多个主题和国际电视频道上的 276 多个主题展示了这项活动,该活动在 48 小时内以 15b 个标签被提及在推特法国排名第一。总的来说,奥运日在社交媒体和新闻上超过了巴黎的时装周,产生的印象比洛杉矶的活动多 10 倍。 执行 8 个主题区域被设计在塞纳河旁边,以展示 33 个奥林匹克学科。所有景点都向公众提供运动员的示范和启蒙。在 48 小时的活动中,安排了一些关键时刻,如:-格兰德 triverse é e: 由 T 领导的 300 艘独木舟与孩子们和运动员的聚会埃斯泰格和巴黎市长伊达尔戈从法兰西体育场参加活动。-巴黎 2024千米: 世界上最大的城市接力赛在巴黎志愿者赛跑者、骑马者和骑自行车者的帮助下完成了 2024千米。-闭幕秀: 与此同时,数千名巴黎人在亚历山大三世桥上展开了一场巨大的蒂夫舞, frattelini 学院和法国艺术与体育联合委员会的艺术表演全天进行。 活动描述 为了突出巴黎独特的能力,结合其额外的灵魂、风格和历史,我们开发了一条 156m 长的跑道,漂浮在塞纳河上。它举办了各种各样的体育示威和艺术表演,巴黎人也可以四处闲逛和拍照。这种独特的设置需要强大的工程和几十项授权,比如几天的特别内陆航行协议。此外,我们在亚历山大三号桥的边缘创造了一个 17 米高的潜水平台,让专业潜水员全天进行惊险的高潜水演示。Ettoile 广场还没有变成一个临时的自行车馆,而小宫变成了一个蹦床竞技场。

    Paris 2024 Olympic Days

    案例简介:Synopsis City of Paris asked us to demonstrate its ability to enroll the general public into Olympic & Paralympic sports atmosphere, in order to gain support within the local population and show it to the ICO committee. We decided to do it by showcasing the soul of Paris –a mix of architecture, arts and lifestyle– and it's passion for sports disciplines which gives to the Paris 2024 bid its singularity. Hence the mix between olympics disciplines exhibitions and open-air artistic performances, turning Paris landmarks into sport playgrounds to hit the headlines all over the world Strategy The channel strategy mostly relied on creating unique and powerful images and video content that can be massively shared through news channels and across social networks. From the beginning, we incorporated a TV studio on the floating track so that France 2 TV channel could easily integrate the setup and broadcast live from the heart of the event. France Television performed a variety of live interview of athletes and officials, including the recently elected President of France, Emmanuel Macron. Relevancy On June 23-24th, we designed the biggest urban sport park ever created in the heart of a city. In order to promote and support the Paris 2024 Olympic bid in the weeks before ICO's final decision making. To make the capital of France attractive to the Olympics, the event generated outstanding media coverage both nation-wide and internationally, and outstripped Los Angeles' event on the same day in the major medias across the globe. It also contributed to underline the bid's core values and mission statement as well as to show the city's strong designe to win the games in 2024. Outcome The Olympic Days attracted a total of 1,2 million visitors over 2 days and benefited from a live coverage by RMC & France Television (2 hours TV show live + mid day & evening news report). In general, more than 180 topics on 11 national TV channels and 276 topics on international TV channels featured the event, which ranked top TT on Twitter France for 48hrs with 1,5b hashtags mentions. Overall, Olympic days outstripped Paris' Fashion week in social media & news and generated 10x more impressions than Los Angeles' event. Execution 8 thematic areas were designed alongside the river Seine to showcase 33 olympics disciplines. All spots offered both demonstrations from athletes and initiations to the general public. Some key momentums were scheduled during the 48h event, such as : - La Grande traversée" : a gathering of 300 canoes with kids and athletes was headed by T. Estanguet and Mayor of Paris A. Hidalgo to join the event from the Stade de France. - 2024 km of Paris : the world biggest urban relay race completed 2024km with parisian volunteers runners, horse riders & cyclists. - The closing show : thousands of parisians unrolling a giant tifo over the Pont Alexandre III In the meantime, artistic performances from Academie Frattelini and the Comédie Française mixing arts and sports were taking place all day long. CampaignDescription To highlight Paris' unique ability to deliver an outstanding olympic experience combined with its extra soul, style and history, we developed & buit a 156m-long running track, floating on the Seine river. It hosted a large variety of sports demonstrations & artistic performances and was also accessible to the parisians to hang around & take pictures. This unique setup required both strong enginering & dozens of authorisations, such as a special inland navigation agreement for a few days. In addition, we created a 17m-high diving platform on the edge of Pont Alexandre III, allowing professional divers to perform thrilling high-diving demonstrations all day long. The Place de l'Etoile was yet turned into a temporary velodrome while the Petit Palais was turned into a trampoline arena.

    巴黎 2024 奥林匹克日


    Paris 2024 Olympic Days






    广告公司: Ubi Bene (法国 巴黎) 制作公司: Ubi Bene




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