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    A Star is Born短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:治疗为米勒 · 莱特打拳 总部位于洛杉矶的编辑公司治疗工作室耸人听闻的革命性设计的新米勒精简版冲床顶部可以在滑稽的新: 60 “明星诞生”,数字, 芝加哥和由滑稽或死亡制作的最近推出的制作公司资优青年。《明星诞生》以一位过分热心的电视主持人为特色,辅之以一件穿着啤酒搭档的尴尬赛马服,展示了利用米勒 · 精简版新 punch top can 的各种非常规方法。这八个在线视频回答了这个问题,“你是如何做到的?“ 通过一系列讽刺小插曲,展示了低预算的布景和顶级表演。 “一颗星诞生了”,一位神经质的主持人生动地宣称,“这是新的米勒精简版冲床顶罐。 “当他继续前进时,两个装满米勒精简罐的站着冷却器被卷在他身后,“你的命运有两个开口,一个平稳的倾诉让任何事情都无法阻挡。继续到测试站,他说,“一个真正的创新,只有米勒 Lite punch top 可以在喝啤酒的情况下提供最终的表达自由。 ”在他看似空缺的助手的帮助下,他成功地在新设计的罐头上测试了虾叉和四色笔。当一个伸缩的背部刮痕进行测试时,一种过度戏剧性的张力就达到了,最终主人会非常自信地叹息。“你口袋里的物品,手臂内的物品 -- 这些都是伟大的工具! 段包装与主机举行了一个甜瓜球,探索,“你怎么打它? 我们与新的米勒 Lite can 和 super 关闭,“这是米勒时间。” 在线系列还包括 “帐篷赌注” 、 “钳子” 、 “房子钥匙” 、 “美元钞票” 、 “摇滚明星” 、 “奖杯” 和 “画笔” “所有这些幽默地描述了独特的方法,在这些方法中,可以使用罐的最新功能,让倒酒更顺畅,整体上更愉快的啤酒饮用体验。 关于治疗 在商业、专题、音乐视频和互动项目的焦虑和偶尔的疯狂中,治疗工作室提供了避难所。在创始人乔 · 迪桑托、约翰 · 拉姆齐、雷恩 · 沃特斯和杜比 · 怀特的带领下,获奖团队在为 Playstation 、克莱斯勒、索尼等客户的创造性编辑和后期制作方面不断取得突破, 富国银行、动视银行、公共广播公司和起亚。坐落在一个平静的,最先进的西洛杉矶空间,治疗功能定制编辑,整理,设计,音频和颜色分级套房。Www.youneedtherapy.tv


    案例简介:THERAPY PUNCHES UP THE PARTY FOR MILLER LITE Los Angeles-based editorial company Therapy Studios sensationalizes the revolutionary design of the new Miller Lite punch top can in the comical new :60 “A Star is Born”, out of Digitas, Chicago and produced by Funny or Die’s recently launched production company Gifted Youth. “A Star is Born” features an overzealous infomercial host aided by an awkward racetrack-suit wearing beer sidekick demonstrating the wide array of unconventional methods possible to utilize Miller Lite’s new punch top can. The eight online videos answer the question, “How do you punch it?” through a series of sarcastic vignettes featuring low budget sets and over the top acting. “A Star is Born” opens with a neurotic host vividly proclaiming, “This is the new Miller Lite punch top can.” Two standing coolers fully-stocked with Miller Lite cans are rolled in behind him as he continues, “There are two openings to your destiny and one smooth pour that lets nothing get in the way.” Continuing over to the test station, he states, “A true innovation, only the Miller Lite punch top can provides the ultimate freedom of expression in beer drinking situations.” With the aid of his seemingly vacant assistant, he successfully tests both a shrimp fork and four color pen on the newly designed can. An overly dramatic tension is reached when a telescopic back scratcher is put to the test, culminating with a highly confident sigh of satisfaction by the host. “Objects in your pockets, article within arms reach—these are the vehicles of greatness!” The segment wraps with the host holding up a melon baller, probing, “How do you punch it?” We close with the new Miller Lite can along with the super, “It’s Miller Time.” The online series also features “Tent Stake,” “Tongs,” “House Key,” “Dollar Bill,” “Rockstar,” “Trophy,” and “Paintbrush,” all of which humorously depict unique methods in which to employ the can’s latest feature to allow for a smoother pour and overall more enjoyable beer drinking experience. About Therapy Amidst the anxiety and occasional insanity of commercial, feature, music video, and interactive projects, Therapy Studios offers refuge. Led by founders Joe DiSanto, John Ramsey, Wren Waters and Doobie White, the award-winning team is constantly achieving breakthroughs in creative editorial and post-production for clients like Playstation, Chrysler, Sony, Wells Fargo, Activision, PBS, and KIA. Housed in a calming, state-of-the-art West LA space, Therapy features custom-built editorial, finishing, design, audio, and color grading suites. www.youneedtherapy.tv

    A Star is Born

    案例简介:治疗为米勒 · 莱特打拳 总部位于洛杉矶的编辑公司治疗工作室耸人听闻的革命性设计的新米勒精简版冲床顶部可以在滑稽的新: 60 “明星诞生”,数字, 芝加哥和由滑稽或死亡制作的最近推出的制作公司资优青年。《明星诞生》以一位过分热心的电视主持人为特色,辅之以一件穿着啤酒搭档的尴尬赛马服,展示了利用米勒 · 精简版新 punch top can 的各种非常规方法。这八个在线视频回答了这个问题,“你是如何做到的?“ 通过一系列讽刺小插曲,展示了低预算的布景和顶级表演。 “一颗星诞生了”,一位神经质的主持人生动地宣称,“这是新的米勒精简版冲床顶罐。 “当他继续前进时,两个装满米勒精简罐的站着冷却器被卷在他身后,“你的命运有两个开口,一个平稳的倾诉让任何事情都无法阻挡。继续到测试站,他说,“一个真正的创新,只有米勒 Lite punch top 可以在喝啤酒的情况下提供最终的表达自由。 ”在他看似空缺的助手的帮助下,他成功地在新设计的罐头上测试了虾叉和四色笔。当一个伸缩的背部刮痕进行测试时,一种过度戏剧性的张力就达到了,最终主人会非常自信地叹息。“你口袋里的物品,手臂内的物品 -- 这些都是伟大的工具! 段包装与主机举行了一个甜瓜球,探索,“你怎么打它? 我们与新的米勒 Lite can 和 super 关闭,“这是米勒时间。” 在线系列还包括 “帐篷赌注” 、 “钳子” 、 “房子钥匙” 、 “美元钞票” 、 “摇滚明星” 、 “奖杯” 和 “画笔” “所有这些幽默地描述了独特的方法,在这些方法中,可以使用罐的最新功能,让倒酒更顺畅,整体上更愉快的啤酒饮用体验。 关于治疗 在商业、专题、音乐视频和互动项目的焦虑和偶尔的疯狂中,治疗工作室提供了避难所。在创始人乔 · 迪桑托、约翰 · 拉姆齐、雷恩 · 沃特斯和杜比 · 怀特的带领下,获奖团队在为 Playstation 、克莱斯勒、索尼等客户的创造性编辑和后期制作方面不断取得突破, 富国银行、动视银行、公共广播公司和起亚。坐落在一个平静的,最先进的西洛杉矶空间,治疗功能定制编辑,整理,设计,音频和颜色分级套房。Www.youneedtherapy.tv

    A Star is Born

    案例简介:THERAPY PUNCHES UP THE PARTY FOR MILLER LITE Los Angeles-based editorial company Therapy Studios sensationalizes the revolutionary design of the new Miller Lite punch top can in the comical new :60 “A Star is Born”, out of Digitas, Chicago and produced by Funny or Die’s recently launched production company Gifted Youth. “A Star is Born” features an overzealous infomercial host aided by an awkward racetrack-suit wearing beer sidekick demonstrating the wide array of unconventional methods possible to utilize Miller Lite’s new punch top can. The eight online videos answer the question, “How do you punch it?” through a series of sarcastic vignettes featuring low budget sets and over the top acting. “A Star is Born” opens with a neurotic host vividly proclaiming, “This is the new Miller Lite punch top can.” Two standing coolers fully-stocked with Miller Lite cans are rolled in behind him as he continues, “There are two openings to your destiny and one smooth pour that lets nothing get in the way.” Continuing over to the test station, he states, “A true innovation, only the Miller Lite punch top can provides the ultimate freedom of expression in beer drinking situations.” With the aid of his seemingly vacant assistant, he successfully tests both a shrimp fork and four color pen on the newly designed can. An overly dramatic tension is reached when a telescopic back scratcher is put to the test, culminating with a highly confident sigh of satisfaction by the host. “Objects in your pockets, article within arms reach—these are the vehicles of greatness!” The segment wraps with the host holding up a melon baller, probing, “How do you punch it?” We close with the new Miller Lite can along with the super, “It’s Miller Time.” The online series also features “Tent Stake,” “Tongs,” “House Key,” “Dollar Bill,” “Rockstar,” “Trophy,” and “Paintbrush,” all of which humorously depict unique methods in which to employ the can’s latest feature to allow for a smoother pour and overall more enjoyable beer drinking experience. About Therapy Amidst the anxiety and occasional insanity of commercial, feature, music video, and interactive projects, Therapy Studios offers refuge. Led by founders Joe DiSanto, John Ramsey, Wren Waters and Doobie White, the award-winning team is constantly achieving breakthroughs in creative editorial and post-production for clients like Playstation, Chrysler, Sony, Wells Fargo, Activision, PBS, and KIA. Housed in a calming, state-of-the-art West LA space, Therapy features custom-built editorial, finishing, design, audio, and color grading suites. www.youneedtherapy.tv



    A Star is Born






    广告公司: Digitas (美国 芝加哥) 制作公司: Gifted Youth




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